Rocktomic Reviews – Rebranding, Dropshipping and Fulfilment business opportunity

Rocktomic Labs Review

Hey Guys, welcome to the Rocktomic review or Rocktomic Labs as it is also known.

You might have seen their marketing campaigns all over the internet and if you are looking for the full lowdown on Rocktomic.

Then you are definitely in the right place, and in the next few minutes, you will know all there is to know about Rocktomic.

Before we get started we’d just like to mention that we are not associated with Rocktomic in any way.

That means we are not getting paid for this review.

But, what we promise you is an honest unbiased account of who Rocktomic are and what they have to offer.

That way you’ll be able to make an educated decision on whether to pursue this business opportunity further or not.

So without further delay, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Rocktomic Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Rocktomic Reviews – Summary

Product: Rocktomic

Founder: Marco Garcia, Ben Morgan


Product Description: Fulfilment business opportunity

Cost to join: $197 – $24,997

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Rocktomic is a fulfilment business combining drop shipping and rebranding.

What this means is that you can use Rocktomic as a business opportunity.

To source all your products and have them rebranded with your logo by print-on-demand.

However, this comes at a price which we shall be looking at in detail later.

Looking at the complaints on the Better Business Bureau they don’t appear to be forthcoming and because of that, they have been suspended.

This is a business model that is not straightforward and therefore if you are new to this then you are going to need help and guidance.

That’s why we have concerns with complete newcomers coming into this type of business.

There are much better and more cost-effective alternative business opportunities that you could explore.

Business Opportunity we think you will like:

Affiliate marketing is a cost-effective alternative solution to Rocktomic and if you are in the early stages of contemplating building an online business you might like to check this out.

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Rocktomic Reviews – Table of Contents

    1. What is Rocktomic About And Who Are The Founders?
    2. What Products Are Available at Rocktomic?
    3. What do You Get When You Join Rocktomic?
    4. How Much Does it Cost to Join Rocktomic?
    5. Is Rocktomic a Scam?
    6. What we Like About Rocktomic
    7. What we Don’t Like About Rocktomic
    8. The Rocktomic Review -Final Thoughts
    9. Is There a Better Alternative For Making Money Online?
    10. Rocktomic FAQs
    11. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Rocktomic About And Who Are The Founders?

Rocktomic Reviews - MainRocktomic is dropshipping and fulfilment business that sells health and nutritional products as well as apparel.

Another term for this business model would be private-label dropshipping.

This is a business opportunity for anybody looking to branch out and own their own online business.

Part of the deal is a rebranding program where you can create your very own brand and make the products as if they were your own.

Rocktomic would handle the sourcing of the products, create the labels for the products with your brand and handle the entire order processing.

They would even handle the packing, shipping, and returns for you too.

As of this review, there is a $2 fee for handling each product which we think is a little steep.

You would purchase the products at wholesale and sell them at retail but you’d have to take into account the admin costs.

This means the products are going to be more expensive than the products that Rocktomic will be selling.

If you would like to know more about the whole process then why not reserve your seat for the free workshop hosted by the co-founder here.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is where the seller accepts customer orders but doesn’t hold any inventory, instead this process is outsourced.

To either the manufacturer, wholesaler or fulfilment house through a process called supply chain management.

They would take care of the entire order management and ship the goods to the customer as well as take care of any refunds and after-sales issues.

This means that the seller doesn’t see any of the products or even get involved with the order process in any way.

Another similar fulfilment house that is very successful is Amazon which is one of the forerunners in this business model.

All you have to do as the seller is get your products seen by the customer through marketing campaigns.

Once a customer clicks on your embedded links in your campaigns then everything else is taken care of for you.

In Rocktomic’s case as they are the supplier then a lot is reliant on them having available stocks to fulfil your customer orders.

Otherwise, your customers are not going to be happy and you may lose them.

Keeping stocks replenished is critical to any success you may have.

Who are the founders of Rocktomic Labs?

There’s not a great deal about Marco Garcia online and whilst this may not be a good thing for some it means he doesn’t come with baggage.

Whereas Ben Morgan who is the co-founder of Rocktomic has entrepreneurial skills and has been involved with marketing since around 2001.

Here you can read about him here.

What Products Are Available at Rocktomic?

As of this review, Rocktomic has a product range that exceeds 150 supplements and clothing that you can market as your own brand.

Promoting your own branded product gives you credibility and allows for trustworthiness.

Below are the categories where you can find those products…

    • General Health
    • Men’s Health
    • Beard Care
    • MOQ Line
    • Nootropics
    • Premium Supplement Line
    • Sports Nutrition
    • Superfoods
    • Weight Loss and Detox
    • Women’s Health
    • Pet Supplements
  • As you can see the range of products are pretty extensive and for a better look, you can check out their catalogue here.

    What do You Get When You Join Rocktomic?

The business package does look pretty good with plenty of education to help in your business.

Which covers everything that you would need to know to help you succeed.

Below we have listed what you get as a member…

    • Your own website
    • Access to over 100 premium private-label supplement
    • Order bulk supplements for your store
    • Create your own supplement formula
    • In-house label design and creation
    • Print-on-demand facility
    • Warehousing
    • Dropshipping worldwide
    • All products manufactured in the US
  • When you join as a VIP or VIP+ membership you get access to 11 masterclass courses listed below.
  • This is a bonus especially if you are a complete beginner but this is going to be an additional learning curve.
    • Content marketing mastery
    • Paid traffic mastery
    • Social media mastery
    • Conversion funnel mastery
    • Search marketing mastery
    • Email marketing mastery
    • Analytics and data mastery
    • Conversion rate optimization
    • E-commerce marketing mastery
    • Copywriting mastery
    • Community management mastery

As you can see the education is pretty extensive not just for a complete beginner but for a marketer with experience.

The courses are pretty good but will take time to complete which all adds to how long it will take to succeed.

  • What Does it Cost to Join Rocktomic?

    Up until recently, there were several memberships that no longer exist.

    Now there are only 2 main memberships which make things a lot easier and of course less expensive.

    Rocktomic all-access membership – $197/month

    • Unlimited access to all private-label products with no minimum order
    • Product label support
    • Done for you API integration
    • On-demand label printing
    • Automated drop-shipment and fulfilment
    • $2 per item fulfilment fee
    •  Ticket-based support system
    • Access to Rocktomic MSRP report
    • Access to Rocktomic’s top 25 best sellers list
    • Access to private label bulk order supplement catalogue
    • Access to custom formula department
    • Access to exclusive training
  • Lifetime VIP membership  – $2,997
    • Access to all supplement lines – no inventory purchase requirement
    • Free Logo/label design – For up to 20 different products
    • Done for you API integration
    • Dedicated support rep
    • Automated order processing
    • $2 fulfilment fee per item
    • On-demand label printing
    • Glossy labels
    • PLDS monthly fee of $57, covers all ongoing support
    • Done for you website design
    • Access to Rocktomic funnel template library
    • 30-day supplement brand launch Bootcamp
    • Access to Rocktomics bulk order catalogue
    • No minimum orders except apparel which are 12 units
    • Product selection consult with Rocktomics head consultant
    • Access to product description library
    • Access to members-only VIP Facebook Group
  • Lifetime done for you package – $24,997

As it sounds, if you are not prepared or don’t want to do the work then Rocktomic will get your business up and running for you but you’ll have to discuss this with sales.

These costs can and do change all the time so what you are reading here may be totally different.

Is Rocktomic a Scam?

It depends on how you determine Is Rocktomic a scamsomething as a scam but in our eyes, Rocktomic is not a scam.

However, that doesn’t mean that this business opportunity would be right for you or that we would recommend it either.

This business has all the hallmarks of being a good business but we are not sure this particular opportunity would be right for a complete beginner.

There are so many things that can go wrong!

We love the idea of rebranding meaning that you are not going to see the same products over and over again.

Well, they are the same products just with a different label.

Having said that health and wellness is a very competitive industry and we see many businesses like this selling similar products.

If you are new to this business then what you will have to get used to is rejection when approaching your prospective customers.

Trying to convince people that your product is better than the next product and besides you are competing with many sites that offer much cheaper alternatives.

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What we Like About This Rocktomic Reviews

  • Fulfilment is a Legit Business Model: This typeWhat we liked about Rocktomiciches of business model is getting more and more popular nowadays.
  • However, it is a difficult business and you have to be very disciplined.
  • There is no minimum order requirement: Which is good but what you would expect to see as the products are coming straight from Rocktomics warehouse.
  • Rebranding is another plus: Especially when you are selling the same products.

It makes you unique and believable.

There is nothing worse than coming across the same websites with exactly the same products.

  • Accredited With The BBB:

When we first wrote this review Rocktomic were not accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

However, whatever they have been doing as a business has been noticed.

This is obviously down to them sorting out complaints that were reported to the BBB.

  • What we Don’t Like About in This Rocktomic Reviews

  • Far Too Expensive: What people don’t realizeWhat we didn't like about Rocktomic when they join this type of opportunity are the additional costs that can mount up.
  • For someone new to this type of business this is something that isn’t discussed in depth.
  • Your biggest expense is going to be paid marketing to get your products out there for people who are searching for these types of products to see.
  • Not For Complete Beginners: We suggest that you need a certain level of experience in online marketing before venturing into a business like this.
  • We don’t believe the training is here on a one-to-one and this is noticeable by the number of online courses that are available.
  • If you are a person who can just run with something then who knows but experience tells us that most people can’t.
  • Not Sure This Would go Down Well With the FDA:

Honestly, when we first saw this we just couldn’t believe it.

  • Rocktomic Reviews - Image #1We Found a Disclaimer That Didn’t Read Well Either: Strange to find something like this lurking in the background.
  • As you can see they claim that Rocktomic is for entertainment purposes only.
  • You can check out the full income disclaimer here.

    Rocktomic Reviews – Final Thoughts!

    You should have enough information here to make an educated decision on whether to join Rocktomic or pursue this business further.

    This business model is a legit one that many are making a lot of money with but we wouldn’t recommend this to a complete beginner.

    There are far too many things that can go wrong in our experience.

    You are going to need between 5 and 10 thousand dollars at your disposal to get this business off the ground.

    It doesn’t matter what business you undertake it is going to take time, a lot of hard work, consistency and above all patience.

    You need to be looking at between 6 and 12 months to see any revenue or even longer and many just aren’t prepared for this.

    That is probably why around 50 – 65 per cent of members never see out their first year.

    If you had the funds and didn’t want to get your hands dirty then you could get Rocktomic to handle your business but it is going to cost you $25k.

    If it is still a business opportunity that you are looking for without the costs and risks.

    Then we’d love to share with you a business opportunity in the next section.

    Is There a Better Alternative For Making Money Online?

    In our opinion affiliate marketing is a better way of making money online for complete beginners with very little costs incurred.

  • It is by far the best way to create multiple passive income streams which is something dropshipping will not allow you to do.

Wealthy Affiliate is the training platform that I have been a member of since 2017 and the reason why I could end my full-time job.

Wealthy Affiliate Trustpilot reviews

  • If you are interested then take a look at the link below, it won’t cost you a dime!

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Rocktomic Reviews FAQs

  1. Is Rocktomic Worth The Price Tag?

This is where it can start to get a little steep with regard to costs.

You can pay a $197 monthly fee which works out at $2,346 for the year or pay a one-off fee of $2,997.

A no-brainer really if you are going to make a commitment.

For the ones who are cash ready then you might like to shell out $25k for Rocktomic to handle the entire process for you.

  1. Is Rocktomic Available Worldwide?

Yes, the training platform is available throughout the world.

With members in countries like the US, China, Canada, Australia and the UK just to name but a few so there are no restrictions.

  1. Why Rocktomic Verses Other Manufacturers?

Rocktomic claims to be the only private-label supplement business in the world that provides a POD business model for its clients.

  1. Is There A Personal Branding Option?

At Rocktomic they have their own design team that will create your logos and labels along with any other graphic designs for your business.

The branding package currently costs $397 and that’s for one logo and 5 labels however there is another plan that you might consider.

Where there are free options included.

  1. Is There Any Marketing Training?

Rocktomic has teamed up with DigitalMarketer to bring you over 11 marketing courses to help you on your way.

  1. What Additional Services Do You Offer?

Shopify, Ads Management (Instagram, Facebook, Google, Youtube). Graphics Design, Messenger Bot Setup, Copywriting plus a lot more…

Contact your dedicated support rep for more details.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys got some benefit from this Rocktomic review and if you have any questions please put them down in the section below.

Likewise, if you have experience with Rocktomic we’d love to hear about your experiences.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

2 thoughts on “Rocktomic Reviews – Rebranding, Dropshipping and Fulfilment business opportunity”

  1. This company is the worst company we have dealt with in our careers.

    Check out their BBB page. Checkout the class action lawsuit for big promises then no delivery. Check out their Linkedin where people comment. They had to remove the ability to leave reviews on facebook and linkedin due to overwhelming 1 star reviews.

    We are out a lot of money due to all of the broken promises. Do not be like the 1,000s of others that ROCKTOMIC took advantage of. Just search the internet and find all of the angry people due to the lies they were told

    1. Hey Steve thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately there are far too many scams out there and would take many lifetimes to get around to them all. Rocktomic is not a business opportunity that we would recommend because of the costs to start and the amount of things that can go wrong. It is however a popular business model which many are having success with and if we decided to run a business like this I think we would be using some like amazon.

      I’m not convinced they could ensure all the customer orders could be fullfilled.

      Once again thanks

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