Wealthy Affiliate Review – Unlock Your Potential: Empowering Success with Wealthy Affiliate for

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Welcome to my Wealthy Affiliate Review, which is an all-in-one training platform that teaches affiliate marketing.

Which was specifically designed for the complete beginner.

So if you are thinking of or looking to build an online business then this training platform can provide you with everything you’d need to know.

Before we get started the best way to get a feel for this training platform is to create a FREE account and take it for a test drive yourself.

I’m sure you’ll agree looking for an online opportunity that really delivers can be a nightmare when most of them just fall short of the mark; so is Wealthy Affiliate worth it or is it just another scam? Let’s see, shall we?

In this Wealthy Affiliate review, I will show you in great detail just what this training platform has to offer with the enormous catalogue of training, with all the tools you would ever require to take you from a complete newbie with absolutely no knowledge to a success story.

I’m going to show you how this training platform will teach you every aspect of building an online business from the grassroots up.

We’ll go into what makes this training platform stand out above the rest, with a community of entrepreneurs from all walks of life, willing to disclose their secrets and knowledge to help you succeed. All for no monetary gain! 

I’ll show you how to make money using WA’s training and show you how affiliate marketing works.

I’ll go into a little detail about the new addition to the training platform which now comes with the Premium Membership and that’s Jaaxy, probably one, if not the best Keyword Research Tool available today.

I’ll explain in detail all the training that is available to you.

I’ll describe in detail the Free vs Premium Membership options and how much it costs.

To round things off I have included several current members’ testimonials for you to see first-hand. Real people who are having all levels of success.

This Wealthy Affiliate Review 2024 will answer all those questions and much more!

Before we get right into the review, a little about my journey and how I found this Training Platform

I would like to declare that I am probably one of the most sceptical persons there is, who researches everything before I make a decision one way or the other.

Susan, my other half goes absolutely crazy, so when it comes to searching out ways to make money online, I am more than cautious and pretty much don’t believe anything that is said. I think you have to be like that way nowadays, especially on the Internet.

Everything as far as I am concerned is just pure “BS” simply because of all the disappointments I have encountered, but now and then and it doesn’t come around too often, you might come across a “GEM”!

I must admit that when I was researching ways to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate didn’t even enter into my thoughts,  in fact, I didn’t know anything about the training platform.

How I ended up joining the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform was quite by chance, as I was researching something entirely different or that’s what I thought at the time.

It wasn’t until I had submitted my details and signed up for a free account, that I found out the product I was reviewing and actually signed up for was actually owned by Wealthy Affiliate themselves, their own website building platform, Site Rubix.

I must have had my eyes closed at the time or could it have been the fact that I wasn’t asked for my Credit Card details?

Who knows; anyway…

Once I realized that I’d actually created a Wealthy Affiliate FREE membership account then I was sort of committed to doing some actual research on the training platform, and whether this might be what I was looking for.

It didn’t take me long to realize that I may have latched onto something pretty special, and what struck me at the time was that I couldn’t find any negative feedback, which is extremely unusual.

Surely there must be someone who’d had a bad experience or something?

There was nothing, and everything I came across and read was extremely positive.

That’s surely a good sign, right?

As a free member, you get limited access which is understandable so I chose to pay the 1st month at the reduced fee of $19 which gave me access to 100% of the training besides, it gave me 5 weeks in total to decide whether this was for me or not. That’s what everybody normally does!

If after the 5 week period, I decided that it wasn’t for me, I was just going to cancel the membership and call it a day and all I’d have lost would be the $19. A small price to pay considering all the money I’d spent in the past on garbage! 

A quick look at the actual training platform and what you get with all the tools and support (more on that later), not to mention free means free and the reduced fee for the first month of joining as a premium member.

NO CREDIT CARD asked for, NO UPSELLS, and access to the co-founders whenever you want, well to me it was a no-brainer!

Wealthy Affiliate is no secret formula to becoming rich overnight, and therefore if that is what you are looking for then you are in the wrong place, and I can save you a lot of time and energy by not reading any further,

but …

If you are serious about starting your very own online business from the ground up, be taught by people who are at the top of their game, who go out of their way to help, and with all the tools that you would ever require, then this is the place for you so please read on.

I’m sure you’ll agree that the scariest part about paying for a training platform, or any product for that matter is not knowing whether it’s a scam or not. There’s always an element of risk!

When costs are hidden, followed by Upsell after Upsell then those are the products to stay away from. Once you get hooked into the 1st upsell then you feel obliged and have to purchase them all otherwise the damn thing won’t work!

One thing you will see here at Wealthy Affiliate is that there are no hidden costs. Everything is transparent! What you see is what you get!

What they allow you to do at WA is check out the training platform first for free (how many sites will allow this?) without asking you for your credit card details. Of course, you can stay as a free member if you like, but you will have limited access. You can check it out here and see what you think. This could be one of the best decisions you ever make, I know it was for me!

OK, enough of the verbal chit-chat, now let’s get right into this Wealthy Affiliate review.

What is Wealthy Affiliate About And How is it Received Worldwide?

The training platform has been around since 2005 and has helped over 2 million members to date, in 195 countries worldwide which is a figure to be proud of. That’s almost every country on the planet!

They have been around for nearly two decades, helping budding entrepreneurs like yourself take that first step to building a successful online business.

Anybody who writes a review reporting that “Wealthy Affiliate is a scam” or that “Wealthy Affiliate is a complete waste of money” has certainly not done their research properly.

In fact whilst I’m sure you will find negative reviews “somewhere” I can assure you that I couldn’t while I was researching this product.

It’s a company that cares and that is very evident and you will notice that very quickly if/when you join.

What is The Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform?

There are a few names that describe Wealthy Affiliate, but I like to think of it as a training platform, that teaches you everything you would need to know about Affiliate Marketing, but it is much more than that.

It is also a community of people from all walks of life and at different levels of experience, with some just starting out and some who are already experienced, affiliate marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform dedicated to affiliate marketers with various levels of knowledge and helping internet entrepreneurs create successful businesses online, through very clear and concise training methods, with access to all the tools and services crucial to your needs, as well as expert advice and support from industry experts.

If you are just toying with the idea of learning to build an online business or have struggled to build a business online in the past with misguided information,

or maybe…

If you are tired of being scammed time and time again and feel that maybe this is beyond your capabilities due to all the bad misleading information which you have come across, then I believe Wealthy Affiliate would be right for you.

You are going to learn how to literally take an Interest, passion or better term Niche and build a successful business online from the grass routes up with no experience or technical skills required.

I know that is a little hard to take in but it is true!

If you can research and we know you can because we all do it before we purchase a product or service online, and we all send emails then you can do this!

1,200,000+ members can’t be wrong, can they?

An Introduction to The Owners of Wealthy Affiliate?

Co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim
Co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle Loudon, and Carson Lim

The owners of Wealthy Affiliate are Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim who are two successful internet entrepreneurs and are from British Columbia which is the westernmost province of Canada.

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in September 2005 as a membership site that provided keyword lists to Internet Marketers and has evolved into an Incredible training platform for helping people to succeed in the online affiliate marketing arena.

Kyle and Carson are extremely active within the community and very approachable, something you will find extremely hard to find pretty much anywhere, and are constantly investing and developing the platform and taking it to extreme heights, and setting the benchmark for other like-minded products out there.

Wealthy Affiliate Review – Summary

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Owners: Kyle and Carson

Website: WealthyAffiliate.com

Cost: $0 for starter membership: “NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED”

Training: 5.0 / 5.0

Support: 5.0 / 5.0

Website Builder: 4.9 / 5.0

WordPress Hosting: 4.8 / 5.0

Success Stories: 4.5 / 5.0

Access to owners: 5.0/5.0 (Just try and find access to owners anywhere!)

My Overall Evaluation: 4.8 out of 5

The Scope of The Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform. The Essential Steps Required!

In order to build a successful online business, you need to follow a set path and at Wealthy Affiliate this is broken down into 4 clear steps identified below.

The four steps to achieve success from home with Wealthy Affiliate
The four steps to achieving success from home

Choose an Interest also called a Niche

An interest or maybe a hobby?

Almost anything you can think of can be a niche and when selecting one that suits your requirements, ideally it should be something that you are passionate about.

Saying that though, it doesn’t have to be because a passion can come at a later date. It just means that developing your business will be easier, that’s all.

An interest, a hobby or maybe a problem. It can literally be anything!

Let’s take a look at what and where people go for their information!

Yes, you guessed it, Google that’s where!

Google alone takes approximately 67% of the search engine business, and there are over 68,000 searches every single second, which amounts to nearly 6 (6,000,000,000) billion searches every single day. 24/7/365 because the internet doesn’t sleep, and this figure is climbing rapidly!

Every one of those 6 billion daily searches has the potential to be a “NICHE”. These are what we call “Keywords”!

These are people searching for solutions (to problems, or their next purchase) and it is your job to help by suggesting solutions!

If you look at Google as a massive shop (something like Amazon, but bigger) and the people (searching) are the potential purchasers and you are the go-between, the middle person, the provider.

All you need to do is get your Website in front of that “MASSIVE” crowd of people. 

Given that Affiliate Marketing is currently heading towards a 12 billion dollar industry, there is no better time than the present to start your very own Online Business! 

Can you see the enormous potential here?

All you have to do is research what people are searching for and at Wealthy Affiliate, they have probably the best tool available for doing just that. Jaaxy!

Take Drones for Instance as a Niche! There are thousands of Drone related keywords that people are searching for. This took me seconds!

Wealthy Affiliate explains everything you need to know about Niches and how to select your Niche, along with all the tools required in order to come up with your Niche ideas.

If you need some clarity regarding “Niches” then you can check out an article I wrote going into more detail, about what a niche is and how you go about finding a niche and a profitable one too.

Build a Website

After you have chosen your niche, the next step is to build your website.

This is the centre, the foundation of your business. This is where all the action takes place, the fun stuff.

Don’t let this intimidate you.

Building a website isn’t scary nowadays, it’s fun. You can literally build a professional-looking website in minutes with the tools available within the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform, along with the thousands of different themes you have access to.

Gone are the days when it could take you weeks, if not months to create a website because at Wealthy Affiliate this process is taken away from you and done in literally minutes or seconds if you are familiar with the system.

Take a look at how quick and easy building your website is within the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform. Kyle one of the co-founders shows you how he creates a website in less than 1 minute.

The front-end application that drives and manages the development of your website is Wealthy Affiliate’s own SiteRubix.

This is a suite of programs that simplify the website-building process to such an extent it allows you to free up your time to focus on the main issues of your website.

When there is no requirement to spend hours and days on the technical aspects of building your website, then you can focus on what really matters and that is developing your business with research enabling you to create great content.

Get Ranked (in Google) and Attract Visitors to your site

Your objective before you try to make money with any website is to focus on getting actual visitors to that website of yours.

Internet usages as of quarter 2 of 2017
                                    3.8 billion Internet users as of June 2017

Without visitors, you have nobody to sell or advertise to and this is a critical aspect of your business.

In order for you to make money you need traffic and Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to do this and do it for FREE, amongst other methods, but the main emphasis will be on SEO (search engine optimization), and how to master keyword research, in order to get “Your Blog Post” ranked in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Keyword research is a major aspect of building a successful online business.

Take the example of “Drones” as our Niche, and take the Keyword from our list!

“What is the best drones for beginners” and pop into Jaaxy to see if we could use it in our next blog post!

There are 3 main factors in determining this.

  1. Ave – Average number of monthly searches.
  2. Traffic – Potential customers if you reach page 1 of Google
  3. QSR – Competition, number of websites with that exact keyword phrase

In the above image, we are looking for Avg and Traffic to be as high as possible with QSR as low as possible. Hopefully below 100 and therefore this keyword would be great to use.

In fact, Jaaxy has highlighted 2 additional great keywords that we could also use without me even asking for them. How cool is that?

Once the keyword fits those 3 factors then we can use the keyword in the title of our next post and write content around it.

Earn Revenue

Once you have the traffic coming to your website, then you are ready to earn revenue from Affiliate Marketing.

This is where you will earn a commission through the thousands of affiliate programs that are out there such as Amazon, and Clickbank amongst many others. Some commissions are as high as 75%.

In our example “Drones”, Amazon would be a great place to go as they have hundreds of products ranging from a few dollars up into the 1000’s and for each sale you would make as of this review 6% on each sale.

Literally, anything you could think of and there is sure to be an affiliate program and they are all free to use.

Wealthy Affiliate has a great affiliate program you can use if your website was about “Making Money Online”

That’s it, but I’m not going to tell you it’s easy because it isn’t, but anything worth doing and doing right isn’t easy.

Businesses take time to flourish, but giving yourself a realistic time schedule and this business will eventually take off and could eventually replace your current job.

Remember this can be done anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop.

This is not some ludicrous ridiculous idea. It’s a reality because many are doing just this including myself.

Wealthy Affiliate Review: Wealthy Affiliate Free vs Premium


There are now 3 different types of memberships at Wealthy Affiliate which cator for all levels of experience.

  • Free
  • Premium
  • Premium Plus

Like all people who join, they do so as a free member.

This will allow you to take a look at what is on offer to you if you decide to become a premium member.

You have to understand that the free membership only comes with a restricted access.

You can take a look at the difference between the 3 memberships here.

Take as long as you like but not too long because you are going to be wanting to get started, then decide if premium makes sense for you to join.

After you have joined as a free member you will be able to check out the current premium pricing model and any discounts that they may have in place at the current time.

What I did and what most people do is pay upfront for the first month which opens up the entire training platform so that you know what you are getting if you stayed as a premium member.

Wealthy Affiliate Review – Free vs Premium

The FREE membership gives you limited access to the training platform with some of your access that lasts indefinitely whilst other features only last for a limited period.

Is it possible to create and run a successful business through the FREE Wealthy Affiliate Membership?

Absolutely, if you are serious, but it will take longer and you will feel held back and restricted!

I would always recommend that you sign up for the free membership first and get a feel for what is available as a way to try things out.

Ultimately, only you can decide whether Wealthy Affiliate is right for you.

Create your FREE account and check it out for yourself

What The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is And What You Get For Your Money

The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is everything that the Free membership gives you but much much more.

You get access to absolutely everything, and if you are serious about building an Internet business and learning all the aspects that are required in order to be successful then this is the place for you.

This training platform has everything and the only place you need to go outside of it is to do your research for your content.

In the last year alone the Wealthy Affiliate training platform has gone through some massive changes which have been built around AI or artificial intelligence.

The addition of Wealthy Affiliate Hubs.

Wealthy Affiliate hubs are centralized areas within the Wealthy Affiliate platform where members can access key resources, tools, and training materials. These hubs typically include:

  1. Training Hub: Comprehensive courses and tutorials on affiliate marketing, website building, SEO, and more.
  1. Website Hub: Tools for building, hosting, and managing websites.
  1. Research Hub: Keyword research tools like Jaaxy for optimizing content and improving search engine rankings.
  1. Community Hub: Forums, live chats, and networking opportunities with other members for support and collaboration.
  1. Niche Finder: This is a great AI research tool which allows you to research what your business is going to be about

These hubs streamline access to essential resources, enhancing the user experience and facilitating success in affiliate marketing.

In the 5 years that I have worked in this industry, I have never seen such an amazing community that is full of help, and with all the tools, and resources you would ever need.

I’ve been a member of a couple of sites and researched many other online training platforms, but they don’t come anywhere near what there is on offer at Wealthy Affiliate.

I have found with previous training programs that they are here today and gone tomorrow, as they become too outdated.

With a Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership, you don’t need to worry about that. They are constantly developing new functionality, updating and adding new training on a daily basis, including live webinars delivered on a weekly basis.

If you add up everything with all the services you get, the premium membership gives you much more than value. It goes beyond anything I have seen on the Internet today. This would probably cost $1,000s!

There seriously is absolutely nothing out there that comes close, but don’t take my word for it.

Surely this can not be that good; can it?

Fantastic New addition to the Training Platform is Jaaxy Lite

Jaxxy Keyword Tool is now integrated and part of the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform.

Now Jaaxy can be accessed through the training platform which keeps everything local and secure.

Not only that but Jaxxy Lite which is a new membership level is included in the Premium Membership.

4 Membership Levels of Jaaxy

Jaaxy Starter

Included as part of the Free membership with limited functionality. 30 Free searches as of this review!

Jaaxy Lite

This is the new membership, added to the Jaaxy Keyword Tool and is included as part of the Premium Membership.

Jaaxy Costs and Savings

Jaaxy Pro

Jaaxy Pro (without Premium) = $49/mth, $499/year
Jaaxy Pro (with Premium) = $19/mth, $199/year ($30/mth, $300/year savings)

Jaxxy Enterprise

Jaaxy Enterprise (without Premium) = $99/mth, $999/year
Jaaxy Enterprise (with Premium) = $49/mth, $499/year ($50/mth, $500/year savings)

Wealthy Affiliate just keeps getting better with many more additions to the training platform.

An Overview of The Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform

Below is a snapshot of the main menu which is broken down into individual elements. This is the New Look which went live in early 2020.

Wealthy Affiliate Main Menu


Here at a quick glance is where you will find lots of useful information such as…

Most recent posts created by the members, which can be anything from some information they want to share through to training and questions needing answers.

The live help chat can be found here, for quick answers to your questions.

and a load of other useful stuff.


There are 5 sections here, which consist of Online entrepreneur certificate, Affiliate Bootcamp, My Training Activity, Training HQ, and Classrooms

Online Entrepreneur Certification. There are 5 levels that explain everything about running and creating an online business, with videos and text format, which go into great detail and run by the co-founder Kyle.

Stop anytime and the task you are currently on is bookmarked. Tick off each task when it is fully understood and make comments as you go through to clarify points.

With 172 tasks that cover everything that you would need to know.

Affiliate Bootcamp. With 7 levels and is training specifically for members who are a little more experienced (although I wouldn’t let that deter you) and it’s geared towards promoting the Wealthy Affiliate program with incentives to succeed.

Affiliate bootcamp training for the Wealthy Affiliate Program

My Training Activity. This is where all the training that you yourself have participated in and stored for reference so that you can go back to them as and when.

Training HQ. Where all the training that is available to you as a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member consists of 100’s of training courses, developed by the co-founders but also by current members.

Classrooms. There are currently 13 classrooms for you to participate in as a premium member, and 2 as a free member.

When you create and submit a question this is where it resides, in one of the 13 classrooms.

Site Rubix - Getting started with the training
Getting started with the training
  1. WA Affiliate Program
  2. Keyword, Niche and Market Research
  3.  Everything WordPress
  4. Authoring and Writing Content
  5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  6. Social Engagement and Marketing
  7. Website Development and Programming
  8. Local Marketing
  9. Video Marketing
  10. Email Marketing
  11. The Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform
  12. PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing

Dive into those classrooms whenever you have a little spare time on your hands and really expand your knowledge!


SiteRubix is a unique front-end application developed for the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform that integrates with WordPress and simplifies the entire management of your business.

Site Manager allows you to control all the fundamentals of your website, such as comments, passwords, feedback and much more and allows you to connect to the WordPress development area.

Site Builder gives you control of whether you want to create a website on a free domain, a domain that you own or whether you wish to create and register a new domain.

Site Domains is a facility that allows you to transfer domains from other hosting platforms to Site Domains at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s easy, it’s quick, and it allows you to use all of the domain features offered at Wealthy Affiliate. You can also point to domains that are registered outside of Wealthy Affiliate to WA Servers and host your websites.

Site Content is the ultimate writing platform for content marketers, authors, and webmasters, which is full of features that will help to simplify your writing experience, with available stats that will improve accuracy and increase efficiency. A writing experience that can be found all in one central point.

Now there are over 1,000,000 copyright-free images included. Just think how much you could be saving with this alone!

Site Comments is a powerful platform that allows engagement in the form of comments on your website which is a key component to ranking in Google as well as other search engines. This is the only platform available
where you can get real comments, from real people who are interested in your type of website.

Site Feedback is a way that allows you to forward constructive criticism and allow other authors to return the favour. A great way to improve your business, but it has to be used in the correct manner.

Site Support enables you to create support tickets for technical issues relating to your business amongst other things. Whilst there are many other ways to get your answers within the Wealthy Affiliate Community, such as, through direct messaging, live chat, blog posts, questions posted or through a dedicated classroom, It is always nice to have dedicated support that covers the technical aspects.

Live Events

Self-explanatory and displays all live classes available through the calendar system for you to keep an eye on. Don’t miss Jay’s weekly live video training.


This is the new integrated Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Jaaxy main Wealthy Affiliate menu

Live Chat

A great way to get those answers to questions very quickly, not only that but why not spend some time in there helping out struggling members?

A great way to boost your rankings within the community and to improve your knowledge.

Help Center

If all fails and you can’t get the answer you were looking for and it doesn’t happen very often, then this would be the last port of call.

The only time I have needed to use the “Help Desk” is for something website related. No hanging around for 24/48 hours here. Answers come quickly and swiftly. No problems here!

What are My thoughts?

To be honest, there is far too much detail to explain everything that the training platform offers and can get a little confusing unless you are actually in there doing it.

I hope I have at least given you some food for thought!

In everyday life with our 9-5 jobs, how many people actually enjoy what they are doing on a day-to-day basis?

I could hazard a guess and say that NOT many people enjoy their lives, driving to and from work and putting up with the politics and all the “BS” from their superiors.

I guess you are here because of that reason just like I was not too long ago!

Hosting and Domains at Wealthy Affiliate?


At Wealthy Affiliate, the hosting is second to none due to the unique training platform that has everything integrated. Everything is there for you, which gives you so much confidence knowing that your business is 98%-100% secure.

Some of the features that come with the Wealthy Affiliate Hosting
  • Full support and management
  • Daily backups
  • Website mirroring. No problem if one of your sites happens to go down.
  • Website monitored for optimal speed. The average load speed of 1.3 seconds.
  • Faster site speed
  • The most secure and affordable hosting available
  • WordPress optimized
  • 24/7/365 Website monitored
  • Emails and forwarding
  • Site analyzing
  • 25 Your own domains
  • 25 Free Site Rubix domains


These are a breeze to set up in Wealthy Affiliates’ own SiteRubix platform, and when you are at the stage to create your website(s) then you will be guided through this process with ease.

Whilst as a free member you get 2 free websites on their own siterubix.com domain.

As a premium member, you have access to 25 free websites.

On top of that as a premium member, you are allowed to host 25 of your own domains. That’s a total of 50 sites!

Take a look at this comparison chart with 3 familiar hosting companies and their features. No upsells with Wealthy Affiliate!

Wealthy Affiliate domains and hosting comparison chart!
Domains and Hosting Comparisons

What About The Wealthy Affiliate Community?

You will normally find like-minded affiliate programs that once you become a member, then it is normally extremely difficult to get answers to questions, especially from the owners who you will find are unapproachable.

They are too busy making their millions, but with the Wealthy Affiliate Community that isn’t the case, and answers to questions are forthcoming and forthcoming quickly, and if you are not happy with the answer, or just need a little clarification, then there is absolutely no issue with approaching the co-founders, Kyle or Carson.

They are more than happy to help and are one of my deciding factors when choosing to upgrade to the premium membership!

Another key point is that no actual selling or promoting products within Wealthy Affiliate is allowed and that the help you receive is not based on making a sale.

The advice which is freely given is advice that is actually working for people, which is in stark contrast to much of the help you will find online, where the main goals are normally to get you to buy something.

There is a saying somewhere that to be the best at what you do you have to be taught by the best, and here at Wealthy Affiliate there is a facility to network, and follow/link up with higher-ranked members, follow their progress and be notified when they post articles or create any new training, up and beyond the massive amounts of training that are already available to you.

What About Help And Support at Wealthy Affiliate?

I have covered to a certain degree just what the community is all about, but it goes a few steps further when it comes to the different types of help and support you have when it comes to answers to questions.

Let’s take a look at how you can get those answers.

  1. Live chat – Where, if it’s something that requires an answer quickly.
  2. Personal blog – You have your own personal blog so why not tell the community what your issues are and get a conversation going and get your answers, and in the process get further ideas from members?
  3. Private Messaging – If it’s a little sensitive, then pm someone in your network, or maybe one of the co-founders, who are more than happy to help.
  4. Questions – Create a question that gets added to a specific classroom for a discussion.
  5. Training – Create your own training and help your network of friends.
  6. Support Desk – My final port of call, but not normally required.

Pay it forward – In other words, help someone who is struggling and get rewarded within the community.

How Long Does it Take to Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

A question that is always asked and very difficult to answer, because there is so much to take into consideration. Far too many parameters!

If you are a person who is like-minded and wants to be successful and are prepared to put in the hours and work hard, then it is only a matter of time before you start to see benefits.

It will come in spurts but – “patience is a virtue” The more “Posts” you create and publish the more traffic you will attract, which means more sales!

It’s just like anything in life, the more you put into something the more you will get out of it, with members earning in their very first weeks, but put in the research and hours and you will definitely see rewards.

Remember, this is not a race and there is no magic button to instant riches!

Everything is daunting at first but like anything new, it just takes a little time to get used to. No big deal!

You never know, you might actually enjoy this experience, I know I do.

Many drop out far too early because they are not seeing results quickly enough.

You’ve heard the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”?

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it: How to Get The Most Out of Your Free Membership?

I hope I have explained all the major points regarding Wealthy Affiliate and that you have a much clearer understanding of just what this training platform offers, and some of the obstacles that you will face in affiliate marketing before you can start to make money online.

I’m sure you will agree that Wealthy Affiliate solves those problems, but if at all you are not convinced then try the FREE membership and see for yourself, and don’t forget to get back to me with your comments as I’d love to hear them.

Positive and negative!

Remember you have absolutely nothing to lose, and there is no credit card required at all. This could be the best decision you ever make and one that you will not regret!

Don’t forget you get two FREE websites and the hosting is FREE too, and for life, if you want to stay as a free member.

You should be able to get at least one of them up and running whilst you are going through the training within the first seven days.

After your initial seven days, and if you want and are serious about creating a business that will be around for years, you can continue to move your business forward and upgrade to the premium membership, or if you need more time, you can stay with the free starter membership and that could be forever. That is entirely up to you!

Just remember the FREE membership doesn’t come with the same access that the Premium comes with!

There are no shortcuts to building a successful business online and nobody said it was going to be easy.

Don’t take my word for it, my advice would be to give it a try for FREE!

I genuinely believe that the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform is a fantastic work-from-home business opportunity for anyone, no matter what level of experience you are at, and for the very first time, I believe I have found a training platform that I can trust 100%.

Wealthy Affiliate Review -Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam? Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money? Does it Really Work?

You have to approach every new business opportunity and take into consideration the risks versus the rewards, and Wealthy Affiliate is no exception to the rule.

What, if any, are the risks of joining Wealthy Affiliate?

At the moment there aren’t any because it is 100% free to join, and remember you won’t even be asked for your card details.

The rewards are personal financial security and independence, with the freedom to do whatever you want, when you want, and to kiss goodbye to the working week, be your own boss and live the life that you have always wanted.

As for, is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or what? I can answer that with a resounding NO!

Is Wealthy Affiliate worth the money? Absolutely and hopefully I have shown this!

Is Wealthy Affiliate legitimate? You bet it is!

Is Wealthy Affiliate for beginners? This training platform is for everyone with all levels of skills!

Free starter membership sign up with No Credit Card Details Required

Are There Any Cons With Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, of course, there are, and different people will have different gripes.

I have to admit that for me it is so easy to forget just why I joined Wealthy Affiliate in the first place, and easy to lose focus by getting involved in the discussions, and by delving into the abundance of training that can be found.

I found at times that I needed to shake my head and take a step back and ask the question, “Why am I here”?

Getting involved is great but we are here for a reason, to learn how to build a successful online business and to kiss goodbye to the 9-5 rat race!

Not Convinced Yet? Check Out What Several Members Have to Say About Wealthy Affiliate.

Listed below are several Wealthy Affiliate members with different levels of experience over various periods of time.

  1. Simon, Should I join Wealthy Affiliate or not? In truth, it depends.
  2. Vitaliy, Can someone make a full-time income promoting Wealthy Affiliate? You bet they can!
  3. Chris, Proof success takes time.
  4. Ryan, What Wealthy Affiliate has done for me in the first 6 months, and how to make it work.
  5. Edy, Month 8 progress report: Road to 4 figures a month.
  6. Steve, 10.5 million visitors have visited my site. 

Can you see where they are coming from?

They all have different experiences, but they show you that the training here at Wealthy Affiliate really does work.

They show you that this really can be a passive income replacing your working week, giving you back precious time to spend with your families, and they show you that everybody is different and whilst success is just around the corner waiting, it takes time.

Hope to see you on the inside!


I hope you enjoyed this Wealthy Affiliate review and that I was able to answer many of the questions you were asking yourself.

Do you have any questions for me about the review or anything in general? Are you ready to tell your boss where to go?

Just leave a comment below and I will get back to you.

I would love to see you inside, but if not then good luck on your journey!

Thank you for being so patient.

Stay safe!

Spread the love

Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

31 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review – Unlock Your Potential: Empowering Success with Wealthy Affiliate for”

  1. That is an Outstanding Review of Wealthy Affiliate. You have covered the platform very well. The volume of training available makes it worth it by itself and with all the tools available it is a no-brainer.

    There are no claims of quick money or false promises, you will have to work for your money and it will take time. 

    But you will learn the step by step process to build a solid foundation for success.

    Great information, Thank you

    1. Hey Todd, there is so much to cover in the training platform that the only way for anybody to appreciate what is on offer is to join as a free member and take advantage of upgrading to premium within the 7 days for the $19, and that way everything at Wealthy Affiliate will become available with no restrictions at all. 

      That would give you 5 weeks, which is more than enough time to see how good this training platform really is.

      It took me a couple of hours to make my mind up, and was convinced that this training was exactly what I was looking for.

      Thanks for passing by and also for the great comments, it’s much appreciated.

  2. Hi Mick,
    Thanks for sharing your post and great. You’ve done a pretty comprehensive review of Wealthy Affiliate. It’s something that I’d definitely have to look into more as I’m always wary of companies who claim you can make money via an online business. It does seem more legit than the rest though!


    1. Hey James, glad you liked the article and hope I managed to put across the message.

      I can attest to the fact that Wealthy Affiliate is 100% legit and goes far beyond anything I have been able to find on the internet.

      Thanks for the kind comments, much appreciated

  3. Hey Mick,

    Really detailed and well-written post-Mick.

    Like you mentioned with all the “get rich sites” out there it’s only natural there is a high amount of scepticism within the online community.

    I like your no-nonsense style of writing, which breaks up the content very well, as you have a lot of information in your post.


    1. Hi Martin, finding the right platform is key to whether you succeed or not and I believe Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best, if not the best training platforms there is. A no-nonsense approach where there are only 2 membership options, free or paid. 1.3 million can’t be wrong, right? Thank you for your time.

  4. Hey Mick! I just read your review on Wealthy Affiliate and I am glad to hear that there are actually legitimate programs on the internet. The internet is full of scams and the disease is getting spread every day more, unfortunately.

    It is very true, I have been looking for ways how to make money for a while now, but ended up disappointed and with losses of money, instead. And that’s not funny at all. You know what I mean if you have ever been through the same. Thank you for sharing this amazing post with us.

    My question is: How usable is Wealthy Affiliate for newbies in the industry?


    1. Hi Heku, unfortunately, the internet just breeds unscrupulous people and products, and this is something we have to put up with. I can relate to your experience with losing money and being totally disappointed, but you know, if you look hard enough there are options and some great ones besides Wealthy Affiliate. This training platform was designed with the newbie in mind although you will find all levels of experienced individuals as members, so I guess it is for everyone who would be interested in starting their very own online business. If you need any help just give me a shout and thanks for your input and great comments. This is much appreciated.

  5. Great in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate. I actually signed up with them about 8 years ago. At the time I had been scammed so many times, that unfortunately I just sort didn’t even give Wealthy Affiliate a try, as in my mind I assumed it was a scam too. But fast forward to today, and I am now a Wealthy Affiliate member. There is just too much good to say about them. Everything you discuss is right on, and this is the only way I have found to break into the online earning market.

    1. Hey Matts Mom, great to bump into fellow members, hope everything is going great for you. I know where you are coming from with all the money wasted on the many products promising you this and that. It gets to you after a while and I was like yourself, thinking that I was going to get scammed again by Wealthy Affiliate but so glad I had the foresight to at least give it a try. It’s obviously working for you due to the 8 year that you have been a member, so congrats on that. Thanks for spending the time to read and comment on this post, much appreciated.

  6. Very thorough review of the WA service, I’m still learning but so far this sums up the experience pretty well, there’s nothing else like it as far as i’m concerned. It does a lot of things right where no one else seems to care.

  7. Hi Mick!
    I am glad to see this review about WA, very instructive and detailed, it covers almost all you can receive from being a member of WA thank you for sharing this with us 🙂

    1. Hey Waziz, thanks for taking time out and hope this may have helped you in some way. If you need any further details just give me a shout

  8. This is a very thorough review! I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can officially say that it’s a one stop shop when it comes to what you need in order to be successful online. If you put in the work, your business will grown and you’ll be able to finally be financially free!

  9. Hi Mick,
    wow – Wealthy Affiliate sounds like a really great way to start an own business online.
    It’s very convenient that all the technical stuff is taken care of (e.g. website hosting) and you have all services in one platform.
    This way, members can focus completely on creating their own online business.
    I will definitely check out the Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Marketing Training and give it a try.
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Mia, prior to Wealthy Affiliate I spent a lot of time bouncing from one product to the other and got absolutely fed up with MLM after MLM. Since I came across this training platform incidentally quite by accident, I feel that this is where I should be and where I will stay. It didn’t take me long to realize that this training was and is something special, and you have to laugh because for less than $1 a day you will not find anything that comes anywhere near. This training would cost well into the thousands of dollars but I guess when people see comments like this that they just don’t believe them, because quite frankly they sound unbelievable, but I can assure you they are not. If you need any help just give me a shout! Thanks for your support and comments.

  10. This sums up everything great about Wealthy Affiliate. I stumbled around for years on my own trying to learn how to create a successful website until I finally found Wealthy Affiliate. What is so great about it is not only the excellent training, but the awesome and supportive community which can’t be found anywhere else. It takes a village to build a successful business, and Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to call home.

    1. Hey Joseph, I think many can testify to similar paths when trying to work it out and find training that not only works but is trustworthy and extremely cost effective. It’s great to keep bumping into members or I guess colleagues and to hear their stories. Thanks for taking time out to read this review along with the great comments.

  11. I actually think of having a big site and I wonder is hosting good enough to provide a fast user experience for my site? I also have a lot of spams with my hosting provider. How is this platform about these?

    1. hey Furkan, within the Wealthy Affiliate training platform everything is there for you including the hosting if you wish to use it and why not? I love the idea that everything regarding my business is in one place which is 100% secure so no problems there. The only time I need to leave the training platform would be for research. It depends on what you actually mean regarding spamming but you are in control as to what goes on your site or not. Thanks for your comment.

  12. What a great and honest review. I’m Just like you and do research and more research. But yes scammed a couple times and was getting ready to give up the dream of being a part of the on line world.

    Just like you I did stumble on WA and was “Ya right” gave it a free try and my trial wasn’t even up before I came on board as a premium member.

    Today I have a website that is amazing due to this program and every tool as you stated is at your finger tips and NO hidden costs to get you up and running.

    The big thing is also the amazing help you get with the wonderful community your never left in the dark trying to figure things out on your own.

    Thank you for the great article,

    1. Hey David, thank you for sharing your experiences with us, and I can see that everything is working out for you, which is great. Keep up the great work and thank you for the great comments.

  13. This is a very comprehensive review. Thanks for giving me all the scoop about Wealthy affiliate. i have read only good things about them. It’s good that there is still legitimate sites out there. Will recommend this to my friends who are looking to start an Internet business.

    1. Hey Maria, I’m glad you enjoyed the review. There is so much I could say about this training platform but hopefully I hit all the main points. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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    Today, I went to the beach frolnt with my children. I found a sea shell
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    her ear and screamed. Thre was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
    She never wants to ggo back! LoL I know this is entirely
    off topic but I had to tell someone!
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    with someone!
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