Drone Launch Academy Review – One Of The Better Training Platforms We Have Come Across!

drone launch Academy Review

Welcome to my Drone Launch Academy Review 

Today we are going to be taking a look at a training platform that gets you ready for your drone pilot’s license.

So, if you are thinking about setting up a drone business in the commercial sector this could be just what you have been looking for.

In the last decade, drones have become so popular with indoor drones that cost a few dollars through to commercial drones that can cost you thousands.

So drones and their needs have come a very long way and there are many out there making a very good living in the commercial sector.

But whereas you can fly a drone as a hobby anywhere within reason without a certificate you do need one for commercial purposes.

There are many companies out there offering this sort of training and one of the better companies is the one we are reviewing today.

But, we are here today to show how Drone Launch Academy stacks up, the level of courses available and how much money you can earn.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Drone Launch Academy Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Drone Launch Academy – Summary

Product: Drone Launch Academy

Founder: David Young

Website: www.dronelaunchacademy.com

Product Description: This training platform is for anybody looking to get into the commercial sector as a drone pilot.

Cost to join: $49 – $2,000

Recommended: Yes

Summary: Not many of you out there will think of the benefits of becoming a drone pilot but surprisingly there is a lot of money to be earned.

There are endless uses for drones from taking aerial shots to examining building structures.

But the big money earners are drone pilots who work in surveying and mapping.

As we have already mentioned drones are very popular nowadays but more as a hobby but getting more popular as a business.

Maybe this could be a business venture to look into.

This is quite a niche opportunity at the moment, but it is getting more and more popular and certainly worth looking at.

Drone Launch Academy – TOC

    1. What is Drone Launch Academy About?
    2. Who is The Founder?
    3. What do You Get With Drone Launch Academy??
    4. Drone Launch Academy Costs And Refunds
    5. Is Drone Launch Academy Worth it?
    6. Drone Launch Academy Student Reviews
    7. Drone Launch Academy – PROs
    8. Drone Launch Academy – CONs
    9. The Final Verdict
    10. What we do For a Living
    11. Drone Launch Academy Review – FAQs
    12. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

What is Drone Launch Academy About?

Drone Launch Academy is a training platform for people who are looking to venture into the drone commercial sector.

In other words, people who are looking at setting up their own drone business.

The training platform initially started as a side gig with just one course and gave you the basics to qualify as a drone pilot.

The FAA Part 107 course allows you to fly drones in the commercial sector.

The focus was on getting this course out to market and whilst Young tried several marketing methods which weren’t successful.

Not until he decided to reach out to affiliate marketers and it was at that time that things started to change.

After Jones had success with this course he decided to add additional courses and today you can find 9 courses and various prices.

The business has gone from strength to strength and current revenue is between $40k – £60k a month.

The training platform has really taken off which helps when you see the team that he has behind him who are from all walks of life and even the air force.

For more details check out their Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Who is The Founder of Drone Launch Academy?

David Young is the founder of the Drone Launchdrone launch Academy Review - David Young Academy which started way back in 2016 and was started as a side gig.

But quickly went from zero earnings to $50k a month, which was all in the first 24 months.

His main career at the time was working for the FBI as a financial analyst and forensic accountant.

There is an interview that you can find here which is brought to by a friend of Young’s.

What do You Get With Drone Launch Academy?

Drone Launch Academy offers nine online courses in all. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Before you even start thinking about investing in the FAA Part 107 exam you can get a feel for the exam by subscribing to the book for free.

You can do that by clicking the link here and scrolling down to the part of the webpage where can subscribe.

FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course

drone launch Academy Review - Course comparison

Drone Business Mastery

Aerial Photo Pro

Aerial Video A to Z

Aerial Roof Inspection Pro

Drone Mapping And Modeling Fundamentals

Drones 101

Mavic Mini 101

Mavic Mini 2 Mastery

For a complete rundown and full description of each course then we would suggest checking here.

Drone Launch Academy Costs And Refunds

CostingThe course prices vary considerably and all down to how serious you are about starting a drone business.

Many will think the costs are steep but to be a commercial drone pilot does require at least the FAA 107 certificate.

Here are the prices which range from $49 – $1,595 remember that internal taxes will need to be taken into consideration…

    • FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course – $199
    • Drone Business Mastery – $1,595
    • Aerial Photo Pro – $249
    • Aerial Video A to Z – $397
    • Aerial Roof Inspection Pro – $499
    • Drone Mapping And Modeling Fundamentals – $399
    • Drones 101 – $49
    • Mavic Mini 101 – $49
    • Mavic Mini 2 Mastery – $49
Can You Pay For Drone Launch Academy With Instalments?

Unfortunately not, the full amount including taxes will have to be paid upfront.

Are There Any Upsells With Drone Launch Academy?

No, but you may think that you need to take additional courses to strengthen the business and make you more marketable.

Is There A Free Trial With Drone Launch Academy?

There is no free trial available.

Are There Any Additional Costs We Should Factor Into This Opportunity?

The main costs are going to be which drone or drones you decide to purchase which can cost as much as $10k and more.

Having said that as drones have come a long way in just a few years a drone around $1500 would be sufficient and more capable of taking on the task.

There would be a liability and product insurance that you are going to need to take out especially as the drone may be several thousand dollars.

Does Drone Launch Academy Come With A Refund?

There is a refund policy which applies to the FAA Part 107 Exam which comes with conditions.

If you manage to complete all the modules of the course and score 80% or higher within 7 days but then fail the exam you are eligible for a refund.

The company “Drone Launch Academy” will cover the cost of retaking the exam.

That’s how confident they are that everyone will pass the course!

Is Drone Launch Academy Worth it?

scamsFor anybody who is looking to start a drone business in the commercial sector, there are plenty of choices out there to get qualified.

Drone Launch Academy is definitely one of the better training platforms out there and a plus is that they will pay for your retest that’s if you fail.

That surely has to be a big plus when the actual course costs $175.

You can also find as of this review 9 courses in total to enhance your flying capabilities as a drone pilot.

There is also a number of resources related to drones, like individual networks, insurance, repairs, legal, flight management etc

If you are thinking of investing heavily in your training then there is the Drone Business Master course for around $1500.

Overall, we think the Drone Launch Academy is well worth the money and you won’t be disappointed.

Absolutely it is and is backed up by a vast number of positive reviews that can be found internally on their website as well as externally.

Drone Launch Academy Student Reviews

There are plenty of reviews to be found on the DLA website but guess what they are of a positive nature.

I am not trying to say that these reviews can’t be trusted, you just need to be wary that only positive reviews will make it on there.

You just have a tread carefully when checking out reviews from people for any course and at the end of the day making a judgement call.

We were disappointed that we couldn’t find any reviews on Trustpilot but we did come across some on the Indeed website.

They use a star rating system and come out at 4.9/5 but that is based on only a few reviews and here are some to look at…

drone launch Academy Review - Indeed review #1drone launch Academy Review - Indeed review #2

drone launch Academy Review - Indeed review #3

drone launch Academy Review - Indeed review #4

Drone Launch Academy – PROs

  • The Founder Is Legit?

We believe that David Young is a competent founder which I think we have managed to portray.

You can read an interview about how David started this venture which did start as a side gig until he realised that he had hit on something good.

He did spend some time in the FBI as an analyst and forensic accountant so that alone should put him in good stead.

Drone Launch Academy – CONs

We couldn’t really find anything negative about the founder or this training platform.

The Final Verdict – Drone Launch Academy Reviews

Drone Launch is an online school that prepares you for a career as a drone pilot in the commercial sector.

For anybody looking to venture into this business in the US, you will need to take the Part 107 pilot’s license.

This is the main focus but as you can see there are additional courses on this training platform to better your skills.

The training is very well received and has some good feedback and is supported by a strong qualified team.

The training platform not only focuses on the Part 107 certificate but has a host of other useful courses.

Not to mention there are podcasts that are delivered by experts in this field covering a whole range of disciplines that you will find useful.

Drone Launch Academy definitely a training platform we would consider you checking out further.

What we do For a Living

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Drone Launch Academy Review – FAQs

FAQIn this section, we have put together a few questions that people are asking and hope they will help in your decision-making.

  1. What Do I Need To Do To Fly Drones For Money?

As a commercial drone pilot, you need to have in your possession the Part 107 certificate which comes from the FAA.

This is what this training platform prepares you for and once you have past this “pretty easy” exam then you will be able to earn money.

  1. What Happens If I don’t Have A Drone Pilot Certification?

Most countries allow you to fly a drone as a hobby without the Part 107 certificate (check your country).

But if caught making a living as a drone pilot without this certificate you could be facing some very hefty fines and possibly be banned.

So, please ensure that you have this certificate on your person.

Here’s an explanation of all the advice that you would ever need.

  1. What Score Do You Need To Become A Drone Pilot?

Obviously, the more popular a drone pilot becomes, this may mean the pass percentage goes up, but currently it is 70% of the test.

That means you will have to get at least 42 questions of the 60 right and if you fail then you will be able to retest after 2 weeks.

Remember that there will also be a fee for this test and I do believe that Drone Launch Academy will waver this fee for you.

  1. I Am Not Flying My Drone Directly For Business Just To Support It – Do I Still Need A License?

Yes, you do as this still comes under the use of the commercial sector.

  1. Where Do I Take The FAA Exam? How Do I Book An Appointment To Take The Exam? What Is The FAA Exam Fee?

There are many exam centres around and sure to find one near where you live.

You can find one by going to the FAA website here.

The exam fee currently costs you $175

  1. Are Drone Pilots In Demand?

According to research in the commercial drone pilot sector, the demand for drone pilots may grow by around 52% within the next 6 years.

With projected sales to be over sixteen billion by 2030.

Drones can be used for many applications, such as media and entertainment for seeking out locations, real estate, land surveys and mapping.

Even law enforcement, agriculture, construction and industrial.

  1. How Much Can A Drone Pilot Earn?

It obviously depends on the type of commercial jobs that you take on but a good guideline would be between $30 – $70 thousand a year.

we have even come across drone pilots who are hiring themselves out for $300 – $450 an hour but these roles are scarce.

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Well, we have come to the end of this Drone Launch Academy Review and we hope you enjoyed it.

If you have anything to add please don’t hesitate to ask by adding your questions in the comments section below.

Thank you for listening, take care and stay safe!

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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