Commission Abduction Review – Unethical Practices and Hidden Upsells Exposed

Commission abduction review

Welcome to the Commission Abduction Review

Hope this review isn’t going to be as scary as the above image!

If you are looking to be involved in stealing other peoples work then this could be the system for you.

No, joking aside but that is exactly what this system is about!

Before we go any further, I’d like to point out that we are not associated with the Commission Abduction product in any way.

This means that what you will get is an unbiased review that will give you everything you need to know to make an educated decision.

Whether Commission Abduction is the right product for you, but more importantly do you think this is an ethical way of earning money online?

What I like to see is people doing their due diligence, which is the only way to ensure that you find legitimate make money opportunities.

So, I guess you’d like to know if Commission Abduction actually works or is it just a short cut to disaster and ultimately a scam?

We will be recommending a much better solution if you are interested so let’s get right into it!

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Commission Abduction Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

Commission Abduction Review – Summary

Product: Commission Abduction

Founders: Bryan Winters, Tom E McTing and Zeeshan Ahmed

Product Description: Done for you affiliate marketing system


Price of product: $20 plus 5 upsells

Recommended: No

Summary: Commission Abduction is marketed as a highly advanced cloud-based software that promises to exceed your online expectations.

According to its promotional materials, users can earn a few hundred dollars every day by utilizing YouTube videos created by others.

This process involves using monetized videos that have been generating income for their original creators.

Essentially, users are not only leveraging these videos but also tapping into their traffic.

The creators of Commission Abduction claim there is nothing unethical about this practice.

However, to fully utilize the software, users will need to purchase several upsells.

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Commission Abduction Review – TOC

    1. What is Commission Abduction About and who are the Founders?
    2. How does Commission Abduction Work?
    3. Commission Abduction Pricing
    4. Can you Make Money With Commission Abduction?
    5. Who is Commission Abduction For?
    6. What I like about Commission Abduction
    7. What I don’t like about Commission Abduction
    8. Is Commission Abduction a SCAM or LEGIT?
    9. Commission Abduction Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Commission Abduction about and who are the Founders?

Commission Abduction Review - DashboardCommission Abduction is a product that claims to show how you can embed your own affiliate campaigns into other peoples Youtube and Vimeo videos.

This can be achieved through three easy steps and recommended for all comers, even complete beginners in the make money online niche.

Very newbie-friendly and according to the sales page you should be earning within 3 minutes.

You also get to keep 100% of all the commissions that you siphon from some of the most popular YouTubers online.

Doesn’t this just sound like the right kind of system that you should be engaged in?

The software has been a closely guarded secret amongst the marketing world, although I have seen something very similar.

So let’s see what this is all about.

So who is behind Commission Abduction?

Commission Abduction Review- Product owners

These 3 friends have joined forces for this one project although Bryan and Tom have worked together before.

You can find a number of their products on WarriorPlus and Jvzoo.

How does Commission Abduction Work?

Commission Abduction Review- 3 easy steps

As we read through the sales page we found a total lacking of how the Commission Abduction System actually works.

This often means having to purchase the product first just to see how.

It’s basically left down to the 3-steps in the above image…

  1. Step #1 – Select a popular video on either YouTube or Vimeo

This is all about finding the video that you would like to use and add your affiliate offer to.

You can do that one of two ways.

Either manually by finding the video and copying the video id into the app or let the Commission Abduction software do it for you.

Once the link to the video is loaded into the app, the system will allow you to make some minor changes.

However, their methods…

Are somewhat unethical and to be honest do not know how they have got away with it.

Commission Abduction Review - Syphoned

Using someone else’s work without their permission is definitely not right.

These people may have taken months to monetize their video content and Joe Blogs comes along and steals it.

Would you be happy with that, and besides there is a code of conduct called creative commons which tells you that you need permission from the content creator.

  1. Step #2 – Monetize the video with your affiliate offer

Basically, what this entails is adding your affiliate campaign link to the call to action button in the video.

If the customer clicks on the link they are redirected to the product offer and providing they purchase the product then you would make a commission.

  1. Step #3 – One-click allows the system to share your video across social media platforms

This is quite not as straight forward as they make out.

According to the Commission Abduction system, there are 3 ways to share your video campaign.

  • You can share the HTML

Sharing in HTML in social media and forums is only going to get you into trouble.

  • Sight Jacking

Which is an unethical way of hacking somebody’s website.

I have never done it and wouldn’t know how to!

  • Social Share

This will only work if you have a massive following but when people see these spammy videos because that is exactly what they will look like.

Then people aren’t going to give the video time and probably no longer be a follower.

There is a short video that briefly covers those 3 methods but to be honest those videos got traffic on YouTube and Vimeo.

Once they are taken out of those platforms then the traffic will stop.

Commission Abduction Pricing 

As always, these done for you systems come with a very enticing initial cost, in this case, $20.

The cheap price often tricks a person into trying out the system, and what always happens is that you will be met with a number of upsells.

You will be lead to believe that these upsells are required in order for the system to work properly and many fall into this trap.

Which can end up costing you several hundred dollars.

So, what we have done here is broken down the upsells with a brief description of what they do.

Upsell #1: Cash Cloner, priced @ $57.00

The Commission Abduction system has a restriction on the number of campaigns that you can use at any one time, which is currently 50.

This upgrade will give you access to run an unlimited number of campaigns.

However, trying to get one campaign to work effectively is going to be a struggle.

So no matter how many campaigns you can use won’t make the slightest difference.

Buy this upgrade and you’ll be able to create unlimited campaigns and will get a developer’s license too.

Upsell #2: Money Modulator, priced @ $97.00

This upgrade comes with 3 additional features.

Article Box – This is a way of displaying user blog articles and overlaying those on the video to drive traffic.

Product Box – This addition shows the user’s products on the video overlay to help drive traffic which is what the system does anyway.

Optin Form: Used to capture your prospective leads and to help in building your email list.

Upsell #3: 10X Files, priced @ $197.00

This upgrade gives you 10 already done for you campaigns that you can use to embed within your videos.

Upsell #4: Deep Traffic, priced @ $97.00

Just another BS upgrade to help scale into a 5-figure a month income.

Not sure just why you would need this as the sales page indicates that the system is already scalable to 5-figures.

Upsell #5: Figure Replicator, priced @ $97.00

Of course, the product wouldn’t be complete without the license to sell to other people

Can you make money with Commission Abduction? 

Commission Abduction Review - seeing is believing

To be honest I couldn’t find any proof that anybody is/has made any money through using this system.

Any sales page should be taken with a pinch of salt because any income claims can be very easily created within a few minutes through photo editing software.

I’m sure this isn’t the first review that you have read through researching this product and it won’t be the last.

But, most of the positive reviews are just from affiliates who just copy and paste the sales page information with the hopes that you will purchase their offer for a commission.

Who is Commission Abduction For?

I can tell you who it definitely isn’tCommission Abduction review - Scam or Legit for and that’s complete beginners looking for ways to make money online.

We are all complete beginners at one time and I remember trying these “done-4-you” systems and they just didn’t work.

Simply because I didn’t have enough knowledge for when I came across problems which you always do.

As for support, that is normally none existent once you have made your purchase.

Just try and get some help and you’ll be left waiting days and that’s if anybody does get back to you.

You aren’t even going to get experienced marketers using this product if they have anything about them on the ethical/unethical front.

What I like about Commission Abduction

There is only one thing I like about thisCommission abduction review- What I like about Commission Abduction product and that’s the money-back refund, but even that could be thwarted with issues.

  1. Money-Back Guarantee

Your saving grace is that you do get a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, I would check the small print as it has been known that the refund only covers your initial fee which in this case is $20.

That means the upsells that cost you $545.00 if you went all-in would be exempt from the refund.

Another thing to watch out for is your refund request being ignored so that the refund period goes beyond 30 days.

I remember once it took me 6 months to get a refund.

What I don’t like about Commission Abduction

As I mentioned, there were a few thingsCommission abduction review - Things I don't like about Commission Abduction I liked about this product but there were more things I didn’t like.

  1. Sales Page and Promotional Video 

This is all hyped and doesn’t go into any details about what you’ll be buying into which I hate.

Legit products should be upfront with this information but unfortunately, this is the reality of the make money online industry.

  1. Hidden Costs

I hate upsells especially when they trick you into making your initial fee and then because they have you there, they make you believe that you need them.

  1. Where are the Great Reviews?

If Commission Abduction was so good then we’d see legitimate reviews from people who have used the products but we never do.

  1. Unconfirmed Income Results 

It doesn’t matter what they tell you regarding what you can make money-wise because there is no evidence to back up their claims.

They think a bunch of fake income payments is going to be enough.

  1. This Whole System is Unethical

Duplicate content just doesn’t work online.

I thought they’d come up with a way to add campaigns to the videos but still allow them to run on YouTube where the traffic is.

Mind you YouTube would be on their case in no time and how about getting banned for life, because that is certainly on the cards.

As I have already mentioned Creative Commons is very big on YouTube.

Is Commission Abduction a SCAM or LEGIT

Commission Abduction is not a scam, however, it is not a legitimate way to make money online if at all you can.

I can’t seem to find anybody who has made money with this system.

As you have already seen, this is not an ethical way and one that we do not recommend for anyone.

I’m missing something here because a video on YouTube and Vimeo that has been monetized and is getting loads of traffic will not get that traffic when you take it out of those platforms.

One thing you are not going to get is a ton of traffic as the owners suggest.

Commission Abduction Review: Final Thoughts!

So what do you think about Commission Abduction?

Is it something that you would be prepared to give a go, even with all the facts that we have laid out for you?

I think you can guess that these done for you systems are not something that we would recommend to anyone.

I have tried them in the past and would like to think that I sort of know what they are all about.

But, if you are seriously interested in making real money online then these short cuts just do not work.

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Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Well, guys, I hope you got something out of this Commission Abduction review and that it answered many of your questions.

If you enjoyed this review then please feel free to spread the word by sharing it amongst your friends on social media.

As always, if you have any questions for me then just add them in the comments section below and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

We read and reply to all our reader’s comments.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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