Awesome REI Review – Unlock Wealth with Awesome REI: Your Path to Real Estate Success

Awesome REI Review

Welcome to my Awesome REI Review, or Awesome Real Estate Investing which is what it really stands for.

Is an online training platform that teaches people all about the real estate industry and how to make money through the various methods that are available.

They claim you don’t need any experience in the real estate industry and no upfront capital like you would with a straightforward house purchase.

So what’s the catch, you might be thinking?

Well, that’s why you are here and hopefully what we are going to find out.

Before we do get started, we’d just like to give you a heads-up.

That we are not associated with either of the co-founders of the Awesome REI training platform in any way.

That means the review that you read today will be an honest and unbiased one with all the facts so that you can better understand what is on offer.

So, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: My Awesome REI Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Awesome REI – Summary

Product: Awesome REI

Founder: Cameron Dunlap, Peter Vekselman


Product Description: Real estate investing

Cost to join: $97 – $4,997

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Awesome REI is a compilation of training courses covering several methods in real estate investing.

Some of which are probably not too familiar to me or to you.

These training courses have been created by leading experts in the real estate industry and you can often see additional courses added.

The main crooks of the training is based on you becoming a broker or a middle person where you would make a commission on any brokering deals that were completed.

Whilst the experts do claim that their methods are easy to learn and that anybody can learn and earn an income in such a short time.

This often is not the case as there is always an element of risk in any business venture but you knew that anyway right?

Alternative Business Opportunity: If you are looking for a passive way to make money online with none of the risks that real estate investing brings.

Then affiliate marketing is a great way because there are no risks and you really can start with almost zero costs.

Not just that but you can literally promote anything you like.

If you need to know more then click the link below to find out and it won’t cost you a dime.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Awesome REI Review – TOC

    1. Who Are The Founders of Awesome REI?
    2. Who is Awesome REI For?
    3. Here’s a Breakdown of The Awesome REI Training Course
    4. Awesome REI Costing Information
    5. Is Awesome REI a Scam?
    6. Awesome REI Reviews And Testimonials
    7. Awesome REI Review – What We Liked
    8. Awesome REI Review – What We Didn’t Like
    9. Awesome REI Review – Conclusion 
    10. What we do For a Living
    11. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

Who Are The Founders of The Awesome REI Training Course?

This accolade belongs to Cameron Dunlap and Peter Vekselman.

Cameron has been a real estate entrepreneur, buying and selling residential and commercial properties as well as new builds since 1993.

Through the company Real Estate Wealth Network company that he founded in the same year.

He has made millions over the years and has a passion for passing his knowledge on to others through the tools and training he provides.

Peter on the other hand is a Russian-born real estate investor and coach who went to Miami University to study finance and real estate investing which he completed in 1991.

He has been a real estate investor and coach since 2004 and is responsible for the company Partner Driven.

He has sold well over 3,000 residential and commercial properties and owns a construction company responsible for 100+ properties, with a portfolio worth around $15 million.

Related Business Opportunity: Vodyssey Real Estate Training

Who is Awesome REI For?

Awesome REI Review- Time to be awesomeAwesome REI is for anyone looking to build a business around the real estate industry and who doesn’t have the required money to invest.

Whilst many will love the idea of making a living through buying and selling real estate like all businesses it comes with a lot of risks.

The training provided here will give you a good grounding in real estate and the various methods that you can adapt.

Like I always say to people looking to start a business, if you aren’t prepared to apply everything you are taught and take action then we would advise looking for another career.

This is not like the founders claim, a risk-free investment, far from it.

Related Business Opportunity: Lifestyle Unlimited

Here’s a Breakdown of The Awesome REI Training Course

There are currently 6 independent training courses available through Awesome REI, which are all self-paced with a brief description below.

Awesome REI Review - Our mission

  1. Capital Syndicate by Lee Arnold

Lee Arnold is a self-proclaimed master of “Private Money” investments where he teaches you how to be the middle person and connect the client with Lee Arnold and his team.

These are people looking for investment but are not able to through the normal process of the banking system.

You might even say a loan shark…But let’s not get too carried away.

Once the client and the Capital Syndicate team have secured a loan then you are paid a commission.

For more information about Capital Syndicate, you can find it here.

  1. Default Deals by Peter Vekselman

Another training course similar to Lee Arnold’s Capital Syndicate where you act as the middle person to broker deals between Peter Vekselman and his team and the client.

The client in this case are homeowners who are in default and struggling with their mortgages.

Termed the “The Homeowners Dilemma”

  1. The Vacant Housebank by Cameron Dunlap

The vacant back is not like any other bank.

This course teaches you how to go about finding vacant homes and how to flip them for big profits.

With around 1.8 million homes sitting vacant in the US the Vacant HouseBank is prepared to loan investors without any proof of credit or earnings.

In fact, once accepted for the loan they claim you won’t have to pay any fees or interest, so what’s the catch?

  1. Family Bank Funding by Cameron Dunlap

This training course is all about foreclosures and how to tap into this market and profit.

You get expert guidance and funding with all the tools to succeed in foreclosure real estate.

  1. Tax Yields by Jazey Drecksel

This training course by Jay Drecksel teaches you to tap into the world of tax lien certificates something that is rarely talked about.

Shows you how to find tax-delinquent properties which are properties that have been reclaimed by the government because of a tax that has not been paid.

In other words, you will be learning how to broker deals with the government.

For more information, head over to privatemoneyblueprint.

  1. Weekly Cashflow Triggers

In this training program, you are taught about the various cash flow triggers that are available to you.

This course will cost you $4,997 which is renewed on a yearly basis.

Related Business Opportunity: Greg Luther Real Estate Coaching

Awesome REI Review – Costs

The cost of the training varies from $97 to $4,997.

Can You Pay With Instalments?

No, the full amount will have to be paid upfront.

Are There Any Upsells?

No, what you see is what you pay for.

Is There A Free Trial?

Unfortunately, there is no free trial.

Does Awesome REI Come With A Refund?

There is a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

Related Business Opportunity: Real Estate Training By Ryan Dossy

Is Awesome REI a Scam?

The most popular search term that mostis Awesome REI a scam people use is the word scam because there simply are so many of them online.

Now that doesn’t mean that we are classifying Awesome REI as a scam because we don’t think it is.

However, some of the tactics that they use are what we would say underhanded because there is very little upfront information that you can work with.

You are made to believe that this is a zero-risk investment.

But we know that anything to do with real estate investing has plenty of risks but you are made to feel at home with the 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, most training programs usually have a money-back guarantee but what you often find is that the guarantee isn’t worth the money it’s printed on.

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Awesome REI Review – Student Reviews And Testimonials

Awesome REI has a bunch of positive reviews but these are mainly on the program’s website which means they can’t be verified.

You can find some positive reviews on the Better Business Bureau and the negative reviews you can see have been handled by the company.

Other than that there aren’t any reviews to be found on third-party review sites.

Awesome REI Reviews #1

Related Business Opportunity: Private Money Club

Awesome REI Review – What We Liked 

Overall, we were not too happy with Awesome REI because the information available was not clear enough.

  • There’s A Money Back Guarantee:

Yes, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee but we are not familiar with how this works because the main website sends you off to individual programs.

  • They Are Accredited On The BBB:

As you can see by the image below, they have had accreditation of A+ since 2022 which is a good thing because it tells people they are operating as a business in the correct manner.

Awesome REI Review - Better business bureau

Awesome REI Review – What We Didn’t Like

  • Lack Of Real Student Reviews And Testimonials:

We couldn’t find any third-party reviews such as on Trustpilot which isn’t a good sign.

  • Not As Easy To Succeed As Indicated:

Any business, no matter what it is, takes a lot of time to succeed in and when people suggest otherwise then it becomes a red flag.

We know that these programs and courses wouldn’t get people to join if they were truthful and upfront.

However, it is a known fact that around 95% of businesses fail within the first 5 years.

Awesome REI Review – Conclusion 

Awesome REI does offer a number of courses that are affordable and o come with what seems a good refund policy.

For anybody that is new to the real estate industry, it is clear that you will benefit from the training but to what extent we aren’t completely sure about.

It is clear that the majority of people who have taken the courses have benefitted through the number of positive reviews and testimonials that we have come across.

There is a lot of potentials to earn some big money but it will take time and you will need some additional training moving forward.

Another great and more popular business opportunity that relates to real estate investing is digital real estate.

That is a great way to make an income quickly by creating small websites that find clients for local businesses which you hire out at cost.

What we do For a Living

Affiliate marketing is a simple business concept that is very easy to learn and if you hit the link above you will see what we mean.

There are no restrictions, you require no stock and it’s a business that once you get up and running is very easy to maintain.

It’s a business model that is associated with the “laptop lifestyle”

The company I have been associated with is Wealthy Affiliate and they have been teaching affiliate marketing to complete beginners since 2005.

In fact, they have helped over 2 million members.

They can supply all the tools, training and support and it won’t cost you a dime to check out.

Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

Wealthy Affiliate member reviews24 Trustpilot

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Hope we managed to address most of your concerns in this Awesome REI review and if you have any questions don’t forget to add them in the comments section below.

Thank you for your time!

Take care!

Stay safe!

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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