Welcome to The EarnBucks Review
You were looking for a make money opportunity and you came across EarnBucks and wanted to know whether it was a site worth looking at or not.
Apparently, they started life as refer4cash so why the change?
Another website claiming to be the #1 influencer network in the world where you can earn $500, but wait don’t join just yet!
Well, firstly, I can tell you that you’re in the right place because in a few brief minutes, you will have enough information to take away to make up your own mind, whether Earnbuck is worth your time or not.
It’s nice to see that you are at least doing your homework first rather than jumping straight in and joining like so many do.
This is the only way to find out if it is a legitimate make money opportunity or not.
With so many scams out there I bet you are hoping that maybe this site is different but I wouldn’t hold up any hope.
So, without further ado, let’s dive right into the Earnbucks review and see if they can hold up to their end of the bargain.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This EarnBucks Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]
EarnBucks Review – Summary
Product: EarnBucks
Founder: Unknown
Product Description: GPT site
Website: www.earnbucks.co
Price of product: Free
Recommended: No
Summary: EarnBucks.co is a (GTP) or get-paid-to website that claims that you can be paid as much as $500 each and every day.
Simply by taking part in simple tasks, like filling in questionnaires and referring other people to join.
In fact, they have a leader board which we’ll go into later that declares someone as earning $405,776
Yes, you heard that right and doesn’t that make you want to join right away before reading any more of this EarnBucks review?
Unfortunately, those claims are just pure BS and I want to get that right out there before you get too excited.
In fact, we have just reviewed several supposed make money opportunities and they all follow a similar pattern.
They could be all from the same crowd of people whoever they may be.
These money-making schemes operate in the affiliate marketing industry which sort of gives that industry a bad name.
Getting paid as much as $500 a day for just filling in surveys, really?
Check out Swagbucks because they are a similar site and have a big following and are legit but they do not pay out that sort of coin.
Whilst we are here giving out recommendations, you might like to take a look at SquadHelp which we have only just reviewed and seem pretty ok.
Where it is possible to earn as much as $500 for using your creative side so you are going to have to do something worthwhile if you want to get paid.
I’m not trying to promote these two, I’m just giving you options.
Another thing that these sites have in common is that they sell your personal information onto 3rd party companies.
Ever wondered why you get those dodgy phone calls or wake up to a load of crap in your inbox, well that’s the reason.
However, if you are serious about how affiliate marketing actually works then you might like to take a look at these people.
Who have all been down a similar route that you are on now, me too, but chose to do something about it.
Why earn a pittance when you can learn how to earn some real money and it won’t cost you a dime to find out.

EarnBucks Review – TOC
- What is EarnBucks About and who are the Founders?
- How does EarnBucks Work?
- EarnBucks Pricing
- Can you Make Money With EarnBucks?
- Who is EarnBucks For?
- What I like about EarnBucks
- What I don’t like about EarnBucks
- Is EarnBucks a SCAM or LEGIT?
- EarnBucks Review: Final Thoughts!
- Feedback, Follow and Subscribe
What is EarnBucks about and who are the Founders?
The internet is just full of websites like EarnBucks.co where they claim you can earn money by filling in surveys, posting your affiliate link on social media and getting others to join etc.
Not just a few bucks but some serious money like $30 just for filling in a survey which takes only a few minutes.
In fact, when you join they put $25 straight into your account to get you started which is good of them don’t you think?
Try and reach that payment threshold and you will struggle because they don’t want you to get to it.
Getting paid as much as $500 a day is absolutely ludicrous, especially on a site like this.
They offer to pay $10 to $15 for every person you get to join, but why when it costs absolutely nothing to join? It just doesn’t make sense!
So who is behind EarnBucks?
Well, when we tried to find out we just couldn’t find anybody putting a claim to this site.
My best guess would be that there is a group of people cloning these sites and getting them up very quickly because they won’t be around very long.
Just look at EarnBucks.co it used to be called Refer4Cash.
They eventually closed down by the authorities, or the owners close them down because people realize that they don’t pay.
All they do is clone the next system in this case just change the domain name and a few other things.
The same group will have many of these sites doing the exact same thing with a few changes obviously because you aren’t supposed to tell.
The first thing you should check is the validity of the domain which is very easy to do.
Just by going to a site like Who.is and just entering the website www.EarnBucks.co.
As you can see EarnBucks make claims they have been active since 2015 but as you can clearly see the domain was created in December 2019.
That should be enough evidence for you to walk away and try something else.
How does EarnBucks Work?
It’s pretty straight forward, just enter your basic information and you are straight into your dashboard.
Straight away, they give you $25 for joining up which is sort of nice of them and it at least looks like you are getting paid anyway.
You have our affiliate link which you use to get other people to join by pasting it on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram to name but a few.
Now, take a look at what they claim you can earn by someone joining EarnBucks. It says $10 for everyone who joins.
So if 100 people joined then you would get $1000, right?
Wrong according to the EarnBucks number of followers calculator.
Ok, what happens when doing the surveys?
You start by clicking on your $30 task wall and selecting the offer that you want.
I want you to take note here.
As you are filling in “Your Personal details”, to complete the task you will have to join one of the offers which offer a trial period.
Now, to join you will have to enter your card details but wait a minute.
You have just seen how crooked this site is so would you do that?
Anyway, let’s say you do anyway, but remember these are trial periods and if you do not cancel before the trial period ends, you will be billed.
Guess what, EarnBucks will have just earned a commission on this sale.
This is how affiliate marketing works, not only that, but all your personal data that you entered will be sold to a 3rd party company.
In this case someone in Cyprus where many dodgy things happen.
They make you believe…
That you are earning money by completing these tasks because you can see your account getting credited.
It is easy to see why someone who is a complete beginner at making money online would believe this because not too long ago I was that person also.
The idea is to keep you on long enough that you bring in other people to join and the reason why it is difficult to reach the threshold.
When you’re payment threshold is reached and…
You make a request to withdraw your money.
They will make up some story that there was some fraudulent activity on your account and they will delete your account.
EarnBucks Pricing
It is free to join but if you are not careful it might start costing you.
Just to reiterate what I have already said!
When you are completing these tasks you have to join one of the offers that they put in front of you and this requires your card details.
Now, these offers usually come with a trial period which might be 7 or 14 days.
But, if you forget to cancel the offer you will be billed automatically and this is when it will end up costing you.
If you are trying to build up your account then you might do 10 of these surveys and let’s say you forgot to cancel the subscriptions.
For argument’s sake, each subscription after the trial expired started at $20 a month, then you will be billed $200.
The icing on the cake here for EarnBucks is that they will make a commission on that $200 that it just cost you.
Can you make money with EarnBucks?
There is literally no evidence at all that people are making money with EarnBucks.
If people were earning money from this site then they’d be shouting from the highest rooftop.
EarnBucks should be renamed to EarnNothing, but wait for it because that might happen at some point.
Who is EarnBucks For?
I know people who read this review will ignore the facts and join anyway but that is the reality of life.
If you want to waste your time because time is precious then be my guest.
All I am here to do is help people who are looking for help and in the meantime if I can suggest a better alternative then that has to be a good thing, right?
So, no EarnBucks is really for nobody.
If you are still looking for a legit make money opportunity then you might like to check out Swagbucks which is a GPT site and has a big following.
I would even take a look at Squadhelp. This is a site where you have to come up with names, slogans and logos for new companies.
They pay up to $500 and if you are a creative person then give it a shot. At least you will be using your brain.
What We Like – EarnBucks Review
Whenever I review anything I always look for something positive to say but there is absolutely nothing I liked about EarnBucks.co
In fact, I’m surprised it hasn’t already been closed down.
As there are so many of these sites about it takes time for the authorities to get around to them but they will eventually.
What We Don’t Like – EarnBucks Review
It looks like all we appear to be doing lately is reviewing sites like these because the number of problems we encounter could be a lot more than what we have listed here.
- Unrealistic Expectations
A quick look at the leader board and are you really going to believe that figure of $405,776?
- Data Harvesting
OK, just in case you didn’t pick up on this earlier in the review.
This is where your personal information is passed over to 3rd party company for a fee.
Yes, those details that you were so free about when you were filling in those surveys.
What happens then is the 3rd party company will create lists based on your information and sell them on to marketing companies.
- Message Doesn’t Work
The messaging app doesn’t work and the email address doesn’t work either.
- Fake Testimonials
These are all fake testimonials and probably stock photos.
- Terms And Conditions
Not sure just what this is supposed to mean.
If you are under 99 years of age you are not allowed to use EarnBucks sites.
- Contact Details Do Not Exist
Unfortunately, I was unable to ask EarnBucks some important questions.
Is EarnBucks a SCAM or LEGIT?
Like I mentioned earlier it is businesses like EarnBucks.co that give the affiliate marketing industry a bad name.
I’m sure you can see that this make money opportunity, well, is not a make money opportunity at all.
There are so many of these sites that were probably created by the same group of people that are just out to make a fool of people.
But, you are not to know, especially if you are new to making money online, but you could use this as a learning curve because hopefully, you will know what to look out for next time.
That’s if there is a next time because what normally happens is, people either give up trying, or they move on and find out real ways to make real money online.
EarnBucks Review: Final Thoughts!
I’m not going to go over what I have already said because I’m sure you don’t want me to repeat myself.
Hope you got something out of this review, but if you really want to learn how to make some real money then feel free, because it is free to check out the link below.
I spent some time doing what you are doing now until I realized the only way to make a living online was to get some proper training and do it myself.
It’s not that difficult but you have to work at it, just take a look at these people who were where you are now.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe
Well Guys, if you reading this I can take it that you absorbed what I have been telling you and hopefully helped someone from making a big mistake.
You might even have liked this review and if you did, why not share it on social media to ensure people looking are aware of sites like EarnBucks.
As always if you have any questions whether about this review or anything in general put them in the comments section below.
I read and reply to all my reader’s comments.
You might like to check out other stuff on this site which you should find helpful.
Until next time, stay safe.