Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review – Great course but far too expensive!

Welcome to my Affiliate Marketing Mastery review

If you have been looking for ways to make money online then you have probably come in touch with Ivan Manu.

A popular guy who is prepared to share his knowledge for a price but the main question on your mind is can he be trusted?

Does his course deliver on his promises?

One thing that is for certain is that affiliate marketing is a very popular method for making passive income online.

Done in the right manner can be very rewarding so how does Ivan Manu and Affiliate Marketing Mastery stack up?

This is why you are here and in the next few minutes you will have enough information to move forward one way or the other.

The problem you are going to find is the vast amount of people all telling you their way is the better way.

That’s why good research like you are doing now is the only way to elude the scams and to find legit opportunities that you can believe in.

Don’t stop here with just the one review, dig further until you are as sure as you can be.

But, before we get started we’d like to disclose that we aren’t associated with Ivan Mana or his Affiliate Marketing Mastery course in any way.

This means simply means that we aren’t about to pitch or sell you anything.

What you will get from us is a clear, concise and unbiased review of all the facts.

That way you can decide for yourself whether this affiliate marketing course is right for you or not.

With that said, let’s begin!

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Ivan Mana affiliate marketing mastery review

Product: Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Founder: Ivan Mana

Website: www.ivanmana.com

Product Description: Affiliate Marketing Mastery course

Cost to join: $1997

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: There is no way of getting away from the fact that affiliate marketing is a very popular way of making money online.

This can be seen by the enormous number of products and systems out there all claiming they are doing it better than the next person.

Well, Ivan Mana is not some product vendor with a secret method that nobody else is using.

It’s just the same method that has been repackaged many times before with a different price tag and an expensive one at that.

Ivana Mana comes across as a genuine person who doesn’t like to brag about his wealth not as many others do.

The course is creditable but he uses Clickbank products as well as a paid traffic method which will cost you if you are a complete beginner.

All the same, you are here to find out whether this price tag is warranted and whether his method is a good one or not.

An Alternative Solution: This method of affiliate marketing uses the SEO method which is free and will save you a ton of money.

This means you will not have to pay for traffic, as you do in the affiliate marketing mastery course.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review – Table Of Contents

    1. What is Affiliate Marketing Mastery About?
    2. Who is Ivan Mana?
    3. How it Works And What You Get With Affiliate Marketing Mastery
    4. Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery a Scam?
    5. What we Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery
    6. What we Don’t Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery
    7. Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review -Final Thoughts!
    8. Where do we go From Here?
    9. Affiliate Marketing Mastery FAQs
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Affiliate Marketing Mastery?

Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an in-depth training course brought to you by Ivan Mana

Not to be confused with Stefan Jame’s affiliate marketing course under the same name.

A successful affiliate marketer who guides you through the whole process step by step of how he created a seven-figure business.

Affiliate marketing mastery is a course that teaches you how to make money through promoting Clickbank products.

If you didn’t know, Clickbank is one of the many affiliate networks that you can go to free of charge and promote products that they promote.

Now Clickbank products are not like they used to be simply because there are too many affiliate networks offering similar and better products.

Not that you won’t find “some” decent products if you look and choose the right products carefully.

However, this course will work for other affiliate networks and not just Clickbank products so bear that in mind.

This course is not to be confused with Stefan Jame’s course under the same name.

He calls it “The ladder to success” in which there are 3 steps!

There are many ways to adopt the affiliate marketing model and this is just one of them.

This method focuses on paid traffic through Facebook, Google and Bing ads which add to the already hefty price tag of $1997.

Which we feel is beyond most people’s budget and besides, there are many alternatives that are much more affordable and can provide better results.

Check out this training platform that is much more cost-effective and with many success stories since 2005.

Who is Ivan Mana?

Ivan Mana is the creator of the Ivan Mana affiliate marketing mastery review - Ivan Mana

affiliate marketing mastery course and is relatively new to the industry.

He started in 2017 like many of us do by watching Youtube videos and finding out what worked and what didn’t.

He then did a lot of research and found out what worked for him and decided to create his own course to pass on to others who were struggling.

If it’s a quick solution that you are looking for then let me tell you there aren’t any, no matter what people tell you.

No push button, done for you systems here and if you do come across any I would suggest making a wide berth because they simply do not work.

You are always going to have to get your hands dirty and work hard, to make even this Ivan Mana course work.

Even though Ivan started in 2017 he has certainly had to work hard to get where he is today.

We know that he has achieved so much in such a short space of time but that doesn’t mean you can’t, right?

Due to his success and familiarity, he has managed to create and grow a Youtube channel with over 47k subscribers.

We would suggest checking his channel out here because you can find a lot of free stuff and besides you will get a feel for who he really is.

In fact last count he had well over 500 videos on there.

So, let’s continue and see what you get with the affiliate marketing mastery course.

How it Works And What You Get With The Affiliate Marketing Mastery Course

This is a step-by-step course that anybody should be able to follow.

It will take you through the whole process in this particular method from selecting the right product to creating campaigns, tracking etc

We have highlighted the three-step process and all that comes with this course.

What you get with the course…

Module #1 – Course Introduction

A quick overview of what you can expect from the course with Ivan telling you about his experiences and how he got to where he is now.

    • What the course entails
    • About Ivan and his journey so far
    • Entry into the private Facebook group

Module #2 – What is affiliate marketing

This short section covers the basics of what affiliate marketing is and the different methods that can be executed.

    • An overview of what affiliate marketing is
    • The various method to make money with affiliate marketing

Module #3 – Step one of the ladder…Let’s get started

    • Selecting the right product to promote
    • How to find winning Clickbank products
    • How to set up a tracking link for the offer
    • How to set up a sales tracking
    • Creating a paid ad campaign
    • Errors associated with landing pages
    • Learning how to use tracking tokens
    • The system overview. A look at the dashboard!
    • How to use the keyword planner
    • Ways to do keyword research
    • Ensuring your ad campaign stands out amongst the competition
    • Finalizing the ad that you will be using
    • What numbers you should be looking at
    • How to avoid certain search terms from showing your ad
    • How to optimize your campaigns
    • How to scale your winning campaigns
    • How to finetune your campaigns
    • Case study

Module #4 – Step two of the ladder

    • What is a landing page and why do we need one
    • Building out our landing page
    • Optimizing the landing page for mobiles
    • Setting up a custom domain
    • Setting up tracking for our new page
    • How to create and edit Bing ads
    • How to create and edit Google ads
    • How to set up sales tracking with Google ads
    • How to make your ads and landing pages more relevant
    • Landing page optimization tip to help boost conversions
    • Bing ads case study
    • Google ads case study

Module #5 – Step three of the ladder…Finishing process! 

    • Email opt-in and why we are adding one
    • Adding an email opt-in
    • Creating a thank you page
    • Setting up opt-in tracking
    • Setting up customer email
    • Adding the email to the autoresponder
    • Creating an email sequence
    • Setting up email tracking
    • Integrating landing page with autoresponder
    • Editing Bing ad campaigns
    • Setting up Bing ad conversion tracking
    • Editing Google ad campaigns
    • Setting up Google ad conversion tracking

Module #6 – Conclusion

    • Thank you and where do we go now
    • List of resources used within the course

Additional costs to take on board…

    • Autoresponder
    • Landing page creator
    • Tracking software
    • Microsoft Bing Ads
    • Google Ads

If you check the software tools that Ivan suggests using then this will take your course fee to around $3461 and that is without paid traffic taken into consideration.

    • Course fee – $1997
    • Tools – $1464
    • Paid traffic – These costs can get out of hand

If your ad campaigns don’t start performing and they won’t in the early days then you are going to have to add more money to that amount.

Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery a SCAM?

Definitely not, Ivan Mana is a genuine person who worked it all out and found out how to make money online.

It might not be how we do things but hey this method does work.

The only problem we have is the cost of the course and that you have to pay for traffic.

The course is aimed at the complete beginner which means that person will often be on a budget.

It’s all very well watching Ivan take you through the process and it does look easy but like all things good there is more to it than meets the eye.

However, if affiliate marketing is something you want to get involved with then it could be a decent course to get started with.

But if your budget is a little on the low side then you might like to check out a training platform that I have been a part of since 2017.

Is Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What we Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery

  • Ivan Mana does appear to be a genuine person who wants to help people trying to find their way in the affiliate marketing industry.
  • The course is comprehensive and covers pretty much everything you would need to know to earn your first few bucks.

The course even goes into Microsoft Bing ads and Google ads which can be a bit of a nightmare when first starting out.

  • There’s a full refund policy in effect which you can take advantage of within the first 30 days if you feel this is not for you.

What we Don’t Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery

  • We are not a lover of Clickbank because there are too many products that are not worth your time and effort promoting.

Clickbank was the first affiliate network to come on stream and where you found everybody’s product.

Nowadays this has been diluted somewhat and you have to research the product properly.

  • The course is far too expensive and what is not covered are the additional costs that you will have to take into consideration for paid traffic etc.

The course is $2k and by the time you start earning if at all you do that will exceed $3k pretty quickly.

  • The focus is on paid traffic which unfortunately is what most of these courses rely on.

The reason is simply to speed up the process and to get you earning as quickly as possible, but we can assure you there will be nothing quick about this.

Yes, you might be making sales but you will probably be in deficit, meaning that you will need more sales before you even break even.

Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review – Final Thoughts!

We hope that this Ivan Mana Affiliate Marketing Mastery review has provided you with enough information.

To determine whether you should go ahead and move forward with this course or at least research it further.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models for creating passive income streams.

We have nothing against this course other than the overall costs which we have highlighted and that it could easily go into several thousand dollars.

We hope you realize that results are not going to come fast and that you will have to work hard to get the results that you are looking for.

The course is well laid out but we won’t be recommending it due to the costs which are going to be out of reach of most people.

If affiliate marketing is a business that still interests you then we’d love to share with you our recommendation in the next section.

Where do we go From Here?

This is not only a course but a community where everything is under one roof.

The main difference between Ivan’s course and this is that you will be taught SEO or search engine optimization which is finding traffic for free.

Since 2005 this training company has had over 2 million members with many success stories and of course a number of failures.

But this goes with the territory, right?

If you apply the training and take action then it is only a matter of time before you see success but the big thing is not to give in.

We see far too many people giving in when success may just be around the corner.

This training platform will cost you nothing to look at, which means if you don’t feel it is right for you then just call it a day.

Everything in this training platform is there, you just need to give yourself the chance.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Affiliate Marketing Mastery FAQs

Here we have compiled some important questions that we thought you might think about asking.

  1. Do you think the course is worth the $1997 price tag?

The course is very comprehensive and covers a lot but affiliate marketing is not something new.

You can find everything that this course provides on the internet for free.

In fact, if you check Ivan’s Youtube channel with over 500 videos we are sure most of what the course provides you can find here.

  1. How much will I really need to make this work?

One thing that these product creators tend to leave out is the additional costs that it will take if you want to follow the course to the tee.

We have mentioned according to the instruction from Ivan that this venture could easily cost you $3-$5 thousand.

  1. Do I have to pay the full amount in one lump sum?

Unfortunately, there are no instalments so it’s going to cost you the full amount of $1997.

  1. Is there a refund?

There is a full refund which covers the first 30 days but if you decide to go for this then we’d suggest not leaving it till the last minute.

  1. How long will it take to start making money?

This is a question that is always asked and there really is no definitive answer that can be given.

One thing for certain is that this is not a push-button, done-for-you system where all you have to do is press a few buttons.

No, you are going to have to work and work hard because results are going to take time.

  1. Is Ivan Mana a trustworthy person?

We think he is and you can test the water by checking out his Youtube channel here.

  1. Do you have any alternative recommendations?

We do have an alternative recommendation that is extremely cost-effective which you can check out here.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed this review and if there is anything you’d like to add then please feel free to add your questions below and we’ll get back to you.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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