Tropic Skincare Review – Discover the Magic: A Positive Review of Tropic Skincare’s Award-Winning Products

Tropic Skincare Review

Hey Guys, welcome to my Tropic Skincare Review

The skincare and cosmetics industry is massive and we can see why, I mean who doesn’t want to look good?

It’s also a very competitive industry and what better way to stand out than by becoming healthier and greener ambassadors to the planet?

That’s what we have here with Tropic Skincare but before we get started, we just like to give you a heads up.

We aren’t associated with Tropic Skincare in any way, meaning that we are not getting paid for this review.

This basically means that what you will get from us is an unbiased account of the company, the owners, products and the opportunity.

So, if the main question that is on your mind is, is Tropic Skincare a scam or is Tropic Skincare a pyramid scheme?

We can answer this with a resounding no it isn’t but all will be revealed in the next few minutes.

With that said, let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Tropic Skincare MLM Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Tropic Skincare Review – Summary

Product: Tropic Skincare

Founder: Susie Ma


Product Description: Skincare products network marketing company

Cost to join: £198 or $262

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Tropic Skincare is a direct selling business that manufactures a wide range of natural skincare and cosmetics products.

Like all multi-level marketing businesses, they offer a business opportunity.

Whereby you could earn yourself an income through retail sales and recruitment.

However, before you even think about buying into this opportunity there are a few things you need to know first.

That is why you are here and that’s what we hope to achieve today.


Tropic Skincare Review – TOC

    1. What is Tropic Skincare About?
    2. Who is Susie Ma?
    3. Is Tropic Skincare a Pyramid Scheme
    4. Tropic Skincare Review – Products Line
    5. Tropic Skincare Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      1. How Much Does it Cost to Join Tropic Skincare?
      2. How to Make Money With Tropic Skincare?
      3. Tropic Skincare Review – Compensation Plan
      4. Are Tropic Skincare Ambassadors Actually Making Money?
    6. Is Tropic Skincare a Scam?
    7. Tropic Skincare Review – PROs
    8. Tropic Skincare Review – CONs
    9. Tropic Skincare Review -Final Thoughts
    10. How we Make Passive Income
    11. Tropic Skincare Review FAQs
    12. Tropic Skincare Lawsuits
    13. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Tropic Skincare About?

Tropic Skincare brief overview of the productsTropic Skincare is a cosmetics and skincare business operating within the multi-level marketing industry.

Founded in 2011 and is based in the UK and is jointly owned by Susie Ma and the British business magnate, Lord Alan Sugar.

The initial idea of Tropic as it was referred to then came about six years prior to the actual launch in 2004.

Where Susie started with just one product which is their best-selling product today, Body Smooth Refreshing Polish.

A body scrub that she created herself based on naturally sourced products.

Which includes essential oils, aloe vera and shea butter. All the products are vegan which will appeal to many!

Susie sold her product on the Greenwich market to help her mum pay the bills and to her surprise sold the whole batch.

In 2013 Tropic Skincare launched the network marketing business side which included around 400 sales representatives.

Since the business launch, the business has gone global and has expanded the product range to well over 200 as we are seeing today.

To include Skin, body, hair, makeup, festive, and mama and baby care.

With the help of Alan Sugar has now become a thriving business that has won many awards along the way.

In 2017 the business had revenue in the region of £20 million and three years later almost £100 million or 132.6 million US dollars.

Check out this brief introduction of how Susie started her brand…

Who is Susie Ma?

It started way back for Susie when she was only six years of age and growing up around her grandma who was trained as a chemist and toxicologist.

Listening to what her grandma used to tell her about looking after herself left a lasting impression.

Living and being brought up in Australia created the ideal setting with an abundance of lush and natural plant life.

Wind forward a few years to when she and her mother moved to London and found it a struggle,  and thought she might be able to help pay the bills.

After the success of selling her batch of 50 products decided to get her friends involved and paid them commissions for their help.

At that early age, you could see that the entrepreneurial side was evident.

It wasn’t until she appeared on The Apprentice, a young business person reality show that she sort out the attention of Alan Sugar, the show’s host.

The British business tycoon saw her as a rising entrepreneur and decided to join her in her business venture as a 50/50 partner.

Is Tropic Skincare a Pyramid Scheme?

It is no surprise that the multi-level marketingIs tropic skincare a Pyramid scheme business model tends to be labelled as a pyramid scheme.

This is all down to recruitment and whether the business is focusing solely on bringing new members in without any real product or service.

One thing that is clear with Tropic Skincare is their focus is primarily on creating great products which we can clearly see.

For evidence as to whether Tropic Skincare is a viable business with great products just head over to TrustPilot for clarification.

They have a rating of 4.8/5.0 based on over 6,500 reviews so that alone should tell you something.

The GREEN issue is very important nowadays and creating products that are 100% natural ingredients, vegan and animal cruelty-free.

Make her stand out amongst her competitors.

However, the multi-level marketing business model requires that to make money you have to recruit and build a team.

Which also requires that you train and mentor that team.

So in answer to the initial question, “Is Tropic Skincare a pyramid scheme?” Absolutely not!

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

The consensus is that a company may be declared a pyramid scheme where the affiliates or representatives are paid a commission for recruitment only.

Where there isn’t a product or service with an intrinsic value, which is a product or service that is useless and has no meaning.

In most countries this is illegal and in some countries, people go to prison for a very long time, an example would be China.

What normally happens nowadays is that companies hide behind products which makes it all the more difficult for the FTC to prosecute.

Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?

There are so many MLMs that operate as a pyramid scheme and because there are so many it takes time for the FTC to act on them.

After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.

The company under investigation usually closes down and reopens as some other company probably doing the exact same thing but using a different name.

You might like to check out this short video…

Tropic Skincare Products Line

Tropic Skincare, designs, manufactures, markets and distributes its unique range of products.

As of this review, you can find over 200 products to choose from and cover many applications.

They are all-natural, vegan, animal cruelty-free, cosmetic products that cover a wide range.

This includes serums and oils, body creams, tanning lotions, and even products for mums and their babies plus a whole lot more…

Tropic Skincare Hair products

The current bestsellers at Tropic Skincare are…

    • Tropic Skincare Smoothing Cleanser complexion purifier
    • Tropic Skincare Skin Feast nourishing cream concentrate
    • Tropic Skincare Vitamin Toner pore refining mist
    • Tropic Skincare ABC Skincare collection
    • Tropic Skincare Cleansing Body Pebble
    • Tropic Skincare Skin Dream age-defying cream concentrate
    • Tropic Skincare Smoothing Cleanser Complexion Purifier

For a further look and full description of what these products can do for you, check the full product range here.

Listed below are some of the categories that you can find on their website…


    • Cleanse, Tones and Moisturise
    • Eyes and Lips
    • Serums and Oils
    • Masks and Exfoliation
    • Skincare Collections


    • Body, Creams and Oils
    • Bath and Shower
    • Hands and Feet
    • Sun Care
    • Tanning


    • Face and Cheeks
    • Eyes and Brows
    • Lips
    • Brushes and Tools


    • Cleansers
    • Conditioners
    • Hair Care Kits
    • Hair Wash
    • Hair Oils
    • Massagers

They even include festive and mama & baby products too.

For more details of the whole product range, you can take a look at their online catalogue here.

Here are some other companies manufacturing and selling similar products that you might be interested in…

My Daily Choice

Jeunesse Global

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Tropic Skincare Business Opportunity – What You Need to Know

Half the battle of whether you take up their business opportunity is whether you can trust and have faith in the products.

One thing that we are sure of is the products are very well received with millions of customers purchasing them with repeat sales.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Tropic Skincare?

Becoming a Tropic Skincare Ambassador will cost you £198 or $262 and for that, you get your starter kit valued at around £500.

That includes over 20 of their most popular products plus training and business tools which will include your own personal website.

If for any reason you decide to not continue with this business opportunity, you have 90 days where you can get a full refund.

If you are thinking of becoming a Tropic Ambassador then you might like to check out the details which can be found here.

How to Make Money With Tropic Skincare

There are many ways that you can promote and sell Tropic Skincare products.

A great way is passive, which we talk about nearer to the end of this Tropic Skincare review.

Some other ways would be…

    • Promote through social media, works great with a large audience
    • Host your own parties is another great way to expand your customer base
    • Rent a stand at an event of some sort
    • Rent retail space such as a shop
    • Use online retail outlets like Amazon, eBay, Etsy…

Really there are no restrictions and it’s just a matter of using your own imagination.

We would suggest creating an additional website to get traffic and just re-route to your own personal Tropic website but we discuss this later.

Tropic Skincare Compensation Plan

One thing we found strange was the absence of any compensation plan on the Tropic Skincare website.

We had to scour the universe to find anything that resembles one and you shouldn’t have to do that.

Ambassadors do get a minimum of 25% commission for each order with incentives such as luxury trips and we hear a mention of winning a car.

If you want to look at the plan in more detail then you can by just clicking on the image below.

Tropic Skincare Compensation Plan

Are Tropic Ambassadors Actually Making Money?

Now, this is a bit of a tricky question because more than often income disclosures are very hard to come by.

According to the claims of Tropic Skincare the average monthly commission from ambassadors who joined in 2020.

Is £122 and that 10% who are at leader level earn on average £1,049 a month.

However, these figures could easily be higher if more time and effort were put into the business but we see this as more of a hobby for many.

The Federal Trade Commission bases its MLM income figures across the board which doesn’t reflect individual companies as can be seen here.

Is Tropic Skincare a SCAM?

Is Tropic Skincare a scam? Definitely not Tropic Skincare Review - Is Tropic Skincare a scamand I think we have made our point within this Tropic Skincare review.

It’s a legit business, manufacturing and selling great products that everybody is going to want.

Helped by Lord Alan Sugar a businessman who knows all about taking businesses from obscurity to become extremely profitable.

They have won over 200 awards and the products are used by beauty journalists and celebrities alike.

Ingredients are sourced from tropical countries around the world like Brazil, Australia and Madagascar.

Currently, though there are a few issues with selling in Europe due to Brexit which need to be addressed.

Ambassadors currently are only allowed from the UK but that may change in the foreseeable future.

Lord Sugar has even made a statement about plans for bringing the brand Tropic Skincare over to the US.

Which would mean floating the company on the stock exchange for additional funding.


What we Like About Tropic Skincare

  • Great Products:What we like about Tropic Skincare

At Tropic Skincare it’s the products that come first and this can be seen by the great reviews.

Tropic Skincare TrustPilot

The products are affordable and of a high standard and making an impact on helping the planet to be a better greener place.

Even their HQ in Surrey runs on 100% free energy.

All the products are vegan, gluten-free, and cruelty-free(PETA) with recyclable packaging and every purchase goes towards funding education in other countries.

  • Backing by a British Businessman:

Due to Susie’s exposure on The Apprentice reality tv show where budding entrepreneurs fight for a six-figure salary job with Alan Sugar.

Although she came 2nd, the British business tycoon Alan Sugar saw her as a promising entrepreneur and decided to back her in a joint venture.

Which came by way of a £200k investment.

  • Prosperous and Expanding Business:

Since 2011 the company has gone from strength to strength with over 250 products.

In just 10 years the company has gone from obscurity to where they are now at £100 million in revenue and paying out 2020, around £46 million.

  • Tropic Skincare Ambassadors do not hold Stocks:

Often with a multi-level marketing business as an affiliate or ambassador, you are required to make sales targets.

This often means purchasing the stocks yourself and stockpiling which means being out of pocket.

This is something that you do not need to do at Tropic Skincare.

What we Don’t Like About Tropic Skincare

  • Difficult to make a Full-Time Income:What we don't like about Tropic Skincare

All MLMs are but there is so much going for Tropic Skincare that allows you to make some money.

How much money though is all down to the individual and how they adapt to their approach.

They will teach you best practices and how to promote their products which is not difficult but another learning curve.

It will take a lot of hard work on your part but all businesses no matter what they are, take a lot of dedication and this company is going nowhere.

Tropic Skincare Review – Final Thoughts!

Tropic Skincare is a legit multilevel marketing business manufacturing and selling first-class products at an affordable price.

This is one of the better MLMs that we have reviewed and whilst we tend not to recommend them simply because of the lack of earning potential.

Tropic Skincare does have a lot going for them as opposed to its counterparts.

Always try the products first and go from there, often this type of business opportunity starts off as a hobby.

Who knows maybe this could allow your entrepreneurial side to flourish.

If it’s a business opportunity without all the restrictions and you would like to know how we make a living online then please continue to read.

How we Make Passive Income

Making money at Tropic Skincare can be achieved but if you are really looking for a much better way.

Then we believe affiliate marketing is the best business model for doing this and the best way to create multiple income streams.

Furthermore, there are no restrictions like with an MLM.

    • No products and customer orders to handle
    • No sponsor pestering you and not having to go to conventions
    • No shipping, after-sales or returns to handle

All you have to do is connect the customer with the merchant and once the customer makes a purchase you make a commission, that’s it.

If you want to know more, then you can for free and with no credit card details.

If it’s not for you then just call it a day, but you never know unless you take a look and this could be the best opportunity ever.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Tropic Skincare FAQsFAQ

  1. Who Owns Tropic Skincare?

This is partly owned by Susie Ma and Alan Sugar, the British business magnate who apparently owns 50/50.

Tropic Skincare was struggling badly before her involvement with the BBC Reality TV Show, The Apprentice in 2011.

  1. Is Tropic Skincare Animal Cruelty-Free?

Yes, they are and are certified by Cruelty-Free Internation and PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and all their products are Vegan.

  1. How Are The Ingredients Sourced For The Tropic Skincare Products?

All the ingredients used in the Tropic Skincare Products are sourced from tropical regions throughout the world.

  1. Where Can I Purchase Tropic Skincare Products From?

You can purchase the products directly from the Tropic Skincare website or you can contact your local Tropic Ambassador.

To host your own party or you can order them directly through the Tropic Skincare Ambassador.

  1. How Do I become Tropic Skincare Ambassador?

All you need is a passion for beauty and a Tropic Skincare Starter Kit which currently costs £198.

For more information about joining.

  1. Is Tropic Skincare Really Natural?

Yes, everything that Tropic Skincare manufacture and sell is 100% natural and ensures that they only use premium plant-derived ingredients.

  1. Is Tropic Skincare Chemical Free?

You can rest assured that all the ingredients that are used in the products are free of all harmful elements.

  1. Where Are Tropic Products Made?

All the products are produced in the UK using only the finest of ingredients that nature has to offer.

  1. Where Does Susie Ma Live?

Born in Shanghai, China then her family moved and settled in Australia in 1996, she has been based in London, the UK since 2002.

  1. Why Is Tropic Skincare Not Sold In Shops?

Due to the fact that all Tropic Skincare products are made from natural ingredients the shelf life can not be predicted.

Another reason would be that it wouldn’t be fair when Tropic Skincare Ambassadors were selling the products due to competition.

  1. How Much Did Lord Sugar Invest In Tropic?

Alan Sugar said shortly after the final episode that he would be investing in Susie by investing £200,000 which at the time worked out at a 50/50 stake.

  1. Is It Worth Becoming A Tropic Ambassador?

That depends on who you ask; if it is anyone who is currently an ambassador then they are all going to speak positively about the company.

If between 89 and 99 per cent aren’t making a full-time living then what would you think?

Tropic Skincare Lawsuitslawsuits

Tropic Skincare has not faced any major lawsuits.

There have been some complaints from ambassadors who felt dissatisfied with their earnings or the business model, but these issues have generally been addressed by the company.

Tropic Skincare emphasizes that success depends on the individual efforts of its ambassadors. Overall, the company maintains a strong reputation for its ethical practices and high-quality, vegan, and cruelty-free products.

It holds an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, reflecting its commitment to customer satisfaction and business integrity.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Ok, guys, we hope you enjoyed this Tropic Skincare review and that you got some benefit from it and that we answered most of your questions.

If you need to ask us anything then don’t be shy and just ask away and we’ll get back to you.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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