Live Pure Reviews (2023) – A Genesis Pure Pyramid Scheme Rebranded!

Live Pure Reviews

Welcome to the Live Pure review

If you are looking for the full lowdown on Pure then you are definitely in the right place.

From the history of when it first started life as Genesis Pure, along with the founders, products and the business opportunity.

The main question you are probably asking yourself is, is the business legit and can it be trusted or is it a scam and one to stay away from?

Just to set the record straight, Live Pure isn’t a scam but they have had some issues in the past which we shall be addressing.

Before we get started, we’d just like to declare that we are not associated with Live Pure in any way shape or form.

That means that what you will get from us, is an honest review of all the facts so that you are in a better place to make your own decision.

As to whether you should pursue this business further or not.

So, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Pure Life Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Live Pure Review – Summary

Product: Pure, previously Genesis Pure

Founder: Originally Lindsey Duncan and Dae Geun Jung


Product Description: Health and Wellness MLM

Cost of Products: $5.95 – $3,403.95

Cost to join: $25

Recommended: No

Summary: There are three names associated with this company, Genesis Pure, Live Pure or just Pure but more on that a little later.

The first thing you will notice is their extensive array of products which cover almost every eventuality.

There is also a home-based business opportunity if your interest in this company is primarily to make some extra money.

But you should know that this will take a lot of hard work, money and dedication if you want to succeed in network marketing.

However, if you are looking for a business opportunity where the risks and costs are negligible…

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Live Pure Review – Table Of Contents

    1. What is Live Pure About?
    2. Who is the Founder of Live Pure?
    3. Is Live Pure a Pyramid Scheme?
    4. Live Pure Products Line
    5. Live Pure Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      1. How Much Does it Cost to Join Live Pure?
      2. How to Make Money With Live Pure?
      3. Live Pure Compensation Plan
      4. Are Live Pure Distributors Actually Making Money?
    6. Is Pure a Scam?
    7. Live Pure PROS and CONS
    8. Live Pure Review -Final Thoughts
    9. How we Make Passive Income Online
    10. Live Pure FAQs
    11. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Live Pure About?

Pure or Live Pure is a multi-level marketing company manufacturing and selling an extensive range of nutritional products.

To help in many aspects of your health such as weight management, physical training, immune system, energy plus more…

Health products wouldn’t be health products if they contain artificial dyes, colours, flavours, sweeteners and other potentially harmful ingredients now would they?

At Live Pure they pride themselves on their products that are clear of the above.

So the mystery of who they really were when it all started and why the rebranding.

That was Genesis Pure in 2009 which went through a stage where they were sued for millions by the FTC.

As a result of their current founder Lindsay Duncan making false claims through the tv program  “Dr OZ Effect”.

Which was a tv program that reached millions of viewers throughout the US.

They were hit with $3.5 and $9 million that they had to pay back to consumers which were paid back in 2015.

Any mention of Lindsey Duncan was removed from the website and he left the company.

Around 2017 they decided that to try and eradicate the past, to go through a rebranding exercise and now called “Pure”

The reference to “Live Pure” is their website name.

With the addition of a new CEO, they have focused more on expanding in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Asia) with particular attention to Africa.

Their new addition to the business to handle EMEA is Ben Peter who was appointed Vice President of business development in 20018.

Here’s a short video about Pure…

Who is The Founder of Live Pure?

The original founders were Lindsay Duncan and Dae Geun Jung when it was originally Genesis Pure, with Jung still playing an active role.

Lindsey Duncan, we have just mentioned, but with Dae Geun Jung there doesn’t appear to be much information about him.

The one who is calling the shots nowadays at Pure nowadays is Daren Hogge who was appointed CEO in June 2016.

He founded Q Sciences in 2012 and still to this day they are having major successes.

Hogge has 34 years of experience in direct selling and is responsible for expanding several businesses throughout his career.

You can read more about him here on the DSA website.

Is Live Pure a Pyramid Scheme?

Pure or Live Pure is not a pyramid schemeIs Livepure a pyramid scheme

as you can make money by purchasing the products and selling them without any recruiting.

When members are paid for recruiting only that it would be classed as a pyramid scheme.

Mind you when you look at the compensation plan which is how you get paid.

There are elements of a pyramid scheme there but more on the compensation plan a little later.

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

This is where an affiliate or distributor would get paid for just recruiting others into the business.

Sometimes they operate using a product or service that has no real value at all to hide the fact.

That they are operating illegally and that would come under the term, a pyramid in disguise.

In most countries this type of behaviour is illegal and some go to prison for many years.

The  Federal Trade Commission has compiled a report on the way MLMs operate which you can read about here.

Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?

There are so many MLMs that operate as a pyramid scheme in some form that it takes time for the FTC to get around to them.

After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.

The company under investigation usually closes down and reopens as some other company probably doing the same thing but using a different name.

You might like to check out this short video…

Live Pure Products Line

The products are the most important factor and you have to be 100% certain that they are legit and do what they say they will.

If you can’t be confident in the products then how can anybody else?

Always do your own research and do not listen to a Pure distributor, after all, they are only interested in recruiting you into their team.

The product range as of this review is 125 and some of these products are due to a merger that happened a few years back.

The products can be found within the categories below…

    • Collagen
    • Superfruits
    • Nutrition
      • Vitamins
      • Superfoods
      • Probiotics
      • Mood
    • Weight Management
      • FIVE30 Challenge
      • Metabolic
      • Shakes
      • Cleanse
      • PureCafe
      • Green Coffee Bean
      • Sleep
    • Energy
    • Immunity
    • Sports Performance
    • Packs

Always confide in your doctor before taking any vitamins and remember taking several at once can have an adverse effect.

Here are the current top 4 best-selling products at Live Pure…

Live Pure best selling products

  • PURE Organic Sulfur

Pure Organic Sulfur documentation

Normal price – $53.95, auto-ship price $39.95

  • PURE Mila

Pure Mila documentation

Normal price – $46.95, auto-ship $34.95

  • PURE Daily Build

Pure Daily Build documentation

Normal price – $59.95, auto-ship $44.95

  • PURE Metabolic Max

Pure Metabolic Max documentation

Normal price – $43.95, auto-ship price $32.95

  • PURE GoYin

Pure Goyin documentation

Normal price – $48.95, auto-ship price $36.95

For further details about the products we suggest you head over to the Live Pure website here.

Here are some other similar businesses that might be of interest to you…

Live Pure Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know

For the entrepreneurial-minded who want to take it to the next level by becoming a Pure Independent Business Owner.

This is the section for you.

How Much Does it Cost to Join Live Pure?

There are three options available to you when it comes to joining Live Pure…

    • Retail customer
    • Preferred Customer
    • Independent business owner

As a retail or preferred customer, it is free to join.

We would suggest joining one of the above first so that you can test the products before you consider becoming an independent business owner.

Joining as an Independent Business Owner would cost $25 which is for a year’s subscription which obviously has to be renewed.

What you get when you join as an IBO…

    • Access to exclusive offers
    • Personal website to promote the products
    • Access to business tools and resources
    • Earn rewards towards world travel

You will have to purchase products for your customers which is where this could end up costing you.

With some of the Live Pure packs costing as much as $3,403.95

How to Make Money With Pure

There are 2 ways that you can make money with Live Pure…

    • Purchase the products and sell them yourself
    • Recruit and build a team and make commissions from the sales of your team

If you become a Live Pure IBO there are other ways that you can make more money which will be explained in the compensation plan.

Live Pure Compensation Plan

The compensation plan is how you will get paid and this can be complex and hard to understand.

The same here with Live Pure but hopefully we can give you the information to make your life easier.

There are 11 different ranks and the higher the rank the more bonuses and benefits that are available to you.

    1. IBO
    2. Bronze
    3. Silver
    4. Gold
    5. Platinum
    6. Sapphire
    7. Ruby
    8. Emerald
    9. Diamond
    10. Blue Diamond
    11. Black Diamond

With 7 additional ways to make some extra money…

    1. Retail commissions
    2. Sponsor bonus
    3. Customer retention bonus
    4. Team bonus
    5. Generation bonus
    6. Leadership bonus
    7. Live PURE bonus

If you want to know more about the compensation plan you can here in more detail.

If that is a little confusing then you might like to watch the video below…

Are Live Pure IBOs Actually Making Money?

Normally income disclosure statements are usually missing from most multi-level marketing businesses.

But Live Pure has provided one that can be accessed on their website.

Live Pure Income Disclosure for 2018

Looking at the image which states that the figures are based over a weekly period.

As you can see the average weekly income of over 81.3% of Pure IBOs is $385.

With many IBOs making zero incomes.

I don’t know about you, but we think you would be much better off focusing your energy on some other business.

There is a report that was compiled by the Federal Trade Commission which explains it in more detail and can be found on their website here.

Is Pure a SCAM?

Is Pure a scam? Absolute not as they are a legit company manufacturing and selling legit nutritional products.

However, because it is legit doesn’t mean that we would recommend this business to anyone.

By all means, check out the products but even those are far too expensive and can be found elsewhere at a fraction of the price.

They did have some issues under Genesis Pure but a rebranding exercise and a change of CEO seem to have done the trick.

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Pure PROS and CONS

Just before we wrap this Live Pure review we’d just like to highlight what we think are the important points.

That way hopefully it will help you in your decision.


  • This Business Is Well Established:What we like about Purelive

Pure is well established, granted the company used to be known as Genesis Pure and they had their problems with fraud.

But that appears to have been centred around one person who after paying the fines did leave or was pushed out by the board.

Since those days they have merged and expanded and through their new CEO Daren Hogge gone from strength to strength.

  • The Current CEO Is Legit:

Whilst the original founder of Genesis Pure is still present, the current CEO comes with a lot of experience in the direct selling business.

He is known to have taken several businesses to success and even founded the company Q Sciences which is currently having success.

He was even involved with the company Go Yin which merged with Live Pure.


  • Competitive Industry:What we don't like about Purelive

The health and wellness industry in the last decade has increased by around 70% and is estimated to be a $4.5 TRILLION industry.

With nutritional supplements nearing the $1 trillion mark.

  • Low Income Potential:

If you read the income disclosure earlier in this review you will see that the chances of having success with Live Pure are very unlikely.

  • Not Part Of The BBB Or DSA:

For a company that has been active for over a decade, we found it strange that they were not registered with the Better Business Bureau or the Direct Selling Association.

Two major groups show people that they are showing a willingness to operate in the right way.

Genesis Pure Review – Final Thoughts!

Supplements are everywhere and serve a purpose especially as we get older and the body doesn’t function as well.

If your interest in Live Pure is mainly because of the products, then by all means go ahead and test them to see if they are as good as they say they are.

But if it’s the work-from-home opportunity that really interests you then why not consider creating a business that you can call your own?

What happens in several years if the company closes down (and these MLMs do all the time)?

You are left in the dark with no business and most are left owing thousands as many do.

If that interests you then we’d like to share with you what we do in the next section.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

After a few years of going down the multi-level marketing route, we realized that we were missing something.

Incidentally, we didn’t make any money if you are interested!

We found that another business model had been staring us in the face which we didn’t consider at the time but better late than never.

Affiliate marketing we found to be a much better business model and a way to really create a number of passive income streams.

Something that everybody would love to achieve, where the business runs 24/7 with very little intervention.

Where you don’t even have to pay for marketing costs, not like with an MLM.

  • The benefits of an affiliate marketing business far outweigh an MLM’s…
    • Pro0ote any product or service you like
    • No business conventions to attend
    • No pressure to maintain your ranking status
    • No pestering from your sponsor
    • Zero costs in comparison
    • No advertising costs
    • This business is yours and something you could pass on
    • No order management to handle

All you have to do is basically connect the customer with the merchant and your job is done. They make a purchase and you get paid.

If you want to know where you can learn all this, it’s provided by Wealthy Affiliate.

Who is responsible for thousands of 5 and 6-figure monthly earners?

Don’t worry we are not trying to sell you anything as it’s free to look at with no credit card details and no commitment, so what have you got to lose?

If this is not for you then just call it a day but you won’t know unless you try.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Live Pure FAQs

  1. How Much Does It Cost To Join Live Pure As A IBO?

It will cost you $49 to join as a Live Pure IBO which doesn’t require that you purchase any products.

However, you will need to purchase some products to show customers and to try yourself, right?

There is an annual fee of $25 that you will also have to pay.

  1. I Understand There Is  Free Enrollment, How Does That Work?

If you happen to be either part of the military or you are a student then providing you give proof then enrollment is free.

  1. Is There A Minimum Sales Quota To Be Met?

To stay active as an independent business owner you have to maintain 100 PV every 28 days.

That usually means that 1 PV = $1 so each month you will have to either sell $100 value of products or you will have to purchase the products yourself.

  1. Which Countries Are Live Pure Products Sold In?

The area is getting extended all the time but currently, you can purchase products in,

The US, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, Korea, Ghana and Nigeria.

  1. What Is The Returns Policy?

You can return the goods within 90 days for a full 100% refund minus shipping and handling costs.

For opened products there is a 30-day returns policy where once again will receive a full refund minus handling and shipping costs.

  1. Can The Products Be Shipped Worldwide?

From the US products can be shipped to Canada, New Zealand, Japan and Australia.

  1. Are The Products FDA Approved?

Manufacturers and distributors are not required to get FDA approval for dietary supplements prior to selling the products.

Having said that, the FDA have stringent guidelines for the manufacture, distribution and sale of dietary supplements

Live Pure are however registered with the FDA.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed this Live Pure review and that you found some benefits and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

If you would like to add anything please feel free to put it down in the section below.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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