Welcome to the 5K Formula Review
You are here because you want to know whether Mathew Neer’s 5K Formula System actually works.
Done for you systems appear to be all the rage, trying to take a shortcut to instant wealth, and whilst we’d all love these systems to work, in reality, they rarely do, but who knows this might be different.
If you are serious about becoming a success as an affiliate marketer then wouldn’t it be fair to say that learning this craft would be best done by finding some great training where you are in complete control?
I’m sure this isn’t the first site you have found as there are many 5K Formula Reviews knocking around, painting a very different picture than what you are going to find here.
That’s because those affiliate marketers are trying to get in on the act and sell you this product and in the process make a nice commission.
However, I am not in any way associated with the 5K Formula System and am only here to give you an unbiased review.
So that you can make up your own mind whether this is a product worthy of you investing your time with.
So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This 5K Formula Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
5K Formula System Review – Summary
Product: 5K Formula System
Founders: Mathew Neer
Product Description: Done for you affiliate marketing system
Website: www.5kformula.com
Price of product: $19.99 + many upsells
Recommended: No
Summary: Another done for you system that promises to make you wealthy by doing very little.
Aimed at the newbie looking to earn a living as an affiliate marketer, but what we always find is that these DFY systems very rarely work.
5K Formula System Review – TOC
- What is The 5K Formula System about and who is the founder?
- Who is The 5K Formula System for?
- The 5K Formula System prices and features
- How does The 5K Formula System work?
- The 5K Formula System: Red Flags to watch out for!
- What We Like – The 5K Formula Review
- What We Don’t Like -The 5K Formula Review
- Is The 5K Formula System a SCAM or LEGIT?
- The 5K Formula System: Final Thoughts!
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is The 5K Formula System about and who is the founder?
5K Formula System is another done for you system that claims to have the answers to making money online.
This would probably appeal to newbies with little or no knowledge because you aren’t going to find experienced marketers purchasing it.
Created by Mathew Neer, a popular vendor or product creator, within the online community, with a very bold statement, that makes him $5,000.00 on 100% autopilot.
By way of a high converting sales funnel, that he has created.
Mathew Neer, who is he?
He definitely seems to know what he’s doing when it comes to making money online but it’s not rocket science.
Build a big enough subscriber list, create a cheap product and throw it at your subscribers.
People are not too fussed about losing 10-20 dollars a pop, so create a dozen of these in a year and it will make you a wealthy person.
The products he brings to the market are all aimed at the newbie, who are trying to work out how to make money online and are all based around doing very little and becoming rich overnight.
All of which we know is not true. just ask the guy himself and I bet he’s worked his butt off to get to where he is now.
Who is The 5K Formula System for?
5K Formula System is aimed at the newbie with little or no knowledge when it comes to knowing what works and what doesn’t.
A few years ago I was that person who tried a few of these done for you systems and had no success whatsoever and nearly called time on trying to make a living online.
This is not something that you are going to see an experienced marketer taking part in.
The 5K Formula System prices and features
The initial system to purchase will bring you back $19.99, but you will be met with a number of upsells that you will be led to believe you need for this all to work.
- Traffic-related bonus priced @ $19.95
- 10 “Done For You” squeeze pages priced @ $24.95
- 60 email swipes priced @ $39.00
- Secret’s of the millionaire’s video series priced @ $97.00
- Reseller rights to Mathew Neer’s funnel priced @ $495.00
As you can see, to follow this system to the tee requires that you purchase the rights to Mathew’s product which will cost you an additional $495.00.
So a product that you thought was a good deal, for $19.99, suddenly turned into a somewhat expensive one at $695.89.
That’s around 35 times more than you expected to pay for and that’s before you factor into the equation the cost of traffic for your promotions.
How does The 5K Formula System work?
Once you become a member, just…
- Login to your account and follow the training video
- Connect your commission link
- Select your traffic source
- Point traffic source to your commission link
- Sit back and watch the commissions come in
That’s it really according to Matthews instructions.
So, according to the above image then that must be what Matthew say’s he’s made because it is there in “Black and White”.
Remember what Mathew said earlier about faking income stats.
He may well have earned that amount but there is no way that you could verify this is there?
The 5K Formula System: Red Flags to Watch out for!
When you are watching videos associated with sales pages just watch with an open mind and don’t fall for all the BS that you are about to hear.
I haven’t a clue what all that was about, where Mathew Neers felt the need to go into a bank and withdraw $5K to try and prove a point which incidentally he didn’t.
He talks about people giving false income proof payments but that goes the same for someone flashing $5K on camera and saying that he made that with some SECRET system that he is about to show you for the first time.
He bangs on about the main method of earning is through his sales funnel and that it would be impossible for you to create if you weren’t some computer whizz-kid from MIT.
Let me tell you that creating a Sales Funnel is not that difficult at all.
What We Like- The 5K Formula Review
Done for you systems as far as I am concerned do not work because if they did people would be shouting from the rooftops, and they aren’t, except for ones who are trying to sell you these products.
- There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.
A money-back guarantee is always nice to see but I wouldn’t hold too much confidence because what you normally find is that your refund may well be forgotten about just so it goes beyond the 30 days.
Hard one to swallow, but this has happened to me on a couple of occasions.
- There is some decent training.
For anybody who doesn’t have any knowledge in affiliate marketing then you are sure to get something out of it if you want.
However, because you aren’t going to see results quick enough you aren’t going to stick around too long to find out.
That’s the problem with products like 5k formula, people expect things to happen overnight, but if you followed the training then maybe you could make some money.
What We Don’t Like – The 5K Formula Review
Unfortunately with the 5K Formula System, I don’t see too much that I like about it but I did manage to cut the negative things down to a minimum.
- Promotional BS
We all would love the laptop lifestyle but in reality, for many, this is not going to happen, due to the amount of hard work you have to put in.
I hate those pictures showing lavish lifestyles giving you a false impression that purchasing his product will enable you to achieve those heights.
If you watched the promotional video of Mathew Neer going to the bank and withdrawing $5,000.00 to prove what?
He goes on about people creating fake income statements and here he is telling you that $5K is what he made from his secret system.
- Done for you systems
These are notoriously bad and promote the easy life and what we find with these systems is that there is always something to do.
You can’t possibly expect to purchase several of these systems, do nothing but have many passive income streams of revenue coming in.
In reality, it just doesn’t work like this.
- This “so-called” business does not belong to you
For whatever reason these systems can be closed down and where does that leave you?
You don’t have a business, all you were doing was borrowing the tools, so wouldn’t it make more sense to learn and build your own business from scratch?
After all, this is affiliate marketing, an easy concept that anybody can learn but like everything new, it takes time.
- Cost and source of the traffic
This product does have the characteristics of an MLM business model without a compensation plan.
Two very important methods on that list are SEO and Blogging which is exactly how I operate my online business.
The main benefit is that traffic won’t cost you a penny but it takes a little time, but then again building a business takes time too.
However, with this system, you will have to factor in the cost of getting people to see your promotions.
- Matthew Neer doesn’t hide anything
We know this is the reason, but to come out and say it as he does leaves me speechless.
Is The 5K Formula System a SCAM or LEGIT?
Many people would be quick to judge and declare that this system could be classed as a scam.
The 5K Formula System is definitely not a scam although there are a lot of things that I don’t like about this system.
Done for you systems are notoriously bad and never work as they are supposed to.
They say that you don’t have to do anything and just by taking a few steps that you too could be earning $5,000 within a few days.
Maybe with experience as a marketer but certainly not as a newbie to making money online.
You have to remember that Mathew Neer will have a big following or subscriber list and all he has to do is send that promotional offer to them and bang, instant wealth. The money is in the list!
Building an email list is very important and this product does not cover that particular area.
The 5K Formula System: Final Thoughts!
I always have mixed feelings when it comes to these done for you products but can you really make some decent money using the 5K Formula System?
As a newbie looking to make that transition into affiliate marketing then provided you followed the training and really stuck to it then maybe you could make some money.
However based on what I know after trying a few of these systems, and the fact that for this to work you really are going to need to work hard, then investing in some really quality training would be my recommendation.
Always take the initiative and don’t let others control your destiny.
Become an affiliate marketer on your own merit, create a website, create great content and promote great offers not what you are told to promote.
Nobody likes being spammed which is what Matthew Neers system teaches you to do.
If you are seriously interested in learning how to build an online business then Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best training you will find online.
Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Hope you enjoyed this review and that you got the answers that you were looking for.
If you did then why not share this review amongst your friends to better inform them.
Any questions you’d like to ask whether they are about the 5K formula system or anything off-topic just enter the details in the comments section below.
Until next time, stay safe.
Hi Mick,
Well I’m completely with you when it comes to “done-for-you” systems, especially when it’s accompanied with a lot of hype.
This is even more true when it comes to income claims, as well as talking about “how easy” everything’s going to be.
I’m always immediately put off by any program that markets itself in this way, and I typically hit the back button without wasting anymore than 10 seconds on the page.
It’s also clear to see that even though the initial program is priced at a modest $19.99, in order to follow Matthew’s system we’re talking nearly $700.
I also absolutely hate these images of lavish lifestyles that many marketers post on their sales pages, but I guess this is just another way to tap into people’s mindsets, although hopefully not as many people fall for this nowadays as they used to (but unfortunately, many still do).
To be honest, based on your review, I find little to like about the 5k Formula System.
And as for Matthew’s selfless/selfish reasons for creating this program, well, let’s just say I’m left as speechless by this as you are. He’s certainly got some front.
However, as I’ve mentioned, I find it unfortunate that many people will be sucked in by the claims of high income with little to no work, as this just feeds into people’s greed and laziness.
I think we both know by now that there’s no easy rides.
Based on your review Mick, this is definitely not one for me.
Hey Partha, thanks for stopping by, it’s always nice to hear from you.
Coming from the software industry I know just what is required to produce a piece of software and the costs involved, that’s why when I see these done for you systems for a few dollars they just make me cringe.
Finding an established training platform such as Wealthy Affiliate should be what people are looking for especially newbies. They set you up for success not failure like those WarriorPlus products do, mind you it is hard work and not some push button system.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Hey Mick, thanks for sharing another very informative review. I’ve seen 5K Formula a few times so far but never decided to see what’s going on there. Your review here helps a lot to see that it is just a rehashed version of Matthew Neer’s previous products.
It seems to me that he’s been rebranding the same system over and over again. And the main idea is always the same. You get DFY pages and DFY traffic so that you can start promoting his programs so that he can make even more money. That’s not a way to start a long term business.
The funny thing is, he always recommends the Traffic Authority for getting leads. But you see, each time you buy a traffic package from this site, he’s going to earn a percentage. In other words, all of his systems are cleverly designed to make him more and more money on your expense.
As you said, this business doesn’t belong to you, and that’s a huge red flag. He could be miliking you for a long time and then if he decided to pull out, your business is gone in a second. Not a pretty scenario. In any case, thanks for sharing another eye-opening review, Mick! Keep them coming!
hey Ivan, thanks for stopping by.
They talk about not re-inventing the wheel, but that is exactly what they to be doing.
They take an existing product and just re-package it with a few changes and a catchy title.
A dozen of those each year and you could be onto a nice little earner.
Thank you for your support.
I think what you’ll find is that
Hi Mick,
Never heard of the 5k formula but the name sounds cheesy and somewhat spammy. After reading your review, I’m convinced that I won’t try it!
Thank you for the comprehensive article!
Hi, Asen, thank you for stopping by and commenting on what is the 5K formula system review
Your support is very much appreciated
After reading the 5K Formula System review, it looks like this is one of another “big hyped” program to scam the new affiliate marketers who with little knowledge and experience would fall into it’s shiny cover. Hopefully, most of us new affiliate marketers will now be able to access your review which will help them make an informed decision about whether to buy this program or not. It has too many upsells that needs to be seriously considered.
Thank you for the review on 5K Formula System.
Hey Habib, the problem with all these products are the upsells and the way they try to get you to pay for them.
If a product was so good they should be upfront about any add-ons.
Thank you for commenting