The Zero Hour Work Days Review – A Misleading Shortcut to Success or SCAM?

The Zero Hour Work Days Review

Welcome to The Zero Hour Work Days Review.

Here we are with yet another Brendan Mace production that claims to have all the answers from another done for you system by copy and pasting.

The Zero Hours Work Days is an online program designed to teach users how to generate significant income through affiliate marketing with minimal daily effort.

The core promise of the program is enticing: earn up to $10,000 per month by working just 15-20 minutes a day.

This bold claim has attracted attention and curiosity, particularly among those looking for flexible and efficient ways to make money online.

If you are familiar with Brendan then you will know he is a very likeable person who is well respected in the online community, but you want to know about the product and not the person himself, right?

I’m sure you have noticed and probably come across many Zero Hour Work Days Reviews painting a one-sided account.

That is because you have hit on an affiliate marketers website hoping to make a sale and a commission, but you won’t find that here.

What you will get from this review is an unbiased account giving you both sides of the coin so that you can make up your own mind whether this product is worth a punt or not.

What I will say before we get into this review is that affiliate marketing is a very lucrative way of making money online.

So without further ado, let’s dive in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Zero Hour Work Days may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

Zero Hour Work Days Review- Summary

Product: Zero Hour Work Days

Founder: Brendan Mace

Product Description: DFY Affiliate Marketing

Price of product: $0.00 as of this review plus 3 upsells which you don’t need.

Recommended: No

Summary: This product gives you all the basics to succeed but it will take a lot of hard work on your behalf and not something that will happen overnight.

If you are looking for a training platform that actually works and is helping thousands to make 5 and 6 figure monthly incomes?

The Zero Hour Work Days Review - Wealthy Affiliate

Zero Hour Work Days Review- TOC

    1. What is Zero Hour Work Days about and who are the founders?
    2. Who is Zero Hour Work Days for?
    3. How does Zero Hour Work Days work?
    4. Zero Hour Work Days prices and features
    5. Zero Hour Work Days Red Flags to watch out for!
    6. Is Zero Hour Work Days a SCAM or LEGIT?
    7. What We Like -Zero Hour Work Days Review
    8. What We Don’t Like – Zero Hour Work Days Review
    9. Zero Hour Work Days: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Zero Hour Work Days about and who are the Founders?

the zero hour work days review - main consoleZero Hour Work Days is another done for you affiliate marketing training system from Brendan Mace.

A catchy name and it is possible but to get there will take time.

The method used is based around Email Marketing, where you build a list of subscribers and over time when those subscribers trust you, you should be able to send them offers and hopefully, you will make sales.

That’s the theory anyway, but it is not that straightforward and takes time.

Trust is the operative word here because without it those subscribers will unsubscribe from your list as quickly as they joined.

You will notice that Brendan is a confident guy and has been doing this for a number of years now and has the knack of making you think that using this system will be a walk in the park.

Far from it but we’ll get to that a little later.

Who is Zero Hour Work Days for?

What you aren’t going to find are experienced affiliate marketers joining this type of program, so basically, it’s a system designed with the newbie to the “Make Money Online” niche in mind.

To get this to work you will need some education and it isn’t going to be a matter of just pressing a few buttons.

Brendan gives you the basis just like most training products online and it’s how and what you do with this information that will take you to the next level.

How does Zero Hour Work Days work?

Email marketing is the method here and a great method but for it to be effective is has to be done in the right manner.

Brendan talks about using Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing to build your list, which is the quickest method, which can cost you a fortune if you don’t know what you are doing.

Without traffic, nobody is going to see your promotional offers and you don’t have a business and of course, you won’t be able to build your email list either.

What about the promotional offer that needs to be part of your campaign?

Many affiliate marketers build their email lists by offering “FREEBIES” because people love “FREE” but according to Brendan those subscribers will expect free stuff all the time and when you do start trying to sell them something they will switch off and unsubscribe.

He has a point but it’s how you treat your list throughout their stay that determines what happens. Trying to sell them something straight off the bat isn’t going to work anyway. 

Brendan doesn’t go into too much detail about promotional offers except to talk briefly about where to get these offers from.

He mentions WarriorPlus which is an affiliate network that Brendan uses to market his products like Zero Hour Work Days.

You could use ClickBank, Jvzoo, CJ Affiliate amongst many others and finding the right product to promote is an entire topic of its own.

Selecting the right product is essential because there is a load of junk out there.

What is PPC marketing?

PPC or Pay per click is where you pay each time a person clicks on your offer.

So if a click = 30 cents and 3 people click on your offer but do nothing else then that would cost you 90 cents whether they took your offer or not.

See how this could become expensive and I am only giving small figures as examples.

Brendan talks about paying for traffic at a minimum of 30 cents per click which is great if you can get it at that price but highly unlikely.

He also goes on to say that the capture lead page that he will create for you at a price has a 55% success rate. So for every 3 potential subscribers, 1 subscriber will go onto your list.

In the real world that rarely happens unless you are tweaking the campaigns and that comes with experience.

There are many paid advertising methods you can use but Brendan talks about using…

    • Facebook Ads
    • Solo Ads

Facebook Ads are pretty much straightforward and you might have got that type of deal a while back but things have moved on somewhat nowadays.

Solo Ads are something that I would not recommend.

This is where you pay someone who has a list and he/she will send your campaign to their list.

These can be very expensive and I have found them extremely untrustworthy in the past.

Just think about it, those lists will be bombarded constantly with promotional offers and what you will find are those subscribers getting a little peeved and leaving in their droves only to be replaced by more subscribers.

To Recap how this all works

    1. Purchase an autoresponder, Aweber, GetResponse etc
    2. Find a promotional offer, Clickbank, WarriorPlus etc
    3. Create a campaign
    4. Promote your offer through PPC, Facebook ads, Bing etc
    5. Build your email list
    6. Communicate with your list by sending out emails to get trust
    7. Send them promotional offers and hopefully get paid

Obviously, there are additional costs here but the big cost is going to be what you pay for your PPC marketing.

Zero Hour Work Days Prices and Features 

At the moment you can actually purchase this product for $0.00, yes which is FREE but when you purchase Zero Hour Work Days there is a message saying that the price will go up after a period of time.

Not sure what that means as nothing did happen.

The video training that comes with this product…

    • Zero Hour Work Days Guide
    • How to Access Upgrades
    • Free Traffic Sources
    • Trading Traffic
    • Buying Traffic
    • Recommended Sellers
    • Lead Capture Page
    • Collecting Subscribers
    • Affiliate Promotions
    • Bigger Commission Sales
    • Case Study #1
    • Case Study #2
    • Case Study #3

Plus a bunch of free resources

    • How to Make $3,200 in Your Spare Time
    • Social Sharing Control
    • PreLaunch Mode Plugin
    • Setting up Your First Website
    • Getting Startup Cash
    • Simple 5 Minute Promotions
    • Make Quick Cash Off Twitter

There are currently 3 upsells that aren’t shoved in your face as most products do, but Brendan does mention them a few times within the video training, especially his coaching.

  1. 40 email swipes, priced @ $37.00

These email swipes are what Brendan uses and are used to connect with the subscriber to reinforce a trust that is required which would be part of the autoresponder and sent out periodically.

  1. Lead capture page, priced @ $67.00

For this, you get a high-converting capture page which according to Brendan converts at 55%.

What you also get as part of this deal is access to WP Profit Builder which is a great landing page tool and that is for life.

  1. Brendan’s coaching course, priced @ $1997.00 

If you feel that you need additional advice then you could pay for Brendan’s services, but I’m not sure what value you would get here or whether you’d be able to get in contact with him and it would cost you dearly.

Zero Hour Work Days: Red Flags to Watch out For!

When you are talking about products The zero hour work days review - Red flagslike “Zero Hour Work Days” which come with a very low price tag, then looking for red flags isn’t so important providing you aren’t bombarded with upsell after upsell.

In fact, this product is currently free.

The Sale Page is a little corny and all based around Brendan travelling around the world and having a great time.

Check out the title… $9,259.74 Per Month with Zero Hour Work Days

Established as he is then $9,259.74 per month minimum is possible, but remember he has many years experience and that email list of his has been building too many thousands.

Always take the Sales Page with a pinch of salt and do your own research first.

Is Zero Hour Work Days a SCAM or LEGIT?

Zero Hour Work Days is definitely not Should I purchase Project Profit Academya scam but a legitimate product, and providing you followed the steps correctly and had the determination to succeed then who knows what you could achieve.

Don’t be misled, that DFY systems are pushbutton systems to easy cash because they are far from it and they certainly aren’t going to work overnight.

It’s right what they say “that the money is in the list” but to get the right list is not easy, far from it.

The basis of email marketing is not going to change but what will is the strategy you use to get traffic to build that list and that comes with experience.

This product does come with a 60-day money-back guarantee but as of this review, the product is free so nothing to lose here.

Zero Hour Work Days Review - Wealthy Affiliate

What We Like –Zero Hour Work Days Review

There are always a few things that you arewhat I like about zero hour work days not going to like about a product, no matter how good it claims to be and here I highlight a few things that I like about this particular product.

  1. Extremely low price at the moment because it is FREE but that might change at any moment.
  1. Brendan Mace knows his stuff and has been around a number of years and is well regarded within the online community.
  1. Email marketing is a proven strategy and the methods behind it are not going to change.
  1. There is a money-back guarantee

What We Don’t Like -Zero Hour Work Days Review

When a product is for such a small what I don't like about Project Profit Academyoutlay then you can’t expect too much, and that can be seen throughout because the method he is teaching you as been done many times before.

  1. Whilst this product was designed around the newbie it is going to take a lot of hard work to see any returns.
  1. Solo Ads are talked about a lot and like I mentioned earlier not the right way to go for your PPC marketing.
  1. Email lists are difficult to build and require a lot of trust between your subscriber and yourself which can only be built over time.
  1. I would not recommend a done for you system.

It would be more advisable to find the right training that teaches you everything that you’d need to know about affiliate marketing.

  1. Basic training that doesn’t go into great details

Lacking detail which leads me to believe that Brendan is trying to offload his coaching training.

Zero Hour Work Days: Final Thoughts!

I am not recommending this product simply because of the real lack of detailed training and the claims that a newbie could be earning good money in a short period of time which is untrue.

Brendan Mace talks about paying for his coaching which as it currently stands is $1997.00 and the level I see with this product for me would not be worth the money.

Shortcut’s to amazing wealth just do not work because I have tried them and the only way to go if affiliate marketing is something that interests you is to find the right training platform.

One that comes highly recommended with over 2 million members that have come through the training and with plenty of great positive reviews is  Wealthy Affiliate.

There are only 2 memberships, FREE with no credit card details and Paid with no upsells.

Even if you become a paid member @ $49.00 / month that’s approximately 3.5 years of top quality training that you can’t find anywhere on the internet compared to coaching from Brendan Mace.

Join on Black Friday and you get a full years membership for $299.00, that’s the best affiliate marketing training online for less than $1 a day.

Check it out here and if you think there is too much work to take on then just call it a day. Remember this, building any type of business takes time and plenty of hard work.

1-2 years down the road and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about!

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

OK, if you are here then I guess that I grabbed your attention and you enjoyed The Zero Hours Work Days Review and if you did then why not share this amongst your friends.

Remember this, I only recommend products and systems that I would use myself and there aren’t that many of them online.

Any questions no matter what they are please add them in the comments sections and I will get back to you at my earliest.

Until next time, stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

10 thoughts on “The Zero Hour Work Days Review – A Misleading Shortcut to Success or SCAM?”

  1. Hey Mick,

    Thanks for putting this review together. I was thinking of trying out Brendan’s latest offering, and now I’m having second thoughts…

    It just sounds too good to be true, and you know what that usually means…

    In any case, I’m considering looking a little more at this Wealthy Affiliate business you mentioned. Maybe I’ll find that to be a good fit…

    Thanks again,


  2. ‘The money is in the list!’ we all know that great lists do not magically appear with zero-hours-worked.
    The title is very misleading because even when you have a list, you still need to source great offers that will appeal to your audience and put them together in a way that is appealing enough for your list members to buy.
    This is the first offer of this kind that I have heard of being given away for free. I don’t quite get what is happening here? Maybe he’s hoping to make money in the upsells?
    It doesn’t sound like he is offering anything new in this training, and as you say, most of this information has been around for a while and can probably be found on the internet for free.
    Thanks for the review, and I’m going to give this one a miss.

    1. Hey Andrew, yes, maybe he is trying to make a sale on an upsell because to see those upsells you have to be a member. Just another marketing ploy!

      Like most of these so-called opportunities, they have been repeated over and over again and this will continue.

      I did mention the coaching which is a staggering $1997.00 and for what? If it’s coaching that you want, there is a training platform I would highly recommend and that’s Wealthy Affiliate. There is literally everything you would ever need to know about affiliate marketing and for an absolute steal compared to Brendan’s coaching.

      Anyway, thanks for your comments.

  3. Hi, Funny I just read about Zero Hour Work Days Review yesterday and now I come here to your post and read this article. I happy to have read this one because I thought they were great and legit but it doesn’t seem to…
    Thank you for sharing, and about PPC marketing as well I needed a refresh on this one.

    1. Hey Lyne, the zero hour work days is what we are all trying to achieve and to get there takes a lot of hard work, but a newbie coming into the MMO space will see the inflated income results and think this is their ticket to instant wealth.

      All these gurus are doing is preying on the ones who haven’t a clue how affiliate marketing works.

      Email marketing is just one aspect of affiliate marketing so wouldn’t it be wiser to find a training platform where you can learn this along with a ton of other stuff as well?

      Wealthy Affiliate is that platform and doesn’t cost a bean to check out, with no credit card details entered and no upsells.

      If you want to take this serious, then why not pay the monthly fee but pay upfront and cost drop dramatically. Wait till Black Friday and then it will cost you less than $1 a day for life. There is no better training platform and it will not be beaten for price.

      Thank you for your support.

  4. Attributed to several people is the quote Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. When I started reading your review I thought it would be about something like this. 🙂

    We see it a lot, don’t we? Someone has worked his but off and put his system in place and then only communicates about the result, not about the effort put into it.

    I often find it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, so I welcome reviews like yours to save me from making wrong decisions. Thank you so much.

    1. Hey Hannie, thanks for stopping by and reading the zero hour work days review.

      Telling someone about all the work that is involved would not be a wise thing for these gurus to say, don’t you think?

      I keep saying, “If it sounds too good to be true…” but do people listen.

      Thank you for the comment and support which is very much appreciated.

  5. Hi, Mick,

    Thank you for this detailed review.

    I believe email marketing is still a good method to make money online but it definitely should be done very carefully to not get people unsubscribing from your list.

    PPC could work but most definitely not in the very beginning so I would rather stay away from anyone promising results overnight.

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