Hey Guys, welcome to this Vidafy Review
Vidafy is just one of the hundreds of multi-level marketing companies in the ever-expanding health and wellness industry.
Is the reason why you are here today because you were approached by a friend or family telling you about how great the products are?
Maybe you saw their marketing campaigns on social media and you want to know more.
Are the questions that you find yourself asking, is Vidafy a scam or maybe a pyramid scheme in disguise?
Are the products as good as they say they are and is their work-at-home opportunity worth getting involved with?
Once you have read this Vidafy MLM review you will know all there is to know so that you can make an educated decision.
Whether to pursue this company further or just another MLM to leave by the wayside.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This Vidafy Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]
Vidafy Review – Summary
Product: Vidafy
Founder: Shane and Laura Brady
Website: www.vidafyglobal.com
Product Description:
Cost to join: $280 – $1,189
Best For: Experienced network marketers
Recommended: Maybe
Summary: If you are new to the multi-level marketing industry then there are a few things that you need to know first.
But the most important thing and that is with any business opportunity is how much effort you are about to put in and do you have the right mindset?
It is no good going into any business with a halfhearted attitude because you are setting yourself up for failure.
Easier said than done, but people who succeed in MLMs are the ones who have set goals because it isn’t going to happen overnight.
Vidafy Review – Table of Contents
- What is Vidafy?
- Who Are The Founders of Vidafy?
- Is Vidafy a Pyramid Scheme
- Success Will be Rare With Vidafy
- How Does Vidafy Work?
- Benefits of Using Curcumin or Turmeric
- Vidafy Products Line
- Vidafy Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
- Is Vidafy a Scam?
- What We Like – Vidafy Review
- What We Don’t Like – Vidafy Review
- Vidafy Review -Final Thoughts
- How we Make Passive Income Online
- Vidafy Review FAQs
- Vidafy Lawsuits
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is Vidafy?
Vidafy is a network marketing company in nutritional health that was launched in 2016.
They started life-based in Mexico which is where the CEO and founders Shane and Laura Brady were based at the time.
Over the years the company has expanded into Columbia and Utah, in the US.
The company bases all their products around Curcumin which is one of 7 compounds that comes from the popular Asian spice turmeric.
They have even patented nanotechnology which they call BioMS™, which stands for biotechnology with micelle solubilization.
VIDAFY Global products undergo clinical trials at institutions and universities throughout the world.
Here’s a short video presentation by the co-founder Shane Brady.
Who Are The Founders of Vidafy?
Shane and his wife Laura founded the company however it is Shane who has a wealth of experience of some 22 years in the wellness industry.
Since 1999, Shane has served in various management roles in companies like…
Unicity International, Xango, and Kyani until founding Vidafy in 2016.
Spending all those years in Central and South America targeting the Spanish-speaking communities.
Is Vidafy a Pyramid Scheme?
Vidafy is not a pyramid scheme as you can make
They do however operate in a manner that could be thought of as a pyramid scheme in disguise.
Let me explain!
Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…
A pyramid scheme is when a distributor is getting paid for recruiting other people to join without a product or service.
What can often happen is that the company do have products and services but they don’t have any real value and are only there to disguise.
What is actually going on this could be what is normally called a pyramid scheme in disguise.
The FTC compiled a report about the performance of MLMs which you can read here.
You might like to check out this short video…
Success is Rare With Vidafy
It is not just with Vidafy but with MLMs in general.
It is well reported that as many as 99.78% of people who join an MLM do not earn enough money to replace a full-time job.
I know those figures do seem ludicrous but there is some backing behind those claims.
With as many as 67% leaving within the first 12 months.
You might like to check what the Federal Trade Commission has to say here.
How Does Vidafy Work?
Like all MLMs, they operate in the same fashion by using distributors to help promote the products by spreading the word.
This way Vidafy save a hell of a lot of money in marketing costs and enables products to reach a wider audience.
In theory, this is a win-win situation for both parties.
In return the distributors or in this case, entrepreneurs are paid for their time through a compensation plan which we will be discussing later.
Some entrepreneurs are paid handsomely if they know how to recruit and build large teams.
But before you even contemplate joining Vidafy you need to know that the products are legit and they do what they say they will.
Benefits of Using Curcumin or Turmeric
Curcumin or Turmeric that people normally refer to, is a relative of the ginger root and has been used in Asia for cooking for as long as you could imagine.
There have been many claimed benefits but there are not a lot of studies out there to confirm this.
The problem seems to be the amount taken and the amount absorbed by the body suggests there is not enough to make a big difference.
However, this is something that Vidafy claims to have overcome and may be the reason why it is so expensive.
Some of the claims that curcumin is supposed to help with…
- Depression
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Viral Infections
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- High Cholesterol
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Headaches and Migraines
- Acne
But, any studies that are done, are mainly on animals, and until humans are included in those studies then you have to make a judgement call.
Vidafy Products Line
All the Vidafy products use the base product of Curcumin which comes from the Turmeric root.
That has been used for thousands of years in Asia for medicinal purposes.
Here is a short video explaining what it is and the patented nanotechnology.
The product range is not extensive as you can see below…
Curcuma Plus
Nanofy With BioMS
Curcuma Plus With BioMS
For a full description of the products, we would suggest heading over to the Vidafy website.
You might like to check out some similar companies offering similar products…
Vidafy Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
This is the section for you if your interest in Vidafy is because of the work-from-home opportunity.
How Much Does it Cost to Become a Vidafy Entrepreneur?
There are 3 packages that you can choose from…
- Kit 250 – $280
- Kit 500 – $535
- Kit 1000 – $1,189
Obviously the more you pay, the more bonuses and PV you will get.
As well as access to the back office, all the training and your personalized website to promote the products.
There is the Wellness Ship Program, (auto-ship) that you might consider as this includes a 10% discount plus FREE shipping which is a massive bonus.
How to Make Money as a Vidafy Entrepreneur
There are 2 main ways of making money with Vidafy which are highlighted as 1 and 2.
- Retail commissions based on wholesale-retail
- Residual commissions are based on sales from your team or downline
- Various bonuses through the compensation plan
Vidafy Compensation Plan
The compensation plan is how you get paid and these can be complicated and in most cases would require a genius to work out.
There is no actual document at Vidafy which could mean that there is something to hide or that the plan is pretty straightforward.
We would suggest the latter as we have seen the plan explained in the video below.
There are 12 different ways that you can get paid but we’ll leave this to be described below.
Are Vidafy Entrepreneurs Actually Making Money?
There is no income disclosure statement available on the Vidafy website which is a little difficult to actually prove who is getting paid what.
As we have reviewed hundreds of these companies in the past, one thing they all have in common is the potential income that people make.
We know that the very top .22% is where all the money goes and this is based on teams that go into the tens of thousands.
That leaves over 99% that do not earn enough money with most of them getting into debt.
Can You Make Money With Vidafy?
We would be lying if we said that you couldn’t earn money with Vidafy, in fact, we are sure that most would earn some money.
But just what are you classing as money?
A few dollars here and there because that is not what you are wanting to join Vidafy for, right?
If you went into this venture wholeheartedly, meaning with a positive attitude and not something like, “I think we’ll give it a go”.
Like so many do, then providing you gave it 2+ years then you might stand a chance.
What About The Monthly Costs at Vidafy?
There is a minimum PV or personal volume that everybody has to meet which in this case is 100PV.
We know that 1PV = around $1, so that means that you have to sell at least $100 worth of products to stay active as a Vidafy Entrepreneur.
Which means $1,200 a year.
Just take a look at the other ranks to PV comparison that you have to achieve on a monthly basis…
- VIDAFY Entrepreneur – 100 PV
- PRO Entrepreneur – 100 PV + 2,000 GV
- SENIOR Entrepreneur – 100 PV + 5,000 GV
- MASTER Entrepreneur – 100 PV + 10,000 GV
- PREMIUM Business Professional – 25,000 PV
- ELITE Business professional – 50,000 PV
- DIAMOND Executive – 100,000 PV
Another thing we haven’t mentioned is marketing costs to get your work out there which we estimate would be around $50 – $100 minimum a month.
That’s a total of PV = $1,200 + ($600 – $1,200) = $1,800 – $2,400
Is Vidafy a Scam?
Vidafy is definitely not a scam although you will find many people using this term, especially people who tried to succeed at Vidafy.
Everything is there for you to succeed but that doesn’t mean that you will because building large teams.
Training them and keeping them motivated is extremely difficult and we know this because we have tried it before.
The people who do succeed are the ones who are invited to the first launch.
These are the experienced network marketers and the ones who bring a large following with them.
It doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed if you are not part of that launch it just means it will be an uphill battle.
What We Like – Vidafy Review
- Curcumin Or Turmeric Is Not Over Saturated:
We like the fact that Vidafy is not going down the same route as many other MLMs with CBD.
What We Don’t Like – Vidafy Review
- Not Accredited With The BBB:
Not only are Vidafy not accredited with the Better Business Bureau, but they also aren’t even registered.
- What About Competition:
Health and Wellness is a very competitive industry so trying to sell people expensive products is a hard thing to do.
When there are similar products for a fraction of the price.
- What Is There Beyond Family And Friends:
One thing that you are taught when joining an MLM is to recruit as many close people as you know, such as friends and family.
You would not do this if you valued their friendships.
- They Are Not A Member Of The DSA:
The Direct Selling Association is a great place to look when trying to determine whether an MLM is legit or not.
However, we couldn’t find an entry on the DSA database.
- Downward Trend:
There has been a steady amount of interest in Vidafy which peaked around 2019 but since then is on a decline.
Vidafy Review – Final Thoughts!
It’s quite funny that Vidafy might have found it a problem for the body to absorb curcumin.
Whilst in India this doesn’t appear to have been a problem who have been consuming it for thousands of years.
Vimerson Health provides a Curcumin supplement with BioPerine (black pepper extract) used to help the body absorb it.
Similar to what Vidafy provide except for the price tag which is $21.
The difficult thing here is finding out what works and what works for you which is going to take a lot of research on your behalf.
If after you have read this review then you still want to go ahead with the work-from-home opportunity then you have our blessing.
But if you want a much better way with no risks in comparison and a way that is cost-effective and gives you as much flexibility as you like.
Then please continue to read as we’d love to share with you what we do for a living.
How we Make Passive Income?
Affiliate marketing is what we believe to be a much better way of making money online and does away with all the problems associated with MLMs.
Not only that but you can actually call this a business and one that you own which is the complete opposite of an MLM business.
An MLM business is not a business and certainly does not below to you because if/when the business closes and they do all the time.
Then you don’t have a business, period.
Just a few differences where…
- You can promote any product or service you like
- You do not have to purchase or stock products
- You do not have to answer to a sponsors
- You do not have to recruit
- You do not need to handle customer orders, shipping or returns
All you have to do is connect the customer with the merchant and your job is pretty much finished.
If you have a passion or love for something, then why not turn it into a profitable online business?
We can provide you with the tools, the rest is down to you.
Vidafy Review FAQs
The products at Vidafy are all based around Curcumin which is a herb that has been used for thousands of years in Asian communities.
- Is Curcumin The Same As Turmeric?
Many confuse the two but Curcumin is a root that comes from the ginger family and is also where Turmeric comes from.
So the two are sort of the same to some degree but Curcumin has more benefits than turmeric.
Many people talk about Turmeric as if it was Curcumin so a slight confusion here.
- What Is Curcumin Good For?
Studies suggest that curcumin can help inflammatory conditions, arthritis, anxiety and hyperlipidemia amongst other things.
However, these are studies and further research would be required but we do see major companies investing in this herb.
- What Are The Side Effects Of Curcumin?
There are claims that a high dosage of curcumin could cause diarrhoea and nausea but so could most things taken in large quantities.
- When Should I Take Curcumin?
Curcumin breaks down into fats and oils and Turmeric comes from curcumin which has been used in cooking for thousands of years.
So there really are no exemptions to when you should take curcumin.
- Who Should Not Take Curcumin?
Obviously, people who suffer from various conditions but it is always wise to consult a doctor if you are unsure.
It is said that pregnant women or anyone due for surgery should not use turmeric.
- What Are The Negative Effects Of Turmeric?
Turmeric is usually safe to use and doesn’t cause side effects, however some claim to have suffered from nausea, dizziness, and stomach upsets.
I personally have been cooking with Turmeric for many years and don’t even think about how much you can or can’t use and have been absolutely fine.
Vidafy Lawsuits
Vidafy has not been involved in any major lawsuits.
The company, founded in 2016 by Shane and Laura Brady, operates in the health and wellness industry, offering products like Nanofy Curcumin that use advanced nanotechnology for enhanced absorption.
Vidafy has maintained a positive reputation and has not faced significant legal challenges or customer complaints.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) shows no complaints against Vidafy, and the company holds an A+ rating. Vidafy emphasizes ethical practices and transparency, supporting its network of distributors with robust tools and resources.
For more detailed and up-to-date information, you can visit Vidafy’s official website or their BBB profile.
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Hope you guys enjoyed this review and that we were able to answer most of your questions.
If you have anything to add then feel free to add your comment below and we will get back to you.
Until next time, stay safe
“It’s quite funny that Vidafy might have found it a problem for the body to absorb curcumin.”
My answer:
However, there are reasons for the poor bioavailability: Poor solubility in water:
1.) Curcumin is poorly water soluble, meaning it cannot be absorbed well in the gastrointestinal tract. The body has difficulty absorbing it efficiently.
2.) Rapid metabolism and excretion: After absorption, curcumin is quickly metabolized in the liver and leaves the body relatively quickly before it can develop its full effect.
3.) Low stability: Curcumin is unstable and is easily broken down by stomach acid or enzymes before it can be absorbed by the body.
Thank you Michael for your feedback