The Marketing Reward Review – Another Done 4 You System

Marketing Reward Review

Welcome to this Marketing Reward Review

Another production by the genius of internet marketing, Jamie Lewis.

Another done for you system that requires no previous experience or knowledge. If you can copy and paste then this is a no brainer.

With claims that if you can’t make commissions with this particular software then the world is neither round nor flat, it’s oval.

Big claims from a confident marketer.

However, you’ve probably looked at many Marketing Reward reviews all painting the same picture, that’s simply because they are trying to sell you this product and make a commission in the process.

Whereas, I am not associated with Marketing Rewards in any way shape or form and will not be trying to get you to release your credit card details, simply because I am here to give you an unbiased review so that you can make the decision whether this product is worth trying or not.

That being said, let’s dive into the Marketing Reward review.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Marketing Reward Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]


Marketing Reward Review -Summary

Product: Marketing Reward

Founder: Jamie Lewis and David Kirby

Product Description: Done for you marketing campaigns capturing organic traffic through Youtube and Instagram

Price of product: $43.91 with discount, plus a number of upsells and downsells.

Recommended: No

Summary: Another product aimed at the newbie, from a very popular product creator and his buddy.

This time he claims that he uses this software all the time to generate $5982.00 in only 48 hours with his pollinator technique, whatever that is.

I think what’s happening here is that they are running out of ideas to use!

Marketing Reward Review - Check out my recommendation for making money online

Marketing Reward Review – TOC

  1. What is Marketing Reward about and who are the founders?
  2. Marketing Reward prices and features
  3. How does Marketing Reward work?
  4. Who is the Marketing Reward for?
  5. What I like about Marketing Reward
  6. What I don’t like about Marketing Reward
  7. Is Marketing Reward a SCAM or LEGIT?
  8. Marketing Reward: Red Flags to watch out for!
  9. The Marketing Reward Review: Final Thoughts!
  10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Marketing Reward about and who are the founders?

Marketing reward - Everything you need to succeed

Marketing Reward is another DFY (done-for-you) software system that creates marketing campaigns for you at the push of a button and for any network.

Affiliate networks like Clickbank, Jvzoo, WarriorPlus…

Just select the right promotion (which is a skill in its own right) attach it to the marketing campaign and you are ready to go.

The method that they use is based on organic traffic coming from Youtube and Instagram.

Who is Jamie Lewis and David Kirby?

These 2 affiliate marketing friends have teamed up before on several projects, but who are they?

Marketing reward review - Jamie lewis and David Kirby

Jamie Lewis is a popular guy when it comes to product development and always can be seen in affiliate networks like WarriorPlus and Jvzoo not to mention ClickBank and others.

He manages to sell a lot of products on these sites because of his subscriber list where he promotes the stuff, and he gets plenty of help from other friends in the internet marketing niche where they sell to their lists.

David Kirby whilst popular teams up with Jamie from time to time to help out in products such as…

    • Storm
    • Arbitrage Pro
    • Stuff the bank
    • Guru Destroyer
    • Annihilation

There is always a buzz when it comes to launching day, but the excitement is usually short-lived after a few weeks and then it’s onto the next product.

Marketing Reward prices and features 

The actual price on launch day was $17.00 but since then the price has gone up to $43.91 as of this review.

There is a discount available at this price currently at $5.00 which takes it down to $38.91.

Plus there are a number of upsells…

  1. Unthrottled – $37 Upsell / $17 Downsell

This upgrade apparently gets you unlimited bandwidth.

  1. Done for you campaigns – $47 Upsell / $27 Downsell

All the done for you campaigns plus resources.

  1. Partner with Jamie -$57 Upsell / $37 Downsell

Members get access to Jamie’s webinar training for life or until this product closes down.

These will be recorded webinars.

  1. Jacker – $97 Upsell / $47 Downsell

Learn how to use and apply tracking pixels to the sales page to keep track of your leads.

  1. Reseller rights – $67 Upsell / $37 Downsell

Become a vendor of Marketing Reward, although you’d have to check to see whether any part of the sale would be shared with the actual owner of the product.

How does Marketing Reward work?

The marketing reward review - Same ol, Same ol

As you can see by the above title that this product can make you a ton of money.

However, I have yet to find a legitimate person who has purchased this product and who is earning money like the gurus suggest you can.

That been said you can probably make some money but what you’ll find is that you’ll be missing some of the pieces from the puzzle for it all to work as indicated.

Just 3 simple steps…

    1. Sign in to the initial app and activate it
    2. Watch the guided video training brought to you by Jamie himself.
    3. Follow the step by step training.

If you are really looking for a reputable training platform that is probably the best that you will find online, then I check out my #1 recommendation here.

What I can tell you is this training platform as been going since 2005, had well over 2 million come through the training, with thousands of successful members.

Who is Marketing Reward for?

These products are always aimed at the newbie who has very little or no knowledge at all of the affiliate marketing industry.

The sales page does say that this product is for intermediates but I can’t honestly see any affiliate marketer with any amount of experience taking a pop at this.

What you will find are many affiliate marketers promoting this product with absolutely no idea as to whether this product works or not.

I don’t like to say this but there are many affiliate marketers interested in only trying to sell you this product with no clue whether the product works or not.

What I like about Marketing Reward

Looking at the product I do see value there but this is not something I would recommend.

  1. 30-day money-back guarantee

Always good to see a money-back guarantee, but remember to ensure that you leave plenty of time before the time limit expires.

Any of the upsells or downsells that you purchase may not be within the confines of the affiliate network and therefore the refund would not apply.

You would have to check this out before purchasing.

  1. You are sure to get value with this product even though you may not earn anything.

What I don’t like about the Marketing Reward

There are a lot of things I didn’t like about the Marketing Reward but I have managed to keep this down to a minimum.

  1. Hidden costs.

As always I hate hidden costs and there is no need for this if the product was so good.

Everything should be upfront

  1. Aimed at Newbies

It doesn’t seem too long ago that I was getting stung with this type of product.

There are no real shortcuts to making money online if your intention is to build an online business in the right manner.

What happens if they pulled the plug on this product for some reason, you have left in the dark with nothing to show for.

  1. Promises of earning specific amounts within a certain time period

Whenever I hear a mention of this tactic I just switch off.

  1. If you can’t make a commission with this system the world ended.

Another sales tactic implies that anybody will earn from this system.

  1. Nothing less than extraordinary

According to his beta-testers, they have told him that this system is so powerful and value the software at over $100,000.

Come on really and you can purchase it for $43.91.

Is Marketing Reward a SCAM or LEGIT?

What you find with most of these products is a very cheap entry price only to get you inside and then you are hit with upsell after upsell.

If a product was so good then why aren’t they upfront with the costs, especially as these products are aimed at the newbie who will already be on a tight budget?

I do find it strange the lengths that some affiliate marketers will go, to try and sell a product.

Looking closely at this promotional campaign, you can see 450 bonuses valued at what they are saying is $182,000, all for a $17.00 product.Marketing reward - Mega bonus

All said and done, The Marketing Reward is definitely not a scam because you might be able to make some money.

You will have to work at it though because doing nothing just doesn’t work.

Marketing Reward review - Wealthy Affiliate

Marketing Reward: Red Flags to Watch out for!

If you have reviewed as many of these products as I have then you instantly see red flags all over the place.

According to Jamies’s so-called students, he claims they valued the software at over $100,000 and that a few distributors had urged him to not sell it for less than $997.00.

I have seen this same paragraph a few times before and I probably only noticed this because I review so many of these products.

The Marketing reward review - Awesome marketer

Let me tell you this, if this product was capable of making between $425 and $780 a day, everybody would be screaming from the rooftops.

So where are these people?

The products you will be promoting are coming from Clickbank, WarriorPlus, Jvzoo…

What you tend to find in these affiliate networks is that they are filled with sub-standard products which really aren’t worth a dime and you have to know which is which.

Using this method which isn’t new or secret will take time using Youtube and Instagram and will not work overnight as they suggest.

The Marketing Reward Review: Final Thoughts!

Jamie Lewis is a likeable person but I guess he has to be otherwise people just wouldn’t follow or purchase his products.

You might get something out of this product but this is not something I would recommend due to past experiences.

Building any business and not just an online business is not easy when it’s done correctly and you have to be serious about it.

You have to ask the question, “What happens if this software system had the plug pulled and was closed down for whatever reason, where does that leave you?”.

It leaves you with nothing to show for your work because quite simply you do not own anything.

Finding the right training is key to your success and that’s where Wealthy Affiliate comes in. For me the best online training you will find and can’t be beaten on many levels.

A training platform that has been around since 2005 and has seen over 2 million members go from complete newbies to successful marketers.

Marketing Reward Review - Start your online business today free with no credit card

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

I hope the Marketing Reward review has answered most of your questions and that you are now in a better place as to whether to move forward with this product or not.

If you did get value from this review then why not show some love and share amongst your family and friends on social media.

If you have any questions that you’d like to ask me then please add them in the comments section below.

Until next time, stay safe.

Spread the love

Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

8 thoughts on “The Marketing Reward Review – Another Done 4 You System”

  1. I still can’t believe that people are falling for scams like these. Isn’t it evident that $5982.00 in only 48 hours is just too good to be true?

    I’ve seen tons of similar promises throughout the years, and for some reason, there are still people that tend for them.

    To everyone that might be reading this – as soon as you realize that building an online business takes time, the sooner you’re going to set up your foundation and start to earn money.

    There are no shortcuts to achieving wealth, and there’s a big chance that anyone or anything that vows to make you an overnight success story is lying to you and just trying to take your money.

    Thanks for the review, my friend. You’ve surely outdone yourself!

    1. Hey Gorjan, weren’t you a little naive when you first starting trying to make money online?

      I think most of us have been there, but whilst some learn from that experience others don’t.

      Thank you for your support

  2. I’ve bought several of Jamie Lewis’s products in the past and I have to agree, they’re very overhyped. There’s no way a beginner will make money from any of them in the timescale he suggests! Fortunately, I never bought any upsells, and if I remember, took advantage of the money back guarantee! Yes, he is likeable, and has made some very funny videos marketing his products. Marketing reward is definitely one to avoid though unless you’re prepared to put in a lot of work. The problem is many newbies give up after realising you can’t make money overnight!

    1. Jamie lewis might be a likeable guy but some of his sales tactics just don’t do it for me.

      Some of his promotional stuff might come across as funny but all that tells me is he is taking the proverbal.

      You have to remember that these gurus have big email lists, and all they have to do is market these products to that list, and because they are so cheap people aren’t too bothered about spending $10/$20.

      What also happens is that their affiliate buddies also market that same product to their list.

      Thank you for commenting.

  3. Thanks for a great review. As insightful and honest as always. Definitely will be giving Marketing Reward a wide berth. I do find it annoying that we have to navigate around so many of these type of products in order to find one that is actually worthwhile and genuine.

    But I guess it is only to be expected that everyone wants a slice of the (affiliate) pie even though they are not offering anything real worthwhile.

    1. Unfortunately, Lawrence, we have a lot of these so-called opportunities to wade through before we find something that might be of interest.

      The nature of the beast, as you say, everyone wants a piece of the affiliate marketing pie and of course, we have more people who just don’t want to work.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Your support is very much appreciated.

  4. Hey Mick,

    I’m pleased I came across this article because I have heard about people investing in this programme and not getting anything out of it. I am with you that you could probably make money off this if you put the effort in and followed the steps, but it is not for me. I have seen these types of things before and I have invested in them without any real results.

    Thank you for sharing and for exposing this programme. Keep your reviews coming.

    All the best,


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