Welcome to The Traffic Authority Review
The biggest headache as an internet marketer can be finding traffic and without it, you don’t have a business.
Traffic Authority claim that they have the answer which is why you are here, to find out if their claims have any substance.
Paid traffic can be very expensive if you don’t know what you are doing and as a newbie on a tight budget not what you are looking for.
On the surface, Traffic Authority looks like it could be a good source of traffic with nothing really standing out on the website to indicate otherwise.
It’s only when you really get into this traffic source, that hidden costs start to unravel themselves, so much so that straight away your head becomes flooded with dollar signs.
I’m sure this isn’t the first website you have been looking at, as there are many Traffic Authority reviews out there painting a rosy picture.
These are obviously affiliate marketers trying to sell you Traffic Authority and in the process make a tidy commission.
This, however, is not what you will get from us, as we are in no way associated with Traffic Authority.
That way you’ll get is an unbiased honest account of this product so that you can make up your mind on your own terms.
So if the question you are asking yourself is Traffic Authority a scam, then in the next few minutes you will have your answer.
So, with further ado, let’s dive in and see what you think.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This Traffic Authority Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
Traffic Authority Review – Summary
Product: Traffic Authority
Founders: Greg Chambers, Doug Wellens and Chad Stalvey
Product Description: Paid traffic source running as an MLM
Website: www.trafficauthority.net
Price of product: $47.00 / month or $144.00 / month plus traffic packages that you will have to purchase as well.
Best For: Network marketers
Recommended: No
Summary: Traffic Authority is a multi-level marketing business that provides a number of traffic packages for business owners in order to help in promoting their businesses.
It’s important to know that Traffic Authority started life as Infinite Leverage which was closed down some time ago.
It looks to me like all they have done is repackaged the product with a few changes here and there.
Traffic Authority Review – TOC
- What is Traffic Authority about and who are the founders?
- Who is Traffic Authority for?
- Traffic Authority prices and features
- How does Traffic Authority work?
- Traffic Authority: Red Flags to watch out for!
- Is Traffic Authority a SCAM or LEGIT?
- What We Like – Traffic Authority Review
- What We Don’t Like – Traffic Authority Review
- Traffic Authority: Final Thoughts!
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is Traffic Authority about and who are the Founders?

Traffic Authority was founded in 2015 by Greg Chambers, Doug Wellens and Chad Stalvey and are based in Florida.
They are a membership MLM site that promotes training, tools and traffic packages.
Their primary goal is to provide traffic but not as straightforward as you may think.
You see to purchase traffic you have to become a member first.
Not like Google, Bing, and Facebook.
Then the goal is to build a team by offering Traffic Authority as well as their products to interested parties.
Get them to join and get them to do exactly what you are doing, then you make a commission on your team members sales.
What you need to know is that in order to make commissions on the products and traffic packages you need to have purchased them yourself first.
Failing to do this would mean losing out on some very big commissions, but we’ll get to that a little later.
This can be a deal-breaker for many especially newbies coming into the make money online niche, as this can turn out to be very expensive.
Check out this Traffic Authority presentation if you like.
Who is Traffic Authority For?
Traffic Authority is for anyone who is experienced in a multi-level marketing business model and definitely not for newbies on tight budgets.
Certainly not for online business owners who are looking for a reliable traffic source either.
Traffic Authority Prices and Features
Listed below are the Traffic Authority packages.
There are 2 monthly membership options and for that, you get both the Reseller License and Traffic Academy with Traffic Optimizer included with the 2nd membership…
- $47.00 / month = $564.00 for the year
- $144.00 / month = $1724.00 for the year
Reseller License
This is a license that enables you to sell the products.
Traffic Academy
All the training videos and tools that you would need to help you build and promote Traffic Authority as well as training in how to get the most out of Traffic Optimizer.
Traffic Optimizer
Your very own lead capture page builder, split testing, tracking software, pop-ups and much more.
Below are the commissions you will make when you get people to join
- Traffic Optimizer License Key – $20
- Traffic Academy License Key – $50
- Annual Membership – $80 – $400*
For you to become eligible for the annual commissions you have to have purchased the annual membership yourself.
If you paid upfront for the 1st membership then anybody you brought in who decided to pay for the 2nd membership would mean you losing out on that commission.
This is what they call High Ticket Products
I have to say these traffic packages are damn expensive especially as there are no guarantees of whether the traffic or leads are coming from a reliable source or if they will convert or not but that’s the risk you take with PPC advertising.
I did approach several Traffic Authority members and tried to find out where the traffic actually came from which shouldn’t be too difficult a question, right?
All I got back was “This is high converting traffic” which tells me absolutely nothing which leads me to believe otherwise.
Possibly Solo Ads, which quite frankly are not a reliable source.
If you had $8000.00 to spend would you be spending it on an unreliable traffic source? I know I wouldn’t!
What happens if you did purchase the top package and it only returned you a few hundred dollars? A little too risky for my liking!
[I like to know where my traffic is coming from because I am looking for longevity, meaning I want my website to be around for many years to come, that’s why I use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the beauty about this is you know exactly where the traffic is coming from and it is FREE.
What you do need to know is if you managed to build a team and one of your members did purchase the “Diamond Package” at a staggering $8397.00, unless you had purchased the diamond package yourself then you would lose out on the $4000.00 commission.
Not that I can see anybody (in their right mind) purchasing it in the first place, but just say someone did.
That $4000.00 commission would go up to your sponsor or the sponsor above, whoever had paid for the Diamond Package.
Bit of a sickener, right?
Traffic Package Commission Rates
- Basic Traffic Package $100
- Bronze Traffic Package $200
- Silver Traffic Package $300
- Gold Traffic Package $500
- Platinum Traffic Package $1000
- Titanium Traffic Package $2000
- Diamond Traffic Package $4000
To recap, for you to qualify for commissions on all the packages, you will have to have purchased the Diamond Package for $8397.00.
How Does Traffic Authority Work?
Everything at Traffic Authority is automated from leads coming into your business through to the upsells which are all part of the sales funnel.
I’d like to reiterate that to sell any product and make a commission you have to have bought it yourself first and you have to be an active member.
Traffic Packages are the main source of income and it wouldn’t take many packages to give you a nice passive income, providing your members had plenty of money and consistently bought packages.
The commissions are pretty good, in fact, they are great running at approximately 50% of the actual traffic package.
But, you aren’t going to make a passive income buying packages yourself, are you?
Why is that you may ask?
It is very unlikely, if not impossible to make your money back on a package that you purchase if you go by Traffic Authorities 6% rule.
For argument’s sake, let’s say you purchased the “Diamond Package” at $8397.00 which would give you 8400 clicks.
Now if you have watched the Traffic Authority presentation then you will know that they claim that the traffic converts at 6%.
So, for every 100 leads that see your promotional offer 6 will subscribe to your list.
With 8400 clicks, you would expect somewhere in the region of 504 leads.
That’s subscribers to your list and NOT BUYERS, right?
504 new leads into your list don’t equate to 504 sales, far from it.
Based on the conversation rate of 6% that would be around 30 subscribers who would take you up on your offer.
If 30 members ended up purchasing the 3rd package, that’s the “Silver Package” @ $600.00 that would make you $9000.00 in commissions.
So you would break even with a little spare cash on top, but what you are hoping for is, those members to re-purchase additional traffic packages.
So spending over $8k for traffic is going to be a rare thing
Many would probably purchase the “Basic Package” for $220 and that would give you 190 clicks and based on that previous analogy would mean no subscribers and therefore no sales.
Even if you bought the 3rd traffic package @ $660.00 with 570 clicks according to the 6% rule, this would return you, 2.4 new members.
All I can see happening here is you losing a shed load of money!
Remember this…
People with experience who join multi-level-marketing businesses will always check out the most successful people which in this case is always in the top 1%.
The thought is, to be successful you have to follow successful people.
The only people who won’t follow this route are newbies who won’t have any experience.
That’s why between 55% and 65% will leave within the first year.
What about the Traffic Authority Income Disclosure
Annual gross income is between $500.00 and $2000.00, but what about all the fees and traffic packages on top of this?
This is typical of all MLMs but why can’t people see this instead of falling for all the BS?
There typically is no easy money online, period.
No business is successful without extremely hard work ethics so why do people think they are going to earn a ton of money joining an MLM?
Traffic Authority Compensation Plan
Never been a fan of compensation plans as they have a tendency to be over complicated.
You can check out Traffic Authorities here.
Traffic Authority: Red Flags to Watch out for!
If you look at the history of where the idea of Traffic Authority came from you will see this started with Infinite Leverage and that business closed down.
All they appeared to have done is re-package Infinite Leverage with an additional Traffic Package added.
I don’t like the tactics coming from the sales page but I suppose that’s to be expected.
Unreliable traffic sources for which I believe could be Solo Ads which I for one would not recommend.
These are lists that people purchase and could be all sorts of crap on them.
Even yours and my details.
Where do you think all those dodgy emails and phone calls come from?
Is Traffic Authority a SCAM or LEGIT?
There are so many products out there especially online that are bordering on this term which is one I hate to use.
Really, this all depends on what you would describe as a scam and many have their take on this.
The authorities would probably not put this product in that category just like myself.
Paying for a product and service and getting nothing in return would be my definition of a scam, but as you can see here with Traffic Authority they offer traffic and that’s exactly what you are getting for your money.
Mind you looking at the costs of these traffic packages and the fact that you do not know whether these leads are from a good source or not I can see why many would call Traffic Authority a scam.
That said, I certainly would not recommend this product.
What I like about Traffic Authority
I can’t see anything that I like about Traffic Authority so I am going to make it brief here.
- Apparently, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee:
Not sure how this would work if you had already bought a bunch of stuff including traffic packages.
What We Don’t Like -Traffic Authority Review
- Not accredited with the Better Business Bureau:
A good place to start would be the BBB especially for complaints as this appears to be the only place where they do get resolved.
- Popularity has never been there, going back to 2015 when they started:
- Very expensive:
The cost for a monthly membership can cost you yearly, either $564.00 or $1728.00 and that’s just for starters.
There are traffic packages that you have to purchase for this business model to work, and that’s anywhere between $220.00 and $8397.00.
- Source of the traffic:
If I were paying for traffic, then I would need to know where the actual traffic was coming from and at Traffic Authority it seems to be a bit of a closed shop.
However, I have an inkling that it could be Solo Ads which I certainly would not recommend.
Many of these Solo Ad providers buy lists from list providers and can’t be verified for quality.
- Traffic Authority is an MLM:
Multi-level marketing businesses are notoriously difficult and require exceptional marketing and recruiting experience and definitely not for the newbie.
Traffic Authority: Final Thoughts!
Traffic Authority isn’t the normal traffic broker that you can go to solely for purchasing traffic, it requires that you sign up and become a member of their multi-level marketing opportunity.
Something to consider when approached by an opportunity like this is whether you’d be OK about not knowing where the actual traffic came from.
Is “High-Quality Converting Traffic” good enough?
If I had $8000.00 to spare I can tell you that paying for this amount of traffic would be the last thing on my mind.
PPC advertising can be very expensive which I think you will agree with here, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
I have tried MLMs in the past and had no success at all, in fact, I lost money but there is a much better business model than Network Marketing and that’s Affiliate Marketing where you aren’t committed to specific products.
Therefore, if it is an online business that you are looking for then why not learn how to become an Affiliate Marketer and learn how to find traffic for free.
If you look at the below image what you are seeing here is a complete training platform that you can check out for free, with no credit cards and no upsells.
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Hope that the Traffic Authority review answered all of your questions and that you are more informed than you were prior to landing on this website.
If you did enjoy this review then why not spread the word by sharing on social media, to better inform others.
Any questions please leave them in the comments section below.
Until next time, stay safe.
I earned my first affiliate commission with Solo ads ($13), but I had to spend $45 to get it. ( what a bummer!)
Solo Ads do work, but only if you do your due diligence. Heading to a site and asking them to sell your leads (sales) is the stupidest thing you can do. (excuse my language)
The best way to do it is to find people that have huge mailing lists and that deal with a target audience that is similar to yours. After you’ve seen them, contact them, and offer them a reasonable price to send out an e-mail with your promotion inside.
Don’t overcomplicate things, and be resourceful for once!
As for Wealthy Affiliate – the platform rocks and I can’t say a single bad word about it.
I’m still a member of it even though I don’t use it anymore. I pay the monthly fee as a sign of appreciation because they taught me everything I know about affiliate marketing. ( Yup, I’m earning huge nowadays)
Thank you for sharing your experiences Gorjan
Hello, Good article you write here. This product is very expensive for not only beginners but anybody who want to start a business. My choice is easy here it would be Wealthy Affiliate all the way.
Thank you for sharing this article.
Hey Lyne, thanks for stopping by and reading the Traffic Authority Review.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Hi Mick,
Firstly, what a fantastic headline.
I was hooked from the second I saw it and I’m sure many others will be to.
I’ve actually come across Traffic Authority and Infinite Leverage before and as you probably expect, my thoughts exactly mirrored your own.
Just the basic expense invovled for membership and then purchasing various traffic packages is ridiculous.
Additionally, much like you, I completely sceptical about the quality of the traffic, and indeed where it’s actually coming from.
I like the way you’ve broken down the earning potential based on the conversion rates supplied by Traffic Authority themselves, and it shows that it’s going to be extremely difficult to just break even.
Realistically, if you have this sort of money to spend, you could actually purchase a fully-functioning website that is already receiving traffic and making sales.
In fact, I note your mention of Wealthy Affiliate – an ideal business plan (if you have $8,000 to spare) would be to purchase an affiliate website that is probably currently earning a few hundred dollars a month already, invest the rest into a annual membership, and learn the ropes completely for yourself, while simultaneously taking your new website to a higher level of monthly earning.
I know that is a simplified look at the entire process, but it’s certainly how I’d rather spend my money.
A great, honest review as always Mick, but as you can probably tell – Traffic Authority is definitely not one for me.
Nice to hear from you Partha and thank you for such a great comment.
Thank you for your support.
$8,000 for traffic from where? You are right, we would have to be stupid, or wealthy, to throw that kind of money away!
MLM is a big turn off for me, I mean, why is it necessary to join as a member and push their product onto everyone else? If the product was good, it would ‘sell itself’ but the fact this company was born out of the failings of a previous company gives a lot of red flags for me.
I, like you, believe that this is one to steer clear of.
Thanks for the information.
hey Andrew, nice to hear from you and thank you for commenting on the traffic authority review.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Hi Mick,
Thank you for sharing another great review and exposing another rubbish traffic source. To be honest I am sick to death of companies trying to scam new and experienced internet marketers. To spend that amount of money on this for traffic is crazy. There is no way you will get your return on your investment unless you are extremely lucky. These types of companies need to be shut down in my opinion, we can’t let these scammers continue.
Thank you for sharing and keep exposing these types of scams.
All the best,
Thank you, Tom, for spending time to read the traffic authority review.
The facts are there for everybody to see about whether you will become a success or not with any MLM, but still, people keep falling for this crap.
Once again thank you for your support.