AMZ Together Review – Pay For Someone To Handle Your Amazon FBA Business!

Welcome to my AMZ Together Review

A business opportunity that allows you to sit AMZ Together Review - Logo and brandback while others create and run your business, mind you it is going to cost you dearly.

Joshua Crisp claims he can automate the whole process from setting up the business to selecting the right product.

But are we asking a little too much from him and is this even possible or is it just another scam to avoid?

But before we get started we’d just like to make it clear that we are not associated with Joshua Crisp or his AMZ Together.

That means we are not getting paid for this review but what we do promise is an unbiased account of everything.

So that you are in a much better position whether to pursue this opportunity or not.

With that said, let’s jump right in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: The AMZ Together Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

AMZ Together Review

Product: AMZ Together

Founder: Joshua Crisp


Product Description: Done for you Amazon business model

Cost to join: $10,000 – $25,000

Recommended: No

Summary: AMZ Together is a system that Joshua Crisp created on the backend of another popular course of his, AMZ Formula.

We all know about Amazon and that it’s the largest retail outlet on the planet and a place where you can literally buy anything. (within reason)

So with all those products available then you’d think the obvious place to start a business, right?

In AMZ Together, Crisp and his team will do all the hard work for you, even find you the right product.

Which incidentally is the most important aspect of this kind of business.

With so many products accessible you’d think it would be easy to come up with a moneyspinner but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

We have seen this type of automated business before and the costs have been in the region of $20,000 and that was for the actual setup.

There have been other costs involved like a monthly fee and commissions on the sale of the products too.

That means you are going to have to sell a shed load of products for you to get into profit.

If you would like to know how to start an online business without the costs and headaches click on the link below.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

AMZ Together Review – TOC

    1. What is AMZ Together About?
    2. Who is Joshua Crisp?
    3. How much does it cost to join AMZ Together?
    4. What do you get with AMZ Together?
    5. Is AMZ Together a Scam?
    6. What we Like About AMZ Together
    7. What we Don’t Like About AMZ Together
    8. AMZ Together Review -Final Thoughts
    9. How we make Passive Income Online?
    10. AMZ Together Review FAQs
    11. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is AMZ Together About?

Building any business is a costly and stressful business and not many are cut out for all the hard work and failures that you will have to contend with.

When you check out Crisp’s website he even claims that 99% fail in business but he is going to manage to get you into that 1%.

Well, he is bang on with those stats when compared to an MLM business.

This isn’t an MLM.

I love the idea of handing over a ton of money and letting someone run the entire business but with all the will.

How can you trust someone even with all the experience and success in the world that they are going to come through for you?

To find out the actual cost you will have to listen to a 30-minute sales pitch and then schedule a call from Crisp or a member of his team.

Then you’ll have to endure another sales pitch where they will be trying to empty your wallet.

Most people just do not have that kind of money to hand out and are normally on tight budgets.

I would always suggest taking a look at Udemy as you are sure to find a reputable Amazon FBA course there.

Who is Joshua Crisp?

Joshua Crisp is the creator of AMZ Together and also the creator of the AMZ Formula.

Not too long ago in 2014, he claimed to be earning a minimum wage of $7.25 and now he has sold over $10 million and helped many others.

To succeed in this very competitive business.

A popular guy with near a quarter of a million followers on Facebook and 27k subscribers on his Youtube channel with over 300 videos.

How much does it cost to join AMZ Together?

We have mentioned earlier that to find out the initial cost required you need to watch a sales video first.

Followed a telephone call that you need to schedule with Joshua or his team.

The call as Joshua claims is to see if you are the right fit for the course but don’t worry he won’t be turning you away.

You can expect the cost to be somewhere in the region of $20k.

Now we would suggest you pay particular attention to the AMZ Together disclaimer.

AMZ Together Review - Disclaimer

Now based on what this says would you risk handing over $20K?

What do you get AMZ Together?

Everything is done for you from…

    • Choosing your niche and a profitable product
    • Sourcing a supplier
    • Setting up the business
    • Optimizing your product list
    • Creating PPC campaigns
    • Scaling the business

The sales presentation that you will have to go through is typical with no surprises apart from the limited availability that they claim.

We seriously can’t see many paying for this level of service due to the costs but maybe some who are involved with his AMZ Formula system have.

Is AMZ Together a Scam?

AMZ Together is definitely not a scam however who is going to risk handing over $10,000 to $20,000?

Up until now, we can’t find one single person who has been brave enough to test out Joshua Crisp’s AMZ Together.

Crisp and his team will help you but there is no guarantee that you will be successful.

I know that is ludicrous considering the amount of money that you will be spending.

This you need to take on board because if this business fails then according to the AMZ Together disclaimer they are covered and you have no recourse.

We have provided you with all this information and therefore you know the risks but if you are happy to go ahead then go for it.

Who knows this business venture could end up working in your favour.

But if the risks outweigh the benefits but you are serious about starting an online business where the costs are zero in comparison.

Check out the link below.

Is AMZ Together a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What we Like About AMZ Together

  • All The Hard Work Is Done For You:What we like about AMZ Together

That is true but this will cost you and besides wouldn’t you want to learn how this all works rather than let someone else?

  • Legit Business Model:

Amazon FBA has been going since 2006 and despite the competition, you can find many people having success even today which will continue.

What we Don’t Like About AMZ Together

  • No Third-Party Reviews:What we don't like about AMZ Together

There is no feedback from past and current members to confirm whether they are having success or not.

  • The System Is Very Expensive:

You will have to go through the one-on-one phone call from either Joshua Crisp or one of his team.

This is to decide “according to Crisp” whether you are a right fit for this system and only then will you find out the true cost.

  • Very Competitive Business Model: 

The main criteria with this type of business are getting the product right and Joshua Crisp will tell you that he failed on his three attempts.

The chance of you finding a product that is a winner with no competition is going to be very difficult, with all sorts of factors to take into consideration.

  • This Is Not For Beginners:

If you are new to making money online this may not be the right system for you and besides, you are going to be on a tight budget.

There are other more cost-effective ways to start earning money online such as affiliate marketing which we would recommend looking into.

AMZ Together Review – Final Thoughts!

To round off this AMZ Together review it is obvious that Joshua Crisp know’s his stuff and comes across as a likeable guy.

Just take a look at his Facebook page and YouTube channel for confirmation or maybe head over to his personal website.

However, it’s AMZ Together that we are concerned about and whether you are prepared to take unnecessary risks.

We can’t tell you not to go ahead and pay for this service, all we can do is provide you with the information for you to decide one way or the other.

Even Joshua mentions on his website that 99% fail in business and that he will get you into the top 1%. That is some claim don’t you think?

There are many ways to make money online and whilst you might have success with Amazon FBA, we believe the negatives outweigh the positives.

It doesn’t matter which business you decide to go with to succeed you have to have the right mindset.

Determination and of course you have to be prepared to work extremely hard.

If this is you but the costs are an issue then you might like to take a look at what we do for a living in the next section.

How we make Passive Income Online?

Making passive income is what we all would like to achieve and the best business model to do this we believe is affiliate marketing.

It is a very cost-effective way to start and run an online business and is well within most people’s budgets.

You can check out TrustPilot 

Wealthy Affiliate review on Trustpilot

Wealthy Affiliate is the company that provides the training and you might like to check out some details first.

About Wealthy Affiliate

Education at Wealthy Affiliate

Websites at Wealthy Affiliate

Hosting at Wealthy Affiliate

The Community at Wealthy Affiliate

They have been teaching affiliate marketing since 2005 and helped over 2.3 million start their first online business.

The beauty about this is that it won’t cost you a dime and with no credit card details either, what have you got to lose?

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

AMZ Together Review FAQs

  1. Is AMZ Together Worth The Money?

We know that starting an Amazon FBA business will cost somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000.

What you have to ask is, are the costs with AMZ Together justified as it will cost you between $10k and $25k?

To shell out that amount of money I would seriously have to know the person in-depth.

  1. What Is A FBA On Amazon?

Fulfilment by Amazon is a service which the marketer can use to automate the whole order processing.

From storage of the products through to the entire order management including shipping and returns.

They can even offer a print on demand if that is required.

  1. Is Amazon FBA A Good idea?

Many would suggest nowadays Amazon FBA is not as good as it used to be but that is the case with most things once that industry is saturated.

Just think about it, you have to find a product that is going to be profitable and with very little competition.

Then you have to source the product or even have the product manufactured and the choice for many was China.

There are so many things that can go wrong and a business we wouldn’t recommend.

  1. Do You Have To Pay For Shipping With Amazon FBA? 

When you agree to the terms and conditions you are charged an Amazon FBA fee, which is determined by the weight and size of your product.

  1. Can You Still Make Money On Amazon In 2022? 

If you are seriously considering Amazon FBA you should be looking at private labelling which around 70% currently use.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys got some benefit from this AMZ Together review and if you have anything to add be sure to put your questions in the section below.

Once again thank you and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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