Sipology By Steeped Tea Review – AWESOME Tea, Bad Business! This One is For Tea Lovers!!!

Hey Guys, welcome to my Sipology by Steeped Tea Review

What’s your favourite tipple first thing in the morning?

Are you a coffee lover or is it tea that youSipology by Steeped Tea logo and brand favour, in which case we may have something for you?

Sipology by Steeped Tea, is a company where you can purchase a range of tea-related products directly.

Or if you are feeling entrepreneurial then there is a business opportunity that you might even consider.

But before you jump right in you might like to read this Sipology review first to give you a better insight.

Which will allow you to make a decision whether this is something for you or not.

Let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure:  This Sipology by Steeped Tea Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Sipology by Steeped Tea ReviewProduct: Sipology

Founder: Tonia Jahshan and Hatem Jahshan


Product Description: Loose tea and various tea-related products multi-level marketing business

Cost to join: $99

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Sipology is a multi-level marketing business that produces and sells a range of tea products.

They offer a business opportunity to people who are entrepreneurially minded or just looking for some extra cash.

But before you decide to join, there are a few things that you need to know first.

Which is why you are here.

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Sipology By Steeped Tea Review – TOC

    1. What is Steeped Tea?
    2. What is Sipology by Steeped Tea About?
    3. Who is Tonia Jahsan?
    4. Is Sipology a Pyramid Scheme
    5. Sipology Product Line
    6. Sipology Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      1. How much does it cost to join Sipology?
      2. How to make money with Sipology?
      3. Sipology Compensation Plan
      4. Are Sipologists Actually Making Money?
    7. What is The Sipology Scam?
    8. Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – Pros
    9. Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – Cons
    10. Steeped Tea Review -Final Thoughts
    11. How we Make Passive Income
    12. Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – FAQs
    13. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Steeped Tea?

Sipology by Steeped Tea Review - Steeped Tea

If you are not a connoisseur of the tea-drinking fraternity then you are probably not aware of the term “steeping”.

I mean why would you? We just put a teabag in a cup or a teapot and wait a short while and that’s it, right?

Well for “real” tea drinkers, a little like wine tasters, it is all about the process which some say is an art form.

Whether you are using tea bags or tea leaves although leaves you would use for the perfect cup of tea.

It’s all about the correct heating and different leaves mean different steeping times.

The right water temperature ensures that you extract the flavours and the right health-promoting elements.

Leave it too long and the taste can be unbearable.

Anyway, for those who would like to know more you can by clicking here.

What is Sipology About?

Sipology was born out of Steeped Tea Inc, a brand that started way back in 2007.

Which came about due to an experience she had on vacation in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Where she tasted a brand of loose tea, namely Early Grey de la Creme with which she fell in love.

So much so that she took a batch home with her and invited family and friends to taste the brand of which she received a similar response.

Steeped Tea Inc was born and very shortly after Sipology came about to take the brand to the next level.

Which was to promote their extensive range of tea-related products along with some unusual varieties that you might find difficult to purchase elsewhere.

Because of the different varieties of tea that are on offer, this opens up the possibilities as a business opportunity.

Simply because most of the brands can’t be bought in retail outlets and the fact tea is consumable so the potential is pretty good.

Here’s a promotional video…

Who is Tonia Jahsan?

Tonia is the founder of Steeped Tea Inc and Sipology which is the site to promote the many different brands of loose leaf tea.

She also works closely alongside her husband, Hatem.

In 2012 she pitched Sipology by Steeped Tea on the Canadian version of Dragons Den, a tv reality show where the intention is to get an investor.

Her pitch was that successful she managed to get 2 dragons on board and in 2013 managed to achieve $10 million in sales.

Sipology by Steeped Tea has won numerous rewards and she was also featured in “The Profit 500” magazine as one of the fastest-growing companies in Canada.

Is Sipology a Pyramid Scheme?

There’s no surprise that this type of business Is Sipology by Steeped Tea a pyramid schememodel gets so much bad press especially as there are so many of them that do border on this term.

But the majority of MLMs are in fact legit businesses, it’s just the payment structure that represents a pyramid.

Providing there are products and services that do have an intrinsic value, then there shouldn’t be a problem.

Here at Sipology, there are around 250 legitimate products that Sipologists make money from as well as creating a team.

However, the multi-level marketing business model requires that to make money you have to recruit and build a team.

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

The consensus is that a company may be declared a pyramid scheme where the affiliates or representatives are paid a commission for recruitment only.

Where there isn’t a product or service with an intrinsic value, which is a product or service that is useless and has no meaning.

In most countries this is illegal and in some countries, people go to prison for a very long time, an example would be China.

What normally happens nowadays is that companies hide behind products which makes it all the more difficult for the FTC to prosecute.

Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?

There are so many MLMs that operate as a pyramid scheme and because there are so many it takes time for the FTC to act on them.

After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.

The company under investigation usually closes down and reopens as some other company probably doing the exact same thing but using a different name.

You might like to check out this short video…

Sipology Product Line

Sipology by Steeped Tea products

On the Sipology website as of this review, there is a range of 248 tea-related products.

Below is a breakdown of the different categories and a brief description.

Heal Thy Self

In this category, there are a number of oils and powders which may help promote health and various ailments, such as sleep, cardiovascular, and inflammation, to name a few…


Matcha is a finely ground green tea that comes in many varieties and originates from Asia.

You can sprinkle Matcha on yoghurts, cereals, and smoothies which provide a calming effect.

Flavours come in maple, mango, salted caramel, candy cane, chocolate chip cake, strawberry…


These are bold black and green tea flavours that originate from China, Sri Lanka and India.

With an assortment of tea-related products.


A mix of various ingredients such as Blackberry, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Amaretta, and Citrus just to name a few and an assortment of tea-related products.

Cosmic Fusions

There are even teas that bubble to give you a citric experience which come in many flavours.

Naturally Sweet Tea

A series of natural sweet teas that come in raspberry, vanilla earl grey, cherry, lemon…

Loose Leaf Tea

Here they have well over 100 various loose tea flavours.

There’s also …

    • Lattes and Chai
    • Hot Chocolate
    • Cooking with Tea
    • Teaware
    • Collections

To get a more detailed description of what they have to offer at Sipology you can find the whole product range here.

Sipology Business Opportunity – What you need to know

Sipology by Steeped Tea Business in a box

As always with multi-level marketing businesses, there is a business opportunity that anyone can take on.

Before you consider something like this you need to ensure firstly, that the products are great and something that people are going to want.

But more importantly, is there a business there and this section will disclose whether there is.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Sipology?

To become what they are calling a “Sipologist” which basically is an affiliate it will cost you $99 for the starter kit and for this, you will get…

    • Naturally sweet tea kit
    • Magical tea kit, your choice of fruit teas, infuser and cup
    • Kombucha starter collection kit
    • Bubbly tea collection kit
    • Honey latte collection kit
    • Sangria collection kit

There are some available add-ons that you could purchase and overall looks like a decent kit and people might join just for that alone.

If you are serious about this opportunity then you will also need to pay for the business services as well which is a monthly fee of $12.95.

How to Make Money With Sipology?

There are many ways to make money with Sipology however one of the main ways they promote is to host your own parties.

These are known as ParTea within the Sipology community.

Hosting your own parties in local towns and cities is a great way to meet people and sample tea-related products.

It’s a great way to get exposure, find new customers and possibly people who might be interested in joining your team as Sipologists.

There are many other ways such as…

    • Social media, like Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube…
    • Your own website aside from your personal Sipology site
    • Events such as fairs, car boot sales, concerts, etc
    • A retail outlet like a shop

However, to really expand the business and make some real money you have to create a team, train and nurture them.

Siplogy Compensation Plan

Unfortunately, their website does not have a compensation plan or anything that would resemble one.

This is not great because that would be the first thing that you would want to know if you were considering starting this as a business.

What we do know though is that commissions start from 25% and raise to 40% depending on what status you are within the plan.

Sipology gives you a guideline of the potential for making some money but as you can see in the below image this would require a lot of work.

Sipology by Steeped Tea Income potential

To earn commissions of $1620 would require 3 parties each week which would take a lot of work on your part.

Is it a work-at-home opportunity that you are looking for or is it work away from home opportunity?

You will have to purchase additional products for hosting the parties and rental space which are going to eat into your commissions.

As well as an awful lot of tea products that you would have to sell.

$1620 is not going to be enough to replace a full-time job which means that recruitment has to be key.

Are Sipologists Actually Making Money?

Of course, members will be earning some money, it’s the amount that you are interested in, unfortunately, we are not privy to that sort of information.

This is often the case with MLM companies.

Depending on how much time and effort you devote to this business will determine how quickly you progress up the ranks.

The higher the rankings the more bonuses you will receive and the higher the commissions.

The Federal Trade Commission bases its MLM income figures across the board which doesn’t reflect individual companies as can be seen here.

Is Sipology a SCAM?

Is Sipology a scam? Definitely not!

They have a very good product range that people appear to love and you are sure to find flavoured teas that you can’t find in local stores.

They have a backing of two dragons to the tune of $250k which has to give you confidence.

Very passionate about their products which is great to see as often isn’t the case with MLMs.

However, this type of business is extremely difficult to succeed in because there is an emphasis on recruiting which is not for everyone.

If you are considering this as a way to make some extra money then we would recommend checking out the products first.

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Sipology by Steeped Tea Review -PROS

Here we have highlighted a few positive points that we think that you will be interested in, especially the backing of Dragon’s Den.

  • The Owners Have A Passion:sipology by steeped tea review - Pros

We can see that the owners have a passion for what they are doing and really set their mark within the tea industry.

  • Backed By Two Dragons:

If you are not familiar with Dragons Den, it’s a reality tv show where you pitch your business with the hopes of getting an investment.

Which in many cases isn’t about the money but the knowledge and guidance that these businesswomen and men can provide.

  • Member Of The Direct Selling Association

Always a good sign is to see a multi-level marketing company as a member of this organisation as it goes towards credibility.

Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – CONS

  • Difficult to make a Full-Time Income:Sipology by Steeped Tea Review - CONs

It is after all an MLM and they are notoriously difficult for anyone to succeed in with the top 1% making all the money.

Having said that, with the right mindset and the right work ethic anybody can succeed but it is certainly not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It is going to take a lot of hard work and dedication.

Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – Final Thoughts!

For starters, Sipology is a very dedicated company that has a passion for what they are doing and they have an extensive range of products.

Some might say that the tea is a little on the pricey side but we aren’t talking about going down to your local corner shop.

Most of these teas you are probably going to struggle to find anywhere else so I guess you can expect to pay a premium.

Having said that though we don’t think they are overpriced, but everyone to their own.

Would we recommend the products? Why not, we like a nice cup of tea and we are always trying new blends.

Mind you most supermarkets now offer a pretty good range of teas so unless someone put a Sipology tea in front of me then I wouldn’t know about them and probably not go out of my way to either.

Would we recommend Sipology as a business opportunity then probably not because there is far too much work involved.

If you want to know what we do then please continue to read on…

How we Make Passive Income

It’s not that we have anything against the MLM business model or that you can’t make money because many do.

What we don’t like are all the restrictions and additional costs that come with an MLM.

Making passive income has to be what everyone would love to achieve and the best way of doing that is through affiliate marketing.

Why not take a passion of yours and turn it into a business, if you want to know how then hit the link below.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Sipology by Steeped Tea Review – FAQs

  1. Is Sipology Worth Joining For The Business Opportunity?

As you know Sipology is a network marketing company where you can run the business as more of a hobby where you only sell to family and friends.

However, if you want to earn some real money then you would have to create a team, nurture and train them to keep them motivated.

Whilst all along trying to sell the products.

Not for everyone because you have to create big teams and therefore recruitment is key here.

  1. Will, I Receive Training?

Yes, you will, in addition to what Sipology will give you the training will come from your sponsor.

So it is very important that you research your sponsor first to ensure that they have experience in this field which is often difficult.

The reason for this is that many sponsors just don’t have the time as they are too busy recruiting and building their teams.

Now, if sponsors spent more time on their immediate team members then most of them wouldn’t leave and need to be replaced.

  1. Are There Sales Quotas To Meet?

If you want to stay active as a Sipology member then the one requirement is that you will need to make at least $500 in sales every 3 months.

  1. How Much Can I Earn?

This all depends on how much time you are prepared to put into the business.

You can earn between 25 and 40 per cent commission personal sales so there’s a decent margin to potentially make some money.

However, you are selling tea products where the costs are not that great which means you will have to sell a lot of products.

  1. Is Sipology The Same As Steeped Tea?

Yes, Steeped Tea is now Sipology as the term Steeped Tea has been used for many years to describe a method of brewing tea which was a little confusing to people.

Sipology now is the brand and the way forward.

  1. How Do You Use Sipology Tea?

Add 1-2 teaspoons to the infuser and place back in the jug.

Steep according to the label instructions, remove from the infuser and fill the remainder of the jug with cold water and refrigerate.

  1. Are Sipology Teas Organic?

Yes, all the tea is certified organic and inspected regularly and are a member of the Direct Selling Association and follow their code of ethics.

  1. Where Does Sipology Matcha Come From?

Matcha tea is finely grounded green tea that originates in China and was later more popularized in Japan and a tea that is loved worldwide.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

First and foremost we would like to thank you for reading this Sipology review and we hope that you have benefited in some way.

If you would like to ask us anything please feel free to add any questions below and we will get back to you.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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