Welcome to The AZ Millionaire Method Review
A product brought to the market by Ryan Ford, with claims that you could be earning within a year as much as $1 million from just the one website.
Those are bold claims from a SECRET method, but to find out you are going to have to release some of your hard-earned cash.
We all want to be millionaires, right?
So maybe The Millionaire Method is just what you have been waiting for, I mean it says so in the title so it must be right.
We have recently reviewed several products that have made similar claims and they were found to be totally incorrect.
It’s great that you are researching this type of product first and it shows that you are serious about finding legit money-making opportunities.
That way you are sure to avoid wasting your time but more importantly your money.
Don’t worry, we are not affiliated with the Millionaire Method in any way and we are not going to pitch you this system.
However, we will be giving you the rundown about what this product has to offer so that you can make an educated decision one way or the other.
So, let’s get right into it.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This AZ Millionaire Method Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
AZ Millionaire Method Review – Summary
Product: AZ Millionaire Method
Founder: Ryan Ford
Product Description:
Website: www.azmillionairemethod.com
Price of product: $37.00 but currently at $7.00, plus upsells.
Recommended: No
Summary: The product creator, Ryan Ford claims that you can be earning as much as $3000 on your very first day and within an hour of signing up.
In fact, he goes on to tell you about 3 people who became millionaires within a year using the AZ Millionaire Method.
Outrageous claims, but you are supposed to believe them.
There is no SECRET like Ryan claims, to making money online as an affiliate marketer but still, he wants you to believe what he is saying is true.
The training, when you get inside, is nothing more than some basic information that you can find anywhere online for free.
As of this review, you can purchase this product for a heavily discounted price of $7 which is a hook to get you in and once in you will be hit with several upsells.
However, if you are seriously looking for training that really delivers on so many levels then check out the link below.

AZ Millionaire Method Review – TOC
- What is AZ Millionaire Method about and who are the Founders?
- How does AZ Millionaire Method Work?
- AZ Millionaire Method Features and Pricing
- Who is AZ Millionaire Method For?
- What We Like – AZ Millionaire Method Review
- What We Don’t Like – AZ Millionaire Method Review
- Is AZ Millionaire Method a SCAM or LEGIT?
- The AZ Millionaire Method Review: Final Thoughts!
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is AZ Millionaire Method about and who are the Founders?
The Millionaire Method is a training course that provides a SECRET METHOD where you could be earning as much as $3000 on the very first day.
In fact within 30 minutes, which are very bold claims, don’t you think?
The beauty of this method is that you do not even have to have any previous experience either. A complete newbie can do this!
Becoming a millionaire is the dream for most people and why wouldn’t you spend $37.00 to find out, well that’s what they want you to do.
Just think about it, if all we had to do was spend a few dollars and within a year we could become millionaires, then wouldn’t everybody be doing this?
In fact, if I was Ryan Ford then based on these claims I am already a millionaire then wouldn’t the right thing to do be to give this system away?
I know I would be doing that!
As it is, the Millionaire Method is a cash-generating system but only for the product creator himself and not because it works but because people like you and I will pay to find out.
I hate going on the offensive but its products like this that make me.
Just check out these products that we reviewed recently that follow a similar pattern.
Who is Ryan Ford?
Well, we couldn’t find any details of who Ryan Ford is so maybe it’s a pseudonym like so many of these products are.
Hiding behind fake names and fake testimonials which we’ll be looking at in a few minutes is not my idea of a legitimate product.
Those facts alone should tell you that maybe the AZ Millionaire Method isn’t what it suggested.
At the very least this should highlight a red-flag or two and get you to run to the hills.
I’m all for legitimate products that do what they say they will and the reason why I created this website, to help people like you find your way.
We all want to live the dream and for a few moments, products like this give us a little hope because we want to believe what is said.
Unfortunately, some people just do not have any scruples.
How does AZ Millionaire Method Work?
If you didn’t already know, the AZ Millionaire Method is a system that trains you in how to become an affiliate marketer.
Using Amazon (AZ) as the source for digital and physical products to promote where you can make a commission on sales that you make.
This is a done for you system where all you need to do is take 3 simple steps and within minutes will be earning consistent revenue.
But, I’m here to squash that theory because making money online (no matter what method it is) is not easy, take it from me.
For even an experienced affiliate marketer it is not easy so how difficult would it be for a complete beginner coming into this industry?
One thing you will not find and that’s experienced marketers paying for something like the AZ Millionaire Method.
So what do you get with this system?
Some basic information about affiliate marketing which you can find here for free.
[In fact, if you look on this website you can find a multitude of articles that discuss affiliate marketing for which I won’t charge you a cent.]
But, once you are inside the AZ Millionaire Method, you will be met with a few upsells that the product creator will lead you to believe are required.
So a product that you paid $7 for will all of a sudden end up costing you several hundred dollars and you will not be any wiser as to how this all works.
Just to wrap things up in this section and this is basically how it will work!
- Choose a niche, an interest or hobby if you like
- Create a domain…What your website will be called
- Create a website
- Join the Amazon Affiliate Program, which is FREE
- Create content about things that people are looking for in the search engines and use affiliate links from Amazon to promote products.
- Make a sale and get a commission from Amazon
- In a nutshell, that is it!
All this can be learned here and it won’t cost you a dime either.
One thing I have to agree with the creator of the AZ Millionaire Method and is that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living from.
Many are very successful with this business model as can be seen in this review.
$3000 a day or $90,000 a month are ridiculous claims, but $10,000+ a month is within everybody’s reach.
What the AZ Millionaire Method will do is set you up for failure but you don’t have to believe me.
A few failures, and it will mess with your head to the point that you may miss out on some great training that is out there and available.
The AZ Millionaire Method Features and Pricing
As of this review, the $37.00 price is discounted right down to $7 but from what we’ve seen here I wouldn’t even be spending that amount either.
It comes with a 13-page document which only is very basic.
There are however 2 additional upsells, costing $197 and $177 but if the initial product isn’t worth the investment then the upsells aren’t either.
AZ Millionaire Pro Method @ $197.00 – This is an addition to the initial product and if you thought making 1 million with this system is outrageous.
You’d certainly love this as it offers to make you double the $1 million.
AZ Millionaire Secret Gap @ $177.00 – Apparently this upsell claims to increase your traffic
Who is AZ Millionaire Method For?
The information that comes with the AZ Millionaire Method is pretty basic, to say the least.
Like I have already mentioned earlier, there is no way that you are going to become a millionaire using this system.
It may be that the product creator is a millionaire through selling this product but whether that glimpse of his account is even real is another question.
Although the name Ryan Ford is actually showing but it would maybe take me less than 10 minutes to create something like this.
So, really I don’t see this product for anybody and certainly not for complete beginners coming into the affiliate marketing space.
What We Like – AZ Millionaire Method Review
The only thing I could find that was positive about the AZ Millionaire Method is the money-back guarantee.
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Fortunately, as it is a ClickBank product that it comes with a money-back guarantee.
I would however check the small print to ensure that if you purchased the upsells that they are included in the refund.
Remember to make sure you get your refund early to avoid going beyond the cooling-off period.
What We Don’t Like – AZ Millionaire Method Review
Obviously, the amount of negative feedback far outweighs the positive one but tried to highlight the most important ones here.
- Misguided Information
As you have seen the sales presentation claims that you can be earning as much as $3000 a day, which is $90,000 a month.
By taking 3 simple steps.
Even the image below with a counter tries to convince you that there is a bunch of people waiting.
- Upsells and Basic Information
Unfortunately, all you are going to get from this product is basic information about affiliate marketing from a 13-page pdf.
There is however another couple of upsells that are available but the information doesn’t get much better.
- Where are the Reviews
For a system that according to the owner has made 3 members millionaires within the 12 months of using this secret method.
You’d think there would be reviews all over the internet but there aren’t.
- Fake Member Testimonials
Using actors for product presentations is more common than you thought.
This guy actually comes out and tells you he is being paid $5 when he is supposed to be mega-rich from using the AZ Millionaire Method.
You check on Fiverr here.
This person actually makes the AZ Millionaire Method video in the same location.
Is AZ Millionaire Method a SCAM or LEGIT?
The AZ Millionaire Method is widely regarded as a scam.
Here are several reasons why:
Unrealistic Income Claims: The program promises substantial earnings with minimal effort, often claiming users can make significant amounts of money quickly and easily.
Such claims are typically exaggerated and unrealistic.
Lack of Transparency: There is little to no transparency regarding how the method works or the strategies involved.
Genuine programs usually provide clear information on their methods and the effort required.
Fake Testimonials: Many testimonials used to promote the AZ Millionaire Method are often fabricated or from paid actors, which undermines the credibility of the program.
Hidden Costs and Upsells: While the initial cost may seem affordable, users often encounter hidden costs or are pressured into purchasing additional upsells to access the full features or supposed benefits of the program.
Poor Customer Support and Refunds: Users have reported difficulties in receiving refunds or obtaining adequate customer support when encountering issues with the program.
Given these factors, it’s advisable to approach the AZ Millionaire Method with caution.
It’s essential to conduct thorough research and consider more reputable and transparent methods for learning about online business and earning income
The AZ Millionaire Method Review: Final Thoughts!
This is a method that I seriously would not recommend, in fact, the less said about the AZ Millionaire Method the better.
However, if you are seriously interested in learning affiliate marketing by a company that has an excellent track record then I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate.
Everything you would ever want in a training platform is here, but what I will tell you is that you’ll not get any BS here either.
There are no promises of making you rich overnight and there is no mention of “get-rich-quick-schemes”, simply because there aren’t any.
What you will be told is that it takes a lot of hard work, but very rewarding for people who are really serious and put in the effort.
It will also cost you absolutely nothing at all to look around, which, in my eyes is a no brainer.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
I hope the AZ Millionaire Method review answered a lot of your questions and expectations.
If you feel it did and you enjoyed the review then feel free to share this amongst your friends and family.
If there are any questions about this review or anything in general then reach out to us and enter them in the section below.
We read all our readers comments and answer them all.
Whatever you decide to do, then good luck with whatever choices you make in life.
Until next time, stay safe.