Commission Magnets Review: Unveiling the Hidden High Costs and Profit Limitations

Commission Magnets Review

Welcome to this Commission Magnets Review

Another “Done for you” system that we have seen so many times before, aimed at the newbie looking to branch out into the affiliate marketing world, promising you riches for doing absolutely nothing.

As an affiliate marketer, I know only too well how much work is involved which is very rewarding and enjoyable when you can work it all out yourself.

That been said, I am all for making life easy but what you must understand is that done for you systems are all duplicate and would need re-jigging to work along with a load of other stuff that you really need to know.

What you are going to be coming across are many Commission Magnets reviews from marketers trying to sell you this product hoping to make a commission, and what you won’t be getting is a true account of this product.

However, I am in no way associated with Commission Magnets and therefore won’t be trying to sell you this idea but will be giving you a thorough rundown on this product so that you can decide is this for you or not.

So, let’s dive right in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Commissions Magnets Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

Commission Magnets Review – Summary

Product: Commission Magnets

Founders: Omar and Melinda Martin


Product Description: Affiliate marketing done for you

Price of product: $297.00 (as of this review)

Best For: This product is obviously going to appeal to the newbie coming into this “Make Money Online” space.

Recommended: No

Summary: If you are wanting to learn affiliate marketing, wouldn’t it be wise to learn from a training platform that has great credentials?

Where you have readily available support and not some Facebook Group where you are waiting hours and sometimes days for a reply.

Commission Magnets Review – TOC

    1. What is Commission Magnets about and who are the founders?
    2. Who is Commission Magnets for?
    3. How does Commission Magnets work?
    4. Commission Magnets prices and features
    5. What We Like – Commission Magnets Review
    6. What We Don’t Like – Commission Magnets Review
    7. Is Commission Magnets a SCAM or LEGIT?
    8. Commission Magnets: Red Flags to Watch Out For!
    9. Commission Magnets: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Commission Magnets?

Commission Magnets is a software training platform designed to make your life easy by creating “done-for-you” affiliate marketing products, such as landing pages, marketing campaigns, sales funnels, along with tools and training.Omar and Melinda Martin

If you know anything about affiliate marketing, then you’ll know it’s about you selling other peoples products and making a commission on that sale.

At Commission Magnets they claim to have everything automated and with a few easy changes you are ready to go, but is it really that easy and straight-forward?

Commission Magnets is the brain-child of Omar and Melinda Martin who way back in 2003 were destitute and living from old cars next to dumpsters or in any squats that they could find.

Wind the clock forward to the present day and they are now living in the lap of luxury, debt-free and six-figure earners.

I’m not sure of the reason why they found themselves in that state in the first place, but according to the website it was affiliate marketing that helped them get into further debt and here we are with a product that says will help you master affiliate marketing.

I am not trying to take any of the hardship that they incurred if indeed this story is true, but when you review as many products I have, I see this all the time.

Who is Commission Magnets For?

Commission Magnets is obviously for newbies coming into the online marketing space and looking for a simple solution.

In my experience, if you are serious about learning how to create and run an online business, then you really need to know how the whole process works.

I have to make an assumption that you are new to all this in which case you are probably unclear how the affiliate marketing process works unless you read my link earlier. Here it is again!

Maybe you are just testing the waters and heard from someone that this affiliate marketing is too difficult to learn and become successful at and therefore looking for an easy solution.

I can remember a few years back when I was that person but that story is for another day.

How Does Commission Magnets Work?

commission magnets main display

Well, they make a statement claiming that if you can copy and paste, then you are overqualified. I think there’s a joke somewhere in that statement!

The initial concept of the whole system was to promote products that Omar and Melinda and their development team created.

Which are…

    • Buzzinar – currently valued @ $29.95
    • Rapid Profit Systems – currently valued @ $19.95
    • Funnel Boss – currently valued @ $24.95
    • Content Nitrous -currently valued @ $24.95
    • Internet Selling For Newbies – currently valued @ $24.95
    • My Unfair Advantage – currently valued @ $37 / month or $297.00 on payment
    • Internet Marketing Clinic – currently valued @ $24.95

Commission Magnets Ready to go front-end

Looking at the above image and it could not be any easier, right?

In addition to the “Magnets” listed above you also get a whole load of high-converting marketing material to include with your campaigns.

    • Email and adverts
    • Bonus products
    • Delivery documents
    • OP2 Bonus Page
    • OP2 Download Page

A total of 84 marketing material products just ready to add to your marketing campaigns.

In addition to using their own products, they have agreed with jvzoo that each member is given instant approval (no waiting about) to a few other products within the jvzoo affiliate network.

Not to mention another 40 bonus products that you can use with your campaigns.

Commission Magnets Features and Price 

When you sign into the Commission Magnets main screen…

There are 7 training videos that cover between 5-6 hours explaining all you would want to know about Commission Magnets.

    • Assembling the audience

Over an hour-long video teaching, you how to build and monetize an audience. Very important, so I would watch this with intent.

    • Constructing the bridge

A 45-minute video teaching you how to connect your audience with the product that you are trying to sell.

    • Bonus incentives

A 35-minute video showing you how to insert all the bonuses into your campaigns.

    • The perfect offer and the glue

An hour-long video that goes into detail about how to find the best product offers and how to promote them. Then they will show you how to move your leads across to the offer.

    • Deliver the goods

A 22-minute video showing you that the order is never complete even after purchasing the product you are selling. This video shows you how to connect with your customer in a way that they will purchase additional products from you.

    • Bonus training video

A 26-minute video where you are shown the whole campaign in detail along with the sales funnels.

Included are the 8 Commission Magnets which are products developed by Omar and his team of developers.

Commission Magnets products

In addition to the above magnets, they have added a further 40 products for your campaigns.

Commission Magnets additional bonuses

This is the entire package of what you get…

    • Full access to the Commission Magnets members area
    • 7 Done for you Commission Magnets
    • 7 Bonus pages (Hosted for you and downloadable OP2 template valued at $1497.
    • 7 Download pages (Hosted for you and downloadable OP2 template)
    • 7 Marketing material zips (42 emails and 42 posts)
    • 7 PDF delivery documents valued @ $97.00
    • 40 Original bonus products to use with campaigns valued @ $7880.00
    • Commission Magnets video course (over 6 hours of training) valued @ $497.00
    • Downloadable reference material and resources valued @ $97.00
    • 30 Day money-back guarantee
    • BONUS: GPC documents with guaranteed approval codes for jvzoo valued @ $197.00
    • Generic bonus kit (use this to promote any product of your choice) valued @ $497.00

That’s a total of $17,059.00 for the bargain price of $279.00

What We Like – Commission Magnets Review

There’s not much I like about this product, the what I like about Commission Magnetssales page is far too in your face, with a few red flags that I shall point out to you a little later.

  1. The fact that there is a 30-day money-back guarantee

This has to give you peace of mind, so even if you were hesitant about joining, knowing that your investment is safe could be the deciding reason why you purchase.

  1. Instant approval to products in the jvzoo system

Getting approved can be difficult sometimes as the vendor may be looking for experienced affiliate marketers, however, getting pre-approved can be a good thing providing the products are worth selling.

What We Don’t Like – Commission Magnets Review

DFY products just don’t do it for me and I have kept the things I don’t like down to a minimum.
what I don't like about Commission Magnets DFY Hero 2.0

  1. I don’t like the tactics they use on their sales page.
  1. The commission rates are extremely low

Conversion of traffic is stated at 7% so for every 100 people who see your marketing campaign 7 will decide to buy.

This gives you a net of between $1 and $3 which is very poor, so let’s say Buzzinar which is one of their products sells for $30.00 you’d get between 3% and 10%.

On Clickbank, which is another affiliate network like jvzoo commission are as high as 75%.

  1. I don’t like how they try to convince you that you do not need to know anything and that all that’s required from you is to be able to copy and paste.

In fact, I think the statement is “If you can copy and paste, you are over-qualified”

You will find out very quickly that for this to work there are many additional things that you have to take into consideration.

  1.  The amount of stuff you get for your $275.00 is immense and just screams out to me poor quality.

Ok, what you could do is work with this and modify things to make it unique to you but that requires you know what to do.

Is Commission Magnets A SCAM?

As much as I do not like these “Done for you” systems I have to give them some credit for the way this product was developed and brought to market.

That said I thought the sales page was very misleading in their guarantees that you wouldn’t have to do anything and giving you the impression that commissions will come flooding into your bank account.

If you know anything about the way multi-level-marketing businesses operate, which is to get others to sell the companies products, then that is exactly what Commission Magnets tries to do here and for your troubles, you can get between $1 and $3 per sale.

To become a supper-affiliate like they do go on about you are going to have to shift 1000s of these products and remember there are a whole lot of others doing the same thing.

However, they did add functionality to the system to allow for other products to be marketed.

It all comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so your investment is sort of safe.

That all said, Commission Magnets is definitely a legitimate product and definitely not a scam.

Commission Magnets: Red Flags to Watch out For!

A good practice when looking at products that you commission magnets - red flagsare about to purchase is thorough research, especially products like these.

As a whole, “done for you” products are notoriously bad and prey on the likes of people who know very little and who are looking for a quick solution.

Good research can save you a lot of money in the long run.

What I didn’t like about Commission Magnets!

I am going to leave the hardship story because that could be right and if it is then I take my hat off to them, but there is no way of proving it but I’ve seen these tactics so many times before.

I noticed images that were on the Commission Magnets sales page which are there to confirm commissions made, actually on the sales page of one of the products that you are trying to sell, Buzzinar.

If I’d done further research I’m sure I could have ended up with a list!

Now when I see something like this, any credibility that was there for the product and product owners is gone.

When I see figures like this thrown about, like the full product cost of $17,059.00 for the bargain price of $279.00.

You know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

Always go with your instincts!

Commission Magnets: Final Thoughts!

Like I mentioned earlier I am not a fan of “Done for you” or “Copy and Paste” products.

Commission Magnet may look great to a newbie who hasn’t any experience or knowledge in affiliate marketing, websites or the like, but what they do not tell you is that there is always work to do.

The more affiliates that purchase Commission Magnets, the more likely a saturation point will be reached, like a bottleneck.

Same products, same campaigns, what you need to be is different and with no knowledge in this area how can you be?

What about marketing costs?

Well, there is a mention of free marketing on their sales-page, which indicates to me Facebook.

Free never works, so the next thing, in this case, is paid advertising or PPC (Paid per click)

Let me tell you PPC is a minefield and if you don’t know what you are doing can be a costly exercise.

Most people on the internet are looking for the magic button to instant wealth and through all my research there simply isn’t any such thing.

Besides, what happens if let’s say Commission Magnets closes shop, where would that leave you?

With absolutely nothing.

Find some great training and do it the right way and be in control.


Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this review, and if you did then why not share it amongst your friends to better inform them.

Have you already used this product in which case I would love to hear how it all went?

The great reviews I see are from people selling the products so you can’t take those into consideration.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

10 thoughts on “Commission Magnets Review: Unveiling the Hidden High Costs and Profit Limitations”

  1. I’ve gone through some bad DFY systems and I’m over them. They usually work great at the beginning, but the tend to flop at some point later on…

    Wealthy Affilaite seems like a nicer alternative, and if you say it’s free, then i might jut give it a try.

    Nice review btw, keep it up!

    1. Gorjan, it’s like some sort of apprenticeship that many of us go through and maybe that is the way before you understand and realize that these products are not the way.

      Of course, you may make a little money but they have a short shelf-life.

      Thank you for commenting.

  2. Hi Mick ,i agree with you on this ,easy solutions are not always the best .Yes, sometimes they are good and can work too but most time they don’t work or they are just scam .My friend was telling me about this business last week and i think you and my friend are on the same page regarding this business .Thank you very much for this post ,it opened my eyes on the whole situation .Good job Mick!

    1. Hi Jim, DFY, easy solution, need no experience. These are trigger words and phrases that people are looking for hoping for a quick fix.

      Most people are only interested in a few bucks here and there because most are youngsters who don’t really know what they want.

      If you were interested in starting a business online then these products should be the last thing on your minds.

      Thank you for your support.

  3. I always think that using DFY programs to make money online or for any purpose is not okay. If you purchase it, you literally learn nothing about building an online business on your own. What if the founders decide to shut down the service one day, and your business will go off too? I cannot accept that my online faces any risky & dangerous practices like Commission Magnets.

    Thanks for sharing today. It’s comprehensive and easy to get your points.

    1. Hey Matt, thanks for stopping by and yes DFY products do not work in my eyes, certainly not long term anyway.

      A very important point you brought up there is what happens if/when the product stops running for whatever reason.

      Once again thanks for commenting on this commission magnets review, your support is very much appreciated.

  4. Great to see someone looking out for hte general public with these things. At one point I was searching around for these schemes – I just wanted to understand how to make money online and it was so difficult to find somewhere where there wasn’t someone trying to fleece me for a thousand quid (which by the way I don’t have). Luckily I was savvy enough to know most of these schemes were too good to be true but others may not be so lucky.

    Thanks for sharing this and I’m sure it has helped a whole lot of people to understand affiliate marketing better and make better choices when considering these schemes! 🙂

  5. I’ve seen so many of these DFY products like Commission Magnets, with very simlar sales pages. You never know if the author’s story is real but certainly helps to sell the product. When I see overhyped figures and a ridiculous amount of content for very little money, alarm bells ring! Even Amazon has better commission rates with a vast wealth of good products. I agree the best way to get started is with Wealthy Affiliate. You not only get great training, but excellent support. Thank you for reviewing Commission Magnets as hopefully it serves to warn any newbies before they get their credit card out!:)

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