Copy AI Review 2024 – Transform Your Writing: 10 Powerful Reasons to Love

Copy AI Review

Welcome to the Copy AI review is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool designed to revolutionize the way businesses and individuals create content.

Leveraging advanced natural language processing algorithms, provides users with the ability to generate high-quality written content quickly and efficiently.

As a copywriter trying to maintain a certain level of productiveness can be an exhausting task if the truth be known.

At times we could all do with a little help.

If you have researched spin writers in the past which are essentially the same thing then you will know they aren’t that good.

Having said that though, artificial intelligence is getting better all the time but how does Copy AI rank in all of this?

Well, first impressions tell us a lot and that many people are using this tool and that they all appear to be happy with it.

In this review, we will be answering questions like…

Is AI replacing copywriters? Why do you need a copywriter? What does an AI writer do? Is AI writing tools worth it?

So, without further ado, let’s see what this tool has to offer.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Copy AI Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Copy AI Review – Summary

Product: Copy AI

Founder: Chris Lu and Paul Yacoubian

Website:, you can get access here!

Product Description: Copywriting tool that all authors and bloggers should not be without

Benefits In Using Copy AI Brief:

        1. AI-Powered Content Generation
        2. User-Friendly Interface
        3. Versatality
        4. Time And Cost Efficiency
        5. Customization and Personalization
        6. Continuous Improvement
        7. Collaboration Features
        8. Scalability
        9. Innovative user Cases
        10. Support And Community

Cost to join: FREE and Paid

Recommended: Yes

Summary: Copy AI can generate content for you within seconds and the results are quite impressive.

I have used Copy AI along with Jarvis another very similar AI tool to create various pieces of content such as blog outlines, meta descriptions, and sales pages to good effect.

What makes Copy AI stand out is the fact that you can test the product out first for free and with no credit card details either.

In fact, it is my understanding that is now free for life which wasn’t always the case.

That in its own right should give you the confidence to at least check it out first, I mean what have you got to lose, right?

Grab your copy ai free membership here

Copy AI Review – Table of Contents

    1. What is Copy AI about?
    2. Who Are The Founders of Copy AI?
    3. What Does The Copy AI Have to Offer?
    4. Who is The Copy AI For?
    5. How Much Does it Cost to Join Copy AI?
    6. AI Copywriting Limitations
    7. What Others Have To Say About Copy AI
    8. Is Copy AI a Scam?
    9. What we Like About Copy AI
    10. What we Don’t Like About Copy AI
    11. The Copy AI Review -Final Thoughts
    12. Copy AI Review – FAQs
    13. Benefits Of Using Copy AI
    14. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is The Copy AI About?

Copy Ai is one of the better copywriting tools that was founded in 2020 by Paul Yacoubian and Chris Lu whilst living in the San Franciso area.

At the end of the day, artificial intelligence is only as good as your best software developer.

But since San Francisco is full of experts in that field, then I think they have that covered.

Coming from software development for many years I know only too well what goes into something like this, just look at the games that are out there.

Copy AI makes some very bold claims about helping you write better and I guess for most people this tool is certainly going to do just that.

So if you are new to writing and find it all a struggle then something like Copy.AI is certainly going to help you. has had help from venture capitalists to the tune of $13.9 million.

This coming from Wing Venture Capital, Craft Ventures, Sequoia and recently Tiger Global and Elad Gil.

So they certainly have the backing of several investors taking the company into the future.

It is obviously a popular copywriting tool as of March 2022 there are over 1 million members.

The first thing you will note is just how simple the interface is which let me tell you is half the battle.

But let’s give the creators a bit of a chance to explain how Copy Ai works in this Youtube video.

Who Are The Founders of The Copy AI?

This accolade is down to Chris Lu and Paul Yacoubian.

Chris studied computer science at Washington University and started his working life at ESO Fund as an investor.

Whilst Paul studied economics, business administration and his accounting degree from Rhodes College and also worked at the same company as Lu.

Both with unique skills that complement each other decided it a change in tac was required and then Copy.AI was born.

What Does The Copy AI Have to Offer? is powered by GPT-3 which is the 3rd generation autoregressive language model.

That uses deep structured learning to produce a human-like text which comes from the company OpenAI.

Which is a San Francisco artificial language research lab with Elon Musk as one of the founders.

So what we aren’t looking at is some sort of Mickie Mouse piece of software.

The software allows you to quickly create content that can be sourced from over 130 templates.

It also has a clear and friendly user interface.

Just a few things that Copy.AI can do for you…

  • Digital Ad Copies
    • Facebook Ads
    • Google Ads
    • Linkedin Ads
  • Social Media Content
    • Instagram Captions
    • Instagram Posts
    • Content Ideas
  • Website Copy
    • Slogan Generator
    • Meta Descriptions
    • Headlines
  • eCommerce Copy
    • Product Descriptions
    • Product Benefits
    • Email Subject Lines
  • Blogging Content
    • Ideas, Titles, Outlines
    • Blog Introductions
    • Bullet Points
    • Full Blog
    • Sentence Rewriter
  • Sales Copies
    • Pain Agitate Solution
    • Before After Bridge
    • Attention Interest Desire Action

One thing that every writer suffers from is writer’s block and this should help enormously.

Another great thing about Copy AI is that it is compatible with other languages

You can check out Copy AI here for FREE and without any credit card details.

If you decide to upgrade within 4 days of becoming a member you get a 40% discount.

Find Out in This Copy AI Review Who is Copy AI For?

Copy AI is the ideal tool for anybody who spends a lot of time writing content, business owners, copywriters and marketers just to name a few.

This application takes artificial intelligence to the next level and can create content in seconds.

One of the better artificial intelligence tools for writing content that we have seen.

We know that AI isn’t there with regards to perfection and we think it is still a long way off but for creating an authentic draft.

Copy AI is one of the best tools currently out there.

With over 1 million users across the world and major companies like Microsoft, Nestle, eBay, plus many others who are using this tool.

If you are struggling with ideas of what masterpiece to write next and as copywriters, we are always looking for inspiration.

Then this could be a worthwhile tool to have within your toolbox.

Copy AI Review – How Much Does it Cost to Join Copy AI?

Copy AI comes with 3 memberships and even comes now with a free membership so that you can take it for a spin.

See what it’s like and whether it does what they say it will and you aren’t even asked for your credit card details if you take up the FREE plan.

    • FREE Plan – Perfect for testing to see if this is for you or not
    • Pro Plan – $49/month or $35/month if paid annually $420, saving $168
    • Enterprise – Billed yearly and for larger groups. POA

Of course, there are restrictions in the FREE plan otherwise it would be unfair to the paying members.

All the same,  you do get over 95 copywriting tools, 10 credits a month, 25+ different languages plus 100 bonus credits for the first month.

AI Copywriting Limitations

All digital marketing tools no matter how good they say they are have limitations and that also goes for AI copywriting too.

In the last decade, there is no getting away from the fact that artificial intelligence has come on in leaps and bounds.

Someone who is up there with his opinions is Elon Musk who is reported to have said.

As AI gets probably much smarter than humans, the relative intelligence ratio is probably similar to that between a person and a cat, maybe bigger.”

But we are a very long way off from artificial intelligence replacing humans (or are we) even though some of the robots are quite impressive but limited.

First and foremost they don’t have the capacity to write genuine and unique content like a human although they are getting much better.

After all, they are tools to help and they do but you will have to add the final touches.

Emotions play a big part in creating content that the consumer is going to relate to as it is that, what happens through the purchasing process.

That’s why it is important to apply emotional context to your content.

Copy AI Review – What Others Say About Copy AI

Overall people are extremely happy with their purchases and you can find that feedback…

Copy AI What others say


Copy AI Reviews

Is Copy AI a Scam?


Copy AI is definitely not a scam and doesn’t come close.

Artificial intelligence is improving all the time but is a long way off from actually replacing a human.

These copywriting tools are there to help productivity and are great for times when you are looking for new ideas.

This is a tool to help you and should not be looked at as a saviour to stop you from having to write.

Software is as good as the best developers and no matter how hard you try there will be bugs.

Grab your copy ai free membership here

Copy AI Review – What We Liked

  • There Is A Free Membership:Positive

Not too long ago the free membership was for a 7 day trial period.

Nowadays free means free for as long as you like although you will be restricted to how much access you have.

  • Popular Copywriting Tool:

With over 1 million members that surely has to give you complete confidence in at least giving it a try.

  • Helpful For Those Times When Writers Block Kicks In:

We all go through stages where it doesn’t matter how hard we try sometimes writer’s block will kick in.

Copy AI can help to overcome this and give you some inspirational ideas.

A pretty good tool for brainstorming.

  • Plenty Of Templates To Choose From:

As of the last count, there were over 130 templates to choose from which covered many applications.

  • Multilingual

As of this review, there are 50 languages that the application handles.

Copy AI is multilingual and will handle 50 languages

  • Discount If You Upgrade Within 4 Days:

4 days should be enough time to evaluate the software is see if this is for you or not.

If you upgrade within that period there is a 40% discount on the yearly membership. 

  • Frees Up Time And Can Save Money:

For other important tasks and can save you money by not having the need to hire additional writers.

Copy AI Review -What we Don’t Like About Copy AI

  • Not Ideal For Long-Form Content:Negative

In order to get the most out of the tool, you will have to add a fair amount of content to get the best results.

Even then you will have to maintain the content to get it just how you would like it.

The Copy AI Review – Final Thoughts!

Artificial intelligence has come a long way in the last decade and machines have been taking over for some time now.

Whether something like Copy AI is ever going to be able to replace a human being is another thing but maybe in years to come.

For now, Copy Ai has done a very good job especially as the technology that they are using comes from Elon Musks’ company OpenAI, which comes with Chatgpt which I use extensively and take it from me is very good.

It’s certainly worth a closer look and besides, it is not going to cost you a dime so what are you waiting for?

Grab your copy ai free membership here

Copy AI Review FAQs

Copy AI review - FAQ

In this section, we have listed a number of questions that people are asking on a regular basis.

  1. Is Copy AI Worth It?

We have mentioned earlier that AI is a long way off from ever being in a position to make you or me redundant in fact it will never happen.

Emotion plays a major part in writing content and that is something that can’t be applied to AI, not in the way we think anyway.

Copy AI has an interface that is easy to use and you could probably master it in just a few hours.

  1. Does Copy AI Work?

It doesn’t make any claims to replace the job of a copywriter only to help with many of the tasks that we take part in.

Emails, landing pages, blogs, articles, testimonials and the beauty of this tool is that it only takes a few seconds to get some quality results.

  1. Is Copy AI Reliable?

In the copywriting world what plays an important part is uniqueness and whilst tools like Grammarly do a great job with plagiarism.

Copy.Ai also has a great plagiarism feature.

Just remember once you have completed your article just paste it into the feature and you’ll get a score almost instantly.

  1. What Is Copy AI Used For?

A great tool that allows freelance writers, marketers, business owners, and
copywriters to create quality content. This includes blog intros,
landing page copy, LinkedIn ads, and product descriptions. Simply
head over to, and you’ll find all the templates laid out
on the left

  1. Who Created Copy AI?

Paul Yacoubian and Chris Lu both have completely different skill sets that complement each other.

They both worked for the same company at the time when they decided to pull their resources.

  1. Is Copy AI Free?

There is a free membership which not too long ago was for a limited period, obviously with its popularity they have been able to be more flexible.

Free now means free for as long as you like.

  1. Is There A Discount Price?

Yes, there is, and that is available for up to 4 days of joining as a free member which should give you enough time to evaluate the product.

This is currently at 40%.

  1. Which Is The Better Jarvis Or Copy AI?

We see many moving from Jarvis to what is becoming a more popular content marketing tool with Copy AI.

The major difference between Copy AI and Jarvis is that Copy AI does
well with generating social media content and other short-form copies,
while Jarvis performs well with long-form content.

  1. How Do I Delete My Copy AI Account?

You can cancel your account at any time and all you have to do is send an email to the admin at

10 Benefits Of Using Copy AI is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool designed to revolutionize the way businesses and individuals create content.

Leveraging advanced natural language processing algorithms, provides users with the ability to generate high-quality written content quickly and efficiently.

Here are some key features and benefits of

  1. AI-Powered Content Generation: uses sophisticated AI models to produce engaging and relevant content tailored to your needs, whether it’s blog posts, social media updates, email campaigns, or product descriptions.
  1. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed with a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all technical skill levels.

You can easily input your requirements and receive high-quality content suggestions in seconds.

  1. Versatility: supports a wide range of content types and tones, allowing you to create everything from professional reports to casual social media posts. The AI can adapt to various industries and niches, ensuring that the content is always relevant.
  1. Time and Cost Efficiency: By automating the content creation process, saves users significant time and resources. This enables businesses to focus more on strategy and execution rather than spending hours on writing and editing.
  1. Customization and Personalization: Users can fine-tune the output to match their brand voice and style. allows for customization of content, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your unique messaging and tone.
  1. Continuous Improvement: The AI model behind is continuously learning and improving, providing increasingly accurate and high-quality content suggestions over time.

This ensures that users always have access to the best possible writing assistance.

  1. Collaboration Features: offers collaboration tools that allow teams to work together on content creation.

This makes it easier to brainstorm, edit, and finalize content as a cohesive unit.

  1. Scalability: Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a large enterprise, scales with your needs.

The platform can handle high volumes of content requests, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.

  1. Innovative Use Cases: From writing compelling ad copy to generating creative ideas for marketing campaigns. opens up new possibilities for content creation, helping users stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

  1. Support and Community: provides robust customer support and has a growing community of users who share tips, best practices, and success stories, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment is a powerful tool for anyone looking to enhance their content creation process and productivity.

Offering a blend of efficiency, creativity, and customization that empowers users to produce exceptional written material with ease.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Ok guys, hope you got something from the Copy Ai review and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

Thank you for reading and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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