Welcome to this Ascira Review
We all love to travel but in recent times due to this pandemic, the travel industry has really taken a battering.
With countries undecided whether to open their borders and let people in.
So what does that mean for a travel retail business on the high street that is trying to make a living? Hard to say because many of them have shut down!
However, the ones who are going to survive are businesses like Ascira who have their members to help get them through these hard times.
Yes, Ascira is a travel business that we have had on our radar for a while now so we thought it was about time we checked them out.
It’s good that you are doing your own research and the only way to help you avoid scams and find legit make-money opportunities.
So where does Ascira stand? Is Ascira a scam or are they a legit business opportunity?
Before we get started we’d like to declare that we are not affiliated with Asicra.
Therefore you won’t find us pitching or asking you for money.
We will provide you with the hard facts and that way you can decide whether Ascira is a scam or a legit way to make money.
Ready? Then let’s go!
[Affiliate Disclosure: This Ascira Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]
Product: Ascira
Founder: John Sachtouras
Website: www.ascira.com
Product Description: Travel industry MLM
Cost to join: $199 To $1,584
Recommended: Maybe
Summary: Ascira is a relatively new network marketing company that has only been on the scene a short time.
They promote a lifestyle and provide education and training that help you to achieve this which all comes at a price.
Being a network marketing business, this is a world that is open to all sorts of ridicule which in most cases isn’t justified.
There are many MLMs that are legit where you don’t have to join the business side.
As you can purchase the products and services yourself and sell them for a profit.
However, if it is the business side you are interested in then they do all have one thing in common and that is recruiting which is the key skill required.
We did review a travel business not too long ago which you might like to take a look at here, it’s called Ibuumerang.
Ascira Review – Table Of Contents
- What is Ascira about and who are the Founders?
- Is Ascira a Pyramid Scheme
- How does Ascira work
- What you get with Ascira
- Ascira Business Opportunity – What you need to know
- What we like about Ascira
- What we don’t like about Ascira
- Is Ascira a Scam?
- Ascira Travel Review -Final Analysis
- Where do we go from here?
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is Ascira about and who are the Founders?

Ascira is a multi-level marketing business that was founded in early 2020 by John Sachtouras and is based in Dubai.
They claim to offer education and training by using motivational methods.
About getting in your mind and convincing you to become successful and guess what working with successful people does help.
So, pretty much about creating a lifestyle with part of the business offering discounts of up to 70% on travel, car rental and holiday destinations amongst other things.
So who is John Sachtouras?
According to what we found out, he has over 30 years of experience in the network marketing industry.
An entrepreneur and motivational speaker who has worked with some of the big corporations and been responsible for multi-million dollar projects.
His vision according to the website is to connect a BILLION people but we are not sure just how he intends to do that.
However, his skills are in building teams quickly and generating vast amounts of money.
Where whilst at Organo Gold from 2009 to 2013 managed to be earning around $400k a month.
He spent time with a company called Jeuesse in 2018 but nothing happened there.
Whilst he had a short spell with FutureNet which moved from a matrix Ponzi scheme into crypto which collapsed in 2019.
The chairman of FutureNet, Stephan Morgenstern has a bad reputation for crossing the line where he’d founded several businesses which collapsed within just a few months.
In fact, he has destroyed many people’s lives and is hiding out in Dubai and which seems to be a safe haven for these types of crooks.
So yes he was involved in some unscrupulous businesses but was he directly involved and since no legal proceedings were taken against him then we can assume he wasn’t.
It’s extremely important when you are searching for a business venture to research thoroughly because it can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
It’s you who has to decide whether his past should affect your decision whether to join or not.
Is Ascira a Pyramid Scheme?
Technically speaking Ascira isn’t a pyramid scheme as they do have products that you can sell.
That said, most MLMs do offer themselves to scrutiny regarding this subject as it often isn’t too clear what declares a business a pyramid scheme or not.
The consensus is that a company may be declared a pyramid scheme where the affiliates or representatives are paid a commission for recruitment only.
Where there isn’t a product or service with an intrinsic value, which is a product that is useless and has no meaning.
In most countries this is illegal and in some countries, people go to prison for a very long time, an example would be China.
What normally happens nowadays is that companies hide behind products which makes it all the more difficult for the FTC to prosecute.
Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?
There are so many MLMs that operate as a pyramid scheme and because there are so many it takes time for the FTC to get their act together.
After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.
The company in question has closed and reopened as some other company probably in the same niche but using a different name.
You might like to check out this short video…
How does Ascira work?
To become a member requires that you find a sponsor and if you do not know one then one will be appointed for you.
You can purchase the Academy and Smart Travel and sell them to customers or/and you can purchase a membership package and start recruiting.
The main problem here, if you are a total beginner, is whether your sponsor is prepared to offer training and guidance.
They should as it’s in their interest that you can recruit but often they are busy recruiting themselves.
What you get with Ascira
They do currently offer 3 products with a 4th to come (Coffee)
- Academy
- Smart travel
- Coffee
This is their education platform where you have access to on-demand videos and experts in their various fields.
We get the impression that these are more geared to focusing your mind and creating the right mindset.
Other than that there is very little to go on and I guess the only way to actually find out is by joining.
Smart Travel
Here you have access to discounted travel, hotels, holidays, luxury homes, vacation packages and much much.
They claim to offer discounts as high as 70%.
Once again there is very little in the way of knowing just how this works without joining.
Just coffee appears to be their own brand which hasn’t come on stream as of this review.
Looking back at John’s involvement with Organa Gold then maybe they will be using their coffee but re-branded.
I guess we will find out when the time comes.
This is the next-generation software that basically analyses the behaviour of consumers which was developed around sales but has since realized that it can be used within the human resources area.
These are products that you can benefit from as a member which they hope to keep adding to. You can take a look here!
Ascira Business Opportunity – What you need to know
What dictates how and what you will get paid in commissions is all explained in the compensation plan which you can access in the video below.
The higher the membership package the more commission you will get and remember the main focus will be on recruiting.
How much it can cost you at Ascira…
There are 3 levels of memberships as can be seen below which come with free access to the academy and smart travel.
- Associate – $199 / 199PV ($396)
2 months Ascira academy, 2 months Smart Travel
- Premium -$499 / 499PV ($792)
4 months Ascira academy, 4 months Smart Travel
- Superior – $1,199 / 1199PV ($1,584)
8 months Ascira academy, 8 months Smart Travel
As you can see this is a membership site and the cost per month for Academy and Smart Travel is $129
How to make money with Ascira…
There are 2 ways that you could make money with Ascira…
- You can purchase Academy and Smart Travel for $99 and with a markup of 20% sell them on for $129 making $30 each.
- Recruiting others to join and purchase one of three membership packages and make a commission on those.
At the end of the day recruiting is where you make the most money.
Ascira Compensation Plan
We won’t be discussing the compensation plan today but if Ascira does actually interest you then you might like to check out this presentation.
Are Ascira affiliates actually making money?
The income disclosure is always a bit of a grey area and even when some businesses do include them on their website they never read well.
You are never going to get a true answer here because any affiliate you talk to is always going to tell you that they are doing well.
After all, aren’t they going to want to try and sign you?
What we do know is that always the very top 1% is where the money tends to go leaving 99% who don’t earn to replace a job.
What we like about Ascira
We are not a lover of MLMs due to the fact that we have had bad experiences in the past with them.
Whilst we did our best to work both sides and give an overall balanced review we still couldn’t find anything good to say about Ascira.
What we don’t like about Ascira
We did however find some things that we didn’t like about Ascira which we have highlighted below.
- Multi-level marketing businesses are extremely difficult to make money in as the main bulk of the money always goes to the top 1%.
- Expensive membership fee and to make the most of the opportunity it is going to cost you $1,199 with the only real way to get your money back would be through recruiting.
If you are not very good at this and most people aren’t then you will struggle.
Is Ascira a SCAM?
Ascira like we have mentioned does have retailable products which you can purchase at wholesale and sell to customers.
So is Ascira a scam, well know it isn’t!
Whilst this make-money opportunity might not be a scam we wouldn’t recommend it either.
To make money here you will have to be good at recruitment, other than that there really isn’t much that you could earn.
Remember that if you did become a member and purchased let’s say the cheaper of the 3 packages “Associate” at $199.
Then you recruited someone and they purchased the “Superior” package for $1,199 you wouldn’t make a commission.
Simply because you did have the “Superior” package and therefore the commission would go to the next person who had purchased it in your upline.
Which forces people to go all-in and lose even more money!
Ascira Review – Final Analysis
On the surface, Ascira did seem like it might be a good make-money opportunity but the more we got into the review the more we found.
As far as we can see, the education is aimed at focusing your mind and getting you in the right mindset.
A good example would be to check out an event that they stage and you see what we mean.
Other than that it wasn’t clear and we weren’t about to pay our dews just to find out.
Not sure about getting a billion people involved though, not unless they completely changed their strategy and included some worthy products.
As if it wasn’t difficult enough to get people to join, the ones who do join seek out sponsors they can relate to like the ones at the top of the pile.
The amount of money that you would have to weigh out we just couldn’t see you getting back.
Where do we go from here?
Recruitment is key to having any success in any multi-level marketing business and most people just hate it.
It might start off fine because you will be trying to recruit your family and friends but once that is over it will feel like you are on your own.
People succeed in MLMs because they have big email lists and followings.
So here’s the deal, and you are under no obligation to look, have you ever considered affiliate marketing?
Essentially it is an extremely cost-effective way of making money online which we recommend 100%.
- You don’t have to recruit
- You aren’t constantly pestered by your sponsor
- You don’t have to go to events which you will be expected to at cost
- You don’t have to purchase any stocks
- You don’t handle any order management
- You don’t handle shipping
- You don’t handle returns
- You can market any product or service you like
- You own the business which you don’t in an MLM
If you are looking for a cost-effective solution then I would seriously consider Wealthy Affiliate or at least take a look.
A fully integrated training platform that I would recommend above all others with which I have personally had nothing but a positive experience.
Here you can join and check out the system for FREE, with no credit card details. If it isn’t for you then just walk away, but you won’t know until you have tried!
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Thank you for staying with us and hope that you enjoyed the Ascira review and that you got some benefit from it.
Maybe you have already experienced Ascira in which case we’d love to hear how you got on.
Any questions, just add them in the section below and we will get back to you.
Until next time, stay safe