What’s The Future of Affiliate Marketing in 2022

So guys What’s the future of affiliate marketing in 2022 looking like?

For the last few years, it has been difficult due to a number of things but mainly down to forced lockdowns.

Economies struggling, people losing their jobs, businesses holding back on their spending and a host of other things.

Even a war which seems to have made matters even worse!

What has come out of all this is the vast number of people who now work at home, that is if they still have jobs.

This leaves it wide open for people who are now looking for work-from-home opportunities.

Affiliate marketing has always been popular but more so as we can tell by the number of websites that are coming on stream daily.

People are now seeing opportunities of working online where there are many with affiliate marketing as being one of the best.

[Affiliate Disclosure: The Future of Affiliate Marketing in 2022 has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

future of affiliate marketing For Those Who Don’t Know, What Affiliate Marketing is About?

Affiliate marketing is really a business model with a very simple concept.

Where the merchant or retailer would pay the affiliate for finding consumers and redirecting them to their store.

This could be commissions for leads or commissions for sales of products or services.

The job of the affiliate is only to find and direct consumers to the merchant and once they purchase a product or service they are paid a commission.

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell!

So in essence all the affiliate has to do is link the consumer with the merchant and everything else is taken care of.

Take a look at the image below…

What's The Future of Affiliate Marketing in 2022 - how affiliate marketing works

Commissions can range from 1% all the way up to %70 or even as high as %80 in some cases.

So the more expensive the product the more commission you would make and this is termed as a win-win for both parties concerned.

What connects the affiliate with the merchant is an affiliate program which is normally free to join.

You receive your personal affiliate link and you are ready to go, this way the merchant can save on their marketing budgets.

Freeing up more money to pay affiliates for helping them out.

What’s The Future of Affiliate Marketing in 2022 Looking Like?

The future of affiliate marketing in 2022 is looking pretty good and on the up however, if you want to partake you have to change with the times.

It’s a very busy world out there and things are moving on somewhat with over 80% of brands that already have affiliate programs.

That can only mean one thing for the affiliate marketer, more income!

Since 2015 the affiliate marketing revenue has increased each year by approximately 10% which is a jump to around 60% here in 2022.

Where analysts have predicted it to reach around $9 billion in the US alone with a global reach of over $20 billion.

What Does That Mean For The Future of Affiliate Marketing?

What's the future of affiliate marketing like in 2022 - what does it mean for the futureWell, take a look at the number of users who currently have access to the internet.

In 2020 that figure looked something like 4.5 billion and two years later you are looking at near to 6 billion. That’s over half the world’s population!

What do people do when they are on the internet?

That’s simple they are looking for advice, and information on anything and everything. We’ve all heard the term, just Google it!

There are other search engines out there but most people know and love Google and besides Google takes around 93% of the search engine market.

That’s approximately 5.58 billion users looking for advice which is great for affiliate marketing because that is where the money is.

What’s The Future of Affiliate Marketing in 2022 – What is Involved as an Affiliate Marketer

We mentioned that the concept of affiliate marketing was a simple one but executing it in the right manner takes time.

There are various ways that you can do affiliate marketing.

Such as posting links on social media, creating videos on Youtube, creating landing pages and using paid traffic plus too many more to mention.

What we believe is the best way, is to create a website and use SEO or search engine optimization to find traffic.

That means we are adopting a free method as opposed to a paid method for our marketing campaigns.

That means we will be saving thousands of dollars over a period of time.

If you took a look at an earlier link then you will have an understanding of what is involved through this method.

However, if you didn’t then here are the 3 steps that are involved.

It All Starts With A Passion

A passion, interest, hobby and something that you are going to love getting up in the morning and focusing your time and energy on.

Now it doesn’t have to be singular but you want to become an authority in your passion and therefore it is easier to concentrate on one thing.

You do not want to spread yourself too thinly!

It can literally be anything, golf, fishing, investments, making money online, fashion, health and wellness and the list goes on…

To give you some sort of an idea of what we mean, people on a day-to-day basis key into the Google search engine over 8.8 billion keywords.

All those keywords have the potential to become your interest or passion.

Once you have decided on what your business is going to be about then you …

Create Your Website

Normally any mention of a website future of affiliate marketingsends people running to the hills but I am not sure just why.

Maybe 5-10 years ago when you needed to have a bunch of technical skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Nowadays there is no need and I should know since I have been a software developer for many years and hardly ever use those skills.

The basis of a website you can create in less than 5 minutes, it is that easy with thousands of professionally-looking themes to choose from.

There are over 50,000 plugins that you can install that do all the fancy stuff so that you don’t have to.

Writing Content

Another thing people will run away from, however, you are writing constantly on social media and texting friends.

So writing shouldn’t be an issue, especially when you are doing it as a job and want to make money to create a better life for you and your family.

What are you going to write about I hear you say?

That’s easy, you know the passion that you choose that your business was to be about well everything related to that.

So if you choose Drones, then your website would be about drones and everything that people are asking about in the Google search engine.

You know…

    • Best drones for beginners
    • Drones with cameras
    • Drones under $200
    • Expert drones for filming

To do this you would use a keyword research tool and something like Jaaxy but there are many out there, I only mention Jaaxy because I use it.

The idea is to find out what people are searching for and the level of competition so that we can avoid and find less competitive keywords.

Once you have found your keyword then that is what you would use as the title of your content or blog post.

So if your title was “Best drones for beginners” then you would write about the best drones for beginners.

What happens is that many people will be searching for the “Best drones for beginners” and guess what.

Your website will be at the top of page one of Google where people can see it and a 30-50 per cent chance they will click on that link and go to your website.

That’s effectively it, but because we are using SEO that takes time but 6-12 months down the road.

People will be seeing your site in their hundreds and thousands.

So how do we get paid?

That’s easy also because there are hundreds of Drone retailers out there that have affiliate programs that we can join for free.

A few to mention would be Amazon, Walmart, Target, Drones Direct, DJI…

Just type Drones + affiliate programs into the Google search engine and you have a list of merchants that allow you to sell their stuff in this case Drones.

As we mentioned earlier it depends on what your niche is about and what commission percentages are and this can be from 1% up to 80%.

Obviously, the combination of the product cost and commission rate determines what you are paid if the consumer purchases.

Let’s say a drone merchant paid out 4% and you managed to sell a professional drone costing $3,000.

Your commission would be $120, now we know that doesn’t seem a lot but if it was a trending product and you were high in the Google rankings.

Just think if you sold 100, then that would go from $120 – $1200.

Now, this is just an example, it could be more or it could be less but your site is constantly on the internet 24/7 and you don’t have to do anything.

Other than creating more content and the more content you create the more traffic will come to your site.

All you do is rinse and repeat what we have just mentioned in this section.

The more content, the more traffic, which means the more potential for more sales.

Where Can You Learn Affiliate Marketing?

There are many ways to learn affiliate marketing, you could try and do it all yourself by watching Youtube videos like we first did.

The problem here is that there are far too many conflicting ways to do what essentially should be straightforward.

Not only that, but most people are trying to sell you something so you aren’t really getting true value but that is my own opinion.

Yes, we spent some time trying to find our way and when something doesn’t work then you move on to something else or someone else.

That ends up being like a vicious circle and all that happens is that frustration sets in, you get annoyed and you end up giving in.

You have to find a mentor and a place that you can trust and I hear you saying, “Well, that sounds expensive”.

Yes it can be if you end up joining a program where all they are interested in is taking your money and I hate to say it but probably around 97% are just not worth entertaining.

I have tried several in the past looking for a quick and simple solution and all that happened is they didn’t work and I lost money.

Eventually, I did find a solution and it was by joining Wealthy Affiliate, a company that has been going since 2005.

They have around 500k active members and have seen over 2 million people in that time.

I was very sceptical and it gets you that way because you feel that this is just another scam, just another waste of your time.

But, I get it because we have been there but if you don’t try then you will never know and besides this will not cost you a dime to look.

That’s entirely up to you, discard what I am saying or take a chance and remember you won’t even have to hand over your credit card details either.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Future of Affiliate Marketing, The Type of Questions That People Are Asking

  1. When Was Affiliate Marketing Created?

The first rendition of affiliate marketing came about in 1989 which so happens to be the year that Cern made it available as the world wide web.

That was due to the company PC Flowers and Gifts founded by William Tobin which was launched on the Prodigy Network.

Was the company successful, absolutely it was.

  1. What Is The Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners in 2022?

It depends on who you talk to but for a beginner, these are the ones that people tend to head towards. The percentages are the highest available.

    • Amazon Associates – 20%
    • Clickbank – 75%
    • Aweber – 30% recurring
    • LeadPages – 50%
    • Elementor – 50%

Each affiliate has what we call a cookie which is a text page with details recorded, which lasts for a length of time.

Once the consumer is on the site then they could be on there for quite some time and purchasing many products and services.

You would make commissions on every sale with the timespan.

  1. Is Affiliate Marketing Still Viable?

I think we have established that affiliate marketing is going nowhere fast.

Since 2015 each year the affiliate marketing industry revenue has increased by 10% and is continuing to rise.

Especially as there are so many people now coming online with it worldwide well over $20 billion.

  1. What Is Better Than Affiliate Marketing?

I am going to be biased here and once again it depends on who you talk to but affiliate marketing is certainly the easiest and most cost-effective.

To give you some sort of idea, it costs me in total on a day-to-day basis around $1.40 and that includes the membership of a training platform.

  1. What Is Bad About Affiliate Marketing?

Just because we say that affiliate marketing is an easy concept doesn’t mean it is going to be easy because as you probably know.

Any business venture is going to take a lot of hard work and besides this industry isn’t something you can do for a short while and forget about.

  1. What’s Better Dropshipping Or Affiliate Marketing?

Dropshipping I hear is dead in the water but I don’t think it really is with dropshipping your initial outlay is going to be between $5000 and $10,000.

Here it is going to be very competitive and it’s all about finding the right product and where you can source it from.

Yet again it is all about finding the right traffic and getting that sorted and the skies the limit.

But for me, it has to be affiliate marketing simply because it is so simple and straightforward.

  1. Why Is Affiliate Marketing The Best?

We have laid it out earlier in this post where all that is required is a niche, website, and content followed by commissions.

  1. Is Affiliate Marketing  A Risk?

Every business venture is a risk but your outlay compared to let’s say drop shipping is going to be minimum.

What tends to happen is that people start affiliate marketing thinking that it is going to be an instant overnight success which it never is.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

To round things off and thought that you might be interested in how we make a living online.

We mentioned that we are a member of Wealthy Affiliate and have been now since 2017 and we aren’t going anywhere.

The training whilst good for a complete beginner gives you access to everything that you would need to be successful.

The training platform is very professional yet very easy to find what it is that you are looking for.

Help for me has to be top class and it is here at Wealthy Affiliate because there are many ways to find help and you won’t be waiting long either.

Instead of me boring you with all the details why not head over there and find out for yourself.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Anyway, that’s about it for this post and hoped you enjoyed it, if there is anything I can help you with shoot me a comment.

Thank you for reading and stay safe.

Lurralife Reviews – Great Opportunity or a “Lurra” Waste of Time?

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Ascira Review – An education and travel industry MLM

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All in one Profits Review – SCAM and Total Lack of Profits! My Honest Review!

Hey Guys, welcome to the All in One Profits Review

If you are looking at starting an online business then it goes without saying that you will need help with growing your business.

All In One profits can provide you with the tools to help and in the process maybe make yourself some money.

The only problem is that the software platform is well dated and could do with a lick of paint so to speak.

It certainly doesn’t compare or come anywhere near the software platform that I currently use and have been using for several years now.

But who am I am and why should you believe anything that I say?

I am Mick and have been affiliate marketing full-time since 2021 when I left my job as a successful freelance software developer.

To eventually end up having success with my online business, where I earn 5 figures and I would like to help you do the same.

But, before we get started with this review you need to know that we aren’t associated with “All In One Profits” in any way.

That means we aren’t getting paid for this review but what we will promise you is an honest review of what this platform can offer.

That way you are in a better position to decide whether this might be worth looking at further.

Let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This All In One Profits Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

all in one profits reviewProduct: All in one profits

Founder: Johan Van Geffen & Isabela Capsuna

Website: www.allinoneprofits.com

Product Description: Marketing system

Cost to join: $11.50 – $59.00 a month memberships

Summary: AIOP is an education platform that will show you how to create an online business with the tools that you would need.

Whilst they say that AIOP isn’t a multi-level marketing business or a pyramid-type scheme.

Although when you look into this system further it has all the hallmarks of an MLM.

Which we will be looking at a little later.

If you are looking for a platform that provides the tools and mentorship to start an online business.

You might like to check out my number one rated training platform that I have no hesitation in recommending below.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

All In One Profits Review – TOC

    1. What is the All In One Profits About?
    2. How does All In One Profits Work?
    3. What do you get with All In One Profits?
    4. Who is the All In One Profits for?
    5. How much does it cost to join All In One Profits?
    6. Join the Affiliate Program and Make Some Money
    7. Is All In One Profits a Scam?
    8. What we like about All In One Profits
    9. What we don’t like about All In One Profits
    10. All In One Profits Review – Final Thoughts
    11. How we make Passive Income Online?
    12. All In One Profits FAQs
    13. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is All In One Profits About?

All in one login display

All In One Profits or AIOP came onto the market in 2012 and is the responsibility of Johan Van Geffen & Isabela Capsuna.

Strangely enough, there was no mention of the creators of AIOP on their website which is not too much of a surprise nowadays.

But you have to ask the question, why?

I know if I brought a product to market I would want everybody to know who I was.

This type of behaviour (if you can call it that) usually means that the owners have had a sketchy past and don’t want it to put people off.

All In One Profits markets itself as a one-stop-shop for all your marketing requirements and it does to a certain degree.

There is also a way to make some money by introducing other people to join and become part of your team.

At All In One Profits, they offer a range of products like web hosting, autoresponder, Landing page builder plus more…

You know what they say about first impressions.

When I first took a look at the system, straight away I noticed that it could do with bringing it into the 21st century.

How Does All In One Profits Work?

This online marketing system was designed with the complete beginner in mind simply because you ain’t going to find experienced marketers there.

Having said that though, if you are on a tight budget then AIOP could quite possibly save you a ton of money.

So, what can All In One Profits do for you?

They offer guidance and education on how to get started with your online business.

With tools like landing page creators and autoresponders to help you build a profitable online business.

Landing page creators are used for creating small websites often called squeeze pages.

Which you would use to collect data from subscribers to build a list that at a later date could market products to.

The autoresponder would be where you store all that information.

Just these 2 products alone could cost you well over $100/month.

Now if you took each individual component out of the equation and matched it up with an alternative tool.

You could find yourself paying a small fortune.

So for a minimal fee, you get access to tools that you would require for your online business.

The only issue we have is that we have no clue as to whether these products that are provided at AIOP are any good.

Furthermore, as this system isn’t that popular then what happens if/when they decide to close it.

You are left with nothing.

What do You Get With All In One Profits?

When you start an online business you are always going to be using tools like what AIOP provide.

There is no getting away from it but as we have already mentioned you have to question the validity of these tools.

How good are they?

But they do offer a solution and it might be a good way to get started with your online business without paying a fortune.

Anyway, let’s take a look at what tools you can find at AIOP…

  1. AIOP Web Hosting

A very famous person once said “If your business is not on the internet, it won’t be in business very long”

The person was Bill Gates and how true he was!

If you are wanting to start a business your first priority is a website and at AIOP they provide premium web hosting.

With over 320 website solutions to choose from, such as unlimited email, domains and hosting applications.

  1. AIOP Email Marketing and Autoresponder

They always say that the money is in the list and it is but that takes time and is not a number one priority.

All the same, AIOP provide these tools to allow you to build your list so that you can communicate with and build a rapport.

Outside of AIOP, there are many autoresponders that start off for free but go up in stages.

This means the more subscribers you can get to sign up to your email list, the more money you will pay monthly.

At AIOP one of the features they have is to allow for an unlimited number of subscribers.

  1. AIOP Lead Capture Page Builder

Software tools for creating capture pages can cost upwards of $100 a month.

At All In One Profits, they provide a capture page builder that allows you to create unlimited squeeze pages and video squeeze pages.

With great awesome graphics to really make you stand out.

  1. AIOP Website and Landing Page Builder

Create amazing websites and landing pages using a drag and drop feature.

This tool will allow you to create entire websites, landing pages, sales pages, video pages and more.

  1. AIOP Ready Made Sales Funnels For Your Business

Time is always a problem when you are creating a business, especially when you are doing it by yourself.

AIOP provide a number of ready-made sales funnels, and capture pages where all you will have to do is select and edit to your requirement.

  1. AIOP Blogging and Article Publishing Platform

The main part of building an online business is creating content which is normally called blog posts.

Writing content and targeting the right type of crowd is where your bread and butter is.

At AIOP they provide a blogging platform which is called AIOPPress.com.

  1. AIOP Video Hosting and Sharing Platform

You have to admit that those ads that are forever popping up on YouTube are extremely annoying.

Here at AIOP, you don’t have to worry about this with their own sharing platform as AIOPVideo.com.

  1. AIOP Link Tracker

Tracking your campaigns is very important as this is one way that you will know how they are performing.

You are privy to a lot of stats like clicks, location, traffic sources plus more.

  1. AIOP URL Rotator

With this tool, you can promote several URLs at the same time.

This can be an extremely useful tool in the context of marketing by showing multiple sites from a single user.

  1. AIOP Lead Magnet Bundle

Part of your campaigns when targeting leads for an offer “lead magnets” can help trigger the thoughts of visitors to your website.

So they are in a position to purchase from you at a later date.

  1. AIOP WP Plugin Bundle

WordPress is the number one open-source content management system and it comes with thousands of free and paid plugins to help you.

These are small programs that take away the complexity of having to write computer code.

AIOP provide a plugin bundle that will save you a lot of time in the long run.

AIOP E-Learning Academy

All In One Profits provide you with education to guide you through the various stages of building your online business.

This is apparently updated on a regular basis but we would have to question that.

  1. AIOP E-Library

In this library, you have access to all sorts of marketing material which we understand are PLR products.

Private Label Rights tend to be out-of-date articles that are available because they have exhausted their use.

Who is the All In One Profits For?

All In One Profits is for anybody who is interested in building an online business, primarily for newbies.

Although, you might find some experienced marketers however it is unlikely.

Unless they join to promote AIOP and make some money through commissions.

When I was first looking for a mentor and training platform prior to starting my own online business.

I might have even tried AIOP if I’d known about it at the time, that’s before I found Wealthy Affiliate.

As we said earlier, the system is dated and doesn’t give us much confidence, mind you the system is legit and it could be a good place to start.

How much does it cost to join All In One Profits?

There are 3 memberships at All In One Profits…

This image shows the 3 membership types at All In One Profits

    • Basic – $11.50/month
    • Pro = $21.76/month
    • VIP = $59.00/month

The different memberships don’t mean you are restricted with the number of tools that you can use.

For a full explanation regarding the memberships.

Join the Affiliate Program and Make Some Money

We mentioned this earlier but the different levels of memberships don’t affect which tools you are allowed to use.

All memberships have access to the same number of tools.

These membership fees are what dictate how much commission you get from your team.

Remember that unless you want to take part in the affiliate program then there is no need to join as a PRO or VIP member.

If you are interested in the various plans then you can below…

AIOP Basic membership

AIOP Pro membership

AIOP VIP memberships

Is All In One Profits a Scam?

Is AIOP a scam? Absolutely not!

We couldn’t find any real negative feedback which is a good thing!

It’s an all in one marketing system that as far as we can see is legit and provides everything a newcomer would require.

To get your online business up and running.

Costs are always an issue for people starting an online business, at least those costs here at AIOP are down to a minimum.

Could be a great way to test the waters and in the process maybe make some money on the side.

Furthermore, you will probably want to leave when you have little experience and use more advanced tools.

Affiliate marketing is, without doubt, one of the best ways to make money online but if you aren’t confident with All In One Profits.

Then an all singing and dancing “All-in-one” platform we have used for several years might be what you have been looking for.

This is my #1 recommended training platform that allows me to earn $100s per day.

Is All In One Profits a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What we Like About All In One Profits

  • An Affordable Solution:

AIOP is an affordable solution for anyone who is on a tight budget or anyone just starting out and trying to find their way.

  • All In One Shop:

They do provide a full range of tools that you will need to build your online business.

  • Affiliate Program:

There is a way of making some money through the AIOP affiliate program which is an added bonus if you can learn how to recruit.

What we Don’t Like About All In One Profits

  • The Website Could Do With Updating:

It doesn’t give us much confidence when we first signed into the system.

The system was created in 2012 and it looks like nothing has been done since then.

  • Outdated Marketing Strategies:

As the website doesn’t appear to have been updated we see that the strategies taught don’t appear to have been either.

  • Is It An Multi-Level Marketing Business:

MLMs are not something we would recommend and even though they claim it isn’t an MLM all the signs are there to indicate otherwise.

  • Owners Don’t Appear To Care about Their Business:

This is something that doesn’t sit right with us and it shouldn’t with you either.

It should tell you that something just isn’t right!

  • Lack Of Third Party Reviews:

We couldn’t find any 3rd party reviews from past and present members except for the ones that we could find on the AIOP website.

  • Lack Of Help And Support:

It can be the best product in the world but without the proper help and support, you have nothing.

It does look like this important feature is lacking somewhat.

  • There’s A Emphasis On Marketing AIOP:

We have seen this before with other systems that we have reviewed where tools were provided.

But the main goal was to get members to promote the system to others.

You can head over to their youtube channel for confirmation of this.

The All In One Profits Review – Final Thoughts!

Most people are turning to the internet for answers to making money online and it’s not too long ago I was one of those people.

With no clue as to what I was doing and listening to every YouTube video, I could get my hands on.

The hardest thing is finding information that you can trust because there is so much bad information out there.

Unfortunately, it will probably end up costing you a lot of money trying various products and tools.

Before you find the right path and even that may not happen.

If I had come across All In One Profits back then, then because I didn’t know what I was doing then I may have become a member.

But knowing what I know now after reviewing AIOP, I do think it could help but I’m not convinced it is the right product for complete beginners.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

Finding the right mentor is critical if you are thinking of building an online business.

At AIOP, help and support are just not there as far as we are concerned.

If you are looking to learn how to build an online business, without question we would recommend Wealthy Affiliates.

They have been providing affiliate marketing training since 2005 and have seen well over 2 million members with many success stories.

But why not take a look yourself, it won’t cost you a dime and there are no credit cards required.

If you have a passion for anything whether a hobby or interest and want to turn it into a business there is no better place.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

All In One Profits FAQs

  1. What Is All In One Profits?

AIOP is a fully integrated training platform for anybody who wants to build an online business.

With all the tools that you would need to help you build and expand your business.

Individual tools that we all need could end up being quite expensive but that wouldn’t be a problem here.

  1. Is It Worth The Membership Cost?

We think it is worth the money and could be a good way to get started.

There are 3 monthly memberships

Basic = $11.50/month,,,Pro = $21.76/month,,,VIP = $59.00/month

Obviously, the higher the membership level the more access you get but the basic membership should be more than enough to get started.

You can always upgrade at a later date if/when you have decided that this is what you really want to do.

  1. Realistically, How Long Could It Take To Start Earning Money?

This is a hard question because it all depends on each individual and how much time and hard work you invest in your business.

It depends on whether you go down the paid marketing route or the free SEO or search engine optimisation route.

SEO is best because it will save you thousands on marketing costs but it takes time for search engines to rank your website.

Once you have your business up and running then you can leave it and just continue to add content to your site.

There’s a big learning curve for both methods.

Paid would be quicker but would end up costing because you are continuously adding money to your campaigns.

SEO is best for longterm results.

  1. Is There A Better Alternative?

There are plenty of similar training platforms teaching affiliate marketing and the one we use is Wealthy Affiliate.

Which is cost-effective and you can join for free to evaluate the system.

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Topcoder Review – Is It a Great Place to Find Talented Software Developers?

Hey Guys, welcome to What is Topcoder

A company specifically for both the customer looking for development staff and a place where you can improve those software skills.

At Topcoder there is an open community of development professionals with all levels of skills and from all walks of life. Continue reading “Topcoder Review – Is It a Great Place to Find Talented Software Developers?”

Le Wagon Review – Great courses, great student feedback with 5 star rating…

Hey Guys, welcome to the Le wagon review

A training platform that specializes in web development and data science technologies.

So if you are looking for a change of career as a web developer or data analyst then you might like to check out Le Wagon. Continue reading “Le Wagon Review – Great courses, great student feedback with 5 star rating…”

First Fitness Nutrition Review – Legit or FIT to DROP? Don’t Buy Before You Read This Review!

Welcome to this First Fitness Nutrition Review

Health and Wellness is an extremely competitive industry with most businesses manufacturing and selling very similar products, so why should Firstfitness Nutrition be any different?

Well, their range of products has expanded in recent times to cover a broader area and even includes CBD oil which we have covered in past reviews. Continue reading “First Fitness Nutrition Review – Legit or FIT to DROP? Don’t Buy Before You Read This Review!”

WhatsApp Ninja Marketing Review – Is This Just A PLR SCAM?

Welcome to the WhatsApp Ninja Marketing Review

Trying to find your way in the world of internet marketing can be a daunting task, especially if you are all new to this.

There are so many different avenues that you could go down, some good and some bad but the big thing is the time it takes to learn the basics. Continue reading “WhatsApp Ninja Marketing Review – Is This Just A PLR SCAM?”

Read4Money Review – Is This Another Branson Tay Scam? Please Don’t Waste Your Money!

Welcome to this Read4Money Review

A WarriorPlus product that came onto the market quite recently, claims to be able to make you money with 3 clicks.

If you are reviewing WarriorPlus products then you will notice that many of these products or systems follow a similar agenda. Continue reading “Read4Money Review – Is This Another Branson Tay Scam? Please Don’t Waste Your Money!”