Sendshark Review – Unlock Your Email Marketing Success: 7 Compelling Reasons to Choose Sendshark

SendShark Review

Welcome to our in-depth SendShark Review

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, finding the right email marketing tool is crucial for success.

Sendshark promises to deliver robust features, top-notch deliverability, and user-friendly interfaces—all at a competitive price.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned marketer, Sendshark aims to elevate your email campaigns, boost engagement, and drive conversions.

Join us as we explore seven compelling reasons why Sendshark might be the perfect choice for your email marketing needs

If you are ready then let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This SendShark Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

SendShark Review – Summary

Product: SendShark

Founder: Joel Therien

Product Description: Autoresponder with built-in Landing-page creator

Price of product: $25.00 / month or $197.00 / year

Best For: For anyone really, especially for a business owner with a large email list.

Recommended: Yes

Summary: An autoresponder that many may not have heard of before and is likely known mainly through word of mouth.

SendShark presents itself as a promising alternative based on its claims, despite the limited number of reviews available.

However, the reviews that do exist are generally positive.

It’s important to note that SendShark was developed for the affiliate marketing arena and has remnants of Now Lifestyle which is an health and wellness company.

Upon signing up, you will receive some marketing materials from this company.

There are also remnants of Now Lifestyle within the platform, such as training videos, but you are not obligated to join.

The platform has been made available to the public, likely with the intention of encouraging people to join Now Lifestyle

Sendshark Review - Check out my recommendation for making money online

SendShark Review – Table of Contents

    1. What is SendShark about and who is the Founder?
    2. Who is SendShark For?
    3. How does SendShark Authority Work?
    4. SendShark Pricing and Features
    5. SendShark: Red Flags to Watch Out For!
    6. Is SendShark a SCAM or LEGIT?
    7. SendShark Review – What We Like
    8. SendShark Review – What We Don’t Like
    9. SendShark Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Work From Home Opportunity
    11. 7 Reasons For Choosing Sendshark
    12. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is SendShark about and who is the Founder?

Sendshark benefits

SendShark is an email provider or autoresponder which controls how you communicate with your customers or subscribers.

A way to bridge that gap between the business owner and the subscriber and to build a relationship of trust which in time will allow you to send offers and promotions and in return hopefully make sales.

What makes SendShark stand out amongst its competitors is the fact that there is only one monthly cost compared to multiple costs with Aweber and GetResponse.

SendShark also has a landing page builder like most of the top email providers do nowadays but the big difference that really makes it stand out more is the number of subscribers that you are allowed for that same monthly price.

What might concern you is that SendShark doesn’t appear in the Google search results when you search for autoresponders or best autoresponders and therefore might be a little off-putting.

Who is Joel Therien, the founder?

Joel Therion is an online entrepreneur who started life as a successful personal trainer earning a decent salary at the time but realised, like most people that wasn’t enough.

At the age of 27, he became ill and went from a 250lb bodybuilder down to a mere 165 lbs, not only this but was wrongly diagnosed with either Lou Gehrig’s disease, brain cancer, or multiple sclerosis.

He eventually found out that an artificial sweetener which was found in all diet soft drinks named “ASPARTAME” was poisoning his system.

Anyway on the long road to recovery and back to this present day.

Joel has become the founder of several multi-level-marketing businesses selling products to the business owner, making him a multi-millionaire.

Products like GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities), NowLifeStyle, Pure Leverage, and now SendShark.

SendShark has also teamed up with Matthew Neer to become part of List Leverage.

Check out this SendShark presentation

Who is SendShark For?

SendShark is an autoresponder and therefore anybody who is involved with email marketing, not just internet marketers but your normal high-street business that should be exploiting this avenue.

As you can see, primarily for businesses with large email lists, but as costs can spiral out of control pretty quickly with other email providers, then I would say for everyone.

Designed for bulk email distribution.

Building an email list is pretty straightforward but can be complex in nature because within that one list you will probably have a mix of subscribers.

Some are ready to buy, and others interested in other things that you might be offering.

It is in your interest to split the initial email list so that subscribers weren’t receiving something that they weren’t interested in.

Autoresponders like SendShark allow you to do this so that you can send out the right emails to the right subscribers.

At the end of the day, we are hoping to sell a service or product to that subscriber.

How does SendShark Work?

Pretty much like any other autoresponder but with a few differences.

You would create your marketing campaigns through the Lead Capture Page Builder and send them out to the prospective customers with an offer of something, maybe a free pdf, in the hopes that they subscribe to your list.

sendshark Lead capture page builder

Those subscribers sit in the autoresponders database where you would set up emails to build relationships with a view to sending out promotional offers and making sales at a later date.

Email marketing is just one of many ways to create passive income and anybody who starts a business from the very first day should implement this strategy, in several years time that list could be into the thousands.

If you treat your subscribers in the right manner this could be a very lucrative business.

What you see with many of the internet gurus is, they build their lists over the years and may have 100s of thousands of subscribers, then they venture into product creation.

Just think, a product that you create and sell for $10 could turn you into a very wealthy person.

SendShark Pricing and Features 

What is unique with SendShark is that there is only one fee which is $25 a month.

That fee is for 50,000+ subscribers and if you look at the other autoresponders that are out there could save you a fortune in fees.SendShark Price Comparison

If you look at the saving against, let’s say GetResponse.

    • GetResponse yearly costs you $4,440.00

as opposed to…

    • SendShark which will cost you $300.00. That’s a saving of $4,140.00

Over 10 years that is a saving of over $40,000.

But, my Email List is no way near 50,000 subscribers?

If you are just starting out then maybe the best solution would be to find an email provider that offered a free option up to a number of subscribers.

Something like Mailerlite or MailChimp but it also depends on what you are going to promote because some don’t allow affiliate marketing.

That’s why we choose Aweber because it has a free membership option as well.

Over time, when your subscriber list reaches a monthly fee of beyond $25.00 then you could switch to something like SendShark.

That really isn’t a problem!

If you look at Aweber in the below image, the monthly fee when you reach 2,500 subscribers goes up to $26.15 / month and it’s at this point that you should be thinking about changing to SendShark?

Aweber subscriber pricings

Residual Income

SendShark has an affiliate program that you can join which allows you to make a residual income by getting others to join and purchase the product.

That’s currently at 50%.

So if you got let’s say 10 people to join SendShark that’s $1,500 a year in commissions.

Not bad for doing nothing right?


sendshark features

SendShark: Red Flags to Watch Out For!

For such a great looking product and offerSendShark review - Red flags

that could save you literally thousands in yearly fees, I find it a little strange that SendShark isn’t all over the internet.

Maybe it sounds just too good to be true but I can’t see this because you are not committed to any contract and therefore you could get out at any time.

Maybe the product has just not had enough exposure, but seriously a product to research further at the very least.

Is SendShark a SCAM or LEGIT?

SendShark is not a scam but a veryShould I purchase SendSharkeverageShortcut

legitimate autoresponder that you could benefit from considerably.

Everyone who is serious about building a business whether this is online or traditional should be building an email list.

Bill Gate once said “If your business is not online it won’t be in business very long”

Email marketing when done correctly can be a very lucrative business.

However, SendShark is still a multi-level marketing business that requires extremely good recruitment skills.

Sendshark review - Wealthy Affiliate

SendShark Review – What We Like

There are many things I like about what I like about SendShark work days

SendShark but I have to take into question why this email provider isn’t more popular.
  1. Not committed to a contract:
  1. There is only one monthly fee that covers everything:
  1. A great affiliate program where you could earn a nice residual income without doing anything:
  1. 50,000 subscribers for $25.00 a month and it doesn’t stop there because the number of subscribers is too infinity:
  1. Massive savings:

As you can see with other autoresponders that you could be saving $2,700 with Aweber and $4,140.00 with GetResponse

  1. Send out unlimited emails:

Normally you would find restrictions in the number of emails that you could send out, with SendShark there aren’t any.

SendShark Review – What We Don’t Like

I couldn’t really find any negativity regarding what I don't like about SendShark

this product but as it stands there won’t be many users as the product isn’t really well known enough.
  1. $25.00 a month might be a little too pricey for some:

When you are starting an online business we are always trying to save a little here and there.

There are other autoresponders out there that offer good deals for people just starting out.

Besides, it is going to take a while to get your subscriber list but once your monthly fees reach $25.00/month then by all means jump ship.

  1. Sendshark is still a multi-level marketing business:

This is what most people are going to be interested in especially with commissions as high as 50%.

But recruitment isn’t for everyone.

SendShark Review: Final Thoughts!

Based on my research I find SendShark as an autoresponder to be up there with the best and whilst it isn’t that popular does that really matter.

Just think about it, if SendShark was as popular as Aweber or GetResponse I can assure you the price it is currently at now would be a lot more.

It comes with some great features and a Landing Page creator which up to not too long ago was exempt from Aweber.

Email marketing is just another way of generating a passive income stream and if it interests you then I can highly recommend a training platform where you can learn all this but much much more.

If that would interest you then we’d love to show you a training platform that we recommend 100% in the next section.

Work From Home Opportunity

SendShark offer a great commission rate however at the end of the day they are an MLM business and recruiting is key to any success you may have.

Cold-calling is not for everyone but more importantly, can you take rejection.

Which is something that you will have to learn to accept.

After a few years of trying MLM’s we eventually decided that affiliate marketing was a better business model.

Extremely cost-effective and NO RECRUITING.

Check it out and see what you think, it’s not going to cost you a dime.

Sendshark Review - Wealthy Affiliate

7 Reasons For Choosing Sendshark

Reasons For Using Sendshark

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Sendshark offers a drag-and-drop email builder, making it easy for users without technical skills to create professional-looking emails.
  1. Cost-Effective: Known for being relatively affordable, Sendshark provides good value for businesses, especially small to mid-sized ones looking for a budget-friendly solution.
  1. Autoresponders: The platform provides robust autoresponder capabilities, allowing for automated email sequences that can nurture leads and keep your audience engaged over time.
  1. Deliverability: Sendshark focuses on high email deliverability rates, which means your emails are more likely to reach the inbox rather than the spam folder.
  1. List Management: It offers comprehensive list management features, including segmentation, which allows you to target specific groups within your audience more effectively.
  1. Integration: Sendshark integrates with other tools and platforms, which can streamline your marketing efforts and ensure cohesive data flow between systems.
  1. Support: Customer support is available to help with any issues, which can be particularly beneficial for users who are new to email marketing.

Reasons To Consider When Choosing Sendshark

  1. Limited Advanced Features: Compared to some other email marketing platforms, Sendshark might lack some advanced features and functionalities that larger businesses or those with more complex needs might require.
  1. Template Variety: The variety and customization options of email templates may be limited compared to more established competitors.
  1. Reporting and Analytics: The depth and breadth of analytics and reporting features might not be as comprehensive as those offered by other platforms, which could be a drawback for data-driven marketers.
  1. Scalability: While great for small to medium-sized businesses, Sendshark might not scale as well for very large businesses with extensive email marketing needs.
  1. Learning Curve: Despite being user-friendly, there might still be a learning curve for new users, particularly those who are not familiar with email marketing tools.
  1. Customer Support Limitations: The quality and availability of customer support may vary, and some users might find it lacking compared to the support offered by other leading platforms.
  1. Integration Limitations: While it does integrate with other tools, the range and ease of integration might not be as extensive or seamless as some other email marketing solutions.

When choosing an email marketing platform, it’s important to consider your specific needs, budget, and the features that are most critical to your marketing strategy.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you enjoyed this SendShark review and if you did why not spread the word amongst your friends on social media.

If I missed out on anything or you would like to ask a question whether related to this review or something in general please put it down in the comments section.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

10 thoughts on “Sendshark Review – Unlock Your Email Marketing Success: 7 Compelling Reasons to Choose Sendshark”

  1. Affiliate Marketing is definitely something to get in to, even more so with the global pandemic having an online business is the way forward.

    The thing with affiliate marketing is that it comes with a stigma of not being possible to earn money online, which honest sites like this are proving it can be done and it’s worth doing.
    Yes, there is a lot of guru’s out there but look at a site like this who are open and honest and willing to converse with you.

    Thank you for sharing

  2. This is a great review. Im actually in the process of looking for a mail responder as its pretty much the next stage for my website. I was going to go with Getresponse.

    As you say, it’s kind of flew under the radar as its not too well known.

    Well worth me considering this one.

    1. Hey Lee, thanks for spending time and reading this SendShark Review.

      With SendShark this might be something to look at when the subscriber list starts to take off, but if you are looking for an up and coming autoresponder I would check out Mailerlite.

      Thank you for support

  3. Hi, Mick,

    Thank you for putting together this review.

    I’m currently looking to get an autoresponder for my website and this is how I have found your review and I’m happy that I did.

    SendShark really looks attractive to me due to a good price and all the features it provides. What I’m concerned about though is what is their rate of email delivery?

    This one is really important.

    I appreciate your feedback on this!

    Best Wishes,


    1. Hey Ionut, thanks for stopping by and reading this SendShark review.

      SendShark, as you can see, would be a great solution for a marketer with a large email list.

      If you are just starting out there are much cheaper products out there and some are free until you hit a number of subscribers.

      SendShark promises to deliver 600,000 emails an hour.

      Hope this answers your question.

      Thank you for your support.


  4. I am using GetResponse right now and while I am very happy with their service, SendShark definitely looks like a great and more cost effective alternative. I just wonder why they do not show up in Google Search. Can you only sign up by word of mouth or recommendation? It looks like they are offering a lot of value, so I am going to take a look at their platform.

    1. Hey Christine, thanks for stopping by and reading this SendShark review.

      The fact that SendShark didn’t come up in the Google search results sort of concerned me a little too.

      Like I mention in the review, that could be down to it been a new product.

      No, you don’t have to sign up under anyone, but what I found out is that the autoresponder was initially developed for the MLM, Now Lifestyle and what you can find are emails sent out to with promotional offers to join but you are under no obligation to do this.

      So what you will find are links within the autoresponder platform that refer to Now Lifestyle.

      Other than that then good to go and as you can see the saving against GetResponse over 10 years would be $40,000

      If you are not happy then just cancel the contract and transfer your list over to your new email provider.

  5. Hey Mick, thanks for the review! Choosing a good provider for email marketing and auto responding is really tough with so many options out there. How do you think SendShark compares to Mailchimp?
    On a side note, I agree that affiliate marketing is so much better than MLM’s!

    1. Hey Andrea, thanks for stopping by and reading this SendShark review.

      At the end of the day, if you are just starting out then there are many that offer a free option and looking at Mailchimp seems like a great choice to go with.

      All responders are very competitive and to be honest, I didn’t know there was a membership for a 50k subscriber list with MailChimp, so I was surprised to find this at around $10 and a no-brainer.

      Thank you for your support.


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