Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – Unveiling This 16-Step Remarkable Strategy

Hacking shopify dropshipping review

Welcome to Hayden Bowles and his Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review.

A training program that will give you all the basics to set up your e-commerce store in double quick time.

But is this course going to teach you enough to become a success in e-commerce, more importantly, is Hacking Shopify legit or a scam?

Hayden Bowles has certainly been around the block a few times and does seem to know what he is talking about when it comes to Shopify.

Having said that, he does like to flaunt his wealth with images of him next to fancy cars.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with that it does give people a false impression that they are only a few weeks from being in the same position.

Just to be transparent, we are not associated with Hayden Bowles or any of his training programs in any way.

So rest assured that my opinions are going, to be honest, and unbiased, so let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: My Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – Summary

Product: Performance Dropshipping

Founder: Hayden Bowles 

Website: www.hackingshopifydropshipping.teachable.com/

Product Description: Dropshipping course

Cost to join: $479

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: E-commerce is a very popular business model but like all businesses, they take a lot of time and dedication.

When it comes to e-commerce the biggest hurdle you are going to come across is finding the right products and marketing.

There’s a fine line between what the seller wants to sell and what the consumer wants and getting in just right is often hard to do.

You must take on board that the costs you spend on the course is just the beginning of what it really is going to cost you.

Alternative Business Opportunity: If costs are an issue then affiliate marketing is a far better solution.

You can get started with almost zero budget and promote anything you like and this really is a passive business.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping – TOC

    1. Who is Hayden Bowles?
    2. What is Shopify?
    3. Who is Hacking Shopify Dropshipping For?
    4. What You Get With Hacking Shopify Dropshipping
    5. Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – Costs
    6. Is Hacking Shopify Dropshipping a Scam?
    7. Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review -What Students have to Say
    8. What Isn’t Hayden Bowles Telling You?
    9. Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – PROS And CONS
      1. PROS What we Liked
      2. CONS What we Didn’t Like
    10. Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – Conclusion
    11. What we do For a Living
    12. Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – The 16 Step Strategy
    13. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

Who is Hayden Bowles?

Hayden claims to be successful in the e-commerce industry but you have to ask the question is it e-commerce or is it selling courses?

He is certainly a popular guy with over 300k subscribers to his YouTube channel and over 23 million views.

Anyway, it all started for him when he was 16 and still at school where a teacher told him he would amount to nothing due to his lack of interest.

But at the time he claims he was earning more as a 16-year-old than his teacher was and therefore decide to drop out of school.

Depends on what you read but he claims to have made over $25 million in e-commerce sales.

By the way that is turnover and not profit!

What is Shopify?

For all you guys who need a little more information about Shopify, here’s a short video.

Who is Hayden Bowles’s Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Program For?

This course is specifically for complete beginners serious about starting an online business in e-commerce.

The course will give you a decent grounding in e-commerce but you are going to need to find a more advanced course and mentor if you want to advance and stand any chance in this demanding industry.

Having the right mindset is important as everything will be new to you which means you have to have a great work ethic.

Here’s What You Get With Hacking Shopify Dropshipping

Since 2022, Hayden has extended this course with the addition of 2 modules plus bonuses.

The course uses Instagram and Facebook as the main two sources for targeting your audience.

There are around four hours of content within the course which is made up of around 55 video tutorials which means you could get through the course pretty quickly.

Module #1 – Introduction

In this module, Hayden will take you through the course and what you can expect as well as having the right mindset, something that we all need to succeed in life.

Module #2 – Fundamentals

This module goes over the fundamentals of what’s required to succeed in drop shipping.

Things like a basic strategy, selecting your niche, how to find trending and winning products, finding the right suppliers etc

Module #3 – Building Your Base

There are around 60 minutes of instructional content in this module taking you through the steps of how to create a Shopify store.

Such as the store name, store configuration and optimisation, product listings, and creating social media pages on Facebook and Instagram…

Module #4 -Instagram

Instagram plays a major part in this training program.

Learn all the ins and outs, like growing your Instagram page, finding the right influencers how to contact them and negotiating deals with them.

Module #5 – Facebook

This module covers Facebook and Facebook marketing. The type of campaigns and how to build the right one, ad budget, audience, how to scale etc

Facebook marketing can get more than a little confusing and Hayden as far as we are concerned only covers the basics.

Module #6 – Facebook Ads Advanced

I guess that Hayden realized that he hadn’t gone deep enough with Facebook and has added this new module to compensate for this.

Having said that, we still think there is a lot missing from what he calls advanced strategies.

Module #7 – Current Things You Need To Know

In this module, Hayden talks about adding additional stores with new products and even goes through a case study to show you this.

The content in this module is pretty slim so don’t expect too much from him.

Additional bonuses

    • Brand Building
    • Aps and which ones to use
    • Outsourcing
    • The future of dropshipping

Related Business Opportunity: AMZ Champions

Hacking Shopify Pricing Information

The course is currently $497 which is a one-off fee.

Are There Any Upsells?

No, what you see is what you pay for.

Does The Course Come With A Refund?

There is a 24-hour refund.

Related Business Opportunity: Savage University

Is Performance Dropshipping a Scam?

There aren’t a lot of details online to determine whether this training program is a scam or not.

The best you can expect from this training program is that you are going to learn the basics.

There’s a lot of information online about Hayden Bowles but very little about how good his training course is.

Even more about him standing next to mansions and expensive cars which we don’t like at all.

Having said that you will get some benefit from the training and therefore it doesn’t come into the scam category.

Hacking Shopify Reviews And Testimonials

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any reviews or testimonials from students on third-party review sites.

What Isn’t Hayden Bowles Telling You?

It would be great if building a business and being successful was so easy but the reality of it all is that around 95% will fail in business.

Hayden makes out that this is all too easy and it isn’t, take it from me because if it was then everybody would be doing it.

Can you really make drop shipping work for you?

Yes, absolutely you can, but it will take a lot of hard work and this course is not going to get you there.

The best you can expect from Hacking Shopify Dropshipping is the basics and then you will have to find a good mentor which is going to cost you more money.

With, trying my hand at dropshipping, let me tell you it isn’t easy but then again no business is easy.

Here are a few pointers…

Marketing Costs Will Eat At Your Budget

In order to be successful with any business you need traffic or customers and there are various ways to do this but the quickest way is through paid advertising.

This is something they do not go into greatly because if they did then you probably wouldn’t even get to first base.

Facebook Ads are difficult to master and the rules are forever changing.

Facebook Ads are Pricey and Difficult to Manage

The Forbes magazine is telling us that Facebook ads are getting too expensive for advertisers, with an increase of 90% year over year.

The rules are constantly changing with algorithm updates and it is very easy to get banned, what do you do if that happens?

You have to find a new marketing ads agency and considering Facebook is probably one of the cheapest then that means more cost.

You have to find customers and everybody doing dropshipping is doing the same thing and promoting the same products.

That’s why we decided to find another way of making money online and we found affiliate marketing the better solution.

Customer Support

One of the biggest issues I have when it comes to purchasing products and services is the after-sales service.

The more sales you make the potential for more support will be increased which means you will have to be on the ball answering customer queries.

That’s why you will need to have a good working relationship with your supplier and if that isn’t forthcoming then your business will suffer.

Extensive product research

Finding the right products for your store is a neverending tactic that you have to adapt to.

Products one minute are trending and the next they aren’t and need replacing.

A product’s lifespan in e-commerce can be anywhere between 1 and 3 months.

The reason for this is that more and more business owners will be promoting the same product which means less popularity.

The ideal situation is to find a product that isn’t been used, but good luck with that one but it isn’t impossible.

You need to get in there at the very beginning before the product get’s too popular.

This is not a passive business, it needs to be worked on constantly and that’s why the most successful business owners work 24/7.

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – PROS And CONS

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping gives you a basic understanding of Shopify and building an e-commerce business from scratch.

Here we give you a few pointers both positive and negative.


    • You Have Access To A Facebook Group Where You Can Discuss Things:
    • Instagram Isn’t A Social Media Platform That’s Covered Often in This Type Of Course:
    • Additional Modules Have Been Added To Cover Facebook In More Depth:
    • Lifetime Access:


    • The Information Is Not Unique And Can Be Found All Over The Internet For Free:
    • Expensive For What You Get:
    • The Money Back Guarantee Is Not Worth The Paper It Is Written On:
    • Paid Advertising Is Not Easy And Will Take Up A Lot Of Your Budget:

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review – Conclusion

Overall we thought the course was ok but very basic, all the same, a complete beginner will get some benefits from the training.

But, what do you expect for a course that costs only $497?

We didn’t think much about the 24-hour money-back guarantee.

In fact, we think you can forget about it.

The information in this course can be found all over the internet for free so there’s nothing special about it.

This isn’t a course that we would recommend to anybody.

E-commerce whilst a very profitable business to get into comes with many risks and is hard to succeed in.

In the Next section of this Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review we delve into what we do for a living and which training platform we use which we consider to be the most advanced online today.

What we do For a Living

Affiliate marketing is a simple business concept that is very easy to learn and if you hit the link above you will see what we mean.

There are no restrictions, you require no stock and it’s a business that once you get up and running is very easy to maintain.

It’s a business model that is associated with the “laptop lifestyle”

The company I have been associated with is Wealthy Affiliate and they have been teaching affiliate marketing to complete beginners since 2005.

In fact, they have helped over 2 million members.

They can supply all the tools, training and support and it won’t cost you a dime to check out.

Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

Wealthy Affiliate member reviews24 Trustpilot

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Hacking Shopify Dropshipping Review -Use This 16 Step Approach

When considering Performance Dropshipping, it’s important to approach it strategically to maximize its benefits and mitigate potential challenges. Here’s some comprehensive advice youmight like to take on board.

Research and Choose Reliable Suppliers

  1. Thorough Vetting: Ensure your suppliers are reliable and have a good track record for quality and timely deliveries.
  1. Diverse Supplier Network: Avoid relying on a single supplier to prevent disruptions in your supply chain.

Focus on Customer Experience

  1. Quality Control: Regularly order samples to check the quality of products.
  1. Clear Communication: Keep customers informed about their order status and provide excellent customer service.

Optimize Your Operations

  1. Efficient Systems: Implement robust order management and fulfillment systems to handle logistics smoothly.
  1. Automation Tools: Use tools to automate processes like inventory management, order tracking, and customer service.

Marketing and Branding

  1. Unique Value Proposition: Differentiate your store with a unique selling point, whether it’s through superior customer service, exclusive products, or a compelling brand story.
  1. Strong Branding: Invest in creating a strong brand identity through consistent visuals, messaging, and customer interactions.

Financial Management

  1. Cost Control: Monitor your expenses carefully, including transaction fees, shipping costs, and marketing expenditures.
  1. Pricing Strategy: Set competitive yet profitable pricing to attract customers while maintaining healthy margins.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Stay Updated: Keep up with industry trends and continuously look for ways to improve your product offerings and customer service.
  1. Customer Feedback: Actively seek and act on customer feedback to improve your products and services.

Legal and Compliance

  1. Understand Regulations: Make sure you are aware of and comply with legal and tax requirements in the regions you operate.
  1. Clear Policies: Have clear return and refund policies to handle disputes efficiently.

Risk Management

  1. Diversify: Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket by diversifying your product range and marketing channels.
  1. Backup Plans: Have contingency plans for supplier failures, shipping delays, and other potential disruptions.

By following these tips, you can effectively leverage Performance Dropshipping to build a successful and scalable online business.

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Ok, guys, we are just about to wrap this Hayden Bowles Hacking Shopify Dropshipping review.

We hope you enjoyed it and if there is anything that you’d like to add then feel free to add any comments down below.

Thank you for your time!

Take care!

Stay safe!

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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