Hey Guys, welcome to my What is Tocara
A company that has been around for a while now, manufacturing and selling their own jewellery.
You may have seen their marketing campaigns on social media or maybe you have been approached by one of their consultants.
So, one for the ladies here although there is no reason why the men wouldn’t be interested.
The products look great and should appeal to many however it’s the business opportunity that you are obviously interested in.
With that said, let’s begin.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This Tocara Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]
Product: Tocara Inc
Founder: Randall Markus
Website: www.tocaraplus.com
Product Description: Silver jewellery MLM
Cost to join: $19 or $99
Recommended: Maybe
Summary: Tocara is a multi-level marketing company that specializes in jewellery, that comes in stainless steel, gold or silver in Rhodium plate.
As it is an MLM, where there is a business opportunity for anyone who is feeling entrepreneurial.
However you can purchase the Tocara jewelry, straight from the website without joining and becoming a Tocara consultant.
Tocara Review – Table of Contents
- What is Rhodium?
- What is Tocara About?
- Who is Randall Markus?
- Is Tocara a Pyramid Scheme
- Tocara Product Line
- Tocara Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
- Is Tocara a Scam?
- Tocara Pros and Cons
- The Tocara Review -Final Thoughts
- How we Make Passive Income
- Tocaro Review – FAQs
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is Rhodium?
Now, before we started this Tocara review we had never heard of Rhodium or why you would ever plate silver with it.
So, we were quite surprised to hear that it is a very rare and precious metal that belongs to the Platinum family although more precious.
Silver is a very fragile metal and is often plated or mixed with other metals to give it strength and appearance.
Rhodium is extremely lustrous, withstands corrosion and is hyper allergic which makes it perfect for jewellery.
But due to its hardness and brittle composition and of course, its exorbitant cost, can’t be used in its purest form to make jewellery.
What is Tocara About?

Tocara is a multi-level marketing business that manufactures and sells its own jewellery.
This can come in various metals, either stainless steel, sterling silver or gold which has recently been added to the product range.
Recently Tocara branched out and expanded the range to include products that men would like.
Other than that, this business is primarily aimed at women.
The company was founded in 2008 and resides in Canada.
There is a business opportunity for the entrepreneurial types who want to make some extra money.
Although you can purchase the products straight from the website so you are not required to become a Tocara consultant.
At first glance, the products look ok but as often is, it is only when you have the product in your hand that you know what the quality is like.
All the products are designed by the current CEO and founder Randall Markus alongside a colleague and designer, Nathalie Begin.
This all takes place at their design studio in Canada.
What we like to see is giving back and part of the sales goes to help breast cancer awareness and research through their “Debbie Program”.
Who is Randall Markus?
It all started for Randall Markus way back when he was only 17 years of age, selling shell jewellery he made himself part-time in summer.
This quickly turned into a passion when he was approached by an Italian who asked whether he would like to sell some of his products.
These sold out pretty quickly leaving him in a dilemma because his Italian supplier had run out of stock.
He did manage to forge a relationship with 2 Italian suppliers and even arranged a contract to supply major retail chain stores.
He is not only the founder of Tocara but another wholesale jewellery that he started way back in 1979, Bijou Chateau.
By the time he was 18, he had made his first $1 million in sales.
Between 1985-90 he caught the attention of Avon, the big direct selling company and manufactured proprietary pieces for them.
He even forged a sizeable business with Avon and it was working through Avon that gave him the incentive to start Tocara where we are now.
Is Tocara a Pyramid Scheme?
Multi-level marketing companies are often judged as pyramid schemes but most of them do not qualify for that accolade.
It is always about the products and whether they have an intrinsic value and we can see that Tocara’s products do.
Not only that but they have been operating since 2008 which gives them credibility as a business.
Yes, recruitment is key if you want to succeed in an MLM business model but you can make money with Tocara without recruiting.
Granted you aren’t going to be replacing a full-time job any day but as a whole people aren’t too bothered about that.
So in answer to the initial question, “Is Tocara a pyramid scheme?” Absolutely not!
Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…
The consensus is that a company may be declared a pyramid scheme where the affiliates or representatives are paid a commission for recruitment only.
Where there isn’t a product or service with an intrinsic value, which is a product or service that is useless and has no meaning.
In most countries this is illegal and in some countries, people go to prison for a very long time, an example would be China.
What normally happens nowadays is that companies hide behind products which makes it all the more difficult for the FTC to prosecute.
Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?
There are so many MLMs that operate as a pyramid scheme and because there are so many it takes time for the FTC to act on them.
After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.
The company under investigation usually closes down and reopens as some other company probably doing the exact same thing but using a different name.
You might like to check out this short video…
Tocara Product Line
The products are in the style of costume jewellery and you’ve heard the term that you get what you pay for.
Having said that though the quality does look impressive and that can be seen in the products in the below image.
Which are better viewed on the website as they can be enlarged.
There is an extensive range of products and as of this review, we found around 400.
Ranging from around $10 up to $237.
Below we have highlighted the categories…
- Earings
- Bracelets
- Necklaces
- Rings
- Accessories
- Men’s
For a look at the range of products available you can take a look at the Tocara Catalogue here.
Tocara Business Opportunity – What You Need to Know
Tocara, like all multi-level marketing businesses, offers an opportunity to make some money maybe as a side gig to help out with the bills.
Or if you are feeling adventurous and entrepreneurial then maybe a nice nest egg in years to come.
Most people tend to join to see how things pan out, but there is the potential to make some really good money.
Below we discuss just what is involved if you want to succeed in this type of business.
How Much Does it Cost to Join Tocara?
There are 2 business startups, the Petite Kit and the Elite Kit.
Petite Kit costs you $19 and comes with products to the value of $90.
Whilst Elite Kit costs you $99 and comes with products to the value of $510.
If you go all-in and purchase the Elite Kit then you get the Petite Kit for free.
In fact, if you are considering Tocara as a business opportunity then what better way of checking the products than by purchasing the Elite Kit.
In addition to this, you get the business website that comes free for the month that you join plus the next month.
Followed by a monthly membership fee.
Check this link out here for additional information.
How to Make Money With Tocara?
Like with all MLM there are 2 ways that you can make money, selling the products and recruitment.
If you really want to succeed in this type of business then the only way to do that is through recruiting and building a large team.
You have however to ensure that you train your team and keep them motivated otherwise they will leave as quickly as they came.
Commissions range from 25% up to 40% but the higher rate will be for Tocara consultants who have ridden up the ranks.
There are other incentives such as bonuses and holidays for high-flyers!
- Some additional ideas for increasing sales…
- Promote through social media, works great with a large audience
- Host your own parties is another great way to expand your customer base
- Rent a stand at an event of some sort
- Rent retail space such as a shop
- Use online retail outlets like Amazon, eBay, Etsy…
Really the amount of ways is down to you and how determined you really are.
Tocara Compensation Plan
Unfortunately when it comes to the compensation plan they are often a bit of a mystery and Tocara is no different.
We did manage to dig out some information although it wasn’t in-depth which you can read about here.
Or you can chill out and watch a Tocara representative go through it in this YouTube video…
Are Tocara Consultants Actually Making Money?
The million-dollar question and if you talk to Tocara consultants they will all tell you that they are doing just fine.
Why wouldn’t they, after all, they want you to join them?
The reality of it all is that many struggles with this business model and we have witnessed this first-hand on a couple of occasions.
You can read about what the Federal Trade Commission has to say here but it doesn’t paint a rosy picture.
Whilst those figures are based on an average it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t succeed though.
Is Tocara a SCAM?
Tocara is definitely not a scam but a legitimate company that manufactures and sells unique and exquisite jewellery that many people are going to love.
The company is registered on the Direct Selling Association website which adds to the validity as a legit and kosha business.
The range of products is pretty extensive where there’s something for everyone.
The price range seems reasonable especially as the silver jewellery is coated with Rhodium which is a rare and very expensive metal.
However, the major hurdle for people is always the recruitment side.
You see, people who succeed in MLMs are people who have large followings.
If you have a large following then you are halfway there!
Tocara PROS and CONS
In this section, we have put together what we think are the most important points when considering this opportunity.
- Great Products and Reasonably Priced:
The founder of Tocara started making and selling jewellery when he was 17 years of age and even went to Italy to clinch deals with 2 suppliers.
He also spent time supplying many retail outlets and even had a line of jewellery sold through Avon.
We think the products look great and the price seems reasonable too.
- Well Established Company:
The company has been around since 2008 and for an MLM that is a long time which tells us they must be doing something right.
- A Member Of The Direct Selling Association:
Always a good thing is to check any MLM to see if they are registered with the DSA and besides as of this review the founder is on the board.
- Difficult To Make A Full-Time Income:
Making money online no matter what it is, network marketing, affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA.
Takes a lot of hard work and most people are just not prepared for this.
I guess it’s a lot down to what they are being told just to get them to join.
This is wrong because that shows people do really care and you often only find this out when you have been there a while.
- Not Registered With The Better Business Bureau:
Another website worth checking is the BBB and we can’t see Tocara as even registered on this site.
Tocara Review – Final Thoughts!
I think we have established that Tocara is a legit business and there could be a decent business opportunity.
For ones that are 100% dedicated to succeeding and who are prepared to work hard.
This business model though is not for everyone and it will take a number of years to work your way up the ranks unless you have a massive following.
Many people start these MLM opportunities as a side-line and often leave it at that because they love the products and friends and family do too.
That’s fine and we can understand this.
However, if it’s a business opportunity that will excel beyond MLM then check out the section below.
How we Make Passive Income
Passive income is what everyone would like to achieve, however, the MLM business model doesn’t fit into that category.
Simply because you are going to have to work your butt off.
That doesn’t mean that what I am going to suggest is a walk in the park because it isn’t.
Affiliate marketing gives you so much more flexibility where you can promote anything you like.
You could even use this website to promote Tocara if you’d like by creating content about the products and re-directing them to your Tocara website.
You don’t have to purchase any products either, all you have to do is connect the customer with the merchant.
The main benefit here is that this would be your own business that belongs to you, not like an MLM where the business isn’t yours.
Have you thought about what would happen if the MLM closed its doors?
This really is what we call a passive work-at-home business and not a work-from-home business like you’d find with Tocara and hosting parties.
You can take a look for free and with no credit cards, this way you would get a better feel for what we mean.
Tocaro Review – FAQs
Here are a few questions that people are asking in the search engines.
- How Much Does It Cost To Join Tocaro?
There are 2 memberships, the Petite kit and the Elite Kit.
Petite Kit costs $19 and comes with $90 worth of products
Elite Kit costs $99 which comes with products to the value of $510
- Who Owns Tocaro?
The current CEO and founding member is Randall Markus
- Where Is Tocaro Jewelry Made?
All the Tocaro jewelry is designed by the founder, Randall Markus our Nathalie Begin, who is the in-house jewelry designer.
- What Is Tocaro Jewelry Made Of?
All the jewelry comes with a limited lifetime warranty and is constructed of rhodium-finished sterling silver with 10K gold.
- How Long Has Tocaro Been In Business?
Tocaro was founded in 2008 after a long-term relationship with Avon Products Inc.
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Hope you guys enjoyed the Tocara review and that we answered most of your questions.
If you have anything to add then feel free to add anything in the below section.
Until next time, stay safe