Welcome to this Ministry of Freedom Review by Jono Armstrong who is a popular internet marketer and recognized as a multi-product creator.
If you have been looking for ways to make money online, then you are sure to have come across Jono Armstrong on WarriorPlus.
Fortunately, if this is the first time you have heard of him then you are in the right company as we can help probably save you hundreds of dollars.
I am sure you will have come across many Ministry of Freedom reviews, they are all over the internet.
So why is Jono Armstrong so popular? Is it because he is a legitimate marketer who cares about you or is it because of notoriety?
In this review, we are going to address things like…
Is Jono Armstrong a scam artist? Can Jono Armstrong be trusted? Is the Ministry of Freedom a scam? Can you make money with the Ministry of Freedom?
All the types of questions that you are looking for answers to!
Something that we are not and that is we are not associated with Jono Armstrong in any way shape or form.
So rest assured that what we will provide you is an in-depth no hold barred honest unbiased account of who he is.
But, more importantly, is the Ministry of Freedom something that you should stay away from?
In the next few minutes, you will be in a much better position to decide if this is worth your time or not.
Let’s begin.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]
Ministry of Freedom Review – Summary
Product: Ministry of Freedom
Founder: Jono Armstrong
Website: www.ministry-of-freedom.net
Product Description: Affiliate marketing course
Cost to join: $1,497
Recommended: Maybe
Summary: If you are new to making money online then one of the hardest things to grasp is how to manoeuvre yourself.
Through all the so-called products that claim that you can make money, with as many as around 94% that just aren’t worth your time or effort.
Seriously, once you have been conned by one or two of these types of products.
Then you will become harder, more sceptical and totally less trusting, but that isn’t a bad thing because you will have learned something.
The hard knocks of how to make money online!
On the sales page of the Ministry of Freedom, Jono Armstrong tells you what you want to hear and he’s good at it too.
Claiming that he can show you how you can make $10k in 60 days or less!
Then a little further into the sales page, he changes his tact and it is suddenly 30 and then 22 days.
Now I don’t know about you, but does that trigger a response by you to pull out your credit card or does it seem too good to be true?
If you are looking for a legit way to make money online and are a complete beginner take a look at Aaron Chen’s Invincible marketer.
He’s a reputable and trustworthy marketer, check out the link below if you want to learn how to build an online business from scratch.
Ministry of Freedom – TOC
- What is Jona Armstrongs Ministry of Freedom About?
- What is Launch Jacking?
- Who is Jono Armstrong?
- How Does Ministry of Freedom Work?
- What do You Get With The Ministry of Freedom?
- Who is Ministry of Freedom For?
- Ministry of Freedom Cost And Discounts?
- Is The Ministry of Freedom a Scam?
- The Ministry of Freedom Student Reviews
- Can You Make Money With Ministry of Freedom?
- What we Like About Ministry of Freedom
- What we Don’t Like About Ministry of Freedom
- Ministry of Freedom – Final Thoughts
- Ministry of Freedom Alternative?
- Jono Armstrongs Ministry of Freedom Review – FAQs
- Feedback, Follow And Subscribe
What is Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom About?
The Ministry of Freedom course is a comprehensive step-by-step approach to building an affiliate marketing business.
This is one of the many courses that you can find on WarriorPlus by a popular marketer, Jono Armstrong.
The course teaches you about a method called launch jacking (which doesn’t get mentioned often) and comes to you by way of a 9-week training course.
Something we’d like to point out is that we have reviewed several of his products in the past and they all fell short of expectations.
So is the Ministry of Freedom a step in the right direction seeing that he does appear to have put a lot into this product?
If you are interested, you can check out Jono Armstrong’s free training here.
What you should also know before we continue is that this course focuses on creating your own digital product and how to go about launching it.
Now as a complete beginner, are you really ready for this?
What is Launch Jacking?
Launch jacking is an affiliate marketing method
It’s a process which enables you to get in right at the start and before everybody else.
What you are taking advantage of is very early traffic and therefore if your review is the first written and submitted.
You stand a very good chance of getting to the top of Google page 1 which is what everybody is aiming for.
This is a great way to use another product or service as a launch pad to get what it is that you are promoting out there.
Whilst you are using this technique to promote what it is that you are promoting, other affiliates may do the same for you.
Sometimes you will find film companies and even politicians using this as a marketing tool to get ahead of the competition.
The tools that are normally used are email marketing, websites, sales funnels and Youtube which is what Jona Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom uses.
Is Launch Jacking Profitable?
If used in the right manner, launch jacking can be very profitable but requires a few things in place first.
Such as the content that you write not only has to be quality but you have to ensure that it is keyword rich.
In other words, it all depends on which keyword you use and whether it is competitive or not.
All keywords no matter what they are will have some competition and this is ok to some degree.
But at the end of the day, it may come down to the age of your site and whether Google sees you as an authority site or not.
Who is Jono Armstrong?
Jono Armstrong is responsible for the Ministry of Freedom and is very well-known in the affiliate marketing industry, especially in WarriorPlus.
It depends on who you talk to but some like him whilst others hate him.
But I guess that comes with the territory when you are responsible for many products that just don’t hit the mark.
However, he claims to have made millions of dollars with his own products on WarriorPlus as well as his popular YouTube channel.
Where you can find over 72k subscribers and well over 1,300 videos which have 3.9 million views.
Prior to his success online as an affiliate vendor, he spent 9 years as a teacher trying to pay off a massive university debt.
Obviously, working as a teacher didn’t pay enough to lessen the debt and therefore focused on a music and acting career.
Apparently did well as a TV host in Indonesia where he currently lives and ended up going down a slippery road through drink and drugs.
Then he turned his hand to affiliate marketing and promoting Amazon products until the commission rates dropped through the floor.
That’s when he decided to try his hand at developing digital products and where he is today.
How Does Ministry of Freedom Work?
When you sign up for the Ministry of Freedom training course you will get access to the training material.
Which is split into 9 modules which are designed in such a way that you can only take one module a week.
So it is going to take you at least 9 weeks to complete the actual course.
Now we have seen this approach before and you can look at it in two ways.
Either the course is developed this way to ensure the students follow the entire course to the letter.
Or to ensure that the students stayed on the course long enough to miss out on getting a full refund.
But, we have something interesting to tell you about the refund policy which we explain in a few minutes that you should find interesting.
In any case, people all work at different paces and stopping someone from advancing is going to frustrate the hell out of them.
What Do You Get With Ministry of Freedom?
Module #1 – Introduction, Mindset, Success and Commitment
This module is a look into what you will be getting with the training with an emphasis on the mindset.
The mindset is very important but far too many so-called gurus go over the top when really it is only a state of mind.
Really, having the right intention, determination, patience and the will to succeed and if that is you then you are well on your way.
Module #2 – Tools and Applications
Tools are very important and in this module Jono takes a look at the type of tools that you will need for your affiliate marketing business.
Tools like autoresponder, tracking software and paid ads.
He mentions that some of the tools are available for free but when you are talking about free they normally come with limitations.
Module #3-#5 – Launch Jacking
The method used and taught in this course is launch jacking so modules 3 to 5 are going to be the important ones that you will need to pay particular attention to.
Launch Jacking is a marketing technique that you can use effectively to promote what it is that you are promoting through promoting someone else’s product.
Which we have covered earlier in this review.
Module #6 – The Soft Launch
In this module, Jono teaches you how to create a product or course and use a method known as a soft launch.
This is obviously a previous step to the full-blown launch and if done correctly according to Jono, you can make sales.
Module #7 – Email Marketing
Email marketing is another method that you can use to create a passive income stream but this can take time to build.
Jono is a big advocate of this method and works best when you have a large list of people.
This module covers the whole process, from how to build a list to communicating with your subscribers to instil trust.
Module #8 – Actual Product Launch
In this module, you are taught how to successfully launch a product.
There are many ways you can do this and you have to get it just right otherwise you can miss out on so much revenue.
Module #9 -PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising
Without traffic you don’t have a business and whilst there are 2 methods the one used in the Ministry of Freedom is the paid method.
This is an important module because this is where most of your costs are going to be situated.
There are several bonuses that come with this training course
Bonus #1 – Jono personally send you sale 2x per week
Bonus #2 – Done for you super funnels
Bonus #3 – Free $100 promo campaign credit
Bonus #4 – Done for you initial system setup
Bonus #5 – 2 for 1 system access
Bonus #6 – Ultimate launch booster
Bonus #7 – Joint venture profit accelerator
Who is Ministry of Freedom For?
Ministry of Freedom is designed for the complete beginner who is looking to learn how to create their own digital products.
With how to complete a soft launch followed by a full launch for maximum exposure.
This type of business is probably not going to appeal to many as the normal course of action would be to learn how affiliate marketing works first.
Spend some time working out how this works followed by (maybe) creating your own product at a later date.
But with so many of these really bad products out there, it’s just difficult if not impossible to come up with the right idea.
Ministry of Freedom Price And Discounts
As of this Ministry of Freedom review, Jona Armstrong’s training course will set you back $1,497.
Which can be paid across three equal payments each costing you $797 which equates to $2,391 and that’s an increase of $894.
We noticed when we went to pay for the course that there was supposed to be a discount of $294.
But that didn’t materialize when we got to the official page payment page.
You’ll get access to the training material and access to the private Facebook group but you will have to set aside additional costs for tools.
Are There Any Upsells With The Ministry of Freedom?
If you have had any experience with Jona’s products in the past then you will know that all his products were very cheap.
But they all came with a bunch of upsells which the Ministry of Freedom doesn’t which did surprise me.
Are There Any Discounts With The Ministry of Freedom?
Well according to the image above, there should have been a $294 discount but that certainly didn’t materialize.
Are There Any Hidden Costs With The Ministry of Freedom?
There is a mention of setting aside costs for tools that you will need to make this all work which was around $200/month.
- Tracking software – $30+ a month
- Clickfunnels for creating sales funnels – $80+ a month
- Autoresponder for email marketing – $35+ a month
- Paid ads – $100 – $200 a month
As you can see the costs are a little different to what Jono suggests.
The costs that you could expect to pay are between $2,940 and $4,140
Is There A Refund Policy With The Ministry of Freedom?
Well according to the initial sales page there is but comes with stipulations and one of those is that you have to have launched a product of your own on Warrior plus. Well, good luck with that one!
But wait, because when you get to the payment page it tells another story.
Right there in black and white (Sale is final. No Refunds.)
Here are a few similar courses that you might like to check out but do not discard Udemy…
Udemy – Lead Generation Empire
Is Ministry of Freedom a Scam?
However, there are plenty of disgruntled people out there who have paid their money and when they tried to get a refund they were refused.
If they had read the small print first then they would have known prior to purchasing, that a refund was not on the cards.
There is obviously a lot of interest as we can tell by looking at the private Facebook group where we can see over 5k members.
I am not saying that Jona Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom is a scam but I wouldn’t recommend this product to anybody.
According to the sales page, you are getting over $45,000 worth of training for $1,497 and I bet you think that is a great deal.
But just think for a minute!
Why would anybody give so much value away for very little in return?
It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, but this kind of tactic works on complete beginners.
I much prefer to be in full control of my own destiny which is what this training platform allows you to do here.
Ministry of Freedom Student Reviews – What Others Say About Ministry of Freedom
I don’t know about you but this was a reply to the Trustpilot review and does that look like it comes from a professional person?
You seriously aren’t going to believe that the above earned that much with Jono’s program are you?
Can You Make Money With Ministry of Freedom?
Yes, you can make money with the Ministry of Freedom but it is not going to be easy and I would definitely say.
That making $10k within 60 days is not going to happen.
Having said that though, with the right mindset and determination anything is possible.
A much better alternative would be joining someone like Wealthy Affiliate as they have been successful since 2005 and cost a fraction of what it will cost you at the Ministry of Freedom.
What we Like About The Ministry of Freedom
- Jono Armstrong has been rewarded by Jvzoo for being the top affiliate for 2019 but the products that he is responsible for and somewhat lacking.
What we Don’t Like About The Ministry of Freedom
- Overpriced and lacks depth.
- He claims that the goal is to get you earning $10,000 within 60 days and if you believe this then I’m afraid you are very much misinformed.
- Conflicting information when it comes to working out whether there is a money-back guarantee or not.
- No real third-party positive reviews from past and present students. The testimonials that you can find are on the sales page and can not be verified.
- The Ministry of Freedom private Facebook group has over 5k members with only 3 posts a day whilst the other Ministry of Freedom 2.0 Q&A has 2.5 thousand members with only 4 posts for the year.
- Hidden additional costs.
- Products that they recommend you promote are coming from Clickbank, Jvzoo and Warriorplus all of which are below-average quality.
This means that you will be promoting products to people that you have no faith in and is that the type of affiliate you want to portray?
- Paying for traffic is where most of your costs are going to end up going and getting this right is no easy task.
Ministry of Freedom – Final Thoughts!
Then no matter how that person tries, are you going to believe that the next product will be any better?
Well, after looking at a number of Jono Armstrong’s products in the past and realising that not one of them was worth purchasing.
Then I’m afraid that the Ministry of Freedom fell into that catchment.
If you want to learn affiliate marketing, then you really need to find a reputable mentor and training platform.
If you want to know more then please continue to read as we’d love to share with you how we make a living online.
Ministry of Freedom Alternative – How we Make Passive Income Online?
Affiliate marketing is without a doubt probably the best way to make money online.
Wealthy Affiliate can provide all the training and tools for a fraction of what it will cost you to join the Ministry of Freedom.
Furthermore, you can test-drive the system without it costing you a dime, and how many training platforms offer that? Very few, I can tell you!
I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to kiss goodbye to my 9-5 job.
Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.
The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.
Education and training, Web development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…
Ministry of Freedom Review – FAQs
Here we managed to put together a few questions that people are asking about the Ministry of Freedom in search engines.
- What Is The Ministry Of Freedom?
Jono Armstrong’s real crack at developing a more creditable training course as opposed to all the other failed products that you will come across.
He calls this a three-part underground earning system that no other product owner is showing, but I’m not so sure about that.
- Is Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom Worth The Money?
If you are a complete beginner in affiliate marketing and want to learn how to build an online business then this probably isn’t a good fit for you.
Some students are having success as can be seen in the private Facebook group but do you really want to be promoting poor-quality products from WarriorPlus?
- Is There A Refund Policy In Place?
There might have been a refund policy at some point but as of this review, it is a little misleading.
But that was with a set of stipulations which you had to comply with and even though it still states this on the actual refund guarantee
You only find out on the actual payment screen where it tells you there is no refund at all.
- Would You Recommend Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom?
Not for a complete beginner and whilst I do agree that affiliate marketing is probably the best way to make money only.
You have to find a training platform something like Wealthy Affiliate where you can learn everything.
- How Long Will It Take For Me To See Success?
Success as an affiliate marketer can come in many ways but what you are not going to be doing if you purchase Ministry of Freedom?
That is earning at least $10k within 60 days.
I know only too well how long it can take as a complete beginner.
- Is Jono Armstrong Real And Legit?
He is very real and claims to have made millions as an affiliate marketer and this can be confirmed to a certain degree by looking on WarriorPlus.
He is also a bit of a joker and it has been noted that he has come out and declared that he is a scammer, so what is all that about?
Feedback, Comments And Subscribe
So, what did you think? Did we cover all the important facts? Are you a current member of Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom?
Tell us what you thought about this Jono Armstrongs Ministry of Freedom Review in the comments section below.
Thank you for your time, take care and stay safe!