Wholesale Ted Review – Unlock Your Ecommerce Potential: The Powerful Benefits of Wholesale Ted

Wholesale Ted Review

Hey guys and welcome to the Wholesale Ted Review

A website and YouTube channel that devotes its time to helping others make money online through dropshipping.

In fact, Wholesale Ted is a sales funnel to the actual dropshipping course, The Ecomm Clubhouse but more on that in a little while.

Dropshipping nowadays does seem to be the number one business model that people are looking to get involved with.

It’s pretty straightforward and ideally suited to complete beginners who are looking for ways to make money online.

However there would still be a lot of hard work to do which is something, unfortunately, you can’t get away from.

Sarah Chrisp is the person behind Wholesale Ted with Ted her mentor who takes a bit of a back seat.

So who is Sarah Chrisp? Is Wholesale Ted a scam? Is Wholesale Ted worth it? More to the point is Ecomm Clubhouse a scam?

All valid questions that I’m sure you find yourself asking when researching courses like this.

But who am I and why would you even want to listen to me?

Hi, my name is Mick and not too long ago I was that person looking in and trying to find ways to make money online.

I eventually settled on affiliate marketing and have not looked back since.

My goal in life is to help as many people find their way online in what can be a tough nut to crack with so many scams about.

This website provides an insight into well over 400 products and services, with some excellent, some good, some poor and many just outright scams.

So which category does Wholesale Ted and The Ecomm Clubhouse fit into this equation?

Right, let’s begin!

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Wholesale Ted Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Wholesale Ted Review – Summary

Product: Wholesale Ted

Founder: Sarah Chrisp

Website: www.wholesaleted.com

Product Description: Shopify approved drop shipping course

Cost to join: $67/month

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Wholesale Ted is the website that Sarah Chrisp created to use as a place to showcase her course Ecomm Clubhouse.

You might even say that it is a sales funnel!

In this review, you find out all about Sarah Chrisp and how in her short number of years has managed to climb to such great heights.

The course is designed for the complete beginner and whilst it doesn’t show you advanced topics, it gives you it straight so that you can understand it.


Wholesale Ted Review – TOC

    1. What is Wholesale Ted About?
    2. Who is Sarah Chrisp?
    3. How Ecomm Clubhouse Actually Works?
    4. What Inside The Ecomm Clubhouse Course?
    5. Who is Ecomm Clubhouse For?
    6. Is Ecomm Clubhouse Worth The Money?
    7. Can You Make Money With Ecomm Clubhouse?
    8. Ecomm Clubhouse Costs And Refund?
    9. Is Ecomm Clubhouse a Scam?
    10. Ecomm Clubhouse Student Reviews
    11. What We Like – Ecomm Clubhouse Review
    12. What We Don’t Like – Ecomm Clubhouse Review
    13. Ecomm Clubhouse – Final Verdict!
    14. Alternative Solution to Print On Demand
    15. Wholesale Ted Review  – FAQs
    16. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

What is Wholesale Ted About? What is The Ecomm Clubhouse?

As we have already mentioned Wholesale Ted is the front end or the business end or you might look at it as a sales funnel.

The Ecomm Clubhouse is the actual training course that Sarah Chrisp is responsible for.

Its a membership site that will cost you a subscription fee of $67/month and there’s really no big commitment here

If you decide this is not for you then you can cancel your subscription at any time and if you do this within 7 days you will get a full refund.

The Ecomm Clubhouse is a video-based training course with over 10 hours of over-the-shoulder mentoring.

Sarah will teach you how to use the Print On Demand business model by targeting trending products that you can have your own designs added to.

The course Ecomm Clubhouse is also an approved Shopify course so Sarah has the backing of one of the top e-commerce companies online.

The course is extremely comprehensive and well laid out but before we get into the finer points of the course let’s take a look at who Sarah really is.

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Who is Sarah Chrisp?

Sarah Chrisp is the person along with Ted her counterpart who is responsible for Wholesale Ted and the Ecomm Clubhouse.

She is the face on the videos who is comfortable and confident and knows just how to portray things.

You can find Sarah giving away plenty of free advice through her Youtube channel which currently has around 1 million subscribers which is some feat.

With over 41 million views so as you can see a very popular Youtube influencer.

Sarah comes from New Zealand and started her journey when she was only 16 years of age.

Not too dissimilar to other entrepreneurs where she struggled and whilst many would call it a day she didn’t and now.

Teaches other people like you and me how to achieve the kind of success she is accustomed to.

You can find her even today still active on her Youtube channel giving away information on e-commerce and to be honest, it is one of the better YouTube channels we have come across.

Related Review: Drop Ship Lifestyle 

How Does Ecomm Clubhouse Work?

The Ecommerce Clubhouse is a legit course that provides you with an in-depth grounding of what it takes to create a dropshipping business.

This comes to you from successful dropshipping entrepreneur Sarah Chrisp.

The course was designed with the complete beginner in mind so don’t worry if you know nothing about dropshipping.

This Ecomm Clubhouse course will provide you with all the elements required…

    • What and how to select a profitable niche
    • Learn where to source products from
    • Find the right suppliers who you can trust
    • How to spy on your competitors
    • How to setup your Shopify store
    • How to target the right crowd and generate traffic.

The course has been well thought out by Sarah and her partner Ted and all you have to do is follow instructions and apply what you are been taught.

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What’s Inside The Ecomm Clubhouse Training Course?

The course comes with over 10 hours of over-the-shoulder training videos that also come with additional text documents.

It was specifically created for the complete beginner so what you aren’t going to find is a whole bunch of advanced stuff.

Many people might say that you can find this information for free on the internet and that might be the case but you need to know what you are looking for.

Here is a breakdown of what’s included…

Module #1 – Selecting Your Niche

Wholesale Ted Review - Select a niche

Choosing your niche is important as it tells people what your website or store is going to be about.

Yes, I know some people don’t even consider a niche and group everything and anything together.

But it really isn’t the way to create a business like this.

Module #2 – Sourcing And Choosing Products

Wholesale Ted Review - Source and products to sell

Choosing the right products is crucial and what you are really looking for are products that are trending or about to trend.

Many of these products have like a shelf life that is a little like fashion and the flavour of the month.

That is why you have to be constantly monitoring and looking for new trending products.

You have also got to ensure that you choose the right supplier and one that can commit and you can rely on.

As it is AliExpress there are a few things that you need to take on board because things have moved on somewhat.

All the products come from China which is cheap and most are of bad quality.

What does happen often is that products you might have in your store when they arrive at the customer are not what is described in your store.

Another thing is that a lot of the time the orders go on back-order because they don’t have the products to fulfil demand.

That can mean you waiting weeks and sometimes months for the order to complete and if it is a trending product then everybody will be in the same boat.

Module #3 –  Creating Your Store

Wholesale Ted Review - Create a store by yourself

Creating your store and the right way to go about doing it is what Sarah is going to show you.

First impressions and all that stuff which goes a long way with your customers.

In this module, you have everything that you would need to successfully create your Shopify store.

One thing to bring up and this module does need changing as Oberlo is no longer a viable solution as they have been delisted.

This means you can no longer use their app and it can’t be found on the Shopify app store.

Shopify comes with a free 14-day trial that you would need to change to a monthly membership fee, which is either $19, $49, or $259 a month

Module #4 – Upselling To Big Orders

Wholesale Ted Review - Upselling

In this module, Sarah teaches you many strategies to get the most out of your customers.

Like adding apps to the store and trust icons

However, the apps that Sarah suggests do come at a price and we aren’t sure whether they are needed or not.

What we do know is that when you purchase these apps Sarah will get a commission.

Module #5 – How To Find Your Target Audience

Wholesale Ted Review - How to create backlinks

This module teaches you all about traffic and how to find your target audience.

The main method that this course uses is paid traffic through Facebook ads but she does cover how to find traffic organically using SEO.

This is a free traffic method!

Which is a method that we use and would always recommend but with dropshipping we do understand that you want things to happen now.

SEO or search engine optimization takes time and is more of a long-term commitment.

Module #6 – How To Manage Your Store

Wholesale Ted Review - How to manage your store

This is another module that needs rethinking and changing due to Oberlo no longer being a working entity.

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Who is Ecomm Clubhouse For?

Ecomm Clubhouse is for anyone who is looking to get into the e-commerce dropshipping industry.

The course was designed with the complete newcomer in mind and therefore that would be the ideal candidate for this course.

With a monthly fee of $67, this should be affordable for most people.

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Is Ecom Clubhouse Worth It?

I like to think that when you join a course like Ecomm Clubhouse, a membership site that is constantly active.

Meaning that the product owner is accessible and you are paying for updates that come on a frequent basis.

When you pay upfront for a course what tends to happen is that the help and support aren’t there and it’s like they have just taken your money and run.

I am not saying that all courses and systems are like this but many are!

You might think it’s expensive when you look at how much it will cost you for a full year which is $804.

But it also means that you are only paying for what you are using meaning that you could complete the course and cancel the subscription at any time.

So is Ecom Clubhouse worth it?

Well, you will only get out of a course what you are prepared to put into it

You know what they say, systems don’t fail, it’s the people taking them that fail.

Let’s take a look at what Sarah has to say about failure!

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Can You Make Money With Ecomm Clubhouse?

Yes, you can make money with Ecomm Clubhouse but don’t expect things to happen overnight because this will take time.

If you can follow instructions and apply what you are been taught to a real-life situation and you have a lot of patience then anything is possible.

Just like any course, you will only get out of it what you are prepared to put into it.

There is absolutely no point in going into any business venture with a halfhearted approach.

You need to go all in and give it your best and we aren’t talking about just a few weeks, we are thinking more about 6-12 months.

For you to start seeing any real positive changes.

A question that keeps getting thrown around with courses like this is how long will it take to start making some real money?

Well, nobody can guarantee that you will make anything because that is down to you.

You have to work hard, take action and apply what you have been taught, be consistent, persistent and have bags of patience.

Yes, we know you’ve heard all that before, but there really is no other way to describe what it takes to succeed in any business venture.

If you want a better way that doesn’t come with the sort of risks with dropshipping then please read until the end of this review.

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Ecomm Clubhouse Costs And Refund

There are 2 ways that you can join the Ecomm Clubhouse membership, either pay the full $67 monthly membership fee.

Or you could take advantage of the $1, 7-day trial period.

We have reviewed many dropshipping courses which cost into the thousands and don’t come with half the credentials as Sarah Chrisp has.

Wholesale Ted Costs

Are There Any Upsells With Ecomm Clubhouse?

There are no upsells with the Ecomm Clubhouse memberships site, what you see is what you pay for.

Are There Any Additional Costs We Should Factor Into Ecomm Clubhouse?

Of course, there are always additional costs to pay for and Sarah explains some of the things that she recommends.

One of the things is essential for finding the right products.

A large bulk of these costs are going to be made up of marketing and finding your target audience.

The course uses Facebook ads to find traffic for your e-commerce store and it’s always best to have enough when starting a  course like this.

This all depends on your budget but between $200 and $300, a month might be enough you have to plan this for 3-6 months to be on the safe side.

The more the better because you don’t want this to stop you from progressing, right?

Is There a Trial Period Offer With Ecomm Clubhouse?

There is a $1 trial offer which is still available for the Ecomm Clubhouse, just enter your details at the bottom of this webpage.

This is to download a free book but doing this allows you to take advantage of the $1 trial offer for Ecomm Clubhouse for the first 7 days.

After those 7 days, if you have cancelled your membership then you will be billed at the usual price of $67 for the month.

Does Ecomm Clubhouse Come With A Refund?

Often what we are seeing lately with courses and systems are refunds but they usually come with conditions.

Which makes it almost impossible for you to get your money back.

At least with Ecomm Clubhouse if you are not happy with your purchase you can get a full refund with no questions asked within the first 7 days.

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Is Ecomm Clubhouse a Scam?scam


Ecomm Clubhouse is not a scam but a legitimate course teaching complete beginners how to create a business in dropshipping.

Due to the changes with Oberlo and that they are no longer operating meaning that Shopify has removed its dropshipping app.

That means that a lot of the training is no longer viable and won’t work as indicated.

The Shopify app for Oberlo was removed from their app store in June yet nothing has happened with this course which is not good.

When you pay into a membership that usually means that the training course will be updated regularly.

The cost of the membership is currently $67/month but just paying for traffic is going to take that monthly fee over $300 a month.

That comes to $3600 for the year and that is without a mention of other contingencies that you are going to have to pay for.


Ecomm Clubhouse Student Reviews 

We couldn’t find any third-party reviews which means that we couldn’t verify that people are having or have had success with Ecomm Clubhouse.

The only reviews and testimonials that we could find are on the Ecomm Clubhouse website.

If you want to check those then you can here but don’t pay too much attention to them as like we said they can’t be verified.

What We Like – Ecomm Clubhouse Review

  • Sarah Chrisp Is Legit:Positive

With nearly 1 million subscribers to her YouTube channel that shows she is very popular and I guess these are mostly from young people.

  • The Course Gives You  A Basic Understanding:

This is good for beginners as you don’t want to be bogged down with advanced topics otherwise that might tempt the person to leave.

  • Approved By Shopify:

This goes a long way to credibility and as the course is approved by one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies then we’ll say no more on the matter.

  • There Is A Trial Period Available:

Ecomm Clubhouse does come with a 7-day trial period which will cost you $1 but remember to cancel the membership in plenty of time.

If you don’t intend to stay as a member otherwise you will be billed for $67.

  • Print On Demand Is A Great Business Model:

The course covers this business model which means that trending products may not be that important.

After all, what do you use print on demand for?

Mugs, tee-shirts, towels, books, posters and their designs are the trending part.

What we Don’t Like About Ecomm Clubhouse 

  • The Course Is Out Of Date:Negative

As we have already pointed out that Oberlo is no longer a viable solution which is what most Shopify store owners did use.

  • There Are No Third Party Reviews And Testimonials: 

The only feedback we could find was on the actual Ecomm Clubhouse website and these can’t be verified.

We were a little surprised when she has so many YouTube subscribers.

Wholesale Ted Review – Final Thoughts!

Ecomm Clubhouse is a decent dropshipping course for someone who knows nothing about dropshipping.

It doesn’t go too deep into complexities but then again you want to keep things as simple as possible, right?

If you just want to test the waters then you can by taking the 7-day trial period for $1 but just remember to cancel well in advance.

Remember, if you decide to move forward with the course then you are going to need a lot more than the $67 it will cost you a month.

Before you take the plunge just make sure that you research the subject thoroughly as there are many alternative solutions out there.

Remember these 3 key points and you won’t go far wrong…

    1. Create or find the right products
    2. Learn how to put those products in front of your target audience
    3. Give them a reason to buy

If the budget is key then you might like to look at what we do for a living which we’d love to show you in the next section.

Alternative Solution to Dropshipping

It’s called affiliate marketing which is very similar to dropping shipping except you don’t have to worry about using a digital store.

The principle is the same in that you are the middle person and direct the customer to the merchant except you get paid a commission on a sale.

It also means that you are not restricted and are much more flexible.

Is one of the best ways to create multiple income streams.

I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to say goodbye to my 9-5 job.

Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

Wealthy Affiliate member reviews24 Trustpilot

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop shop, meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Ecomm Clubhouse – FAQsFAQ

Considering you will be using AliExpress for your products and suppliers we thought you might like to know what people are asking in the search engines.

  1. What Does Dropshipping Mean?

All you are doing is selling other merchants’ products for a profit.

To start a dropshipping business you would select a niche first which determines which products you sell.

Then evaluate the suppliers to ensure that the suppliers that you use are trustworthy and reliable.

Then, you would create a website or in this case a Shopify store, and add images and descriptions of the products.

To profit, you need to increase the AliExpress product price that you will be selling and the difference is your profit.

  1. Who Delivers The Product When The Order Is Placed?

It’s the seller’s or in this case AliExpress’s responsibility to pick the products, package them and deliver them to the customer.

  1. How Do I Get My Profit If It’s The Supplier Who Delivers The Package?

Before you send any money to the merchant your store would receive payment from your customer in full first.

So if a product that you sold from AliExpress cost $3 then you would sell it to the customer for $5 which would mean you made a profit of $2.

You would send what it cost on AliExpress which in this case is $3

  1. Who Provides The Warranties?

You are fully protected by AliExpress and therefore any issues with the product the merchant (AliExpress) is responsible and issuing a refund to the customer or replacing the goods.

  1. Why Should I Decide To Go With My Own Site Instead Of Using eBay or Amazon?

Simply because you aren’t limited by rules that you would find with other marketplaces and owning your own site allows for freedom.

This will give you better opportunities for promotion and marketing strategies.

Furthermore, this is an asset and once established it becomes a good investment and can be sold.

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Ok, guys, thank you for spending your time to read this Wholesale Ted review and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

If you have anything to add don’t be shy!

Once again thank you!

Take care!

Stay safe!

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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