Welcome to the Class with Jeff Review
Becoming a millionaire is something we can all dream about but the reality of it all is that most people will never see that sort of wealth.
So, why does Jeff Lerner think he has the answers and can show you shortcuts to getting to this prestigious milestone?
Today we take a look at what Jeff has to offer and how he intends to sell us this idea, but you will have to have large pockets because it doesn’t come cheap.
First off, doing research like you are doing here is great and will save you time and money in the long run.
As well as helping to ensure that you find legitimate making money opportunities.
But don’t leave it at the one review, check out many more before you make a decision and remember many websites do not display dates.
So the information you are reading will most probably be out of date.
I’d like to point out that we are not associated with Jeff Lerner in any way so we won’t be pitching to you.
But, what you will get is an unbiased review presented to you with all the facts so that you can make your own mind up whether it’s legit or not.
So, let’s get on with it!
[Affiliate Disclosure: This Class With Jeff Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
Class With Jeff Review – Summary
Product: Class with Jeff
Founder: Jeff Lerner
Product Description:
Website: www.classwithjeff.com
Price of product: $39.00 just for starters, then as much as $49k
Recommended: No
Summary: Class with Jeff is a high-end ticket product that promotes the wealthy lifestyle and to be honest we’d all love to have. Who wouldn’t?
Jeff does a very good job of promoting the product and so he should with all the experience he has as a public speaker.
One thing I will agree with, in Jeff’s presentation is that he says to become successful you have to follow successful people.
That goes without saying, but at what cost?
What we found is that “Class with Jeff” is just a front-end product that leads you into a super-funnel to the actual product “Entre BluePrint”.
All part of the Entre Institute!
Like always the product starts off with a low price just to get you onto his sales funnel and to be honest does look like you are getting a good deal.
The first product is only to whet your appetite.
No surprises here, because the information brought to you is readily available all over the internet for free.
However, if you purchase this product, to continue with Jeff is going to cost you considerably more money which we will be going into a little later.
He Talks about earning within a couple of weeks which let me tell you is a complete lie.
Ok, you might earn a few bucks, but what he is talking about is affiliate marketing and this takes time to start earning real money.
If you want to become a millionaire like Jeff, then you need to create a digital product and have a massive email list, but we are getting a little in front of ourselves here.
Affiliate marketing is a proven business model that works, which you can see by the response from these people by clicking the link below.
Class With Jeff Review – TOC
- What is Class With Jeff About and who is the Founder?
- How does Class With Jeff Work?
- Class With Jeff Pricing
- Can you Make Money With Class With Jeff?
- Who is Class With Jeff For?
- Class With Jeff Review – What We Like
- Class With Jeff Review – What We Don’t Like
- Is Class With Jeff a SCAM or LEGIT?
- Class With Jeff Review: Final Thoughts!
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is Class With Jeff about and who is the Founder?
Class with Jeff is just another name to disguise the fact that the product you will be purchasing belongs to the Entre Institue.
It isn’t a training course per se, just a link through to some other training of Jeff’s which is Entre Blueprint.
When a product has been around for so long, marketers often create new names to trick you into thinking this is another new product.
Ok, we all want to become millionaires right? If you tell me otherwise I would say that you are telling porkies.
This is Jeff Lerner’s most recent product that hopes to convince you that he has found a way to become a millionaire in the fastest possible way.
As that grabbed your attention?
Why bother about being financially comfortable, might as well go the whole hog and get straight to the point. A little extreme if you ask me!
If you look at the sales video and how it’s all presented you get a feeling that this might just cost you a considerable amount of money.
Well, if you decide to go for the “Entre Blueprint Training” because it is very well packaged, with plenty of bonuses it is going to cost you as of this review $39.00.
However, the training is very basic which you can find online for free but the real intention is to grab your attention with all the other goodies he has to offer.
Like Jeff’s personal coaching course but we are going to be covering that in a little while, so stay with us.
So who is responsible for Class with Jeff?
Jeff Lerner is an online entrepreneur and public speaker who in the last few years has brought several digital products to market.
Now if you watch the sales presentation for “Class with Jeff”, Jeff starts off by talking about how he hit hard times.
Where he invested what money he had then into a restaurant business (not a wise choice) which went bust with him owing $400k.
So, according to Jeff, this was around 2007 and he managed to find a mentor, just like Jeff is now where he showed him the way forward and how to become a millionaire. How lucky was that?
Forward 18 months and Jeff had managed to pay off the debt of $400k that he owed and since 2008 become so successful that he has earned around $40 million.
You have to take your hat off to Jeff, for pulling himself together in such a short time.
How does Class With Jeff Work?
Class with Jeff is fugazi or fake, it doesn’t exist.
There is no product to speak of except for a link to the Entre Blueprint Training.
However, the first thing to do is to watch the sales presentation by Jeff Lerner himself.
Typical sales pitch with a hard-luck story where he went from being in debt for $400k to clearing that debt in 18 months.
Jeff talks about how he started with affiliate marketing, but what really took him to his millionaire status is as a product creator.
Once you click on the “reserve my position” you are taken to the purchase screen where you can purchase the Entre Blueprint Training Bundle.
This consists of 4 modules…
Module #1 – How to change your life with the right mindset, covering the 3 p’s, personal excellence, professional excellence and physical excellence.
Module #2 -A one on one business advisor which walks you through the training which and will help to build your business plan.
These are actually real salespeople who will try and get you to purchase high-end products. The one’s that Jeff really wants you to buy!
Module #3 – Daily routines to help improve all aspects of your life.
Module #4 – Provides you with all the support that you are going to require.
It all comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and you are told that you can keep the products that you purchased
All very basic stuff which we’ve already mentioned is available everywhere online for free.
This short course is to get you interested and hopefully onto the next level which was not talked about at all in the sales presentation.
Therefore, to continue with the training you will have to purchase some or all of the upsell at an all-in cost of around $50k.
That’s pretty much it except for the individual costs which are coming next.
Class With Jeff Pricing
The initial product, Entre Blueprint Training Bundle is only to whet your appetite, to see if you are going to be interested in pursuing the training further.
Which is $39.00, so I guess many are probably going to purchase this to see what occurs, after all, Jeff is a very well respected person and I’m sure will attract a large following.
There has been no mention of any additional training so it will come as a complete surprise when you find out, to continue and see this through that it is going to cost you dearly.
Very misleading if you ask me.
Anyway, here’s what it will cost if you want to continue with Jeff…
- Entre Nation Elite $348.00
- Entre digital $1997.00
- Entre Results $15,000.00
- Entre inner circle $29,997/year
That is going to cost you $47,381 and if it is really something you are going to go for, bearing in mind there are no guarantees.
Don’t forget the 2nd yearly cost of $29,997 to continue with the Entre inner circle.
These costs are extreme, to say the least, and with no guarantees which they aren’t.
But Jeff marketed the product all based on becoming a millionaire and here he is with a disclaimer telling you that there are no guarantees that you will become a millionaire.
Can you make money with Class With Jeff
Of course, you can make money with “Class with Jeff” if you have the right mindset and work extremely hard.
Affiliate marketing is a tried and tested business model that does work, but many fail because they are too impatient.
One thing to note, and that is that Jeff’s course is certainly not going to make you a millionaire which is how he has marketed this course.
If he hadn’t then would you even have been interested?
However, this is a course not for the fainthearted, but you do not have to pay these extravagant costs.
There are many training platforms out there where you don’t have to pay anywhere near and much better, like Wealthy Affiliate.
Who is Class With Jeff For?
Based on the cost of the training then this has to be for really serious people who are willing to go that extra mile.
These are people who are going to be action takers who will not give in and will succeed no matter what.
So, if you are extremely ambitious, self-motivated, hard-working, persistent, consistent and extremely patient, then this could be the ideal course for you.
Mind you, you’d need to take out a 2nd mortgage.
Class With Jeff Review – What We Like
It’s the hefty price tag that really got to us and the fact that Jeffs earlier products had many negative reviews about them.
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We like to see a money-back guarantee although this is only for 30 days, if for any reason you are not satisfied then you can get a full refund.
You can even keep the product that you have already purchased although we don’t see any value in them at all.
We’d like to point out that this refund will not cover any of the upsells that you might have purchased.
So, before you decide to continue with the training and spend thousands make sure that this is exactly what you want before doing so.
- The Affiliate Program
Yes, there is an affiliate program that anybody can subscribe to.
If you are a person who has deep pockets, and no scruples about who and what you promote to people, then this might be something to consider.
But before you can promote Jeff’s products you have to have purchased them first.
Class With Jeff Review – What We Don’t Like
We didn’t like the way Jeff brought you in with the crappy $39.00 Entre Blueprint with the intention of stinging you afterwards.
You might get some value, but this information is free if only you searched for it.
In fact, this website you are on now will show you all you need to know.
- Extremely Hyped Sales Presentation
We see them all the time where product owners go over the top especially with Class with Jeff.
The quickest route to becoming a millionaire is sure to attract the attention of people but nobody can promise anything with making money online.
- To Continue with Jeff
You’d better have deep pockets because it is certainly not cheap at all because it can cost you around $50k if you went all the way.
Not to mention when the 2nd year comes, do you continue to pay for the inner circle at a cost of nearly $30k.
Like I mentioned earlier, why would anybody spend so much money when there are some highly sort after training platforms online for a fraction of the costs.
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
- Where are the Great Reviews
Obviously, the whole training experience isn’t as popular as we first thought otherwise we would be seeing positive reviews all over the internet.
The positive reviews we did find are from affiliate marketers trying to sell the product.
- Class with Jeff is just a
Class with Jeff is nothing more than a marketing strategy to make you think that you are getting a new product from Jeff.
Often, product vendors do this to stop people from getting bored with seeing the same product.
I guess in the near future Class with Jeff will be something entirely different to get the ball rolling again.
Is Class With Jeff a SCAM or LEGIT?
According to Wikipedia, a scam is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence.
Isn’t that exactly what Jeff is doing here?
A nice rags-to-riches story of how he dug himself out of a $400k debt by finding someone “like himself now” and within 18 months is debt-free.
But even that story can’t be believed because in previous products like “6 Steps to Freedom” he tells another different story about working in a bar.
So, what is it, a piano player with a bad hand or someone selling drinks in a bar?
How many times do we hear the same sad story?
Too many times, but if it’s a formula that works then why not use this strategy.
But, it’s all to get you to warm to the person and whilst that is fine to a point he deceives you implying that he has a shortcut to becoming a millionaire.
Offering a way out for $39.00 but it isn’t a way out to riches, his way is a way into debt because it isn’t the Entre Blueprint where you are going learn anything really.
It’s the Upsells, where there is no mention of unless you go looking and doing your research like you are doing here.
Come on, who in their right mind is going to spend nearly $50k to learn affiliate marketing when you have training platforms like Wealthy Affiliate who are much better?
Class With Jeff Review: Final Thoughts!
Class with Jeff is not a product we would recommend at all in fact far from it.
I just couldn’t live with myself selling something like this to a genuine person who is struggling and just trying to find a way to make a difference.
However, if you really are serious about starting an affiliate marketing business without the price tag then click on the link below and see what others have to say.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you everything you’d ever need to know about making money online and can assure you you’ll find much more value than “Class with Jeff”
Complete transparency with no hidden costs and the beauty about this is that it won’t cost you a dime to find out for yourself.
If you don’t think this is for you then just call it a day and you have lost absolutely nothing but you won’t know until you have tried.
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Well, Guys, I hope you have found value in this Class with Jeff review and if you did then why not spread the word by sharing with your friends.
Thank you for reading and if you have any questions please put them in the comment section below.
We read and reply to all comments.
Until next time, stay safe.