Matilda Jane Clothing Review – Discover the Enchanting Magic of High-Quality Fashion

Matilda Jane Clothing review

Welcome to the Matilda Jane Clothing Review

Matilda Jane Clothing is a unique and whimsical fashion brand that has captivated the hearts of many with its vibrant patterns, playful designs, and commitment to quality.

Founded nearly 2 decades ago, the brand initially started with a small line of girls’ clothing and has since expanded to include collections for women and babies.

Matilda Jane Clothing prides itself on creating pieces that allow women and girls to feel confident and express their individuality through fashion.

This review will delve deeper into the pros and cons of Matilda Jane Clothing, providing insights into the brand’s product offerings, customer experiences, and overall value.

Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer curious about this whimsical brand, this review aims to offer a comprehensive look at what makes Matilda Jane Clothing unique and beloved by many.

Before we get started we would just like to make a small disclaimer, that we are not associated with MJC in any way.

That means we aren’t getting paid for this review.

Rest assured that what you will get is a full account of who and what this company is about.

That way you can decide for yourself whether to pursue Matilda Jane further or not.

So, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Matilda Jane Clothing Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!] 

Matilda Jane Clothing Review – Summary


Product: Matilda Jane Clothing

Founder: Denise Dana DeMarchis


Product Description: Female fashion direct selling company

In Brief, Reasons For Joining Matilda Jane Clothing:

    1. Unique And High-Quality Products
    2. Strong Community Support
    3. Comprehensive Training
    4. Charitable Initiatives
    5. Flexible Work Environment

In Brief, Reasons Against Joining Matilda Jane Clothing:

    1. High Initial Investment
    2. Sales Pressure
    3. Market Saturation
    4. Income Variability
    5. Time Commitment

Cost to join: $100

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: If you are looking for unique and catchy fashion items then maybe Matilda Jane has something to offer.

In the fashion industry, you really have to take out all the stops if you want to compete and be noticed.

Whilst you may find items that are similar in other companies many of the items are unusual.

By focusing on this unusual aspect they have managed to find a niche in the market that mothers seem to love.

They provide at least 2 sales shows each year where Trunk Keepers can catch up and offer 2 new fashion lines a year to keep the range interesting.

They provide a way to make some money if you are interested but I’d wait until you have read the entire review before deciding one way or the other.

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Matilda Jane Clothing Review – TOC

    1. What is Matilda Jane Clothing About?
    2. Who is Denise Dana DeMarchis?
    3. Is Matilda Jane Clothing a Pyramid Scheme
    4. Any Success is Rare With Matilda Jane Clothing
    5. How Matilda Jane Clothing Works
    6. Matilda Jane Clothing Products Line
    7. Matilda Jane Clothing Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      1. How Much Does it Cost to Join Matilda Jane Clothings?
      2. How to Make Money With Matilda Jane Clothing
      3. Matilda Jane Clothing Compensation Plan
      4. Are Matilda Jane Affiliates Actually Making Money?
      5. Can You Make Money With Matilda Jane Clothing?
      6. What About The Monthly Costs at Matilda Jane Clothing?
    8. Truth in Advertising
    9. Is Matilda Jane Clothing a Scam?
    10. Matilda Jane Clothing Review – What We Liked
    11. Matilda Jane Clothing Review – What We Don’t Like
    12. Matilda Jane Clothing Review -Final Thoughts
    13. How We Make Passive Income Online
    14. Matilda Jane Clothing Review – FAQs
    15. 10 Reasons For And Against Joining Matilda Jane Clothing
    16. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Matilda Jane Clothing About?

Matilda Jane Clothing is a multi-level marketing company founded in 2005 by Denise Dana DeMarchis.

They manufacture and sell a range of female clothing and accessories primarily aimed at babies, young girls and women.

Which are marketed and sold via their own distributors which are referred to as Trunk Keepers.

Here’s a short promotional video that might be of interest…

Who is Denise Dana DeMarchis?

Denise is the founder of Matilda Jane ClothingMatilda Jane founder Denise Dana DeMarchis

which came about due to a friend who was looking for work for her seamstresses.

Prior to that Denise had various jobs from working at KFC to working at Coca-Cola as a sales rep, through to Claires in the mall.

She spent a considerable amount of time on the road selling her art at various fairs which were painted furniture.

That went on for 12 years until she found her mark as a fashion designer and decided to start her own company fully funded by herself.

This took off in 2005 but unfortunately, she succumbed to cancer at the early age of 41 and our thoughts are with her family.

Sadly, Denise passed away in 2015 after battling cancer. However, her legacy lives on through Matilda Jane Clothing and the Mighty Acorn Foundation

Is Matilda Jane Clothing a Pyramid Scheme?

Matilda Jane Clothing is not a pyramid schemeIs Matilda Jane Clothing a pyramid scheme

contrary to what many people may think.

They have legit products that people seem to love and with very little in the way of negative feedback.

True pyramid schemes do not have any products or services to sell but as you can see MJC has.

However, the question might be turned around and as it is an MLM then could it be a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

Pyramid schemes are deceptive investment strategies that prioritize recruitment over the sale of actual products or services, making them unsustainable and illegal.

Potential participants should be wary of any opportunity that emphasizes recruitment and promises unrealistic returns with minimal effort.

You might like to check out this short video…

Success is Rare With Matilda Jane Clothing

Success is rare with Matilda Jane and not because it is an MLM but because of people who join companies like this.

Are not fully informed about just what starting and running a business at Matilda Jane entails.

If people were aware of the pitfalls then would they even consider joining a company like Matilda Jane? Probably not!

At the end of the day, an MLM is just like any other business, where you require a set of skills if you want to succeed.

Here those skills are sales and recruiting so if you don’t feel comfortable communicating with people then you are going to struggle.

It is all about building a large team and training and motivating them so that they do not leave.

But unfortunately, between 50 and 70 per cent do leave within the first 12 months.

How Matilda Jane Clothing Works

Matilda Jane Clothing is pretty much just like any other multi-level marketing company.

Where marketing costs are offset amongst their distributors which frees up money to reward their trunk keepers through their affiliate program.

Since marketing costs can reach staggering amounts companies like MJC do not have.

Not only that but it enables their Truck Keepers to reach a wider audience through their own marketing skills.

A sort of win-win situation for both you might think.

Matilda Jane Clothing Products Line

As we have already mentioned some of the clothing items and unique and will make you stand out.

Is that what you really want?

If you are considering being a distributor, then being different means people will come up to you in the street.

Matilda Jane Clothing line

Fashion is a personal thing, where people either hate the products or they love them and standing out in a crowd is not for everyone.

Some may consider the pricing a little on the high side although we think they have a pricing structure which is fair.

Having said that though would you be prepared to pay between $30 and $40 for a pair of girl’s leggings or nearer $60 for a children’s dress?

I guess this is the price to pay for being different, right?

You can check out the full range of products here.

Here are some other companies producing fashion items that might be of interest…

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Matilda Jane Clothing Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know

For all you entrepreneurial types who are considering taking on the work from a home-based work opportunity, this section is for you.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Matilda Jane Clothing?

As of this review, it will cost you $100 to join and become a distributor or “Truck Keeper”

That is to take part in their affiliate program but you are going to purchase their products because you like the look of them.

They are different, vibrant colours and do look good so an initial $100 could easily turn into hundreds of dollars.

How to Make Money With Matilda Jane Clothing

As with all MLMs, the main way to make real money is to recruit and build a large team.

    1. Purchase the products yourself and sell them on
    2. Recruit and build a team and make commissions on what they sell
    3. Earn through bonuses and incentives attached to the affiliate program.

Options 2 and 3 work hand in hand and to build a team you have to be able to recruit and this can be hardcore which is what cold calling is.

To qualify for the bonuses and incentives can only be done when you start building your team or down line.

If this is your first MLM involvement then take it from me trying to get people into your team.

Who hasn’t a clue who you are is extremely hard work, not impossible but difficult.

Recruiting is never ending because people are leaving all the time and you have to replace those leavers with new blood.

Matilda Jane Clothing Compensation Plan

Compensation plans can be overly complicated and Matilda Jane Clothing is no different, if you have a little time then see what you make of this 48-page business guide, otherwise, if you are like me watch the video below.

Are Matilda Jane Trunk Keepers Actually Making Money?

Unfortunately, there is no income disclosure statement provided on the Matilda Jane website.

This is not uncommon because you will find this with most MLMs.

I guess this is something to do with the fact that they don’t want to scare you away before you actually join and become a TrunkKeeper.

Obviously, people are making money otherwise Matilda Jane Clothing would not be still in business.

But it tends to be the very top 1% where the big earners are and the ones that have teams with thousands in them.

Can You Make Money With Matilda Jane Clothing?

Of course, you can make money with Matilda Jane Clothing but do not go into this or any similar venture thinking.

That success is just around the corner and it certainly isn’t going to happen without plenty of hard work.

Like any business, you can’t go into it halfheartedly, like “I’ll give this a couple of months and see how it pans out” attitude.

Some of these big earners have been involved with Matilda Jane Clothing for many years with most over 5 years.

That isn’t to say that just because they have been in that amount of time that you will be one of the big earners because many of them earn less than the average wage.

What About The Monthly Costs at Matilda Jane Clothing?

When you are approached by an “MJC Trunk Keeper” something that is rarely talked about are monthly or hidden costs if you may.

After all, why would they if they were trying to recruit you, they are certainly not going to want to put you off now are they?

That’s why you need to do your own thorough research like you are doing now.

The main expense is staying active as an MJC Trunk Keeper and with Matilda Jane you are required to sell at least $1,500 of goods.

Now if you are on the ball with your sales tactics then this might seem acceptable but if you aren’t and there are many who aren’t.

Then what happens is that the Trunk Keepers would have to purchase goods to that value just to stay active.

Over 12 months you are talking $18k.

Who has that sort of money lying about?

Now you can see why distributors leave and are left in debt.

Truth in Advertising

The Truth In Adverting is a non-profit group pretty much like a watchdog who reports on anything untoward about a company.

If you have an issue or want to report something about a specific company then these could be the ones as they tend to follow up with their research.

However, there is nothing to report about Matilda Jane Clothing which is a good thing, right?

Is Matilda Jane Clothing a SCAM?

No, Matilda Jane Clothing is not a scam!

They manufacture and sell a range of fashion clothing that most people love and they offer a way for some to make some money.

However, if it is the work-from-home opportunity that interests you then you would need to possibly do further research about the company.

What you are going to find are many people who were not happy with the company and didn’t make any money.

Not because the company scammed them but because they weren’t familiar with how to run an MLM business.

We can’t stress enough, that before you end up joining any MLM do not believe everything you are told from a Trunk Keeper.

Take it with a pinch of salt because all they are interested in doing is getting you into their team.

Look at all the costs especially the hidden ones and the sales volume that you normally have to achieve just to stay active.

We see many leaving within 12 months and in debt just because they had to purchase the products themselves because they struggled to sell any.

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What we Like About Matilda Jane Clothing

  • Well Established Company:What we like about Matilda Jane Clothing

When we are talking about an MLM and its lifespan we talk about 2 milestones.

The 5-year period that many don’t even achieve and the 10-year period sort of gives you credibility as a company.

Seeing that 1 in 3 survive this second period should get you to ask the question, “What happens if this company closes?”.

Matilda Jane Clothing has exceeded both which sort of gives you confidence that the company isn’t going to fold any time soon.

  • Low Startup Costs:

I’m sure you will have come across many Matilda Jane reviews indicating that to start as a Trunk Keeper will cost upwards of $1,000.

That may have been the case then but as of this review, it will cost you $100.

What we Don’t Like About Matilda Jane Clothing

  • Not Accredited With The BBB:What we don't like about Matilda Jane Clothing

The file was opened with the Better Business Bureau in 2010 but has not achieved accreditation but they do have an A+ rating.

  • The Fashion Industry Is Saturated:

That may be the case and competition can be a good thing but fashion is a strange industry and requires constant changes to stay with the times.

Unique and different isn’t for everyone and costs add to the equation too and an MLM depends on its distributors to pass the word.

  • Interest That Is Shown In Google Trends Is Dwindling:

Since Matilda Jane came onto the scene they have had a steady climb through people showing interest.

Obviously, things have changed and that could be for many reasons, we just don’t know but that is fashion for you.

Matilda Jane Clothing Interest been showed by people

  • Not Part Of The DSA:

The Direct Selling Association is another good place to get clarification that a company is operating in the right manner.

However, it is not a straightforward process where you pay your dues and you instantly become a member, there is a strict code of practice.

  • You, Will, Find It Difficult To Stay Active As A Trunk Keeper:

All MLMs require you to meet a sales quota and this is normally around 100PV which equates to around $100.

Even with this amount, we find most people having to purchase the stock themselves because they struggle to sell and they end up leaving in debt.

At Matilda Jane Clothing that quota is $1,500 which we find absolutely ludicrous, and if you can’t sell the products.

Just to stay active for 1 year is going to cost you $18,000.

  • Find That Products Ordered Are Out Of Stock:

We have come across a few reviews where members are complaining that the products that are ordered are mostly out of stock.

So, what happens here is that they go on back order which in some cases can take weeks.

We are also seeing that priority is given to members that are at the top levels within the company.

Matilda Jane Clothing MLM Review – Final Thoughts!

If you are looking for a work-from-home opportunity there are much better and more cost-effective ways other than joining Matilda Jane Clothing.

It might be cheap to get started but you will quickly learn that sales to a cold crowd of people are soul-destroying.

You have to constantly put up with rejection I mean would you buy clothing from me seeing that you haven’t a clue who I am? Of course, you wouldn’t!

They will teach you to try and recruit all your friends and family which is totally the wrong thing to do especially if you want to stay friends.

Even if you did, once you have exhausted that avenue then you are going to start contacting people on social media.

The key to any success you might have with an MLM is sales and recruitment and building a large team.

Just staying active is going to cost you an arm and a leg.

If you want to learn of a better way then we would love to tell you about what we do for a living in the next section.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

After a couple of years down the multi-level marketing route, we decided it wasn’t for us and for the reasons we have mentioned in this review.

Affiliate marketing is a much better business model and probably the best way to create multiple passive income streams.

What better way than to create a business based around something that you have a passion for.

MLMs are full of restrictions and what happens if/when that company closes down which they do all the time? You are left with nothing!

Just think…

No recruiting…No sales quotas to meet…No customer orders to handle…No conventions to attend…No pestering by your sponsor…

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Matilda Jane Clothing MLM Review FAQs

Matilda Jane Clothing Review - FAQ

As the company has been around a few years people are asking all sorts of questions, below we thought we’d highlight a few to help in your decision-making.

  1. How Much Does It Cost To Get Started With Matilda Jane?

If you have spent time researching this company then you are sure to have come across many Matilda Jane Clothing reviews.

All with varying costs but as of this review you can join for a deposit of $100.

Having said that you are probably going to want to purchase some of their clothing may be for your child and yourself just to showcase to others.

  1. Is Matilda Jane An MLM?

Yes, Matilda Jane Clothing is a multi-level marketing company founded in 2006 and based in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

that is based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The company was founded in 2006 by Denise DeMarchis. The clothing is targeted specifically to women and girls of all ages and includes accessories as well as products for the home.

  1. Is Matilda Jane Good Quality?

If you ask anyone who promotes Matilda Jane Clothing then they will tell you the quality is great.

The clothing does look of good quality and we can’t see many complaints which is a good thing.

To keep it fresh Matilda Jane Clothing comes out twice a year with new clothing lines.

  1. Who Owns Matilda Jane Now?

That would be down to Denise Dana DeMarchi who unfortunately is no longer with us.

The company is however been currently run by Donna Noce Colaco the current CEO and Executive Chairwoman at Matilda Jane Clothing.

  1. Where Is Matilda Jane Clothing Made?

Initially, most of the clothing would have been made locally but spiralling manufacturing costs led them to be sourced with partners in Asia.

The designs for the clothing are however still done in Fort Wayne.

  1. Are Matilda Jane Clothes True To Size?

Matilda Jane Clothing does seem to have got the size fitting right.

But you are going to hear some people say otherwise but that would be the case with most clothing lines.

  1. What Comes In A Matilda Jane Trunk?

For your initial $100 fee you will receive everything to get your home-based business started.

An assortment of girls’ clothing and accessories, marketing material and promotional items.

A personal website to promote the products and access to the back office.

At Matilda Jane, they also offer financing schemes to help pay for the seasonal trunk.

  1. What Is A Trunk Keeper For Matilda Jane?

Trunk keepers are essentially another term for a distributor or in this case an independent personal stylist.

  1. How Are Matilda Jane Trunk Keepers Paid?

MJC trunk keepers are paid primarily for what they sell and commissions from what their team sell.

If you want to climb the ranks and that’s exactly what you need to do if you want to earn a good living through MTC.

Then you have to recruit and increase your team because rankings are based not just on personal volume but the sales volume from your team.

  1. Where Is Matilda Jane Clothing’s Headquarters?

Matilda Jane’s headquarters are based in Fort Wayne which is in Indiana, US

10 Reasons For And Against Joining Matilda Jane Clothing

Here are 10 reasons to take on board when deciding whether Matilda Jane Clothing is the right business for you:

  1. Unique and High-Quality Products:

Matilda Jane Clothing is known for its distinctive, whimsical designs and high-quality fabrics. This uniqueness helps affiliates stand out in the competitive fashion market, making it easier to attract and retain customers​.

  1. Strong Community and Support:

The brand fosters a strong sense of community among its trunk keepers (independent sales representatives) and customers. This supportive environment includes events, trunk shows, and an active online community, which can be motivating and beneficial for new sellers​.

  1. Comprehensive Training:

Matilda Jane provides extensive training and resources to help new trunk keepers succeed. This includes sales training, marketing materials, and ongoing support from the company and fellow trunk keepers​.

  1. Charitable Initiatives:

The company engages in various charitable activities and partnerships, aligning with values of kindness and generosity. This commitment to giving back can be a motivating factor for those who want to be part of a socially responsible brand​.

  1. Flexible Work Environment:

As a trunk keeper, you have the flexibility to set your own hours and work from home.

This makes it an appealing option for those looking for a side hustle or a business that fits around family and other commitments​.

Reasons Against Joining Matilda Jane Clothing

  1. High Initial Investment:

Joining Matilda Jane requires purchasing a starter kit, which can be a significant initial investment.

This cost might be a barrier for some individuals, especially if they are unsure about their potential success in direct sales​.

  1. Sales Pressure:

Like many MLMs, there can be pressure to meet sales quotas and continuously recruit new members to maintain active status and earn commissions.

This can be stressful and challenging, particularly in a competitive market​.

  1. Market Saturation:

The fashion market is highly competitive, with many established brands offering similar products.

This can make it difficult for trunk keepers to differentiate themselves and attract customers, especially if the market is already saturated with Matilda Jane representatives​.

  1. Income Variability:

Income from direct selling can be highly variable and is often dependent on the ability to recruit and retain customers.

Many MLM participants find it challenging to achieve consistent and significant earnings, which can be a risk for those relying on this income source.

  1. Time Commitment:

Building a successful direct selling business often requires a significant time commitment, including hosting trunk shows, marketing, and customer service.

This can be demanding and may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with other full-time commitments​. 

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed this review and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

Maybe you are or have been an MJC Trunk Keeper and would like to share your experience with us.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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