Commission Blaster Review: Uncover the Truth About This Automated Traffic Tool

Commission Blaster Reviews

Welcome to my Commission Blaster Review

If you have a website, I’m sure you’ll agree that the biggest problem you’ll encounter is finding the right crowd of people who are looking for what you are offering. Otherwise known as TRAFFIC!

Paid advertising is a minefield and can cost you a fortune if you don’t know what you are doing, and SEO (search engine optimisation) takes time and can be too slow for some.

This is where Commission Blaster comes in because they claim that all you have to do is connect your affiliate link or website and you will have 30 free secret traffic sources at your disposal with 2.5 billion potential customers.

I am sure you have come across many Commission Blaster Reviews offering nothing but a sales script trying to get you to purchase this product.

I am however not associated with this product in any way and therefore only here to show you both sides of the coin so let’s dive in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Commission Blaster Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

Commission Blaster Review – Summary 

Product: Commission Blaster

Founder: Richard Williams, Chris X, Vivek Gour

Company: Ai formations Ltd, London


Product Description: Done for you Clickbank Campaigns.

Price of product: $12.00 as of this review.

Best For: Affiliate marketers or newbies looking for an automated campaign solution with an abundance of free traffic.

Recommended: No

Summary: They claim that they have 30 “Secret” traffic sources with 2.5 billion buyers. Considering there are around 4.7 billion currently online with Google alone taking 90% I find that statement highly unlikely.

Commission Blaster Review - Wealthy affiliate
It’s Free to Join, No Credit Card Details, No Upsells, No Spamming and No BS!

Commission Blaster Review – TOC

    1. What is Commission Blaster about and who are the founders?
    2. Who is Commission Blaster for?
    3. How does Commission Blaster work?
    4. Commission Blaster prices and features
    5. Commission Blaster: Red Flags to watch out for!
    6. What We Like – Commission Blaster Review
    7. What We Don’t Like – Commission Blaster Review
    8. Is Commission Blaster a SCAM or LEGIT?
    9. Commission Blaster Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Commission Blaster about and who are the founders?

Commission blaster Commission Blaster is a cloud-based piece of software brought to you by Richard Williams, Chris X, and Vivek Gour with massive claims that you could be earning commissions within 60 seconds.

The software is driven by Clickbank products and if you know anything about Clickbank then you will know that Clickbank isn’t the affiliate network it used to be a number of years ago.

Most of the products are just not worth your time and effort, and the ones that are everybody is using and therefore we have a bit of a saturation issue going on here.

That said, the sales page does mention that you could modify the system to handle other affiliate networks and products providing you have a certain level of experience.

Just one click away from 30 “Secret” free traffic sources with 2.5 billion potential buyers.

That’s a big claim but are those traffic sources really secret or just not very popular?

I will show you that these traffic sources are not secret but may have been new at the time.

Who is Commission Blaster for?

This product could be for anybody, from a complete newbie to affiliate marketing through to experienced marketers who are looking for help in getting affiliate offers to the market quickly.

The product was developed around the Clickbank Affiliate Network and therefore should be ideal for anyone who is struggling to make commissions there.

How does Commission Blaster work?

It’s pretty straightforward really.

A ready-made system that allows everything to be automated. That’s 60 profitable affiliate programs selected for you, along with campaigns and done for you content, all of which is customizable.

There are 6 steps that allow you to create your campaign.

Option 1 – Enter your Clickbank ID

This is required to link all financial transactions, such as commissions etc

Option 2 – Select your Niche

Here you select your niche and the keyword that best describes what service or products you want to promote.

Option 3 – URL Link

Enter your website or URL link that you want to link to the campaign.

Option 4 – Content

Select the already done for you content that best describes what you are trying to do.

There are also a number of “Calls to Actions” for you to select.

Option 5 – Preview and Edit

This is where you can view and edit the campaign that you have created so that it becomes unique to you and make you stand out amongst the rest.

Make changes to images, headings and call to action.

How about adding a video?

Option 6 – Share and Get Traffic

By a click of the button, your campaign is sent to those 30 secret traffic sources.

Pinterest, Watsapp, Linkedin, Reddit, Tumblr, Buffer, Digg…

Commission Blaster prices and features 

As we’ve found out,  Commission Blaster as of this review can be purchased for as little as $12.00.

Commission blasterWhat comes with your purchase

  • Affiliate Traffic Software priced @ $697.00

The front-end software that links to all the functions.

  • 30 Traffic Sources priced @ $297.00

Traffic sources linked through the front-end app.

  • 60 Affiliate Campaigns priced @ $397.00

These campaigns are niche related and you are able to modify them within the main program.

  • 60 Profitable Clickbank Affiliate Programs priced @ $1,297

These are Clickbank affiliate programs that at the time were profitable.

  • Unlimited Free Buyer Traffic priced @ $3,497
  • 100% done for you Content priced @ $597.00

Content that you can customize.

  • 100% done for you Niches priced @ $397.00
  • Step by Step Training

Training videos that take you through the entire software step by step.

  • Promote any URL or Website

The software is actually set up so you don’t actually need a website.

  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Always great to have a money-back guarantee, just remember to ask for this well within the time period.

That’s the entire software package valued at $7,376.00 at a ridiculously low price of  $12.00.

Too good an offer to miss up, right?

Plus a bunch of upsells which you don’t need for this to function

Upsell #1: Unlimited edition @ $29.00

An upgrade where you are able to launch unlimited campaigns

Upsell #2: 300x Edition @ $39.00

Additional software that allows you to create memes, increase traffic, commissions and build Ecom products plus more.

Upsell #3: Autopilot @ $39.00

Allows you to activate 60 affiliate programs a day with over 1,500 campaigns instantly.

Upsell #4: DFY Edition @ $197.00

Just enter your Clickbank ID and this product will create everything automatically for you.

Upsell #5: Reseller Edition @ $197.00

This is a license that you are paying for which enables you to market this entire product and make 100% across the entire product as if it was your very own.

Upsell #6: Mega-Bundle Edition @ $97.00

This upsell gives you access to 37 software tools that cost $300,000 to develop.

Commission Blaster: Red Flags to Watch out for!

commission blaster review- red flagsWhenever you come across a product like Commission Blaster, it will probably be from a marketing campaign from the many thousands of affiliate marketers giving you a similar sales pitch.

Always question everything, that way you can eliminate most things that don’t make a product great.

Whenever I hear a mention of the word SECRET  it raises suspicion!

30 SECRET TRAFFIC sources that nobody knows about with a potential 2.5 billion customers on a monthly basis, which I find highly unlikely.

The internet currently has around 4.75 billion users and close to 90% of those are active in Google alone.

When I see a software package with a breakdown of costs, like we are seeing here in this Commission Blaster Review for $7,376, plus thousands of dollars worth of bonuses for only $12.00 then I have to seriously question the credibility.

Another thing I hate is the amount of upsells that always come with this type of product and in most cases, they try and convince you that the software will not work without them.

What I like about Commission Blaster

Done for you systems are just not my cup-a-tea what I like about Commission blasteras I like to be in control from the very first step.

It might seem a little long-winded but I need to know exactly what’s happening with my site at any time.

  1. I found that you can get this product for as little as $12

So what have you really got to lose?

  1. 60 Day money-back guarantee

Having a money-back guarantee is great but remember this and it has happened to me in the past, asking for a refund is often ignored and let slip beyond the number of days so that they don’t have to pay you back.

I remember an instance where it took me around 3 months of consistently sending them emails before I got my money back.

  1. The software is very straightforward and anyone new to affiliate marketing will be able to pick this up.

What I don’t like about Commission Blaster

Sending done for you campaigns across multiple what I don't like about Commission Blastertraffic source platforms, in theory, might on the surface seem a great way to make some commission but they very seldom work.

  1. Duplicate content

One thing that Google does not like and that is duplicate content.

  1. Anything with “Secret” attached alerts me to suspicion

30 “Secret” traffic sources which really aren’t secret but just not very popular.

  1. Potentially 2.5 billion monthly customers.

Considering there are around 4.75 billion with access to the internet I am finding it difficult to see where this crowd of people are coming from.

  1. Clickbank

A number of years ago Clickbank might have been the place to go for affiliate products to promote but nowadays you will spend more time just trying to find a decent product to promote.

Nowadays, there is so much competition with WarriorPlus, Jvzoo etc

So, for this product to claim that they have 60 profitable products to promote just doesn’t feel right with me.

  1. Facebook group

I’m finding it difficult to find any positive things said about this product other than affiliates trying to sell the product.

Finding only 12 members within the private Facebook group tells me this product is not all it’s cracked up to be.

  1. Blasting campaigns

One thing you are going to have to do is modify the campaigns and make them unique to you.

What do you think is going to happen when potential customers see the exact same campaigns from thousands of affiliates? They are going to switch off.

Is Commission Blaster a SCAM or LEGIT?

The theory behind Commission Blaster sounds great and I’m sure that you will make some commissions, but you have to understand that maybe a few thousand are using this very same method.

What might have worked in the very beginning most probably will not work now and besides just look at how many are in the Facebook group if you want to know just how popular this product is.

Commission Blaster Review: Final Thoughts!

I find that done for you systems just do not work Should I purchase Commission Blasterand they prey on people coming into the “Make Money Online niche.”

They always lead you to believe that earning money online is simple and straightforward and my experiences tell me that is never the case.

You could ask the question, “What have I got to lose for $12.00?”

Really nothing, but don’t you think if this product was any good that it would be on offer for such a small price?

Just check out their private Facebook group with 12 members.

Just look at the number of affiliate marketers who are trying to sell this $12.00 product and including supposedly “thousands of dollars” worth in additional bonuses.

I have tried several of these products in the past and none of them worked.

If you want to learn about affiliate marketing you have to find the right training.

Wealthy Affiliate is a company that has such a training platform and the beauty about this is that it is 100% free to check out.

There will be no credit card details asked for and no upsells.

Commission Blaster Reviews - Wealthy Affiliate
It’s Free to Join, No Credit Card Details, No Upsells, No Spamming and No BS! 

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you enjoyed this Commission Blaster review and if you did why not share it amongst your friends so that they are fully aware of this product.

Any questions just put them in the comments section and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

2 thoughts on “Commission Blaster Review: Uncover the Truth About This Automated Traffic Tool”

  1. There are no ways that I’m going to be joining a program like Commission Blaster. This seems to be just another DFY system that makes $1000’s in minutes. But where is the proof? I’m working on my affiliate business every day and I know when I see an overhyped product that is the best for the owner. There are no ways to making money online where you don’t have to work and go through a period of trial and error. It’s like telling a kid that he can ride a bike without having to fall a few times before you get the hang of it. Thanks for sharing. This was an eye-opener!

    1. The problem we have with all these products is the total lack of reviews from actual people who actually purchase the product.

      When you look at Facebook groups associated with these products you would expect to see hundreds in the group but you are lucky if you will find 50.

      Yes, you are going to find a lot of reviews sending out good vibes but these are only from affiliates trying to sell this stuff and to be honest, should be ashamed of because all they are doing is copying the sale page and giving no real value at all.

      Unfortunately, there are more dishonest affiliate marketers out there than honest ones.

      Thanks for the comment and your support

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