The CB Profit Sites Review – 7 Powerful Reasons to Avoid CB Profit Sites

The CB Profit Sites Review

Hey Guys, welcome to the CB Profit Sites Review

CB Profit Sites is marketed as an innovative solution for those looking to break into the world of affiliate marketing with minimal effort.

Promising a streamlined, done-for-you approach, it aims to provide users with pre-built websites, complete with product reviews and monetization strategies, to help them start earning affiliate commissions quickly.

Ideal for beginners who may lack technical skills or experience, CB Profit Sites presents itself as an easy and affordable way to enter the lucrative online marketing space.

However, before diving in, it’s essential to take a closer look at what this system offers and whether it lives up to its claims of simplicity and profitability

Lets get right into it.

[Affiliate Disclosure: The Cb Profits Site Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

CB Profits Site Review -Summary

Product: CB Profit Sites

Founder: Glynn Kosky

Description: Affiliate marketing done for you system

Reasons To Avoid the Cb Profits Site:

    1. Duplicate Content Issues
    2. Ineffective Traffic Generation
    3. Hidden Costs
    4. Low Quality Offers And Bonuses
    5. Poor Training And Support
    6. High Bounce Rate
    7. Unsustainable Long-Term Strategy


Price of product: $22.97 plus upsells

Recommended: No

Summary: CB Profit Sites is marketed as a done-for-you affiliate marketing system that promises an easy way to make money online, a concept that appeals to many.

However, when we hear terms like “fast” and “simple,” it raises some skepticism, prompting us to investigate further.

In reality, these done-for-you systems often fall short of their promises and usually require more work than anticipated.

Glynn offers what he refers to as “Authority” websites pre-loaded with ClickBank product reviews for you to promote.

A significant issue is the potential for hundreds or even thousands of duplicate websites all competing for the same audience.

Glynn also mentions monetizing these sites with Google AdSense, but achieving this requires a substantial amount of traffic.

For context, you would need around 100,000 daily visits to earn approximately $100,000 per year in AdSense commissions.

To earn any meaningful AdSense revenue, you need a massive amount of traffic, and pop-up ads are not universally appealing.

If you’re serious about learning how to succeed in this field, you need comprehensive training and a more hands-on approach.

The CB Profit Sites review - Check out what these people have to say

CB Profit Sites Review – TOC

    1. What is CB Profit Sites About and who are the Founders?
    2. How does CB Profit Sites Work?
    3. CB Profit Sites Pricing
    4. Can you Make Money With CB Profit Sites?
    5. Who is CB Profit Sites For?
    6. What we liked about CB Profit Sites
    7. What we don’t like about CB Profit Sites
    8. Is CB Profit Sites a SCAM or LEGIT?
    9. The CB Profit Sites Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What Is CB Profit Sites About And Who Are The Founders?

The CB Profit Sites Review - Steal our profit website

There are various approaches to affiliate marketing, but one of the most popular and rewarding is establishing yourself as an authority in a specific niche or subject area.

Even if you start without being an expertise, over time, you can become an authority.

CB Profit Sites provides “Authority” websites pre-loaded with product reviews, similar to the site you are on now.

However, there’s a significant issue: the website you purchase will be identical to those bought by potentially hundreds of others.

This means all members will be promoting the same website, product reviews, and content.

Although your domain will be different and you can make minor changes, it takes time for Google to rank a new website, and Google dislikes duplicate content.

They suggest using a content spinner to make your content appear unique, but we are not fans of content spinners.

These tools often produce low-quality results and do not help you learn about researching and writing original content.

Additionally, while the websites are hosted on their servers, this can be risky.

If they decide to shut down the service, you will lose your website and all your hard work, leaving you to start over with a new product or system.

Wouldn’t you be better off investing your time and money in some real training and being in full control?

Just think about it, 6-12 months down the road with some great training and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place.

So who is responsible for CB Profit Sites?

The CB Profit Sites Review - Glynn Kosky

Glynn Kosky is a serial product creator who can be found on affiliate networks, like Clickbank, Jvzoo, and WarriorPlus under the pseudonym of “superwarriors”.

Where you probably can find 1-2 product launches every month, which if you think about it should get you to ask the one big question, why?

If a product was so good he wouldn’t have time to focus on developing other products because all his time you’d think would be spent on developing what he had further and improving the software.

But, it would appear that they are not interested in providing a great service.

However, what you are going to find because they create so many products is similarities or for a better word duplication.

Products in the future you think you have seen before in the past and to some degree, you won’t be wrong either.

How does CB Profit Sites Work?

The CB Profit Sites Review - How it works

Typically, CB Profit Sites provides you with an authority review website that you can modify to give it a more personal touch.

By adding a logo, images, and a bio to make you stand out more and give it a more unique look.

You get professionally done for you product review articles which everybody else who purchases this product will have.

Now, these product reviews are related to Clickbank products and according to Glynn, some of the best-converting evergreen products to date.

Well, my experience with the Clickbank affiliate network tells me that the products that come from there are not the best.

You have to ask questions like…

How old are there and are they still producing sales or are they even still on Clickbank because many move to other affiliate networks like Clickbetter?

A few years ago maybe, but nowadays Clickbank has got a lot of competition and now has to fight for its place as a top affiliate network whereas before it didn’t.

Just some of the claims made by Glyyn Kosky…

    • 100% done for you, plug and play review websites
    • Keep 100% of the commissions
    • 100% free traffic which is supposed to be built into the system
    • 100% hosting taken care of by Glynn and his team
    • 100% cloud-based software solution. Nothing to install
    • 100% beginner-friendly so you do not require previous knowledge

The 3 easy steps that you need to take…

  1. Sign in to the system making sure you enter your Clickbank affiliate ID so that any commissions made go to your Clickbank account.
  1. Customize by entering your details, such as logos, images, bio and then select the products from the 15 you have to choose from.

Also, 1 of the 100 or so free bonuses that you can add to the webpage to entice people to subscribe to your list.

  1. Use the built-in free traffic source and as it is free then we can only assume this will be posting to social media

The CB Profit Sites Review - Hands free commissions

That’s pretty much it according to Glynn and his team but in the real world, there is always something else to do.

You can’t just wait around waiting for the money to come rolling in. It just doesn’t work like that.

Support is key and what you most probably will find is that this will not be forthcoming.

CB Profit Sites Pricing 

As of this review, the cost of CB Profit Sites is going to be $22.97. Looking at the upsells and I don’t see that you would need any of them until you have at least seen some returns.

  1. Unlimited websites priced @ $97.00 – $47.00

The initial cost that you pay for CB Profit Sites allows you access to just one site however this upgrade will allow you multiple sites and therefore the possibility of multiple streams of income.

  1. Done for you upgrade priced @ $97.00 – $67.00

You need to customize the sites to make them stand out amongst the other sites, but if you don’t want to do this yourself then this upgrade will pay for Glynn’s team to do this for you.

  1. Traffic flow automation priced @ $67.00 – $97.00

Not sure what this upgrade is because the system is supposed to already come with a free automated traffic source.

  1. Conversion tools priced @ $47.00 – $67.00

Here you’ll receive a bunch of tools to help your campaigns and hopefully boost conversions.

  1. Page builder priced @ $37.00 – $67.00

To give your campaigns a boost you will be adding freebies or bonuses which will hopefully help in conversions.

This add-on will help to build better and more attractive bonus pages.

  1. License rights priced @ $67.00 – $167.00

Once you have tested CB Profit Sites and found that it actually worked then purchasing this upgrade would allow you to promote the product and keep 100% of any commissions that you made.

These upsells are often presented after the initial purchase and are designed to enhance the functionality and potential profitability of the system.

It’s important to be aware that while the front-end cost is low, the overall expense can add up quickly due to these additional purchases

Can you make money with CB Profit Sites?

Making money with CB Profit Sites is theoretically possible, but there are significant challenges and drawbacks that can impact your success.

Here are some key considerations:

  1. Duplicate Content:

The system provides pre-made review articles that are not unique.

Duplicate content is penalized by search engines, making it difficult for your site to rank well in search results.

This can severely limit organic traffic and potential earnings​.

  1. Traffic Generation:

Effective traffic generation is crucial for making money online.

CB Profit Sites claims to provide free traffic methods, but these often rely on sharing links on social media or using paid ads.

If you don’t have a significant online presence or are not skilled in digital marketing, generating sufficient traffic can be challenging​.

Quality of Offers and Bonuses:

The products and bonuses promoted by CB Profit Sites are often considered low-quality, which can affect conversion rates.

If visitors don’t find value in the offers, they are less likely to make a purchase, impacting your commissions​. 

  1. Hidden Costs:

While the initial cost is low, there are several upsells that can significantly increase your investment.

These additional costs can eat into your profits, especially if the system does not perform as expected​.

Long-Term Viability:

Done-for-you systems like CB Profit Sites are often not sustainable in the long term.

Building a successful affiliate marketing business typically requires creating unique, high-quality content and establishing a genuine online presence, which these systems do not facilitate​.

  1. Training and Support:

The training provided is often minimal and focuses on using the system rather than teaching effective affiliate marketing strategies.

This lack of comprehensive training can hinder your ability to succeed independently​.

In summary, while it is possible to make some money with CB Profit Sites, the numerous challenges and limitations make it unlikely to achieve significant or sustainable income.

For better results, investing in proper affiliate marketing training and creating unique content is recommended.

Who is CB Profit Sites For?

CB Profit Sites is primarily targeted towards individuals who are new to affiliate marketing and looking for an easy, done-for-you solution to start making money online.

Specifically, it appeals to beginners in affiliate marketing who have little to no experience and are looking for a turnkey system that requires minimal setup and technical skills.

It also attracts individuals seeking quick income, enticed by the promise of easy earnings without a significant upfront investment of time or money.

Non-technical users who are not comfortable with building websites, creating content, or managing technical aspects of online marketing may find CB Profit Sites appealing.

Additionally, busy professionals who want to earn additional income but do not have the time to invest in learning the intricacies of affiliate marketing might be drawn to this system.

Finally, it is suitable for people looking for pre-made solutions, preferring ready-made websites and content rather than creating everything from scratch.

In our experience it is best finding a turn-key solution, one that encompasses all the training and support that you would ever need.

They might be a short term solution but they don’t last long and that’s why learning affiliate marketing properly is the right thing to do.

Especially if you are looking for long-term success.

You have to remember that the key element in all of these systems is TRAFFIC and without it, you are not going to make anything.

Free traffic works if you have a big following such as an email list.

Other than that these systems require paid traffic for them to work as the product owners claim.

Paid traffic is a whole new ball game that you have to know what you are doing.

CB Profit Sites Review – What We liked 

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot we liked about the CB Profit Sites except for the money-back guarantee.

In principle the idea seemed good one.

  1. Money-back guarantee

Always a good thing to see and it will at least give you confidence that your investment is safe.

However, I would check to see if the refund covered the upsells because normally they don’t.

CB Profit Sites Review – What We Don’t Like About CB Profits Site

Although the theory behind CB Profit Sitesthe CB Profit Sites review - Things I don't like about CB Profit Sites

seemed like a good one, when we drilled down into the mechanics we saw far too many issues.
  1. Website hosting by CB Profit Sites

When you are purchasing products like CB Profit Sites and you see that website hosting is paid for, you might think this is a good thing.

But think about it, all the product owners have to do is pull the plug and close the system down and you are left with nothing.

Especially when product sales slow down and hosting still has to be paid for.

  1. Quality of the websites

The lack of quality is evident with the websites that are provided which is only going to add to poor numbers when it comes to visitors.

You need to stand out amongst the crowd and to be seen the web pages have to get ranked by Google and if the quality of the content is poor will only add to a high bounce rate.

That’s if anybody see’s your campaigns in the first place.

  1. Duplicate content

Duplicant websites and duplicate content, a recipe for disaster and won’t get ranked by Google which means no visitors and no sales.

They talk about using a content spinner in the hopes that your content is going to be unique and make you stand out.

My experience with content spinners is they often make the content unreadable and a bad habit to get into.

  1. Disclaimer say’s it all

Glynn and his team are obviously busy getting their products to market that they forgot to change the website from a previous product…

The CB Profit Sites Review - Disclaimer

Love how they make out that this product is for everyone, even people with absolutely no knowledge at all and here they are telling us…

“The level of success you reach employing these techniques is entirely dependent upon your skills”

The CB Profit Sites Review - Disclaimer #

Once again here with and there’s nothing like wiping your hands on any earning potential.

  1. Free traffic methods

Free traffic works great if you have a big following but a complete nightmare if you haven’t.

Using SEO to find traffic takes time and you have to get a lot of things right for you to have any success and this product is beyond that scope.

People are purchasing CB Profit Sites because they want to see results quickly and sharing your links within social media just isn’t going to work.

However, Solo Ads are discussed in the training even though the sales page insists this is to be used with free traffic.

Something we just would not recommend especially to anyone who is new to making money online.

  1. What about the subscribers?

It’s all very well if you manage to get subscribers but they don’t go onto your own autoresponder they are stored within the CB Profit Sites system.

Let’s say hypothetically that you managed to get 1000 subscribers and they decided to close CB Profit Sites, you will have lost all those leads.

Just like you will have lost your websites.

Is CB Profit Sites a SCAM or LEGIT?


CB Profit Sites is not necessarily a scam, but it has several significant drawbacks and limitations that potential users should be aware of.

In terms of legitimacy, CB Profit Sites does provide what it promises in terms of done-for-you websites and pre-made content.

Users receive a product in exchange for their payment, which differentiates it from outright scams where no product or service is delivered.

In terms of legitimacy, CB Profit Sites does provide what it promises in terms of done-for-you websites and pre-made content.

Users receive a product in exchange for their payment, which differentiates it from outright scams where no product or service is delivered.

However, the quality of the provided websites and content is often criticized.

The duplicate content can lead to poor SEO performance, and the sites may not rank well in search engines.

This significantly impacts the potential for generating traffic and sales.

Another issue is the hidden costs.

While the initial cost is low, there are numerous upsells that can add up quickly.

These additional costs are not always clearly disclosed upfront, which can be frustrating for users who were expecting a more straightforward pricing structure.

Traffic generation is also a major challenge.

The system relies heavily on users’ ability to generate traffic, which is a complex and challenging aspect of online marketing.

The training provided is often insufficient to help users effectively drive traffic to their sites.

In terms of long-term viability, done-for-you systems like CB Profit Sites are not typically sustainable for long-term success.

Building a successful affiliate marketing business usually requires creating unique, high-quality content and developing a genuine online presence, which this system does not facilitate.

In conclusion, while CB Profit Sites is not a scam in the sense that it provides a product for payment, it may not deliver the results that users expect.

The system has significant limitations and hidden costs that can make it challenging to achieve substantial and sustainable income.

Potential users should carefully consider these factors and possibly explore more comprehensive and transparent options for affiliate marketing success.

CB Profit Sites Review: Final Thoughts!

CB Profit Sites presents itself as an accessible entry point for those new to affiliate marketing, offering a done-for-you system that promises ease and quick results.

However, there are several critical factors to consider before investing in this program.

While the initial low cost and ease of setup might appeal to beginners, the system’s effectiveness is highly questionable.

The reliance on duplicate content can severely hinder your site’s ability to rank in search engines, limiting organic traffic and potential earnings.

Additionally, the hidden costs associated with numerous upsells can quickly add up, making the system more expensive than initially anticipated.

Check out th elink below if you want to know about an affiliate marketing training platforn I would recommend 100%

The CB Profit Sites Review - Wealthy Affiliate
 It’s Free to Join, No Credit Card Details, No Upsells, Great Community and No BS!

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Well, hope you guys enjoyed this CB Profit Sites review.

Any questions at all just add them in the section below and we get back to you at our earliest convenience as we read and reply to all our reader’s comments.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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