Who doesn’t want to learn how to start up a business on a tight budget?
That’s surely something we have all asked at some point in our lives, and probably more so today especially with advancements in technology, and of course the Internet Boom!
With around half the world population who has access to the Internet through some type of media, that’s around 3.8 billion and counting!
Google alone has a grip on around 67% of the search engine market and people are searching for anything you could think of, and with over 65,000 searches entered every second.
That’s currently over 5.6 billion searches every single day. That is some crowd don’t you think?
That’s 86 with 8 noughts stuck at the end (8,600,000,000)
Just think if you could get a small piece of that crowd. Just a minuscule amount, then the possibilities are endless!
There is absolutely no reason why this can’t be possible.
Everybody is looking for answers and hoping and wishing for the day that they are able to tell their boss that they have had enough and want to call it a day!
I know because I did just that!
The best online business model as far as I am concerned is Affiliate Marketing, and if you don’t know just what this entails you can read an article that I wrote here.
Wouldn’t you love to be able to get up in the morning at your own pace, completely chilled out, relaxed, and with a smile on your face, and actually looking forward to doing something worthwhile, and getting an enormous amount of enjoyment in doing so?
Building an online business the right way is very rewarding, enjoyable and fun.
Nowadays with the rapid advancement of technology, there is no need to have any technical skills whatsoever when it comes to building an online business.
Everything is pretty much point and click. That’s how far we have come from let’s say about 10 years ago.
The Internet was created in 1989 at Cern so that scientists could freely pass information around amongst themselves, and they saw an opportunity to expand this worldwide, exactly what Mark Zuckerberg did with Facebook.
OK, Zuckerberg is an exception!
So really the Internet is in its infancy but expanding at a rapid rate.
Everything is there at the tip of your fingers and in the comfort of your home, you just need a little guidance in the right direction.
How do I Start an Online Business at Home – 4 Basic Steps
Yes, there are only four steps required to learn, in order to build an online business, and we are going to break this down into a little more detail because far too many people are under a misconception that you need to know…
- How to become a Programmer
- How to become a Web designer
- How to become a Graphic Designer
- How to become a Writer
- How you need a Business Qualification, a degree of some description
This just isn’t true nowadays!
Whereas it would be great if we had all the above skills, and if we had then I wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t be here reading this post. Right?
OK, so now I am letting the cat out of the bag!

Step 1 – Choose an Interest, a Niche
If you are not sure or want some clarity on what a niche is, how to find one and a profitable one at that check out this article here.
It can be literally anything you want. Take a look at what people are searching for on Google and you could have your Niche right there!
Every one of those daily 8.6 billion Google searches has the potential to become a niche
We all have interests and hobbies, don’t we?
These can be your Niche!
A niche is a focused, targetable part of a market. You are an authority providing a product or service that focuses on specific client group’s needs, which cannot or are not addressed in such detail by mainstream providers.
However, it is important to understand that there is a difference between your niche and your target market.
Your target market is the specific group of people you work for e.g. dog owners, dog groomers, smart tv purchasers, collectors of artworks, book collectors, make money online etc etc
Your niche is the service you specialize in offering to your target market.
For example, finding paintings or antique furniture for a collector of artworks. Someone could offer paintings and someone could offer antique furniture.
It is the combination of a target market and specific service that creates a niche market.
In a nutshell, you offer a service or a solution to a problem!
It really is that simple!
Step 2 – Build a Website
Around 5-10 years ago building a website was considered a specialized skill, and that you required skills in in a particular area, and that you were required to learn programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, DHTML, CSS. web-design, but nowadays you could not be further from the truth.
Believe me, when I say that it literally can take you between 1 – 2 minutes to create a professional looking website, in fact, I have seen it done in the training in less than 1 minute, seriously.
You can take a look here and see just how easy it is.
Step 3 – Get Traffic coming to your site
You can have the most professional website in the world, but if you don’t have traffic then all your efforts will be in vain!
There are 2 ways to get traffic. Paid Traffic and Free traffic.
There are arguments to be made here on both fronts.
Use Paid or Free or a combination of both. I know which method I would go for every time!
Both methods are taught but the main method of traffic taught is the FREE method which is SEO (search engine optimization).
Nowadays with the changes in the Google algorithm is not as difficult as you may think, in fact, done right and you can be ranking high in Google very quickly, and saving thousands in PPC(Pay per click) fees.
Step 4 – Earn revenue / commissions
All your hard work has paid off and you have managed to rank well in Google, and you have a good stream of traffic coming to your website.
Now it is time to earn some revenue from affiliate marketing, in the way of commissions, through the vast amount of affiliate programs, such as Amazon Associates, Clickbank, Ebay, just to mention a few, but the list is endless.
Some commissions are extremely high, as much as 75% and some you can find much more.
How to start up a business: Interested and want to know more?
Those are the 4 building blocks to building a successful online business!
What really brought my attention to Wealthy Affiliate was the fact that there are no hidden costs. What you see is what you get and an important factor in why I chose this training platform over others was simple!
There are only 2 memberships, a Free and a Premium Membership, and they DO NOT ask for your CARD DETAILS.
The FREE membership comes with restrictions which is what we’d expect right?
If you’re serious about creating an online business that will be around for years to come, then you need to take that leap of faith.
I would always advise anybody who is interested to join the free membership first, and check out the training for yourself and see what you think.
I’m not going to say I think you’ll be surprised because I think you will be amazed, I really do, but I’ll leave that for you to decide!
Nothing to lose, but so much to gain, take it from me!
Check out the FREE Membership below.

If you are serious about learning how to build an online business, from the very best, who will be there for you all the way, then this could will be the best decision that you ever make.
Take it for a test drive and see for yourself. You won’t regret it!
Start learning now for FREE. You have nothing to lose!
If this has given you food for thought, and you want to check out my full review of the Wealth Affiliate Training Platform, then feel free to click on the link below!
My number 1 recommendation for Affiliate Marketing Training
How to start up a business: My Final thoughts!
Hopefully, I have given you food for thought but please don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself.
If you decide to give it a whirl, I will have your back every step of the way and will help you as much as I can.
It’s great that you stopped by and checked out this article and hope it has opened your mind a little to the possibilities that are out there.
Nobody said it would be easy. Building a business takes time!
I know it’s hard to believe anything that you are told on the Internet nowadays with all the “BS” and scam artists that there is, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down either, but every now and then you will come across genuine people who are there to help and guide you on the right path.
Leave any comments you have below and look forward to reading them.
Both negative and positive are welcome, along with any ideas you may have.
I will get back to you at my earliest convenience and answer them as best I can.
Wishing you all the best in your future ventures
Owner – AchieveSuccessFromHome.com