Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review – Is Darren Hardy the Real Deal?

Darren Hardy Jumpstart ReviewHey Guys, welcome to the Darren Hardy Jumpstart review

Jumpstart, is a new addition to his self-motivational series of books and digital products that can be found on his website.

If you are familiar with The Compound Effect then Jumpstart is the next step and shows you how to implement the principles in that book.

We’d also like to make you aware that we are not associated with Darren Hardy in any way.

That means what you’ll get from us is an honest account of what the course is all about along with some background of Darren himself.

That way you will be able to decide whether to pursue Jumpstart further.

If you are wondering whether Jumpstart is worth the money or whether it’s just another self-improvement scam that you see all over the net.

Then you are definitely in the right place and in the next few minutes will know more about Jumpstart along with Darren Hardy.

So, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review - Logo

Product: Jumpstart

Founder: Darren Hardy

Website: https://store.darrenhardy.com/products/jumpstart.com

Product Description: 

Cost to join: $595.00

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: It all started with his book The Compound Effect which he had published in 2010 and is regarded by many as his best piece of work to date.

There are several other books and digital products to his name and they all follow the same pattern.

We see that the training course has come down in price from $995 to where it now but even with 40% discount we still feel that is expensive.

Especially when you can find courses and books online for a fraction of what it would cost you here.

Having said that though Darren is a very popular guy and very well regarded in the industry who is even friends with the man himself, Tony Robbins.

We have never paid for a course although we have read a few self-discipline books and whilst some were interesting they did nothing for us.

But we are sure there are many people who follow Darren and would get a lot of benefit from the material.

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Darren Hardy Jumpstart – TOC

    1. Who is Darren Hardy?
    2. What do they Teach at Jumpstart?
    3. What do you get with Jumpstart?
    4. Who is the Jumpstart For?
    5. How much does it cost to join Jumpstart?
    6. Darren Hardy Jumpstart FAQs
    7. Is Jumpstart a Scam?
    8. What we like about Jumpstart
    9. What we don’t like about Jumpstart
    10. Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review -Final Thoughts
    11. How we Make Money Online?
    12. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe


Who is Darren Hardy?

Darren Hardy is the product creator of Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review - Darren HardyJumpstart and is well known in business and the internet marketing industry.

He has a wealth of experience with over 25 years of success in the media industry as an advisor to CEOs.

A motivational speaker as well as a high-performance trainer.

In 2007 he became a publisher of Success magazine and Success Media.

He is also an author of a number of books and digital products.

Some of which are…

    • The Compound Effect
    • The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster
    • Living Your Best Year Ever
    • Darren Daily Journal
    • Jumpstart
    • Insane Productivity
    • The Entrepreneur Fastpass
    • Hero’s Journey
    • Business Masterclass

What do they Teach at Darren Hardy Jumpstart?

Jumpstart teaches the principles that are described in his popular book The Compound Effect.

By combining the operating system of the Compound Effect to help you Jumpstart your success and to transform your future.

This is what Darren calls the go-to-system which he uses to change behaviour, choices, and habits in line with your new goals.

Jumpstart is all about getting you on track and getting you to focus on what you would like to achieve.

At the end of the day, Jumpstart is all about getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with good ones.

Ok, we might be a little flippant here but having the right mindset is so important if you want to be successful in life.

These self-motivational courses aren’t so important if you are a confident person anyway.

These self-help courses never really change all that happens is the next person puts their own spin on it.

What Jumpstart will do is hopefully give you the confidence to go beyond your expectations.

High-fliers who are never happy and content with where they are in their lives should benefit more.

What do you get with Darren Hardy Jumpstart?

Darren Hardy Jumpstart Compounf Effect

As you can see by the image above, this is a six-week course which we have broken down for you below with a brief description of what to expect.

Week #1 – Results

I’m sure most people dream of why they are not living the life they would have liked.

In week one you will be discovering why you are not performing better than you thought you could.

Learning how to overcome our weaknesses.

We are all different and Darren identifies the right goals for you given your current circumstances.

Week #2 – Habits

Habits are what control our lives and learn to change those habits to take back control.

Learn how to identify new goals in week 2 that will help get you where you would like to be and how to get rid of bad habits and recreate new ones.

Week #3 – Behaviour

I think most people are aware that we have a subconscious side and that this is responsible for around 95% of our behaviour.

In week 3 Darren gives you advice and tips on how to take back control and eradicate behaviour patterns that hinder your progress.

Week #4 – Choices

We all have choices and life should be simple because there are only two possible outcomes.

However, we are easily distracted from the goals that we are trying to achieve.

In week 4, Darren helps you to uncover all that is holding you back and helps to set your environment which will support your success.

Week #5 – Consistency

The biggest stealer of your dreams, aspirations and goals is the lack of consistency.

In week 5 you will learn that success in anything that you do is based on just a few simple disciplines that are practised on a daily basis.

Darren shows you how to stay consistent and focused.

Week #6 – You

Negativity plays a major part in our lives and without you knowing it sometimes.

What you believe and think is always going to affect your outcome and the way that you behave and perform and subsequently shape your life.

In week six Darren will teach you how to overcome those negative thoughts and beliefs.

Once you believe in yourself then anything is possible.

What else do you get with The Jumpstart training course

Each week Darren will put together a different mentoring session for you.

You will also receive worksheets, guides and other bonus material.

Have access to Darren’s “A-Team” which is a group of professionals there ready to help and support you.

The membership entitles you to full access to the system for life so you can communicate with others to expand your knowledge.

Who Is Darren Hardy Jumpstart For?

Jumpstart is pretty much for everyone although you tend to find CEO’s and high-flying executives partaking in courses like this.

People who are never happy with their situation no matter how good it is.

Mind you, you are going to find people from all walks of life taking part in a course like this.

How Much Does It Cost To Join Darren Hardy Jumpstart?

The original cost of the Jumpstart training course was $995 and can still be found at that price depending on which site you are on.

The current cost as of this review is $595 which is a saving of 40% and you can find that site here.

Darren Hardy Jumpstart FAQs

  1. Is Darren Hardy’s Jumpstart Worth The $595?

It depends on who you really are and whether you need some form of motivation or self-improvement.

Some people really benefit from Jumpstart as can be seen amongst the many positive reviews that you can find.

However, we feel that this topic has been covered so many times by so many different people and can be found in books for a fraction of the cost.

Not only that but I like to be in control of who I am and where I am heading and not rely on someone else to show me.

  1. Can Jumpstart Be Paid By Instalments?

If you want to spread out the cost of the training then you can be paying 2 equal instalments of $299 spread across the first two months.

  1. Does Jumpstart Come With A Refund Policy?

It states on Darren’s own website that he will give you a 300% guarantee of your success.

If within 14 days you don’t think you will see three times what it has cost you for this course.

Then send him the completed work from the first two modules and he will gladly reimburse you.

  1. Is Darren Hardy Legit?

In the world of self-improvement, there are many who follow Darren and his methods.

He is a motivational speaker and author of several books as well as digital products that he sells.

He has his own YouTube channel with over 200 videos giving out free advice and with over 66k subscribers, so I think we can say he is legit.

  1. What Can I Expect To Gain From Jumpstart?

Well, that really depends on what you are looking for.

It’s all about having the right mindset to do whatever you desire in life.

If you suffer from confidence then this course might help to a certain degree but you are still going to have to push yourself.

If you are normally a confident person then a course like Jumpstart may not be for you.

  1. Is There A Better Solution That You Could Recommend?

There are plenty of these self-improvement training courses but why not check out Darren’s YouTube channel first.

Now you have the confidence then why not start an online business about something you love doing?

Is Jumpstart a Scam?

Is Jumpstart a scam? Definitely not because there are thousands, possibly millions of people benefiting from self-improvement courses just like this.

Darren is well regarded within the business industry and has had plenty of success and whilst it might be for some it isn’t for us.

However, the course is well received and if you take a look at his other books and digital products then they are too.

If you have a spare $595 and you feel you need a confidence boost then go for it.

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What we like about Darren Hardy Jumpstart

  • Self-Improvement Courses Do Work For Some:

Many people swear by taking some form of self-discipline course and if it works for them, then who are we to say otherwise.

  • Darren Hardy Is A Legit Person Who Knows His Stuff:

He does have a big following and his books are flying off the shelves.

He has nearly 1 million followers on his Facebook page and has over 65k subscribers on his YouTube channel.

  • The Course Does Come With A 14 Day Money Back Guarantee:

We have noticed in a few Jumpstart reviews that there didn’t appear to be a money-back guarantee however that is not the case as you can see below.

Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review - Refund Policy

  • What we don’t like about the Darren Hardy Jumpstart

  • No Training Beyond This Course:

The course claims that it is going to help you achieve your goals which also means t your

  • Darren Hardy Jumpstart Review – Final Thoughts!

Well, what did you guys think?

Some people think the course is a little on the expensive side but what would it cost for a similar course with someone like Tony Robbins?

As we have already mentioned these courses work for some to get you in the right mindset.

But what happens after that?

If it’s a promotion in your job that you are after or another job. then the principles in this course when applied might give you confidence.

But at the end of the day, you are still going to have to go out and fight for that job.

Where to Now?

If you are looking for a method that is probably the best for creating a passive income then we believe affiliate marketing is that method.

You can start it on a very low budget and there are no restrictions as you can promote anything you’d like.

The training platform is owned by Wealthy Affiliate who since 2005 has seen over 2 million.

Check it out and see what you think, it won’t cost you a dime and you won’t even be asked for your credit card details.

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Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you enjoyed this Darren Hardy Jumpstart review and that you are now in a better place to make a decision one way or the other.

If you have any questions, don’t forget to add them in the section below.

Thank you for being so patient and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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