Read4Money Review – Is This Another Branson Tay Scam? Please Don’t Waste Your Money!

Welcome to this Read4Money Review

A WarriorPlus product that came onto the market quite recently, claims to be able to make you money with 3 clicks.

If you are reviewing WarriorPlus products then you will notice that many of these products or systems follow a similar agenda.

Having said that though, some of the products on WarriorPlus are legit but there are far few.

This website we created for people like you to hopefully set you on the right path as the only products we recommend is the ones that we would use.

Before we start this review, we’d just like to tell you that we have no links at all to Read4Money or Branson Tay.

So, rest assured we are not here to try and sell you anything but to give you our honest opinion.

Whether what Branson Tay say’s is actually true or that Read4Money is in fact a big scam.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Read4Money review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Read4Money Review: Can you really earn $660/hour for just reading?

Product: Read4Money

Founder: Branson Tay


Product Description: 

Cost to join: $19 or $17 with the discount

Recommended: No

Summary: Read4Money tries to convince you that you can make a lot of money in 3 easy steps by just reading.

Access Read4Money…Activate technology inside Read4Money…Read and get paid.

Sounds great, if only…

Let’s set the record straight, people can and do make money from reading books and articles.

These might be proofreaders or someone who makes reviews about books, however.

The type of money you can make in comparison with what they claim here with Read4Money would be extremely small.

If you want to really make some money you have to work hard because nothing is going to come to you.

There is no such thing as a “done for you” “Click-through” or “Get rich quick” system, they simply do not exist.

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Read4Money Review – Table of Contents

    1. What is Read4Money?
    2. Who is Branson Tay?
    3. What do You Get With Read4Money?
    4. Who is The Read4Money For?
    5. How Much Does Read4Money Cost?
    6. Is Read4Money a Scam?
    7. What we Like About Read4Money
    8. What we Don’t Like About Read4Money
    9. Read4Money Review – Final Thoughts
    10. How we Make Passive Income Online?
    11. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Read4Money?

Read4Money login displayMain

Read4Money is a product that came onto the market in December 2021 by a popular marketer and YouTuber, under the name of Brandon Tay.

Apparently, he has found some amazing Amazon loophole where you can get paid $11 for just 1 minute of your time for reading.

But, let’s take a look at this, for an hour of reading you can earn yourself in one hour $660.

That’s $5,280 for a 40 hour week which equates to $21,120 for a month’s work.

That’s some serious cash and all for a one time $19.

See where we are going with this, those claims are ludicrous but if you decided to purchase this product.

Guess who would be making that type of money, yes you guessed it, Branson Tay.

If there was any such loophole wouldn’t you think Jeff Bezos would have known about it and closed it by now?

If at all it ever existed in the first place.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is”.

But you know, it’s claims like this that allow him to live the lifestyle that he does.

But it’s not that we are jealous or anything, we just wish that some of these products did in fact work sometimes.

Who is Branson Tay?

Branson Tay is a very popular YouTube channel Read4Money product creator, Branson Taywith over 600k subscribers and over 580 videos giving you tips and free advice.

About anything to do with making money and he is also a regular product creator on WarriorPlus.

He comes under the WarriorPlus profile as “SirBranson” which seems a little strange and sort of puts himself on a pedestal.

Everybody new who comes to the internet is looking for ways to make money.

So you can understand why he has so many subscribers and most of these will be people struggling and looking for hope.

What do You Get With Read4Money?

For your $19 or $17 dollars which is the discount if you just hover the mouse.

Here’s what you get for your money…

    • Read4Money System
    • Paid2Read Technology
    • Step by step Video training
    • World-Class Support

This also comes with some additional bonuses.

    • Bonus #1 -$1k a day masterclass – valued @ $1997
    • Bonus #2 – 30 free commissions – valued @ $997
    • Bonus #3 – $513.07 per day viral loophole – valued @ $497
    • Bonus #4 – Commercial license – valued @ $1497
    • Bonus #5 – $1MILLION blueprint – valued @ $1997

That’s $6,985 of bonuses which are included within your initial fee.

How does Read4Money really work?

Nobody really knows because when you click on the training tab nothing happens.

There are 4 tabs…

  • Training

This is the most important link because it’s supposed to give you video training on how Read4Money works.

When you click this link nothing happens which sort of halts your advancement.

  • Facebook Money

This tab is to connect your Facebook account so that you can share the content within the Facebook social media platform.

But how this is going to work is a mystery because there is no training.

  • SMS Money

You can send SMS messages but you need a list for this to work and besides just who in your friend’s list is going to want to read anything that you send?

Once again because there is no training we haven’t a clue.

  • Email Money

For this to work would require an email list which is something you build over time.

However, once again because there is no training then we haven’t a clue.

For any of the above to work requires that you have a following but when you open up these tabs it’s like the blind leading the blind.

Who is Read4Money For?

This product is aimed at complete newbies who are looking for a way to make money online.

Don’t worry and don’t feel bad about it because we have fallen for many of this type of product before we worked out how to make money online.

The only person Read4Money is for is the product creator and of course affiliates who are promoting it.

For which they will get a nice commission if you purchase from them.

How much does Read4Money Cost?

Read4Money will cost you $19 or $17 with the discount.

But you need to be careful because there are 7 upgrades that you may think that you need for this system to work.

This could end up costing you over $1,000.

Is Read4Money a Scam?

There is a lot of confusion and misleading information on the sales page which isn’t uncommon with products on WarriorPlus.

Such as…

Within 2 minutes you can be up and running and earning and it even goes so far to say that a 10-year-old can do this.

Well, unless you are privy to the training videos then you don’t have a cat in hells chance of working this system out.

It also claims that they have found this loophole in the Amazon servers where “Amazon” will pay you $11 a minute just for reading.

This implies that there is something within the Amazon platform where you go and get paid for reading.

We have checked and there is nothing on Amazon that suggest such a thing.

However, just recently Amazon has decided to pay authors of Kindle Books for people reading their books.

Back to the question at hand, Is Read4Money a Scam?

Well, if someone takes your money and you don’t get value for your money then as far as we are concerned this is an out and out scam.

You can’t earn anything because there is no training that shows you what to do.

OK, there is a 365-day refund, but we have seen this many times before, just try and get your money back.

We might be wrong but highly unlikely.

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What we Like About Read4Money

  • Money-Back Guarantee:What we like about Read4Money

There is a full money-back guarantee which is supposed to cover you for 365 days but we wouldn’t hold any hope of getting your money back.

I mean we haven’t heard from anyone who has tried it!

  • Apparently, You Can Get Reimbursed:

They also claim that if you don’t make any money then they will pay you $300 but not sure how this would work.

In this case, because there is no training then you might think paying $19 and then going for the $300 refund would be a great deal.

However, this $300 you will probably find doesn’t exist either.

What we Don’t Like About Read4Money

  • Misleading Sales Hype:What we don't like about Read4Money

If a sales page doesn’t tell you or show you how a product works within a few minutes then there is something not right.

But, there are more than enough red flags on the sales page to suggest not pursuing this product further.

  • Is Branson Tay A Serial Scam Artist:

That’s a little strong but when you take a look at other products that he is responsible for they all have one thing in common…VERY POOR QUALITY!

  • Far Too Many Upsells:

He does a good job of convincing people that you can make money just by clicking a few options.

Don’t forget the upsells which are upgrades that could cost you more than $1,000.

  • Over Exaggeration Of Income Claims:

We have mentioned earlier in this review, that they claim that you can make $11 a minute which is absolutely ludicrous.

That’s $660/hour or $26,400 for a 40-hour week.

Come on really, do you actually believe this?

  • Where Are All The Great Comments:

If the product was so great then there would be people shouting from the rooftops about Read4Money.

Read4Money – Final Thoughts!

There is nothing that we liked about Read4Money and you should stay well away from this product.

Now, you know that you can’t earn anything from Read4Money, then why would you purchase such a product anyway?

Mind you over 7,500 have purchased this product according to the WarriorPlus affiliate network.

Sales at WarriorPlus for Read4Money

If you take just the 7,500 and the minimum amount that you might pay then that works out at $142,000.

We aren’t even including upsells that some will have paid for.

It’s not the amount of revenue that concerns us it’s the fact that over 7,500 people actually bought this product that does.

We can’t stress enough that any system or product that claims you can make money from pressing a few buttons just to stay away from.

That goes for all those done for you systems and the reason why we know this is because we have been on the receiving end a few times in the past.

We found that the only way to make money online is through hard work and to build your own business from scratch.

That is what we did and if you would like to know how then please continue to read into the next section.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

Building any business is not easy, it takes a lot of hard work, determination and the will to succeed.

Most people fall at the first hurdle!

We found affiliate marketing to be the best business model and the most cost-effective.

But, you really need to find a mentor only because it is going to save you a lot of time and money.

That’s what we did with Wealthy Affiliate which has been around training successful marketers since 2005.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it will require a lot of hard work on your part but any business would require the same effort.

Check it out and see what you think, if you don’t like it or this isn’t for you then just call it a day but you’ll never know until you have tried.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Thank you for staying until the end and hope this review has helped.

Anything you’d like to add just include it in the section below and we will get back to you.

Thanks for reading and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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