Welcome to the eCom Dudes Academy Review
If you are looking for some help with starting an e-commerce business then you have definitely come to the right place.
With so many courses to choose from just finding the right training course and mentor is no easy task.
Especially as so many of these courses offer so much but deliver so little.
Just where does eCom Dudes Academy stand amongst these?
Well, that is why you are here today and what we hopefully can do to help.
So if you had questions like “Who are eCom Dudes?”, “Is eCom Dudes a Scam or are they legit”, and “Is eCom Dudes worth it?”.
Then those questions will be answered plus so much more so that you are in a better position to make that all-important decision.
Whether to move forward with this training course or one to put on the back burner and find something else.
But before we get started a little about who I am!
I am Mick and I created this website to help people like you find their way in what can be a confusing and difficult task.
In just a few years we have managed to review over 400 products and systems just for you so that you don’t have to.
Is the eCom Dudes Academy program the right course for you or not, then let’s see shall we?
[Affiliate Disclosure: The eCom Dudes Academy Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Product: eCom Dudes Academy
Founder: Dan Dasilva
Website: www.ecomdudes.com
Product Description: E-commerce/dropshipping training course
Cost to join: $47/month
Recommended: Maybe
Summary: E-commerce and dropshipping are becoming more and more popular nowadays and do appear to be where it is all happening.
As it is such a simple business model to understand and learn, you can see why this business appeals to so many people, especially complete beginners.
With analysts predicting that by 2035 around 95% of purchasing will be done online then you can see why now is the time to get involved.
So, is eCom Dudes Academy the right course for you?
Well, first impressions do look good so nothing to worry about yet therefore let’s continue.

eCom Dudes Academy Review – TOC
- What is eCom Dudes Academy About?
- For Those Who Don’t Know What Dropshipping is
- Who is Dan Dasilva?
- What’s Inside eCom Dudes Academy?
- Who is eCom Dudes Academy For?
- Is eCom Dudes Academy Worth It?
- Can You Make Money With eCom Dudes Academy?
- eCom Dudes Academy Costs And Refund?
- Is eCom Dudes Academy a Scam?
- eCome Dudes Academy Student Reviews
- What we Like About eCom Dudes Academy
- What we Don’t Like About eCom Dudes Academy
- The eCom Dudes Academy Review – Final Verdict!
- eCom Dudes Academy – Alternative Solution
- Feedback, Follow And Subscribe
What is eCom Dudes Academy About?
eCom Dudes Academy or the 6-figure ecom system is a training course developed by Dan Dasilva and teaches complete beginners.
The basics of e-commerce and dropshipping by taking you through the entire process.
From which niches are profitable, to how to find the right products that are trending, to creating your own Shopify store.
Then Dan will take you through the process of how to find your target audience and converting those leads into sales.
The course is not an advanced course so if you have any experience as a drop shipper then you are probably not going to learn anything.
But the course is very reasonably priced and should appeal to many who are on low budgets and want to learn new skills in drop shipping.
Dan Dasilva is an expert in e-commerce and dropshipping and it could be a decent starting point for complete newcomers.
In fact, Dan even is giving away a free dropshipping tutorial which is over 5 hours long.
Now that is great value and gives him a few brownie points and goes a long way towards credibility, right?
Complimentary Review: Sell The Trend – Dropship Solution
For Those Who Don’t Know What Dropshipping is
Drop shipping is very similar to affiliate marketing except affiliate marketing doesn’t come with all the additional expenses.
In affiliate marketing, you are the middle person as opposed to dropshipping where the store is the middle person.
The store is where you showcase all your products and once a customer clicks on a product to purchase they are redirected to the merchant.
Who manages the entire order process (fulfilment house) including picking, shipping, returns, and financials?
The merchant would then deduct their expenses along with taxes which would come to around 20% – 30%.
So if the number of sales for a product that you sold was let’s $1,000 then your cut would be somewhere in the region of $200 – $300.
The 2 hardest things to master are finding the right product and of course, finding the right target audience which of course is what eCom Dudes Academy teaches you.
A great all-in-one dropshipping solution that hasn’t been around very long is Sell The Trend.
Which has some great features for finding the products that you are looking for and just brought out a new feature where you don’t need to use Shopify.
That’s the simple explanation, now listen to a Shopify representative explain it in more detail.
Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Lifestyle by Anton Kraly
Who is Dan Dasilva?
Dan DaSilva is the person behind eCom Dudes Academy and didn’t get off to a very nice start due to mixing with the wrong crowd.
He started out in life by dropping out of high school, working at Burger King and living with a friend.
Where at 17 he got mixed up with selling Marijuana and may well have done some hard time if it wasn’t for his father who bailed him out.
That was a hard lesson but he obviously learned from it and turned his life around.
He realized that many were making their fortunes selling digital products online but he realized that he needed to have a large crowd.
So he set about building an email list and then started selling products like teeshirts and other trending products through Shopify.
Whilst this was obviously a big success, he realized that branding could play a big important part in building his business.
This all started around 2015 and through his success, he decided to start creating courses to pass on his knowledge to others.
He has a big following on his YouTube channel with over 144k subscribers and that is with only 3 videos.
I guess that many have subscribed to take advantage of the free 5-hour dropshipping training.
Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Formula
What’s Inside The eCom Dudes Academy?
eCom Dudes Academy is pretty much like most other e-commerce dropshipping courses except without the high price tag.
Finding A Profitable Niche
Choosing the right niche is important going forward with your business and dictates what type of products you will be promoting.
There are literally thousands of niches with many of them that look like you would be able to kill it with sales.
The problem with many niches is that there can have too much competition which means you will struggle to find your audience.
Here Dan will take you through the process to set you on the right path.
Learn How To Find The Right Products And Suppliers To Promote
This is where most of your time will be taken up doing research.
Get it wrong and you can waste a lot of money with Facebook ads.
This whole process can be complex because you have to find a product that is trending.
A trending product has a lifespan and just like fashion really where one day it’s the flavour of the month the next it isn’t.
Dan takes you through this process and how he approaches his research to become so successful.
A great product for saving you a lot of time is Sell The Trend which produces instant reports.
That produces a lot of product metrics that are important in deciding whether the product is a winner or a loser.
Another important aspect of choosing the right product is making sure the supplier is creditable.
It is no good finding a great product where the supplier can’t be trusted and Sell The Trend instantly produces this information.
Creating Your Shopify Store
In this section, eCom Dudes Academy takes you through the entire process of setting up your Shopify store.
This is not a difficult process but there are a lot of steps that you need to follow to get it just right.
Optimizing Your Store
Dan takes you through the theme that he suggests you use to showcase all your products.
How to add products to the store with text, images and video content.
First impressions count and what you are looking for is repeat orders or repeat visits.
You will need to set up a payment section which you will probably be using Shopify’s own checkout.
There are a lot of details that you can get involved in here but all we are trying to achieve is something simple but professional looking.
Finding The Right Target Audience
Without an audience, you don’t have a business and this is where things can start to get a little expensive and out of control.
Facebook ads are the source of finding your target crowd and will require that you have a decent-sized budget.
This is because you have to constantly test and tweak your campaigns to try and get the best revenue out of them.
Once you eventually find that the campaign is working for you then you need to monetize which means increasing the budget.
A campaign will only have a certain amount of life so you don’t want to be running that same campaign over and over again.
Outsourcing And Automation
Once you have your business producing sales then it’s time to think about finding someone to handle the business.
While you take a back seat and enjoy life, after all, wasn’t getting involved with this type of business so that you could ease back on work?
Finding just the right person to handle the business might take some time because you need to know that whoever it is you can trust.
This is when you play more of a project manager role and just keep an eye on things.
Obviously the more you get to know the person who you choose is capable the less time you will spend in your new role.
Personal Branding
This is something to consider at a later date which will make you look more professional and increase revenue.
Dan takes you through this process and is something that he knows a lot about.
Seeing that branding was one of the things he realized was important and one of the first things he worked on.
Normally with dropshipping, people use merchants like AliExpress which if you didn’t know doesn’t have any brands attached to their products.
Having your brand attached to the products that you are selling will go a long way to building your business.
Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Unlocked by Lewis Smith
Who is eCom Dudes Academy For?
The eCom Dudes Academy course was designed for the complete beginner and because the membership fee is very reasonable then it could e a great place to start.
Bearing in mind that e-commerce and dropshipping is a very real business model, and should be treated as such.
You will get what you put into this business and eCom Dudes Academy is a step in the right direction but this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.
It will require a lot of hard work and if you aren’t prepared for this then dropshipping may not be the right business for you.
Is eCom Dudes Academy Worth It?
Most dropshipping courses come with a hefty price tag which puts everything into question.
In our experience, there is no need to mark courses up into the thousands because you very seldom get any more value than something like eCom Dudes Academy.
At the end of the day, these courses are developed for complete beginners so they are all going to be pretty basic after all.
So are product owners working on that principle, where expense means better quality?
If you are just starting out, the last thing you want to be doing is spending several thousand dollars on a whim, right?
eCom Dudes Academy provides a training course that won’t break the bank and you can always call time on it if it isn’t for you.
There have been a few thousand who have taken the course so what do you think? Is it worth it?
Can You Make Money With The eCom Dudes Academy?
Yes, of course, you can make money with eCom Dudes Academy but you will have to have the right attitude and the right mindset.
It won’t be easy because no business is easy but stick to the course and apply what you have learnt and there is no reason why you wouldn’t be successful.
eCom Dudes Academy Costs And Refund
eCom Dudes Academy is a membership where you will be paying a reasonable monthly fee of $47.
It’s not like you are signing a contract and making a full commitment so if you decide it isn’t for you then just call it a day.

Are There Any Upsells With eCom Dudes Academy?
No there aren’t any upsells with eCom Dudes Academy, what you see is what you get and what you pay for.
Are There Any Additional Costs We Should Factor Into eCom Dudes Academy?
This is a question that is asked so many times and yes you will need additional funds.
For things like monthly Shopify fees and Facebook ads which is where most of your expenses are going to go.
Is There a Trial Period Offer With eCom Dudes Academy?
There isn’t a trial period although the 7-day refund period could be looked at as one I guess.
Does eCom Dudes Academy Come With A Refund Policy?
There is a refund policy that comes with Dan Dasilva’s eCom Dudes Academy which is for the first 7 days.
This doesn’t come with any conditions which is a good thing because we see it so often nowadays that course owners make it impossible to get a refund.
Complimentary Review: eCom Success Academy
Is The eCom Dudes Academy a Scam?
No, eCom Dudes Academy is not a scam but a legit dropshipping course brought to you by a competent and likeable entrepreneur.
The course is ok and will give a complete beginner a foothold and it won’t break the bank either.
We see it all the time where courses offer so much but really they fall short, but as a complete beginner, you are not going to notice this anyway.
As we have already mentioned, the course will teach you all the main steps for starting an e-commerce dropshipping business.
So you can be certain that eCom Academy is a legit course.
If dropshipping is what you really want to do then you need to be looking at an all-in-one dropshipping solution like Sell The Trend.

The eCom Dudes Acadamy Student Reviews
One thing you should always do when researching any product or training course is to look for past and current feedback.
Whether this is through forums like Reddit and Quora.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard you try you just don’t come across anything and that’s what has happened here with eCom Dudes Academy.
Even though the course has a Facebook group with over 23k people.
Complimentary Review: Advanced Dropshipping Academy
What we Like About eCom Dudes Academy
- Dan DaSilva Is Legit:

Dan is an experienced e-commerce drop shipper who knows his stuff.
- A Good Course For Complete Beginners:
A good course for complete beginners and does come with a few decent bonuses like the product research tool.
What we Don’t Like About eCom Dudes Academy
- Dropshipping Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme:

Just because it’s an online business doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real business and that’s why a lot of people fail.
As soon as you realize that dropshipping is a legit business that can make you a lot of money then you are halfway there.
- Finding The Right Products:
Finding the right kind of products to promote is the hardest hurdle to get over and whilst Dan provides a tool to help.
You won’t find anything out there that will compete with Sell The Trend.
- Paid Marketing Is Where Most Of Your Expenses Will Go:
Facebook Ads is a big learning curve and we just don’t think eCom Dudes Academy provides enough training.
You will need further training but not to worry because there is tons of Facebook training online and we would suggest checking out Udemy.
- Most Products Come From China:
Yes, we know if you are using AliExpress then all the products do come from China which leads me to tell you that most products are of poor quality.
Not just that but products that are often purchased in many cases aren’t even the same products that you will be advertising.
Furthermore, lead times can be weeks rather than days which is not good for the customer.
I would always suggest trying to source a local merchant if you can.
The eCom Dudes Academy – Final Verdict!
E-Commerce and dropshipping courses are a ten a penny and whilst there are some good courses around there are some really bad ones too.
eCom Dudes Academy is an ok course that will provide you with the knowledge to start a dropshipping business.
But you will need guidance and providing this comes via one of the five coaches then you should be ok.
However, do not expect to be raking in the money within a few weeks because all that will do is put pressure on you to succeed.
You need to be looking longer term, months rather than weeks and try not to put a date on it for you to succeed.
All that will do is set you up for failure.
Having said that, if you want to know what we do for a living then please continue to read as we’d love to share it with you.
Dropshipping – Alternative Solution
It’s called affiliate marketing which is very similar to dropping shipping except you don’t have to worry about using a digital store.
The principle is the same in that you are the middle person and direct the customer to the merchant except you get paid a commission on a sale.
It also means that you are not restricted and are much more flexible.
Is a great and one of the best ways to create multiple income streams.
I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to kiss goodbye to my 9-5 job.
Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.
Education and training, Web development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this eCom Warrior Academy review and that we helped in your decision-making.
Maybe you have already been a member of Matthew Lepre’s training course and would like to share with us your experience.
Thank you for listening!
Take care!
Stay safe!