Rank And Rent Club Review (2022) – The Ultimate Rank & Rent Course

Hey guys and welcome to my Rank and Rent Club Review

A course that has been causing a bit of a stir lately so we thought that we would take a look.Rank and rent club Logo and brand

So if you are looking for a way to make some money online where in the next few months.

You could be in a position to replace an existing full-time job, then Rank and Rent is a legit business model that can work for you.

In this review of the Rank and Rent Club, you will find out all there is to know along with answers to niggling questions that you probably have.

Like is Rank and Rent dead? Who is Herc Magnus and is he legit? Is rank and rent a legit way to make money online? How long to rank and rent?

All valid points plus much more that we are going to address in the next few minutes, that way you will know if this is a viable business to get involved with.

Just one important thing before we get off the mark, let me be perfectly clear, we are not associated with the rank and rent club in any way.

So rest assured that what we will provide is an honest, unbiased account of everything that you need to know.

In the next few minutes you will have your answers so let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: The Rank and Rent Club Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Rank and rent club review

Product: Rank and Rent Club

Founder: Herc Magnus

Website: www.rankandrent.club

Product Description: Lead generation training course

Cost to join: Free training +

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Rank and rent is a popular business format that you may have heard spoken about under the term lead generation.

The premise is to help local businesses to improve and grow their business by helping to find them leads.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to stick to local businesses, you could branch out further afield, local just means face to face.

That gives you and the client a better feel for who you both are which can lead to a better working relationship.

What you need to know first is that most businesses small and medium-sized do not even have a website to promote their business.

Furthermore, some don’t even know how to use the website to improve their business revenue.

You may find that hard to believe in this golden age of the internet but it is true!

What better way than to create a simple website that can help local businesses that are struggling?

That will generate you an income of between $500 and $1500 a month and possibly more.

Just think 5 small websites each earning on average of $1000 and you have yourself a $60k a year income.

Then all you have to do is rinse and repeat!

The client or customer would either rent the site from you or you could even sell the site to the client. The choice is up to you!

This all seems like a great business model, right, and it is, but like all business ideas they take time and a lot of hard work.

But you surely didn’t think you were getting away without working, but it is a simple concept that can be up and running fairly quickly.

Here is the free training course that Herc Magnus provides that will give you a better feel for what this business entails.

But before you do, the free training is a hook to try and get you to purchase the various tools that come with the course but you can ignore that.

Alternative Solution:

The costs you will incur with the Rank and Rent Club will put many people off and it will take time to rank your site.

This means it will take time to recoup those membership fees.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Rank And Rent Club Review – TOC

    1. What is The Rank And Rent Club About?
    2. Who is Herc Magnus?
    3. How Does The Rank And Rent Club Work?
    4. What do You Get With The Rank And Rent Club?
    5. Who is The Rank And Rent Club For?
    6. Rank And Rent Club Price And Discounts?
    7. Is Rank And Rent Club a Scam?
    8. What Others Have To Say About The Rank And Rent Club
    9. Rank And Rent Club Review – PROs
    10. Rank And Rent Club Review – CONs
    11. My Rank And Rent Club Review – Final Thoughts
    12. Rank And Rent Club Alternative?
    13. Rank And Rent Club – FAQs
    14. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

What is The Rank And Rent Club About?

The Rank and Rent Club is an awesome training course created by Herc Magnus who is well known in the internet marketing arena.

Where you can learn how to create small niche websites that you can rank on Google that find leads for prospective clients.

It is a business model that has become very popular in recent times and focuses on local business which is also termed local SEO.

What I like about the promotional aspect of Rank and Rent Club is that there is no BS like you find all the time and straight to the point.

Furthermore, there is some free training so you can get a better feel of what this business model is and whether it’s something that would appeal to you.

So, really you may feel obliged to take a look, after all, what have you got to lose?

Then once you have watched the training and realised that it could be something that you may be interested in doing.

Then there’s a 2-hour 30 minutes webinar to go through which explains things in more detail.

It shows you what the course entails, and it is here that you will find out the actual costs of the training which might put some people off.

It’s not cheap, but good things usually aren’t but the course is extremely in-depth and thorough.

We can understand why the course is so expensive as the tools that are included are developed in-house and pretty insane.

Take for instance SERPscout, this is a tool that automates everything when you are searching for local businesses.

Just key in the keyword, set a few options, hit the button and the query comes back with a list of prospective clients which you can drill down further.

Here’s a demo that we think you will like…

So Who is Herc Magnus?

Herc Magnus is the founder and brainchild behind the Rank and Rent Club training course.

Magnus is a 7 figure earner with over 2 decades Rank and rent club founder Herc Magnusof experience behind him who has refined this method of making money online.

He’s a person who believes in honesty, and integrity and that a business deal should be done with a handshake.

Well, we can’t all be that naive, can we?

But seriously he has had a varied life and is committed to playing in his local band called Hollywood Assassyn.

Furthermore, he was one of the first to invest in crypto before it became mainstream in 2015.

He runs his own successful SEO agency and also co-founded a software company.

Where they developed products like Keyword Supremacy, SERPscout and Xagio.

His current venture is this training course that we are reviewing which currently has over 5000 students already.

One thing we did notice is that his Youtube channel only has 496 subscribers which does surprise me.

How Does Rank And Rent Club Work?

Rank and rent club free course Basically speaking it teaches you how to build small websites in a particular chosen niche.

A niche or a sub-niche is a portion or smaller crowd of a larger broader term which Moz describes for you here.

So if the niche or the people you are hoping to help locally are in the plumbing industry then that is what your website will be about.

Did I mention a website?

Well, you need a website to be able to rank in Google and get what it is you are targeting, out there to the local masses.

Then you need to find out what people locally are searching for in the search engines which is through what we call keyword research.

Now we know what people are keying into the search engines then we write content and add that to our website.

The idea is to grab prospective customers or leads contact details and add those to an email list.

Once you have cracked this and your list is starting to increase in size then you go looking for businesses that are struggling or wanting help.

That is the short version and there are other finer points that you would need to master, such as communication and negotiating skills.

What do You Get With Rank And Rent Club?

The first part that you will want to take advantage of is the free training which consists of…

Video #1 – Find a profitable niche, build a website, rank on Google and rent it out for a profit.

Video #2 – How to find and choose a profitable niche and one that isn’t too competitive.

Video #3 – How to rank multiple keywords on the first page of Google with ease.

Video #4 – How to earn recurring revenue with Rank and Rent Club.

Webinar – This is a scheduled webinar which covers everything that the 4 videos cover but in more detail.

The actual main part of the training comes in modules listed below with a brief description…

Module #1 – Find

The main thing about this business or any affiliate marketing business is to decide what niche you will be using.

This is an area that confuses the hell out of people and because it is extremely important that you get this right, you can see why.

What you are attempting to find is a sub-niche that isn’t overly competitive but profitable and there’s a fine line between a great niche and a bad one.

Herc teaches you the right way to select the right niche with the use of their in-house Keyword Supremacy tool.

Module #2 – Build Your Website

Before we get into this module, there is absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to building a website.

It is as simple as point and click!

You can even build a website in a couple of minutes it’s building the site with content that takes time.

There are many ways that you can go about creating a website but the most widely used method is using WordPress and this is what Herc uses.

Since, there are over 60k plugins available which are small computer programs that help do all the fancy stuff, then the most obvious choice.

At the end of the day, you aren’t looking for fancy, you are looking to build small websites that you can turn around quickly for a profit.

Herc does a good job of breaking the whole process down in a simple and concise way that anybody should be able to understand.

Module #3 – How To Rank 

Any business no matter what it is can only survive with sales and those sales come from customers.

In order to find customers with a website, you have to get your site in front of people who are looking for answers to questions in your niche.

It’s no good getting your site on Google page 4, 3 or even 2, it has to be high up on page 1.

Herc discusses on-site and off-site SEO methods which you need to adhere to because of the constant changes to the Google algorithm.

Herc also talks about the difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO and this should be self-explanatory.

Black Hat you should stay away because you stand a very good chance of getting penalized by the search engines.

He mentions the importance of back-links which are links to authority sites to help give you more credit with the search engines.

Of course, a few years back, backlinks did play an important role but not so much nowadays as content is king.

What does play a very important role in ranking is keyword research which is finding what people are keying into the search engines.

Module #4 – Rent Out To Clients

Once your website is getting noticed by prospective leads/customers, in other words on Google Page 1.

It’s time to find clients that want your help.

Now, finding clients would probably be a long-winded process because you would have had to do it manually, maybe looking through Yellow pages etc.

Within Rank and Rent Club, they have their own software tool that automates the whole process.

This is called Local Supremacy.

According to what Herc tells you, this software tool will impress your potential clients and he explains how to configure and integrate it.

He will also guide you through the various techniques he uses for prospecting.

Another software tool they developed and use extensively is SERPscout.

This tool grabs all information from social media platforms such as email, phone numbers and more.

Having this information along with the information from Local Supremacy allows you to create fancy documents to impress the heck out of clients.

The final part of this module is where Herc goes into the sales process, where he stresses the value of knowing the website values as well as the metrics.

That way you are always in a better position to answer quickly any questions that come from prospective clients.

Module #5 – Scale

At this point of the training, your website should be optimized, ranked and rented out.

All there is to do now is scale the business by replicating what you have already done.

You didn’t get started in this business just to build one website right?

Google My Business

Matthew Verstang is the GMB or Google My Business go-to expert.

He goes into detail about how important GMB is for a local business and how it can help in ranking a website.

After all, it doesn’t cost you a dime to create an account.

Who is The Rank And Rent Club For?

Rank and rent club review - What local businesses are paying monthlyBasically for anybody who is looking to build an online presence and who is prepared to work hard.

Like someone who would enjoy helping local businesses, creating websites, learning how to rank in the search engines etc.

If you are looking at this training course as a way into easy street, where you don’t have to do anything, then this is not for you.

Like any business that you take on, it will take time and dedication and you have to have plenty of patience.

Anybody can do this, you just have to have the right attitude.

Rank And Rent Club Price And Discounts

There are various membership options which you might consider.

You have the option to either pay for the membership which includes the software and training which comes by way of 3 price points…

The first…

    1. 3 months = $1,047
    2. 6 months = $1,397
    3. 12 months = $1,747

Thereafter it will cost you $197 a month

A quick tally with going all in and the 3-month membership would mean you saving a massive $1,073.

Or you could go for the cheaper option which doesn’t include the software, what you get here is just the training…

As above, the first…

    1. 3 months = $497
    2. 6 months = $597
    3. 12 months = $697

Followed by $47 a month

Are There Any Upsells With Rank And Rent Club?

Well no they aren’t which is a good thing not like most products you can find online today.

But, you may feel that you have been cheated with other products that you will have to purchase and that is understandable.

Are There Any Discounts With Rank And Rent Club?

I don’t know whether you have noticed but whilst you have been researching this training course

You will have come across many Rank and Rent Club reviews, most of these are from affiliate marketers trying to sell you the product.

In the process make a commission from you.

What I don’t like about these reviews is that they are all biased and do not give an objective view.

But there is a plus side for you and that’s if you are interested in signing up for Rank and Rent Club.

That they do offer discounts on both membership types.

As of this review, you can find discounts by way of CODE = SAVE30 which means you can get a 30% discount for the more expensive membership.

Or CODE = CLUB 200 which will entitle you to a saving of $200 and this is for the membership without the software.

These are for a limited time only and I don’t have a list of affiliates but I have seen these advertised.

Are There Any Hidden Costs With Rank And Rent Club?

As with all training courses that you come across online there are always additional costs to take into consideration.

Ok, they may not be mentioned because at the end of the day the product owner does not want to put you off.

It takes time for Google to recognize your site, meaning that you aren’t going to see much movement in the first few months and that’s inevitable.

Even more so since the last round of Google updates came on stream.

That is why you will need a contingency to get your site out there in front of the masses and that may come in the form of paid advertising.

Here, it all depends on your budget but a guide to go by would be between $75 – $150 a month but even that really isn’t enough.

You would also need an autoresponder for email marketing and storing leads and that might cost between $25 and $35 a month.

Tracking software with something like ClickMagick will cost between $37 and $197 a month.

With the monthly membership that you have to pay for as well as the initial memberships then you are talking around…

We’d say around 3 months for Google to start noticing your website which is somewhere in the region of $225 and $450 for traffic.

Which comes to between $2565 and $3270 for the first 3 months.

Then you would have to pay $197/month thereafter.

Is There A Refund Policy In Place?

The refund policy is hardly worth the paper it is written on because by the time you decide that Rank and Rent Club isn’t for you.

You will have exceeded the 7-day refund policy.

Besides, why would anybody commit to something like this one minute and the next they decide against, it just doesn’t make sense!

Here are a few similar courses that you might like to check out but do not discard Udemy…

Local Boss

The Simple SEO Blueprint

The SEO Blueprint

Rank Daddy

Bossless Forever

Digital Profit

Udemy – Lead Generation Empire

Is The Rank And Rent Club a Scam?

After going through this course with a fine tooth comb I can honestly tell you that Rank and Rent Club is definitely not a scam.

When product owners give away free training as Herc has here, it says a lot to us and goes a long way to credibility.

What he is doing is giving you a free look first which is rare nowadays with courses like this, mind you Wealthy Affiliate does exactly the same.

If a training course is so good then why not include a free look, I mean what have they got to lose, at the end of the day, it’s all about trust!

If there was a negative thing to say it has to be that we were disappointed that Herc’s YouTube channel had only a couple of hundred subscribers.

Having said that, it is a legit course covering a legit business model that many people are executing with great success.

But at the end of the day, do you have enough in the budget to risk taking a chance on the Rank and Rent Club?

Is Rank and rent club a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What Others Say About Rank And Rent Club

Unfortunately, we struggled to find any feedback or reviews from past or present students which doesn’t say a lot for the course.

We checked the Rank and Rent Club Facebook page where it states that they have a 5-star rating.

But when you check the reviews they are all about crypto and bitcoin.

Rank And Rent Club Review – PROs

  • Herc Magnus is an entrepreneur Rank and rent club Proswho knows his stuff and brings to the table over 2 decades of experience.
  • Rank and Rent or Lead Generation is a legit business model that thousands are executing with massive successes.
  • The course comes with some great tools, especially SERPscout, which is a tool for finding clients.
  • Private forum (not Facebook) for the Rank and Rent Club community and a great way to find out what is working and what is not.
  • The course fees can be paid over several equal payments.
  • There are no upsells which is a blessing.

Rank And Rent Club Review – CONs

  • The course is expensive and will be out of most Rank and Rent Club CONspeople’s budget especially as there are no guarantees.
  • There is a 7-day refund policy however I wouldn’t hold up much hope of actually getting your money back.
  • Hidden costs but there are with most products and systems that you purchase.
  • There are too many biased Rank and Rent Club reviews out there which are mostly from affiliates trying to sell you the dream.
  • Even though the business model is fairly straightforward it is not going to be easy to get you up and running and in profit, These things take time and months rather than weeks.
  • Total lack of third-party reviews from past and current students which I find strange.

My Rank And Rent Club Review – Final Thoughts!

Just before we wrap up things with this rank and Rent Club review, we’d just like to add a few things.

This business model can be a very lucrative one for anybody who is serious about building an online business.

You just need to have the will to succeed and be prepared to work hard and have bags of patience since that is what most people lack.

People, in general, are too impatient and want things to happen now and unfortunately, with any business this is not going to happen.

This is a business that I will be getting involved in sometime in the near future as I have a passion.

For helping people and I can’t think of a better way than to help struggling local businesses.

But, this is not a passive income business because you have to be on the ball most of the time.

If that’s what you are looking for then affiliate marketing is the avenue you should take.

Overall, this is a great course with some superb tools that they developed themselves and a training course I would recommend.

But, if it’s the budget that holds you back then take a look at what I do below.

The Rank And Rent Club Alternative – How we Make Passive Income Online?

Affiliate marketing is the same premise as Rank and Rent Club except we keep the website and don’t rent it out.

In other words, everything you learn in that course you will learn with Wealthy Affiliate.

Except you can join for free as a member and the costs are nowhere near in comparison.

Affiliate marketing is a tried and tested business model that we would recommend to anyone looking to make money online.

It’s one of the best ways to create multiple passive income streams.

I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to kiss goodbye to my 9-5 job.

Just check out the reviews on TrustPilot.

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Rank And Rent Club Review – FAQs

Below we have put together some questions that are been asked internally about the course and in the search engines.

  1. How Much Does Rank And Rent Club Actually Cost?

There are 4 price points when it comes to joining as a member…

All the memberships after the initial fee continue for $197/month.

$697 For the first month + no software and training

$1047 For the first 3 months + software and training

$1397 For the first 6 months + software and training

$1747 For the first 12 months + software and training

But there are cheaper options if you want to discard certain elements like the software but only want the training.

  1. Does The Rank And Rent Club Come With Any Upsells?

Rank and Rent Club does not come with any upsells.

  1. Does Rank And Rent Club Training Course Come With A Refund Policy?

There is a 7-day full money-back guarantee but you had better be quick here, go over the period and you will not get your money back.

  1. How Long Will It Take To Start Making Money?

This relies on how you approach this business and how much hard work you are prepared to put into this business.

Remember, this is an actual business which requires your full attention and dedication, the harder you work the quicker you will see results.

Please do not expect to see results after a few days or even weeks even though Herc Magnus may tell you so. These will be exceptional cases!

  1.  What Is Local Business SEO?

Local SEO simply refers to an SEO strategy that will help a business to become more visible in search engine results locally.

  1. How Do I Master Local SEO?

This is what the Rank and Rent Club training course will teach you.

  1. What Kind Of Businesses need Local SEO?

That’s easy, just think about businesses in general that are local and you could do this by checking the Yellow pages.

Flower shops, dentists, nail bars, restaurants, electricians, plumbers…

If their websites, if they have one that is, is not on Google Page 1, then they are a classic type of business that may require your help.

  1. Is Google My Business Important For SEO?

Absolutely it is, especially locally and it helps your business get into the local top 3.

So if you are not using Google My Business then you are missing out on so much traffic.

This could be one of the first things that you set up for the client!

  1. Is Rank And Rent Dead?

Absolutely not, there are literally thousands of people starting this type of business, granted it isn’t for everybody though.

Simply, because you have to be on your game and have to be savvy when it comes to negotiating contracts with prospective clients.

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Anyway, guys, thank you for spending the time to read my Rank and Rent review, we hope you enjoyed it and that we answered most of your questions.

If you are a current or past member, then why not share with us your experience, we would love to hear about it.

If you have any questions at all no matter how trivial you may think they are, feel free to add any comments in the section below.

Thank you!

Take care!

Stay safe!

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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