Simple Traffic Blueprint Review – Great Product, Great Training and Great Free Traffic Method!

Simple Traffic Blueprint Review Hey Guys, my name is Mick and welcome to the Simple Traffic Blueprint Review.

The term Traffic in business often confuses some people but in essence, all it represents is a crowd of people.

Every business no matter whether it is in the high street or online needs traffic to become successful.

Big businesses have massive marketing budgets whilst small businesses don’t and have to rely on other methods.

Here we have a course that claims to have the answers to finding FREE traffic, however, this is not an unheard-of or secret method, it is just that the so-called gurus don’t like to talk about it.

Simply because if you knew about this method then you would not be buying their push-button garbage!

What I will say before we start is that the product owner Philip Borrowman does appear to be a very genuine person and this is clearly evident by the positive feedback that you can find.

We’d like to also point out that we are not associated with Simple Traffic Blueprint and therefore won’t find us pitching to you.

However, you will get an unbiased review that will give you all the facts so that you can decide for yourself whether this program is worth investing in.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Simple Traffic Blueprint Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

simple traffic blueprint review - logo

Product: Simple Traffic Blueprint

Founder: Philip Borrowman

Product Description: Affiliate marketing


Price of product: One-off fee of $49.00 with no upsells.

Recommended: Yes

Summary: Philip Borrowman is an internet marketer who started affiliate marketing as most of us do, by paying thousands for courses that have very little impact and don’t work.

They are designed to extract as much cash as possible from your wallet, this is where Philip is different.

He is not the typical “Guru” and doesn’t like to be referred to as one but you can tell how genuine he is by the fact that “The simple Traffic blueprint” doesn’t come with a host of Upsells as many do.

What you see is what you get and that’s the way it should be!

In fact, all you have to do is pay a one-off fee of $49 and you get an all-singing and all-dancing system that actually really works.

You even get Philip’s private Whatsapp number so that you can get in touch with him directly for any questions you have. This alone has to be worth its weight in gold!

The reason newbies fail with these push-button systems is simple, all their money is spent on upsells which leaves them very little for the most important aspect which is traffic.

When these gurus promote FREE traffic methods they tend to be talking about Facebook which is laborious and will only work to some degree if you have a massive following and newbies don’t.

However, you might like to check out another newbie-friendly training platform below.

Wealthy Affiliate is my number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Simple Traffic Blueprint – TOC

    1. What is the Simple Traffic Blueprint About and who are the Founders?
    2. How does the Simple Traffic Blueprint Work?
    3. The Simple Traffic Blueprint Pricing and what you get
    4. Can you Make Money With the Simple Traffic Blueprint?
    5. Who is the Simple Traffic Blueprint For?
    6. What we liked about The Simple Traffic Blueprint
    7. What we  don’t like about The Simple Traffic Blueprint
    8. Is The Simple Traffic Blueprint a SCAM or LEGIT?
    9. The Simple Traffic Blueprint Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Simple Traffic Blueprint about and who are the Founders?

simple traffic blueprint summary

The Simple Traffic Blueprint is a training course that was created by Philip Borrowman, to help complete beginners, and for many the first time how to earn money online.

Traffic as we have mentioned earlier is the most important factor when it comes to succeeding or not.

Simple Traffic Blueprint teaches you not only how to find FREE traffic but this course will piece together all the elements and all you have to do is follow this blueprint in order to succeed.

Yes, I know what you are thinking, I’ve heard it all before.

But, what if this was right?

simple traffic blueprint Don't trust the gurus

You and I know that this is true because we have first-hand experience and some of us more times than we care to remember.

Simple Traffic Blueprint is a method that is all based on creating Youtube videos, and why is this you might ask?

Well, Youtube is the 2nd largest social media platform and is owned by Google and visual things like videos are what people want nowadays.

So who is responsible for Simple Traffic Blueprint?

Philip Borrowman started his online journey way back in 2012 and is pretty typical of many who try to make money simple traffic blueprint review - Philip Borrowmanonline.

Where he tried system after system which the gurus were marketing at the time.

Failed miserably and it cost him a lot of money in the process, but instead of calling it a day and getting a 9-5 job, he stuck with it until he found a breakthrough.

Nowadays his methods are highly spoken about and praised by the amount of positive feedback that he gets.

What you will find with Philip is that he is a very open type of guy who is very believable and this can be seen by watching his videos on his Youtube channel here.

I find him a genuine person who tells it how it is and doesn’t try to squeeze money out of you for the sake of doing it. Check him out and see what you think.

He doesn’t mince his words and tells you how it is.

simple traffic blueprint honesty, integrity, transparency

How does the Simple Traffic Blueprint Work?

simple traffic blueprint the trap that newbies fall intoWell, the Simple Traffic Blueprint is all based on the affiliate marketing business model which is a proven and tested method.

It’s all about connecting the customer with the merchant and you can only do this if you have a crowd of people to promote to.

Videos nowadays are what people are looking for rather than reading content and who can blame them because some content can go on and on and on.

So the obvious choice has to be Youtube. It’s free to use, the 2nd largest social media platform and Google own it.

Welcome to the three-step process…
  1. Decide on a niche that your business is going to be about

So what is a niche?

In simplistic terms, a niche is a portion of a market. A sub-niche or micro-niche.

Which can be anything like a hobby or interest and something that you are going to enjoy or be passionate about.

Even though there are thousands or even millions of niches you could choose from many people struggle to find one.

Maybe because they want it to be the perfect one, but that really doesn’t matter and besides if you can’t decide on a niche Philip will provide a DFY niche.

  1. Create basic videos that are going to rank high

Many people shy away from creating videos for all sorts of reasons but if it is something you need to do then you will do it, right?

We are not talking about film quality but who knows, maybe later, the more you create the better you will get.

Keywords and keyword research are an intricate part of how to access free traffic and Philip will show you exactly how to do this.

  1. Free traffic

These Youtube videos will generate free traffic in the hopes that people will click and land on a squeeze page.

A squeeze page is basically a webpage that will be used to bridge your Youtube video and your email list.

The purpose of a squeeze page is to squeeze the prospective customer’s details when they land on it.

They will then become subscribers to your email list so that you can promote products and services.

Additional costs…

I guess you have realized that there might be some additional costs but if you listened to Philip Borrowman then he did mention them.

But, don’t worry because he will recommend the tools that aren’t going to break the bank.

So, you’d require an autoresponder and a squeeze page builder.

To give you an idea of what this will cost you.

Aweber currently has a FREE membership which includes both the autoresponder and squeeze page builder which is for up to 500 subscribers.

The Simple Traffic Blueprint Pricing and what you get

What makes this product stand out most isThe simple traffic blueprint pricing the fact that there is only one fee to pay and that’s $49.00.

So, you don’t have to worry about being conned into purchasing the product and then finding out there is a whole bunch of additional products to buy once you are inside.

That is not going to happen with Simple Traffic Blueprint and there is no membership fee like you might expect with a product like this.

So what do you get?… 

The software package is laid out into 4-stages

  1. Introduction

Philip goes through the strategy that he will be using and the results that he has had using this same method.

He will also touch base on the additional tools that would be required.

  1. Getting started
    • What a niche is and how to choose one
    • Choosing a domain name
    • The basics of how to build a website
    • Setting up your Youtube channel
    • Setting up your email list
  1. Implementation
    • Creating content and content research
    • Keyword research
    • Selecting a product to promote
    • Planning and creating a video
    • SEO checklist
    • Uploading the video to Youtube
    • Creating the squeeze/landing page
  1. Conclusion
    • Making sure all the steps are in place.
    • Monetize
    • Rinse and repeat
Bonuses that come with the software…

Not really expected seeing as the entire software package only costs a total of $49.

Bonus #1 – Case study

Here Philip shows you one of the videos that have been bringing in $200 a month for a year.

That might not sound a lot but just think if you had 10, 20 or even 30 videos promoting products.

    • 1 Video – $200/month = $2400/year
    • 10 Videos – $200/month = $24,000/year
    • 20 Videos – $200/month = $48,000/year
    • 30 Videos – $200/month = $72,000/year

Obviously, those figures are a guesstimate, might be lower but they could also be higher.

  • Bonus #2 – Case study

This case study is to show you what you can achieve if you put in the work where they create 40 videos in 30 days.

  • Bonus #3 – Philips personal WhatsApp number

How cool is this where you can even contact Philip directly for any questions that you might have?

  • Bonus #4 – 12 step affiliate marketing action plan

This action plan is designed to help you develop as an affiliate marketer and hopefully steer you away from the shiny object syndrome.

  • Bonus #5 – Private Facebook group

So that you can exchange ideas amongst people who have purchased this product.

Can you make money with the Simple Traffic Blueprint?

As I mentioned earlier the Simple Traffic Blueprint is about affiliate marketing which is a proven and tested business model.

Which when taught by the right person or persons can be a very rewarding business.

When you find the right training providing you follow it to the tee then there is no reason why you couldn’t use this to subsidise your current income or even replace it.

We have reviewed many of these types of programs and this is one of the best products and we wouldn’t have an issue recommending it.

Who is the Simple Traffic Blueprint For?

This course is primarily aimed at the complete beginner but I see this also for experienced affiliate marketers who haven’t yet got into making videos.

This course whilst there will be templates is not a push-button get-rich-quick-scheme but a course that teaches you a specific method, then you will have to apply what you learn practically.

So if you are looking for a push-button system then this is not for you.

If you are a person who is serious and wants to make a better life for yourself and can follow simple instructions then the Simple Traffic Blueprint could be for you.

What we liked about the Simple Traffic Blueprint

There were a lot of things we liked about the Simple Traffic Blueprint, in fact, we found this training to be one of the best training systems and for the initial fee of $49 great value.

  1. Access to the product owner

One of the most important things with any training system is support and that is something that is always lacking.

Philip actually gives you his direct WhatsApp contact details and it doesn’t get much better than that and just goes to show you how much he wants you to succeed.

  1. What you see is what you get

When you listen to the sales presentation you just get the feeling that Philip is a genuine person and someone you can trust.

He tells you that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme and he also tells you that you are going to need additional tools.

Only a one-off fee and no upsells at all.

  1. Money-back guarantee

If for some reason you feel that this is not for you then there is the benefit of a full 30 money-back guarantee.

  1. Traffic method is proven and successful

Youtube is the 2nd biggest social media platform and whilst it can get you a ton of free traffic you can also make money with your videos but don’t worry about this because that is beyond the scope of the training

What we don’t like about the Simple Traffic Blueprint

There really wasn’t anything we didn’t like about the Simple Traffic Blueprint.

The only issue and it really isn’t one is the additional tools that you’d have to purchase but that would be with any training that you undertook.

Is the Simple Traffic Blueprint a SCAM or LEGIT?

Simple Traffic Blueprint is definitely not a scam but a legitimate system teaching you an extremely good free traffic method.

simple traffic blueprint Free trafficFree traffic often means Facebook when you listen to the gurus but that is time-consuming and really doesn’t work unless you have a massive following.

Video is what people look for nowadays when searching for information and Youtube is the biggest platform and it can be very quick.

The Simple Traffic Blueprint Review: Final Thoughts!

If it’s your first product in the make money online niche that you are researching, then this could be your lucky day.

However, if it isn’t then you will be very aware of all the bad products that are out there that do not work.

I know, after all the disappointments even if a great product hit you in the face you would probably not know it as a great product, miss it and move on.

Well, today is your lucky day in 2 respects because the Simple Traffic Blueprint is a great product to get you up and running, and earning quickly.

Check it out and whilst you are checking that out you might like to look at another great newbie-friendly training platform that works and covers a lot more than the Simple Traffic Blueprint. Just hit the box below!

It’s free to check out, with no credit card details ever asked for and no annoying spam emails trying to get you to upgrade.

However, If I was starting out on this make money journey I would definitely be giving TSTB a try.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Ok, guys, hope that you enjoyed this Simple Traffic Blueprint review and that it answered your questions.

if you want to discuss anything further or even add something that could benefit our readers then please add your question in the comments section below.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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