Welcome to this Awol Academy Review 2022
If you are looking for a way to make money online, one thing for sure is that you are spoilt for choice.
It could be filling in surveys and forms, clicking on adverts, multi-level marketing plus many more.
There are literally thousands of ways to make money online but if you really want to earn good money then you would need to learn Internet Marketing.
Especially if you want to be in complete control and want to replace that 9-5 job that you hate so much.
You could go to places like YouTube for free advice but the one big problem there is that many on there are trying to sell you something.
It’s best to find a training platform and mentor!
You could seek out a training platform like Wealthy Affiliate or maybe AWOL Academy which we are reviewing today.
Mind you I would definitely not get your credit card out just yet until you have read this AWOL Academy review from start to finish.
But before we get started, we would just like to mention that we are not affiliated with AWOL Academy in any way.
That way you know that we will provide you with an honest review showing you all that you’d need to know.
[Affiliate Disclosure: This AWOL Academy Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

- Product: AWOL Academy, previously Project AWOL
- Website: https://www.awolacademy.com/
- Price: $99 – $17,997 High ticket upsells! – (All-in figure of $30,000)
- Owner: Kameron George & Keala Kanae
- Summary: It is a legitimate affiliate marketing training platform with some good training that can be found, just remember to drop in at the bank, because you will need some very deep pockets.
- Recommended: – No, there are much better alternatives that won’t break the bank!

What is AWOL Academy
Around 2013, Kameron George whilst a member of the multi-level-marketing company Empower Network (you know the one that went bankrupt leaving its members scratching their heads and with empty pockets) came up with the acronym AWOL, which he bestowed to his group of Empower followers.
A quick look in Google and you will see that AWOL is an army term that refers to “Absent Without Official Leave”
A little confusing don’t you think as Kameron Georges’ take on AWOL is “another way of life” but it’s catchy and stands out as everybody knows of the official term.
At the time he and another colleague whilst with Empower came up with the idea of branching out on their own and came up with a solution and a name, which didn’t go down too well with the terms within Empower, and the business “Project AWOL” was born, and not very long after they parted ways with Empower.
Suffice to say “Project AWOL” (today, still part of Academy AWOL) if you check out the site is a charitable organization that devotes time and money to the organization Change Heroes, which helps underprivileged countries throughout the world.
Just what actually happened with project AWOL taking a side-swipe to allow for AWOL Academy to be born is a little cloudy.
Some facts I want to bring to your attention before we dive into the AWOL Academy Review 2022

- Previously Project AWOL but now a charitable organization
- The website is well overdue for an update. Where the about page refers to “What household name companies have emerged in the last 5 years? Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google just to name a few. As you can see each one of these products is a lot older than 5 years, Facebook 2004, Instagram 2010, YouTube 2005, Google 1998 – Your brand is your website and that is what people see first. No excuses there!
- AWOL Academy, Elite Push and Global Affiliate Zone are 3 programs from the same company and same founders
- Head office in Las Vegas and Stockport, UK (But looks like this is closing)
- Companies House, UK – Overview
- Companies House, UK – Fillings
- Companies House, UK – Officers
- Has a B rating on BBB (Better Business Bureau) website with a customer review rating of 73% but that is from a total of 22 customer reviews so don’t get too excited yet! Keep hold of your purse strings!
What is AWOL Academy about: Is your bank balance healthy enough?
I actually first came across AWOL Academy through a promotional video, with Kameron George addressing himself as the owner of an obscenely large mansion, with flip-flops and the baseball cap on his head in reverse looking cool, briefly telling you about how he got to that position, coming from meagre beginnings who worked in a coffee shop in debt up to his eyeballs. How many times have you seen and heard the very same script? A little old don’t you think?

AWOL Academy was launched in 2015 and is the brainchild of 2 long-time friends Kameron George and Keala Kanea.

A training platform dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and newbies alike how to become successful in the online world as affiliate marketers, and become financially secure.
Just to give you a little taste of things to come, when you register for the webinar, which they say is live but I can assure is not, then there is a free 17-page booklet you can download.
It’s called “Freelance Marketing Secrets” Your Step-By-Step Guide to Launching Your HIGH-PROFIT Freelance Marketing Career!
For anybody who hasn’t a clue about what affiliate marketing is then I’m sure it might whet your appetite for things to come.
But basically, it goes into a little detail about
- What the Google Keyword Planner is and how to use it
- Find your hungry crowd. What people are searching for on Google
- Find your product associated with what people are searching for in this case on Clickbank
- What a sales funnel is and how it works

All this basic information can be found very easily on YouTube and won’t cost you a dime.
The same information has been revamped, time and time again but re-packaged differently.
AWOL Academy training modules – Let’s take a look and see what you get and whether this training is right for YOU!
AWOL Community – $49.95 MONTHLY
In order to fully become part of AWOL Academy and the community and support, you would have to pay this monthly fee of $49.95 to become part of their Facebook Group.
A little expensive don’t you think to join a Facebook group?
AWOL 101 Coaching – $99 (Registration)

- AWOL 101 Coaching is not on the list of modules on their website and is only available on registration so that will be the first time you are aware of it.
- They will ask you to fill in a questionnaire that enables them to create what they call “an individual action plan”
- There are 3 hours of videos that give you an overview and go into the coaching process.
- Followed by a 1 on 1 coaching call, which covers a lot of sales patter!
Pro Academy – $99 ( Comes FREE when you register)
This is the module that comes free with registration and covers the business foundation.
Goes into detail about affiliate marketing, setting up your website, web hosting, understanding lead pages, sales funnels, email responders, and a host of other things besides.
Created with the newbie in mind!
You are taken step by step through the course lessons within the Pro Academy module. In total 25 videos, so quite intensive!
What you are also going to have to purchase for all this to happen is an…
- Autoresponder
- Landing Page Builder
- Tracking Software
The ones mentioned are…
Autoresponder – “GetResponse” (comes with a landing page creator built into the platform)
- Pricing $10, $32, $110, $1199 a month
- Should be OK to start with the $32 monthly subscription fee.
Landing Page Builder – “Lead Pages”
- Pricing $25, $48, $199 a month
- Should be fine with $25 or $48 a month
Tracking software – “ClickMagic”
- Pricing $12, $33, $66 a month
- $12 a month to start with and upgrade the more you develop.
Note: GetResponse has a landing/squeeze page builder built into the system and therefore you could save money here, although Lead Pages is a dedicated Landing Page Creator and a little more advanced, but does that really matter when you are starting out?
Overall I would say that you do get pretty good value for money here and it does lay the foundation for you to build on, but there is still a lot to learn!
For someone new coming into Affiliate Marketing, and with no knowledge at all, then it clearly teaches you the basics of what all this is about, but to build on this knowledge you are going to need further help.
Now, this is where it can start to get a little expensive, so maybe book yourself down for some overtime at work!
Inbox Academy – $447 – Email Marketing

They say that the money is in the list, and this is true but in order to build a list, you need to know how to get your message, your offers, and promotions across to the masses so that they can become your subscribers!
You need to know how to nurture your subscribers and keep them interested otherwise you will lose them and they will unsubscribe. We do it all the time!
It covers, how to increase delivery rates, open rates, click-thru rates and some other strategies besides.
Conversion Academy – $1797

With any business, conversions are key and without them, you simply aren’t going to make any money!
With a price tag near $2000, they claim to have discovered “coveted conversion secrets” and by using this amongst a “hypnotic language” of sorts, and by creating a certain persona, you will attract an irresistible desire within your audience who will instantly take action and purchase your offers and services.
I guess what they are trying to convey is a certain conversion technique that is unique to AWOL Academy.
Traffic Academy – $2997

Traffic is paramount because without it you won’t make a dime!
There are 2 types of traffic, Paid and Free and both have their benefits!
At Traffic Academy the enthesis is on Paid Traffic and for a newbie, this can be very expensive, because there are no guarantees and with everybody marketing the same high-ticket products in the same space, then extremely hit-and-miss, and also soul-destroying as you are now starting to realize just how expensive paid traffic can be.
“High-converting, laser-targeted traffic that’s ready to buy right now”
These are people searching on Google, Bing etc who are looking; not necessarily ready to buy!
With PPC (Pay Per Click) each click a person makes against your offer costs you, and there are no guarantees that they will enter their details or purchase your offer.
PPC can be quicker if you know what you are doing, expensive because you are forever modifying your campaigns.
That’s why SEO (search engine optimization) for me comes out on top, where it may take time to accomplish, but when you get there it works for you 24/7/365 and the best thing about this method is it’s FREE.
Master Academy – $5497

I think we’ll all agree that to be successful in life never mind business, we have to be efficient in many things, and right up there will be learning to manage your finances.
This module covers money management, strategic tax planning, investing, and more and with a hefty price nearing $5.5k it had better live up to some great advice that is on offer.
Whilst I don’t have any reason to doubt these claims, I think I would give this module a very wide berth, I mean take a look at the 2008 Bank Crisis and these people were supposed to be experts. No, I think I’ll pass on this one!
“delivers content directly from Dr. John Demartini about the mindset of wealth along with in-depth tax and business strategies for building long-term wealth from accountant and attorney, Mark J Kohler”
I guess now the cat is out of the bag, I have just saved you $5+k
AWOL Elite – $17,997

This is the last of the training modules available and what I am seeing here is a massive price shift in the last 12 months, and we are not talking about a downward spiral either.
An increase of $8,000 from $9,997 – $17,997
This module delivers ongoing mentoring and training from Kameron and Keala on a weekly basis covering all the aspects of building your online business, pretty much what is covered in the previous modules.
It comes with a hefty price tag of $17,997 so it better be good!
The beauty of this mentoring module is that it has to be renewed on a yearly basis! Yes, seriously, no kidding!
AWOL Academy’s Affiliate Program
This is where the money is, in the affiliate program if you can manage to convince someone to part with their hard-earned cash. With training that costs this much the potential for earning some real cash is very good, you would think, right?
The affiliate program and how it works.
- AWOL Academy Affiliate Program costs $39.95/month
Commissions are based on a referral you get to join AWOL Academy, Any referrals your referrals take on board you will get a 5% commission.
- 60% – AWOL 101, PRO Academy
- 30% – AWOL Community, INBOX Academy, Conversion Academy, TRAFFIC Academy, MASTERS Academy, AWOL Elite
- Must have purchased Traffic Academy to participate
I must agree there’s potential to earn some really serious money here, it’s just going to be extremely difficult to find people interested, except for ones with very deep pockets, and those who like to keep hold of it!
I mean really, what would you say if someone knocked on your door offering an affiliate marketing training course with a hefty price tag of around $30k, which is the entire Awol Academy training?
You’d probably slam the door in the person’s face, that is for sure!
AWOL Academy Review 2022 – Estimated yearly costs!
- Facebook group – $599.40
- AWOL 101 – $99
- PRO Academy – $99
- Inbox Academy – $447
- Conversion Academy – $1797
- Traffic Academy – $2997
- Master Academy – $5497
- AWOL Elite – $17,997 (This would need renewing yearly)
- Affiliate Program – $479.40
- Autoresponder – $384
- Landing Page Creator – $300
- Clickmagic – $144
All this for a staggering $30,740.80
Bearing in mind that AWOL Elite is a yearly subscription!!
That is a conservative figure because what I haven’t taken into consideration is PAID Traffic!
Save your money because what if I told you that I have an alternative solution to your training requirements, and the amount you would pay on a yearly basis if you paid for a yearly premium membership upfront is…
$348 – That’s all-in and that’s for everything that AWOL Academy is offering and more, much more!!
For what you are having to pay out for AWOL Academy, you could get a premium membership for 88 years!!
Check it out what have you got to lose, and the beauty about this training is that it is 100% FREE to join and you won’t be asked for a CREDIT card either, that way you can check out everything before you make a commitment, and I nearly forgot, NO UPSELLS either!!
How’s that for value?
Pros and Cons
- Most of the training is well received.
- Refund Policy – A 14-day money-back guarantee, although 14 days is hardly enough time to make a judgment call.
- BBB Accredited.
- Affiliate Program, where there’s potential to make some real money.
- High ticket price from $99 all the way up to $17,997 max out at $30k.
- There seems to be an enthesis on recruiting others and less on building your business.
- Guaranteed $10k profit in 3 months – This is extremely unlikely that a newbie is going to achieve this landmark, and to be part of this training it’s going to cost you a few grand! Maybe 6-12 months is a more conservative figure.
- Paid Traffic is the main source of traffic taught and for a newbie can be very expensive, as there is an abundance of traffic sources that you need to stay away from. This you will have to work out for yourself!
- Hidden costs, that aren’t mentioned before you commit!
- No FREE trial membership – If you have nothing to hide, then why not?
Awol Academy Review 2022 -The Verdict?
I think you’ll agree that you need very deep pockets to participate in this training platform.
In order to take advantage of the training and learn everything about affiliate marketing and how to become a success story, you would need to make a big commitment, and many just don’t have that type of cash lying about.
If you are coming into this as a total newbie then the training in Pro Academy would give you a taste, but would you seriously part with $30k of your hard-earned cash, with absolutely no guarantee whatsoever?
I seriously doubt it, but I may be wrong!
It may be that you just want a taster and buying in for the $99 might be a way to get your feet wet, but remember what you are looking for is a unique opportunity, where you can feel confident knowing that you aren’t going to have to take out a 2nd mortgage, right?
There is no secret to affiliate marketing and everything you see at AWOL Academy can be found for FREE on YouTube, it would just take a little longer to get there.
I clearly don’t recommend this training platform due to many factors, but the big one is cost.
I hope I have shed some light on this training platform and opened your eyes.
Feel free to leave a comment below and tell me what you thought of the review.
I will be only too happy to answer all your questions and look forward to connecting with you.
Once again thanks and stay safe