Pure Science Lab Review – Great Products, Great Company…Honest Unbiased Review!

Pure Science Lab Review

Hey Guys, welcome to my Pure Science Lab Review

Pure Science Lab is just one of the many companies that are trying to capitalize on the CBD industry with their own range of products.

Maybe you heard about Pure Science Lab through a family or friend or maybe you were approached by a PSL affiliate.

Telling you how great their products are so you thought you would check them out further and the reason why you are here now.

In the next few minutes, you should have enough information to make a judgment call on whether to pursue PSL further or not.

With that said, let’s dive right in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Pure Science Lab Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Pure Science Lab Review – Summary

Product: Pure Science Lab

Founder: Steve Pomerantz

Website: www.puresciencelab.com

Product Description: CBD products direct selling company

Cost to join: Free to join

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Pure Science Lab is a direct-selling company producing a wide range of CBD products that are well-received by the people taking them.

They are not your usual CBD company operating in the multi-level marketing business model.

They are all the same, a direct selling company but they use an affiliate program which is straightforward without the complexities.

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Pure Science Lab Review – TOC

    1. What is Pure Science Lab?
    2. Who is Steve Pomerantz?
    3. Is Pure Science Lab a Pyramid Scheme
    4. Success Will be Rare With Pure Science Lab
    5. How Does Pure Science Lab Work?
    6. Pure Science Lab Products Line
      1. Pure Science Lab Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      2. How Much Does it Cost to Join Pure Science Lab?
      3. How to Make Money With Pure Science Lab
      4. Pure Science Lab Compensation Plan
      5. Are Pure Science Wellness Partners Actually Making Money?
      6. Can You Make Money With Pur Science Lab
    7. Truth In Advertising
    8. Is Pure Science Lab a Scam?
    9. What we Like About Pure Science Lab
    10. What we Don’t Like About Pure Science Lab
    11. Pure Science Lab – Final Thoughts
    12. How we Make Passive Income Online
    13. Pure Science Lab FAQs
    14. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Pure Science Lab?

Pure Science Labs is a direct-selling company in the CBD industry that was founded in 2005 by Steve Pomerantz and is based in Florida.

All the products are Hemp-derived CBD and come in various applications.

From full-spectrum CBD and supplements through to creams, gels, gummies and even chocolate.

According to Pomerantz, the hemp they use is grown in the Netherlands due to the country that produces some of the best crops there.

This might have something to do with the fertile land they have which is bordered by the extensive canal system.

The product is then shipped back to the US and taken through the manufacturing process where the products are third-party tested.

Pure Science Labs does provide resources on its website to provide education.

This means if for any reason you aren’t up on what CBD is or what it can do for you then just head over to the PSL website.

They have been granted the USDA certificate, giving them the stamp of approval for organic products.

Another great cause is that they offer a 25% discount to anybody who is in the military.

Here’s a short video that might be of interest…

Who is Steve Pomerantz?

Steve suffered from Crohn’s disease over three decades ago.

Steve Pomerantz is the founder of Pure Science Lab and it’s clear the reason why he ventured into the CBD industry.

Often medication prescribed by doctors works for a short while and then the body’s immune system hinders the medication useless.

This appears to have been the case with Steve and therefore looked for alternative solutions.

The number of years in nutraceuticals helped him in his research with Hemp and CBD.

Is Pure Science Lab a Pyramid Scheme?

Pure Science Lab is definitely not a pyramid scheme as they operate outside of a compensation plan.

There is no requirement to recruit and build a team and besides a true pyramid scheme doesn’t have any products or services to sell.

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

A pyramid scheme is when a distributor is getting paid for recruiting other people to join without a product or service.

What can often happen is that the company do have products and services but they don’t have any real value and are only there to disguise.

What is actually going on in the background, could be what is normally called a pyramid scheme in disguise.

The FTC compiled a report about the performance of MLMs which you can read here.

You might like to check out this short video…

Success is Rare With Pure Science Lab

The way to make money through Pure Science Lab is through their affiliate program which means it is not like an MLM.

With an MLM you would be required to recruit others and build a large team.

Building a team is where most of your income would come from but the only way to make money here.

Is to promote the products to customers where you make a commission on the products that you sold.

You can make money but you would have to sell a lot of products to make any sort of income and with the competition that would make it even harder.

How Does Pure Science Lab Work?

Pure Science Lab operates like any other direct selling company where they use distributors to spread the word and reach a wider audience.

That means Pure Science Lab can save a ton of money on its marketing campaigns and in return pay its members.

A sort of win-win situation!

Pure Science Lab Products Line

Before you decide to take Pure Science Labs’ offer of their make-money at-home opportunity.

You have to make sure the products do what they say they will otherwise how will you be able to sell the products to customers?

Pure Science Lab best sellers

The range of products at Pure Science Lab is pretty extensive and can be found in the below categories…

    • Edibles and Teas
    • Muscle and Joint Creams
    • Tinctures
    • Capsules and Softgels
    • Pure Extracts and Concentrates
    • Skin Care
    • CBD for Pets

For a look at the full range of products, we would suggest heading over to the website.

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Pure Science Lab Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know

For the entrepreneurial types who are looking to make some additional money and maybe even turn it into a business, this section is for you.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Pure Science Lab Affiliate?

It is free to join and become an affiliate however you will have to purchase some of the products for testing and showing to customers.

How to Make Money as a Pure Science Lab Affiliate

There are various ways to make money with Pure Science Lab and this is all down to your experience as a marketer.

You can use paid advertising to get your word out through the use of a landing page to grab your prospective customer’s details.

You could even use your own website by writing content about what people are searching for and using SEO or search engine optimization.

This is a free marketing method which takes time but will save you a ton of money in advertising costs.

If CBD is your passion then we would suggest the latter and creating your very own website to promote CBD and what it can do for you.

Pure Science Lab Compensation Plan

Normally with a true MLM, the compensation plan can be complex and not easy to comprehend.

With Pure Science Lad it couldn’t be any simpler, all affiliates make a 20% commission on every sale they make.

So sell $1000 worth of products and you make $200.

Are Pure Science Lab Affiliates Actually Making Money?

This is a difficult question to answer as there is no income declaration on their website.

The feedback that we can see seems positive so I guess we can assume that people are making some money.

Having said that though, you are going to have to sell a lot of the products to turn it into a business.

Can You Make Money With Pure Science Lab?

Absolutely you can, all that is required from you is the ability to know how to promote the products or the willingness to learn.

There is enough information on the site to help educate you in this manner but if you are unsure because it isn’t easy.

Then stay with us until the end of this review.

Truth in Advertising

It is always a good thing to take a look at TIA, a non-profit organisation pretty much like a watchdog.

They report on anything that is out of the ordinary like affiliates who are promoting products incorrectly.

Is Pure Science Lab a Scam?

Pure Science Lab is not a scam as they do pay you as they say they will on the sale of any of the products.

The products do cover a wide area which means there is more scope to make those sales.

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What we Like About Pure Science Lab

  • It Is Not A Multi-Level Marketing Company:

This basically means that you can earn yourself some money without all the hassles of building a team and relying on the team.

  • They Have A 30-Day Cookie:

What that means is that once someone purchases any products through your affiliate link and comes back again within 30 days.

You will get paid an additional 20% commission on any further products that they purchase.

What we Don’t Like About Pure Science Lab

  • Not Accredited With The BBB:

The Better Business Bureau is a private non-profit organisation that keeps track of complaints and various other business practices.

However, for that to happen you have to register which PSL hasn’t done.

  •  It’s Difficult To Make An Income:

At least with an MLM company, you have commissions that come from the sales of your downline or team.

The commissions you make here are solely reliant on you making contact with people and selling the products yourself.

  • Trending In Google:

The image below shows the interest that people have shown in Pure Science Lab since the company was formed in 2005.

Pure Science Lab interest shown in Google

Pure Science Lab – Final Thoughts!

Pure Science Lab is not your run-of-the-mill direct-selling company which is nice to see as they have no complex compensation plan.

You join the affiliate program at no cost to you although you will need to purchase products to show customers.

The range of products is extensive and covers a wide area and they even have CBD products for your pets too.

There doesn’t appear to be a great number of reviews on third-party review sites but the reviews we could find are positive ones.

If you want to know more about how we make a living online then please continue to read.

How we Make Passive Income?

If you haven’t already noticed but we operate within the affiliate marketing business model.

Just like you would be doing if you joined the Pure Science Lab affiliate program.

If you are unsure or want to know more about affiliate marketing then we would recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate.

All you have to do is connect the customer with the merchant and your job is pretty much finished.

If you have a passion or love for something, then why not turn it into a profitable online business?

We can provide you with the tools, the rest is down to you.

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Pure Science Lab FAQs

  1. Is Pure Science Lab Worth It?

Pure Science Lab has been on the scene now for nearly 2 decades and prior to 2014 was not involved in CBD.

Since the 2018 farming act things have been relaxed when it comes to Hemp CBD and seen the company flourish.

  1. What Are The Effects Of CBD?

Due to some studies, it is claimed that CBD can ease many symptoms which include neurological and anxiety disorders.

That can also have a positive effect on the heart and many people report that CBD is good for pain relief too.

What works for some may not work for others.

  1. What Is The Downside Of CBD Oil?

Obviously, if you have already been prescribed medication then you should take the advice of your doctor before you partake in any CBD product.

Some people report various side effects, like drowsiness, diarrhoea, dry mouth, reduced appetite and fatigue.

If you are already taking medication then CBD may not be as effective and another thing to watch out for is purity and dosage.

Most people report having a positive effect and in many cases makes the recipient feel relaxed or even maybe a little lightheaded.

That could be down to whether you are using CBD from the Marijuana plant or Hemp where there should be no high due to zero THC levels.

  1. Is CBD Oil A Drug?

CBD is a chemical and could be recognized as a drug, after all a certain form of CBD has been approved as a drug for people suffering from seizures.

Over 80 chemicals that are known to exist have been found in the Cannabis plant.

  1. What Does CBD Oil Do To The Brain?

Studies have reported that CBD induces a number of alterations to the brain’s activity during resting.

  1. Can CBD Oil Make You Gain Weight?

A change in appetite can affect weight loss but some studies report that for some people it can have an adverse effect, where it was shown to increase weight.

  1. Is CBD Oil Good For Arthritis?

It is widely spoken of that CBD is good for pain relief and inflammation that is associated with various conditions of arthritis

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys learned something today and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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