Welcome to the AZ Sniper Review
Earning as much as $1,500 a day is the dreams of everyone.
Whilst earning this amount daily on Amazon is very possible because many super affiliates are doing this and more.
However, the owner is making some bold claims especially as he has absolutely no proof.
That said Amazon is the biggest retail outlet in the world with around 500 million products that you can choose from.
Promote, make a sale and be rewarded with commissions from Amazon.
It’s great that you are doing your due diligence which will help save you money in the long run.
So without further ado, let’s get right into this AZ Sniper review.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This AZ Sniper Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
AZ Sniper Review – Summary
Product: AZ Sniper
Founder: Stephen Ford
Product Description: Affiliate marketing
Website: www.azsniper.com
Price of product: $37 plus a number of upsells
Recommended: No
Summary: I can understand it when products like this make realistic claims about how much you can earn but AZ Sniper goes one step further.
They don’t pull any punches when it comes to the amount of money you can earn.
The money they claim you can earn is jaw-dropping.
How about earning $3k a day, or $40k in a month?
If that’s not enough, then maybe $510k will rock your boat.
These are bold claims coming from the owners of AZ Sniper.

AZ Sniper Review – TOC
What is AZ Sniper about and who are the Founders?
AZ Sniper is a product that claims that it can help you earn as much as $1,500 each day using Amazon as the primary source.
The truth is that the sales presentation doesn’t give that much away.
As far as sales videos go, the presenter pulls out all the stops when it comes to marketing tricks in what is around 20 minutes.
I am not saying that the story told is a lie, but I have seen this type of sales presentation more times than I care to remember.
Making bold claims while all along there is no concrete proof and no real explanation of how you will be earning this amount of money.
However, if you have a spare 20 minutes then maybe you’d like to go through the presentation yourself.
Who is Stephen Ford?
Well, we are going to have to take on the services of a private detective to find out just who Stephen Ford is.
It’s not uncommon for product creators to hide behind an alias and there is nothing wrong with that.
Some very famous people do it.
The person in the video actually introduces himself as Stephen Ford and the owner and creator of AZ Sniper.
Other than that we don’t have much to go on as to whether he is Stephen Ford or not.
How does AZ Sniper Work?
The sales presentation makes it clear that the product is all based around using Amazon products to generate your income.
What isn’t clear is just how and what you will be doing to make this happen.
I guess that to find this out then you are going to have to purchase the product.
What we do know is that you will be using the affiliate marketing model.
So, is it possible to earn $1,500 a day through Amazon?
You bet it is!
I personally know someone new to affiliate marketing who actually had a $30k/month.
Many do and much more but I don’t personally use Amazon for my business.
The process is very straightforward but takes a lot of hard work.
- Decide on a niche
- Create a website
- Create content based on the information people are looking for
- Add affiliate links to the content…From the likes of Amazon, Walmart…
- Earn revenue
Reading between the lines, AZ Sniper will be about providing a dedicated website based around Amazon products.
Just what this will look like or what products it will promote is anybody’s guess.
So What Actually Comes with your Purchase?
Well, actually not a lot.
After you have listened to Stephens story from rags to riches then if you were convinced you might want to purchase AZ Sniper.
But before you do that, wait!
What you get are some PDF documents describing how to do affiliate marketing using Amazon.
This is what you will be met with when you sign into the system.
It’s still not giving much away, right?
- Introduction
This is where you’ll find there is no website like you thought, but a link to host your website that you haven’t even created yet.
Then there’s an invite to a workshop which is absolutely nothing to do with AZ Sniper.
Super Affiliate System by John Crestani.
- AZ Sniper Main Guide
In this guide, you will find information about becoming an affiliate marketer.
- AZ Sniper X
Is a 10-page document that explains how to set up a WordPress site.
- Sniper Plus
A 38-page document that goes into a bit of detail about what is required to start a YouTube channel and how to go about creating videos.
- Secret Method
Is a document that briefly goes into what SEO is, how it works and what it takes to drive traffic to your website.
There is no secret about this at all!
All basic stuff here can be found anywhere on the internet for free.
AZ Sniper Features and Prices
Most products unfortunately come with upsells that you aren’t aware of until you have made your purchase.
It’s sometimes difficult to know whether you will need the upsell but more than often these upsells are the missing links.
To how the whole process works.
The low initial price is only a hook to get you in there but the sales funnels are there to ensure you empty your wallet.
So once you have listened to the sales pitch and decided to pay your initial fee of $37.00.
You will be met with 3 upsells, $197.00, $177.00 and $67.00.
So your initial investment of $37.00 has now turned into $478.00.
Take it from me many fall for this.
Who is AZ Sniper For?
After what I have seen, I can honestly recommend that you stay well away from AZ Sniper.
Nowadays the internet is just full of crap like this.
These “done-for-you” systems seem to be all the rage and they all tend to make unrealistic claims
If you are a newbie to making money online then this is not for you as all this will do is send you down the wrong path.
It will leave you with a bad taste and hinder your research and probably stop you from trying legit business opportunities.
What We Like – AZ Sniper Review
I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that I’m not a fan of AZ Sniper, in fact, I am not a fan of these “done for you” systems full stop.
However, there is a couple of things that struck me about this product.
- Money-back guarantee
There is a 60-day money-back guarantee so your investment is sort of protected.
Remember this though and that’s if you happened to purchase any upsells, they are not included in the refund.
- A legit way of making money online
Affiliate marketing is a very popular way of making money online, and whilst it is a simple business strategy.
People in their droves fail for all sorts of reasons and one of the main reasons is falling for products like this.
What I don’t like about AZ Sniper
There are so many negative things I could say about AZ Sniper but like always I will hit on the important ones.
I have seen so many bad products in the past and AZ Sniper is right up there with them.
- Fake testimonials
Thankfully, I haven’t come across this too often but it does happen and when it does that’s when you should hit the back button.
This should alone give you enough evidence that the product could well be a scam.
- Hidden costs
There is nothing worse than researching a product thoroughly and believing that what you are paying is legit.
Only for you to be hit with upsell after upsell which is what you get with AZ Sniper.
I’m sure many get caught out and think that these upsells are required because often that’s what the product creators let you believe.
So here we have a product that costs $37.00 but if you are not careful can end up costing over $400.00.
- Where are the reviews and testimonials
If the product was so good then you’d expect to find testimonials all over the internet.
After all, if someone was earning $40k a month using AZ Sniper then I’m sure people would be bragging about it, right?
As it is there only appears to be Stephen Ford who is making money with AZ Sniper and I guess not through using the system but from selling it to people like you and me.
- Unconfirmed income results
The one big selling factor when promoting these products are the income claims which of course nobody can prove.
That said, people must believe what they are been told otherwise there would be a total lack of products that went to market.
- Information lacking about the product creator
Part of my research when considering a product is to find out as much information about the product creator.
Unfortunately with AZ Sniper, we can’t find any info on Stephen Ford.
That for me is a big red flag.
Is AZ Sniper a SCAM or LEGIT?
Everything about AZ Sniper tells me that it should be a scam.
From the fake testimonials to ridiculous income claims with absolutely no proof.
However, you do get something for your money and that is some pdf documents that give you some information albeit very brief.
Ask the question, why AZ Sniper no longer is promoted on Clickbank but another affiliate network, namely ClickBetter?
If you check the AZ Sniper disclaimer you will see that they have forgotten to change the product name.
How unprofessional is that? AZ Code should be AZ Sniper!
Must be that AZ Code is another one of Stephen Fords.
AZ Sniper Review: Final Thoughts!
I think we can agree that AZ Sniper is not the right product if you are new and looking for a way to earn money online.
Why would anybody pay for something, when that same information is readily available on the internet for free?
I know going through Youtube videos and trying to work it all out is not what you want to do because there is so much misinformation.
After all, you are looking for genuine people with genuine products.
Unfortunately, it’s products like this that give genuine products a bad name and stop people from trying them out.
Even if you did purchase this product there would come a time, sooner rather than later that you’d have to go looking for additional information.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
I hope you got something out of this AZ Sniper review and that you are now in a better position than you were when you first started your research.
Maybe you have already tried AZ Sniper, in which case we’d love to hear about your experience.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to add them in the comments section below and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.
Feel free to check out more reviews on this site.
Until next time, stay safe.