Is Rapid Profit Package a Scam – One you should stay away from!

is Rapid Profit PAckage a scamHey Guys, welcome to the Rapid Profit Package a Scam

If you are here looking for an honest review of what Rapid Profit Package is all about then you are definitely in the right place.

Before we get started though, we would just like to declare that we are in no way affiliated with Rapid Profit Package.

What we promise is an honest unbiased review with all the facts so that you can determine whether this is legit or one to stay away from.

So let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: The Rapid Profit Package Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

is Rapid Profit PAckage a scam - Logo

Product: Rapid Profit Package

Founder: Hard to establish


Product Description: Affiliate marketing course

Cost to join: $37, $27, $17

Recommended: No

Summary: The Rapid Profit Package is a program that is very vague on what it offers and the only way to find out is to pay your money.

That alone should tell you not to go anywhere near this program in the first place.

The internet is literally full of scams and you have to be very careful, and reading websites like the one you are on here is definitely a good start.

Since this website was created to help people like you find only legit make money opportunities.

Nothing that is disclosed within this very poor sales presentation will lead you to make the big bucks.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Rapid Profit Package Review – TOC

    1. What is Rapid Profit Package About?
    2. Who is the Owner of the Rapid Profit Package?
    3. What do they teach at Rapid Profit Package?
    4. Who is the Rapid Profit Package For?
    5. How much does it cost to join the Rapid Profit Package?
    6. Is the Rapid Profit Package a Scam?
    7. Rapid Profit Package Pros and Cons
    8. The Rapid Profit Package Review -Final Thoughts
    9. How we make Passive Income Online?
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is the Rapid Profit Package About?

There are so many make money online programs out there that many of them are often called the same or similar names.

Which can be extremely frustrating.

When we first came across the Rapid Profit Package we actually thought it was an updated version of a similar product, called Rapid Profit System.

However, they are totally different products, in fact, the Rapid Profit System is a legit program by Melinda and Omar Martin.

Which is a training program in affiliate marketing which is a legitimate way of making money online and one we would recommend 100%.

On the other hand, the Rapid Profit Package sale presentation tells you nothing about how the system works.

All you get is a lot of fluff about how much you can earn by joining the Rapid Profit Package.

The person talks about how he struggled and even tried online surveys until he came across a method which is affiliate marketing.

Although he never mentions the term, we can just see that his secret method as he calls it is about promoting products from Clickbank.

Clickbank is an affiliate network where you can sign up for free and promote products and services.

Now, let me tell you many years ago Clickbank had many great products and services that you could make money from.

Nowadays those great products and services are nowhere to be seen on Clickbank because it is literally full of poor quality products.

But the sales pitch doesn’t explain any of this so we checked a little deeper and found that the website also promotes a drop shipping course.

This is a free ebook and drop shipping course.

A little confusing we know and this is priced at $47 and not the $37 which is what it is priced at from the actual sales presentation.

Who is the owner of the Rapid Profit Package?

What we see so often with this type of sales representative is the total lack of anything that would benefit you except for some figures thrown around.


Now don’t get me wrong but earning this sort of money is dream money and it can be done except not in the manner they portray in this sales video.

As for who is responsible for this product is anybody’s guess, because currently, this person is Walter Conway.

But in earlier reviews of this product, you can find Greg Thomas mentioned as the person responsible for Rapid Profit Package.

We have come across this many times where they don’t use their real names and why is that you may ask?

Simply because they do not want any negative feedback or anything that relates to their real persona, which indicates a definite scam.

What do they teach at Rapid Profit Package?

The sales presentation is very vague so anyone who is looking for a make money online opportunity isn’t going to find out through the sales pitch.

It’s only if you have a certain level of experience that you can work part of the story out.

So part of the story is affiliate marketing which there is no mention about.

The other part and that is with doing a little further research that we found is about dropshipping.

So for anybody who is new to the make money online opportunity you are probably (maybe) going to fall for the BS and the only way to find out.

Who is the Rapid Profit Package For?

We are going to be completely blunt here and tell you that the Rapid Profit Package is really for nobody.

As we have already mentioned it is supposed to teach affiliate marketing and/or drop shipping.

We don’t about you but we like to know exactly what we are going to get before we spend our money and not the other way around pay our money first.

How much does it cost to join the Rapid Profit Package?

On the actual sales page, it states that the original price started at $197 but has been heavily discounted to where it is now at $37.

Now when you get to the actual payment page, just by moving your cursor as if you were going to go back.

Then the price will drop first to $27 and then $17.

What does that tell you about the product?

Well, it should tell you to move on to the next product and forget this one because he mentions that he should be selling this for thousands.

Here you can get it for $17.

It does however come with a 60-day full refund but I wouldn’t hold your breath about getting your money back.

Is the Rapid Profit Package a Scam?

When it comes to this section we very rarely label service or product as a scam but I’m afraid this comes very close and has all the hallmarks of one.

There is nothing about this program that would ever lead us to recommend this to anyone.

OK, you could go ahead and ignore what we are telling you and test it out for yourself, after all, it will only cost you only $37 and there is a full refund.

However, we wouldn’t trust that you could ever get your money back.

We found out through our research that the person who is supposedly responsible is one of two people but they are only names.

The reason why they don’t give you their real name is that they don’t want any comebacks.

If you want to learn affiliate marketing which is the route we would recommend then find a legit program that you can trust such as…

Rapid Profit Package Pros and Cons

There really wasn’t anything we liked about Rapid Profit Package.


  • The Refund Policy:

The only thing that anybody can take away from this program is that there is a 90-day money-back guarantee.

That’s providing you can get your money back


  • Unknown Owners:

As we have already mentioned, often with this type of “so-called” opportunity they refuse to add their real names.

This is so that you can’t research any previous history of that person so that they can just keep on doing the same thing over and over again and again.

  • No Real Mention Of What This Offer Is Actually About:

Only because we have experience in this type of thing did we find out what it was about which was affiliate marketing and drop shipping.

However, there was no mention of either in the sales presentation.

The Rapid Profit Package Review – Final Thoughts!

OK, guys, there was not a lot to report about the Rapid Profit Package, well nothing positive anyway.

We hope this review has helped you in some way and that you got some benefit.

Sorry if we didn’t have anything positive to say about this program but we do have something positive to say set aside from this program.

If it’s still an online opportunity then we’d love to share with you what we do in the next section.

How we make Passive Income Online?

We mentioned earlier that affiliate marketing is probably one of the best ways to make money online for many reasons.

Such as…

    • Very cost-effective and can be started on a very low budget
    • Anybody can learn this and requires no techie know-how
    • You can promote any product and service you like
    • You do not handle the customer orders
    • Can be done anywhere and all you need is a laptop and internet

Check it out yourself and if it’s not for you then call it a day and it won’t cost you a dime.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Thanks for hanging around to the end of this Rapid Profit Package review and even if there wasn’t really anything passive to say.

You did at least find this website and hopefully, we can guide you in the right direction.

If you need to ask us anything then feel free to ask away and we will get back to you at some point.

Once again thanks and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

5 thoughts on “Is Rapid Profit Package a Scam – One you should stay away from!”

  1. Hello everyone here. I’m Ana by name. I went into biticoin trade during the pandemic. But unfortunatly i fell into the wrong hands. i lost almost all my life savings working with a trading platform i met online. I was fustrated to the point i could keep it to myself. i shared my experience with my best friend who intruduced me to Mr David.. luckly enough i discover forex trade is the best business one can ever imagine. For legit business, contact him on “” or Whatsapp on “+1 929 263 4805.

  2. I am looking for a job, but I cannot find where I can get a application to fill out, I would love to work from home.

    1. Hey Cheryl, thanks for the question and this is what we all strive to do…But, the million-dollar question is what to do, right? Rapid Profit is not something that we would recommend but finding the right training and starting your own business would be the right way to go. I tried a few years back going from one thing to the other until I decided to build my own online business. This is something to seriously consider and the best way in our eyes is through affiliate marketing. This allows you to work from anywhere and free up your own life. Check out the link and see what you think and if this is something that might interest you then shoot me a line. It is not difficult but would take a considerable amount of work on your part.

  3. Hi,
    Are there very many “LEGIT” programs out there for beginners to make a decent income from home that actually provide all information needed and not leave newbies frustrated having little to NO success? If so, which would you recommend?

    1. Hi Monica and thank you for stopping by and reading one of our reviews.

      As for guiding you in the right direction in order to earn money online, I’m sure are very aware that there is a very large percentage of “so-called” programs/schemes that do nothing more than take your money off you.

      This website hopes to make people like yourself aware of the pitfalls that you will come across when searching for ways to make money online.

      My suggestion to you is to find some proper training from a reputable online company. There are quite a few out there but you have to dig deep and do your own research.

      I for one joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2017 and am still there. They have been around since 2005 and helped well over 2 million to start their online business.

      You can check them out for free here.

      I think you will be suitably surprised at just how thorough the training platform is and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

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