Blog Growth Engine Review – Good Course But Too Expensive!

Hey Guys, welcome to the Blog Growth Engine Review

When it comes to starting an online business it is usually suggested that you need to create a website and start blogging.

This is not written in stone unless you are looking for longevity and free advertising through SEO.

Blog Growth Engine ReviewThe problem is that many just do not know how to go about creating a blog or what it entails.

Making money online is changing all the time and creating a blog is not as easy as it was a few years back.

Blog Growth Engine is a training course that teaches you how to create an online business blogging and the quickest way to achieve this.

But before we get started we’d like to declare that we are not associated with BGE or Adam Enfroy in any way and won’t find us pitching to you.

What we hope to give you is an unbiased honest review of what this course can teach you and whether there is a better alternative.

With that said, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Blog Growth Engine Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]


Product: Blog Growth Engine

Founder: Adam Enfroy

Website: htpps://

Product Description: How to create a blog the right way

Cost to join: $2997

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Times are changing when it comes to making money online through a blog.

People are moving more towards video for information and if you look at YouTube who doesn’t, it is so much quicker and easier to understand.

In other words, blogging whilst still very effective need to incorporate video format as well.

Blog Growth Engine whilst a great course is very expensive and we have seen 3 price increases in the short time the course has been on the market.

From $797 to where we see it now at $2997 so what’s going on here?

Now if a course is doing well then the price normally stays the same for a while at least but here the price has increased by 4 times.

There are training courses on e-Learning platforms like Udemy that are very good and cost a fraction.

However, if you are looking for a fully integrated training platform that teaches everything you would need to know about blogging.

Plus so much more, you might like to check out the link below.

Recommended Business Opportunity: This is so much more than a course and it wouldn’t cost a dime to join.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Blog Growth Engine Review – TOC

    1. What is Blog Growth Engine About?
    2. Who is Adam Enfroy?
    3. What you get with the Blog Growth Engine training Course
    4. Is Blog Growth Engine a Scam?
    5. What we Like About Blog Growth Engine
    6. What we Don’t Like About Blog Growth Engine
    7. Blog Growth Engine Review -Final Thoughts
    8. Is There a Better Alternative?
    9. Blog Growth Engine FAQs
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Blog Growth Engine About?

Basically, Blog Growth Engine is a course teaching you how to create a blog and how to monetize it to speed up the whole process.

If you take Adam, he didn’t want to hang around for months and years before he saw revenue.

He found a quicker way and it’s that knowledge that he wants to share with everybody.

Blogging and affiliate marketing are my favourite ways to make money online and it doesn’t have to cost you very much to get started.

However, you are going to have to find nearly $3k just to take the course.

Using SEO or search engine optimization is where you don’t use paid advertising like through Facebook, Google, Bing etc

But it takes time for Google to recognize and rank your blog posts which is the disadvantage of SEO.

That’s where the right mindset comes in because you are going to need to have plenty of patience.

But once your website begins to get traction and some sense of authority, then this works 24/7.

In this Blog Growth Engine course, Adams shows you exactly how he managed to get his blog from zero to over $100k a month.

He emphasizes that you should start how you mean to carry on and treat this as a business and not some hobby.

Who is Adam Enfroy?

It isn’t too long ago that Adam Enfroy was aBlog Growth Engine Review - Adam Enfroy person struggling like most of us do and finding himself frustrated with work.

So much so, that he made a conscious decision to leave his home town near Michigan and move to Texas.

Where he ended up working as an affiliate marketing manager for a SaaS.

It was working here that he realized that there could be a lot of money working as an affiliate marketer.

So he started a blog in January 2019, and fast forward that to February 2020 when his blog was earning him $45,000 a month.

That is some serious money within 12 months but it doesn’t end there because his blog now earns him over $100,000 a month.

All from free traffic which is what SEO is all about.

So in just over 2 years, he has taken his blog to earn over $1 million dollars and this is what Adam teaches.

However, his story is exceptional but achievable.

What You Get With The Blog Growth Engine Training Course

There are 10 modules that come with the Blog Growth Engine training course with a brief description below.

  1. Niche selection and the brand of you

A niche or a sub-niche is a group of people who have similar interests and passions.

This could be anything, think of something and it could be a niche.

To give you some sort of idea and how big and wide this subject could be.

People on a daily basis key into the Google search engine over 8 billion keywords and they all have the potential to be a sub-niche.

Some “gurus” suggest choosing a niche or sub-niche that you have a passion for which is completely wrong.

You have to determine first that there is money to be earned in that niche otherwise having a passion will not be enough.

  1. Creating a mindset

You will hear the term mindset thrown about a lot which is very important because starting an online business is difficult and extremely tough at times.

Most people start off with the right intentions and once they hit the first big hurdle they decide to call it a day. In fact, around 95% fail!

It happens with all business ventures but to succeed and get beyond the tough times you have to have the right mindset.

Adam Enfroy shows you what worked for him and how to avoid those pitfalls.

  1. Blogging like a startup

Learn that a blogging business works from data that is stored online and how to interpret it for your audience.

Learn about the concepts that are involved.

  1. Decoding search intent

In this module learn the basics of how search engines work.

Learn about what traffic is and how to get visitors to your website by writing content that is going to help your audience.

It’s all about helping people by giving them what they want such as advice and possible suggestions.

  1. Your minimum viable website

Now you have the basics of what a blog is and how to go about building one in this module you will learn all about building a website.

A step by step video series giving you the exact steps required which will include hosting.

Which theme to choose and the use of plugins and what they can do for your website.

Creating a website nowadays is pretty straightforward without all the complexities that there were a few years back.

  1. Keyword monetization

Keywords are your bread and butter and this module digs deep into what is a good keyword and what is a great keyword.

Spending time with keyword research and finding the right ones to use is the difference between success and failure.

  1. Blog content creation 

In this module, you’ll learn how to structure the content for the various types of posts that you’ll be writing.

Through templates for reviews, lists, how-to and comparison posts.

  1. The link building machine 

Backlinks still play a major part in establishing your site as an authority site.

These are when other sites have links to blog posts on your site and tell search engines like Google that your site can be trusted.

The problem with backlinks is are they genuine or not because some people pay for these which can only have a negative impact on your site.

According to Adam, he will teach you how to get genuine backlinks by building partnerships.

  1. Affiliate marketing and blog monetization 

This module covers affiliate marketing which is all about leveraging services and products that other people own.

When a person reads your blog and clicks on the product or service link and makes a purchase, you would receive a commission.

Adam goes into detail about high-ticket offers and where the best ones can be found.

These come from affiliate networks and the internet is literally full of them.

  1. Scaling and outsourcing your blog

Once you have your website up and running you are going to want to outsource some of the work.

To free you up to do other important things like monetizing and scaling.

Is Blog Growth Engine a SCAM?

There is nothing to suggest that the Blog Growth Engine is a scam and we couldn’t find any negative feedback about either the course or Adam.

Blog Growth Engine is a legitimate course teaching anybody who is looking to build an online business through blogging.

We know this because that is exactly what we do for a living.

But spending nearly $3k on a course to do exactly what we do is far too much to spend.

Especially as there are no guarantees that what you learn will in fact work or that you’ll be disciplined enough to carry it off.

People suggest that it will take about 3-6 months for you to see a return on your investment but we know that just won’t happen.

You’ll be looking at between 12-24 months and this is where the right mindset comes in because you will be working for nothing.

It doesn’t have to be so expensive, just take a look at what it costs us on a daily basis here.

Is Blog Growth Engine a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What we Like About Blog Growth Engine

  • Blogging is a tried and tested method of earning money online but as we have mentioned you can see made Adam a wealthy person.

However, more and more people are starting blogs and it’s becoming very competitive with everyone fighting for the 1st page of Google.

  • Adam Enfroy is a legitimate and very successful blogger and wants to show you how he managed to get to where he wanted as quickly as possible.
  • Blogging and affiliate marketing which the course covers work hand-in-hand and are one of the easiest methods to learn when it comes to making money online.

Find what people are looking for and suggest services and products that will help them out.

What we Don’t Like About Blog Growth Engine

  • The course we believe is far too expensive and this is noticeable by the 3 price hacks since the course got to market.
  • There is a total lack of reviews from people who have taken the course except for a few on his website.

As before we tend to not pay too much attention to what owners’ websites show us.

But, Adam has been noticed by Forbes magazine.

Blog Growth Engine Review – Final Thoughts!

You should have everything in front of you to decide one way or the other whether this course is for you or not.

As we have already mentioned the course has quadrupled in price since it came to market and probably beyond what many would be prepared to pay.

The course is good and is brought from someone who has had a lot of success in a little over a year which is unheard of.

Therefore the only reason why we wouldn’t recommend this course is because of the high price tag other than that we would say go for it.

You could however save yourself a ton of money and learn what the Blog Growth Engine teaches but so much more.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If starting an online business blogging is what you are looking for without the exuberant costs.

Then we would love to suggest an alternative to Blog Growth Engine, which is more than a course.

It is a training platform that has been around since 2005 and has seen over 2 million members come through its doors.

It’s extremely cost-effective and won’t cost you a dime to look and you don’t even have to give out your credit card details either.

This training platform is responsible for us earning a mid-5-figure monthly income which is continuously climbing.

Wealthy Affiliate is the only training platform that doesn’t cost you a dime to check out first?

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

 Blog Growth Engine FAQs

  1. Is Blog Growth Engine worth the $2997?

We have already mentioned that in the last 12 months the course has been through three price increases.

$797, $1797 and now $2997 which sort of indicates that this course is not that popular.

I would say the course at $797 would be worth paying for but not at the current price seeing that there are many alternatives out there.

  1. Is there a refund policy in place?

Yes, there is one that covers the first 14 days and if you were looking for a refund then we would suggest getting it in early.

Otherwise, it would be so easy to say your request had gone over the deadline.

  1. Is Adam Enfroy the real deal?

We believe he is, and quite extraordinary what he has achieved within two years.

He claims that he’s getting hundreds of thousands of visitors per month to his website although his YouTube channel only has 12k subscribers.

We did check his website authority on ahref and found it to be rated at 78% which is great in anybody’s books.

He has been featured in Forbes magazine and you can read about his story here.

  1.  Can the full course be paid in instalments?

Unfortunately, the course has to be paid in full upfront.

  1. Are there any additional costs to take into consideration?

Unfortunately, there are additional costs to find which tend to be not spoken about much.

Email responder, tracking tools, keyword research tool plus many more and over time you will add to those as well.

This might be between $100 – $250 a month in addition to what you are paying for the course.

My monthly expenses are a lot less than that figure above simply because I found a way to cut down my costs. You can take a look here.

  1. Is there a better alternative?

Costs tend to put people off but there are a lot of alternative routes you could take and save yourself a ton of money.

A quick glance and we found nearly 1,000 similar courses on Udemy here and most of the courses are under $100.

You could go down the route we took and join Wealthy Affiliate which is a far superior training platform to Blog Growth Engine.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you enjoyed this Blog Growth Engine review and that we answered most of your questions.

If you would like to add anything just put your questions in the section below.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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