Nucamp Review – Nucamp Review – Transform Your Career with Nucamp: Affordable and Flexible Coding Bootcamp Success For 2024

Nucamp review

Welcome to this Nucamp review.

An IT training boot camp that is helping to bring IT skills to people without university degrees and the lack of academic qualifications.

IT skills will always be in big demand, you just have to take a look at job sites like Jobserve to get an indication of this.

As you can see web development which happens to be one of the skills taught at Nucamp.

There are over a hundred thousand jobs in the US alone in the last 7 days.

If you are looking for help in bridging the education and skills gap then the Nucamp Bootcamp is certainly worth a look.

Coming from a background of many years as a freelance software developer I understand only too much about the demand in IT.

The IT industry is forever evolving so it makes sense for people wanting a career in the tech industry.

But before we get started we’d just like to set the record straight that we are not associated with Nucamp in any way.

That means we aren’t getting paid for this Nucamp review.

What this also means is that we will provide you with an honest, unbiased account with enough information.

That you can take away with and make an educated decision on whether the IT industry is what you really want a career in.

With that said, let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Nucamp Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Nucamp Review – Summary

Product: Nucamp

Founder: Ludovic Fourrage


Product Description: IT Bootcamp

Cost to join: $349 – $3,839

Recommended: Yes

Summary: Technology is and always will be an industry where many skills will always be in big demand.

If it wasn’t for companies like Nucamp then careers within the IT industry would just not be accessible for most people.

I know just how much IT courses can cost especially at universities where you will be looking at tens of thousands of dollars.

Nucamp Review – Table Of Contents

    1. What is Nucamp About?
    2. What do They Teach at Nucamp?
    3. Who is Nucamp For?
    4. How Much Does it Cost to Join Nucamp?
    5. Is Nucamp a Scam?
    6. Nucamp Review – PROS and CONS
    7. Nucamp Review – Conclusion
    8. How we Make Passive Income Online?
    9. Nucamp Review – FAQs
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Nucamp?

Nucamp is one of many boot camps that are online, providing a mechanism for people who aren’t so fortunate to find careers in IT.

Such as web development, systems analysis, data analysis and computer programming just to name a few.

It was founded in 2016 by Ludovic Fourrage to help bring IT skills to people who weren’t so fortunate as to go to university to get a degree.

After working for many years at Microsoft in various management roles he decided that help was required in bridging the gap.

The first Nucamp Coding Bootcamp started in Tacoma, Washington and was met by many aspiring students with a lot of heart and potential.

They felt that they were ignored and left out of the digital economy due to where they lived or/and their economic status.

So Nucamp was developed into a superior training platform accessible by everyone nationwide with unrivalled value.

Nucamp can be accessed in over 150 cities and towns in the US which are affordable and accessible by everyone.

Its mission is to bring affordable, high-quality training to everyone.

What do They Teach at Nucamp?

Nucamp bootcamps provided

The number of Nucamp boot camps that you can apply for is divided into 4 individual skill sets which we have highlighted in this section.

All the courses can be taken at your own pace and are currently online and you can also get support throughout the week.

On Saturday there are live classes although you will still be linking in remotely.

All the courses are currently restricted to 15 students per class.

All of these skill sets are in big demand and I give you an indication of just how big, later in this section.

Nucamp Bootcamps are for everyone so let’s take a closer look.

Web Development Fundamentals Bootcamp

Many people just don’t have any technical skills at all and this boot camp will give you the fundamentals and set you up for the other courses that are provided.

This is a 4-week intensive online course that will give you enough knowledge to continue on the next course.

No previous knowledge is required.

    • Week #1 – Introduction to the course and tools
    • Week #2 – HTML and CSS
    • Week #3 – Introduction to JavaScript
    • Week #4 – Advanced JavaScript

The course is split into four sections with a brief description below…

HTML – HyperText Markup Language 

The hypertext markup language is the industry-standard programming language for creating all web pages and web applications.

HTML is normally known as a static language meaning that to change the web page you would have to physically edit and change the code.

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading style sheets work in conjunction with the web pages created through the markup language.

Is a way of centralizing the way web pages are presented to the reader such as layouts, fonts, colours etc

That takes away having to modify the HTML as this can all be done through the CSS.


JavaScript is probably the most widely used programming language that allows the developer to create dynamic web pages.

Somewhere in the region of 96% of websites use JavaScript.

There are other languages used but JavaScript in my mind will always be the main language.

JavaScript developers are always in big demand, just take a look at how many roles there are in the last 7 days.

Visual Studio

Probably one of the most widely used development platforms which you will use to write programming code.

As well as all the other useful things that Visual Studio provides, especially what extensions are and how they can increase productivity.

For a full breakdown of the entire course, you can find it on the website here.

Back End, SQL, DevOps, Developer with Python Bootcamp

This is a 16-week course that concentrates on the back end which is the database, where all the data is stored and how to access that data.

By using programming languages like Python and SQL.

Broken down into 3 sections…

    • Section #1 – Python fundamentals, data structures and algorithms
    • Section #2 – SQL and Python
    • Section #3 – Software engineering and DevOps

In this Bootcamp, you will learn about technologies and their Apps…

    • Python Programming Language
    • Data Structures
    • Algorithms
    • Postgre SQL
    • Docker
    • Flask and Django
    • SDLC (Software development life cycle)
    • CI/CD
    • DevOps
    • Amazon Web Services
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google Cloud/Firestore

For a full breakdown of the entire course, you can find it on the website here.

You can get a feel for the demand for back-end developers here.

Front End Web and Mobile Developer Bootcamp

Here we have a 17-week course that is spread across 12 projects where you will need a working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

This also comes in 3 sections…

    • Section #1 – Front-end web UI framework, bootstrap
    • Section #2 – Front-end JavaScrip library, React
    • Section #3 – Multiplatform mobile app development with React Native

Expect to learn…

    • Responsive with Bootstrap
    • Web Development with React
    • Mobile Development with React Native
    • Visual Studio
    • Packaging and Compiling
    • Git and GitHub

For a full breakdown of the entire course, you can find it on the website here.

You can get a feel for the demand for front-end developers here.
Full Stack Web and Mobile App Developer Bootcamp

This is a combination of all of what you have learned in the front-end and back-end courses.

This will also require that you have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

There are 16 projects to work on so that you can apply what you have learned.

A challenging 22-week course that should get you ready for a rewarding career in IT.

This comes in 4 sections…

    • Section #1 – Front-end web UI framework, bootstrap
    • Section #2 – Front-end JavaScript library, React
    • Section #3 – Multiplatform mobile app development with React Native
    • Section #4 – Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express & MongoDB

You will learn how to

    • Responsive with Bootstrap
    • Web Development with React
    • Mobile Development with React Native
    • Back end with NodeJS
    • Databases and storage
    • Web application architecture
    • Visual studio
    • Packaging and compiling
    • Git and GitHub

For a full breakdown of the entire course, you can find it on the website here.

You can get a feel for the demand for full-stack developers here.

The Complete Software Engineering Bootcamp

This is the course you really want to be taking if you want to give yourself the best chance of finding a great job.

The program is intensive and covers all the skill sets that Nucamp boot camps provide.

Which is also the only course where you don’t have to pay for the first 12 months.

This program whilst intensive is over 11 months which gives you plenty of time to absorb everything been taught.

It also gives you the time to find the money to pay for this course which we believe is less than $4,000 which in our eyes, is a great value.

Here you can look at the program in more detail.

Who is Nucamp For?

Nucamp is basically for anyone 18 years and over who wants to learn an in-demand skill-set and hopefully move into a great career.

IT skills are always going to be in big demand as there are literally thousands of jobs displayed every day.

Demand outstrips supply and will continue whilst the gap between degrees and non-degrees is bridged.

If you are living in an area where you feel that you’ve been left behind, in a low-paying job and don’t have a degree then you are the ideal candidate.

However, knowing what I know through many years as a freelance software developer.

It is no walk in the park and hard-working people will be highly rewarded.

Nucamp Review – Costs Involved

There is only one course that you have to pay upfront for and that’s The Web Development Fundamentals.

As of this review is only $349 if you register on the early bird offer otherwise expect to pay $399.

This is a great course for anybody who has very little or no knowledge of IT technologies.

There are various deals if you apply to the FSA (Fair student agreement) which are based on the below categories.

Back End, SQL, DevOps, Developer with Python / Front End Web + Mobile Developer

  1. Best Deal (by Nucamp)

4 * $385 starting the first day of the course totalling $1,540 which is also interest-free. 

  1. Deferred Payments (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Nothing to pay for the first 4 months, followed by

18 months * $104 – $116 = ($1,872 – $2,088) or

12 months * $155 – $169 = ($1,860 – $2,028)

  1. Faster Repayment  (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Payments begin on the first day of the course

18 months * $103 – $109 = ($1,854 – $1,962) or

12 months * $152 – $158 = ($1,824 – $1,896)

Full Stack Web and Mobile App Developer

  1. Best Deal (by Nucamp)

5 * $388 starting the first day of the course totalling $1,940 which is also interest-free. 

  1. Deferred Payments (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Nothing to pay for the first 5 months, followed by

18 months * $130 – $147 = ($2,340 – $2,646) or

12 months * $192 – $211 = ($2,304 – $2,532)

  1. Faster Repayment  (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Payments begin on the first day of the course

18 months * $128 – $135 = ($2,304 – $2,43012) or

12 months * $189 – $196 = ($2268 – $2,352)

The Complete Software Engineering Bootcamp

This Nucamp Bootcamp is for anyone who has the money and would like to spread the training over 11 months.

It includes all the other Bootcamps.

This is the Bootcamp where you do not have to pay anything for the first 12 months.

  1. Best Deal (by Nucamp)

11 monthly payments * ($349 – $439)  totalling ($3,839 – $4,829) which is also interest-free. 

  1. Deferred Payments (by Ascent) – $100 registration fee

Nothing to pay for the first 12 months, followed by

36 months * $186 = $6,696

  1. Deferred Payments (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Nothing to pay for the first 12 months, followed by

48 months * ($135 = $174) = ($6,480 – $8,352) or

24 months * ($250 – $293) = (6,000 – $7,032)

  1. Faster Repayment  (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

Payments begin on the first day of course

48 months * $128 – $135 = ($2,304 – $2,43012) or

12 months * $189 – $196 = ($2268 – $2,352)

  1. Interest Only  (by Ascent) – $100 registration fee

12 months * $46 = $552 plus

36 months * $168 = $6,048

Total = $6,600

  1. Immediate Repayment  (by Ascent) – $100 registration fee

36 months * $167 = $6,012

  1. Faster Repayment  (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

48 months * ($124 – $146) = ($6,012 – $7,008) OR

24 months * ($226 – $250) = ($5,424 – $6,000)

  1. More Flexible  (by Climb Credit) – $100 registration fee

12 months * ($25 – $70) = ($300 – $840)

48 months * ($124 – $146) = ($5,952 – $7,008) OR

24 months * ($226 – $250) = ($5,424 – $6,000)

At the end of the day, the cost of this Bootcamp can be as low as $3,839 and as high as $8,352.

Is Nucamp a Scam?

Nucamp is definitely not a scam but a legit business providing a way for people with low-paying jobs and without university degrees.

To get those IT skills that can give them high-paying, rewarding careers.

There is a 4.76 out of 5.0 rating on CourseReport based on 1400 reviews from students with a similar rating on Switchup.

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Nucamp Review – PROS and CONS


  • Great Feedback From Past And Present Students:

Across the board, we can see that most of the students gave the training platform nearly a 5 out of 5.

  • Great Opportunities For Everyone:

Technology is an industry that many people would love to work in and for many, it’s just not possible.

Companies like Nucamp make it possible for everybody to be put on a level playing field without having to go to university.

Whilst the Nucamp certificates may not be accredited, many large companies like Microsoft and Google.

Know of Nucamp so is an accredited certificate really necessary?

  • Highly Paid Careers:

We have shown you earlier in this review the demand for the skills taught in the Nucamp Bootcamps.

It’s all about how much you need it!

  • Success With Nucamp:

According to the Nucamp website, around 71% of students find jobs within the first 6 months and we have no reason to disbelieve this.

  • Interest Is Certainly Showing:

The image below shows you the interest that people are taking in Nucamp and the pandemic might have had something to do with it.

But more and more people are now turning to the internet because of availability and costs.

Nowadays, there is no need to go to university and rack up massive debts!

People showing interest


We couldn’t really find anything negative to say about Nucamp but that may change in the foreseeable future.

Nucamp Review – Conclusion!

We believe Nucamp provides some great training and for anybody looking for a way into the IT industry then this could be a great start.

The programs are intensive and the course fees are, we believe, very reasonable with many payment options available to you.

Is Nucamp worth it?

Absolutely it is and to get a better feel for Nucamp Bootcamps and whether it might be for you.

You just need to take a look at the feedback from students past and present.

I spent many years in business as a freelance software developer and had a great life working in other countries.

But decided to give all that up for something else and if you want to know what I do now for a living then please continue to read.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

You might ask if the career I choose was so good then why did I give it all up?

That’s easy, I’d had enough of living out of a suitcase and away from the family.

I turned to the internet like most people do for the answers and eventually settled on affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate is the training company I found to be my mentor, of which  I am still a member and will continue to be.

If you are looking for a way to escape the 9-5 and work on your own terms there is no better way if you want to earn 4 and 5-figure monthly incomes.

No commitment is required here as it is free to look and if you don’t like it then just call it a day, but you won’t know unless you try.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Nucamp Review – FAQs

  1. What is the cost of Nucamp’s coding bootcamps?

Nucamp’s coding bootcamps are designed to be affordable, with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to just over a thousand dollars, depending on the program.

This makes quality coding education accessible to a broader audience.

  1. How flexible are Nucamp’s programs for working professionals?

Nucamp’s programs are part-time and structured to fit around the schedules of working professionals and those with other commitments.

The majority of the learning is online, allowing students to study at their own pace, with weekly live workshops providing additional support and interaction.

  1. What topics are covered in Nucamp’s curriculum?

Nucamp offers a comprehensive curriculum covering various aspects of web development and mobile app development.

Topics include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, React Native, and Python with cybersecurity concepts.

Each program is designed to provide practical, hands-on experience in these areas.

  1. How do Nucamp’s weekly workshops work?

Nucamp’s weekly workshops are live, instructor-led sessions that provide personalized guidance and support.

These workshops are designed to deepen students’ understanding of the material, allow for real-time interaction, and help students apply what they’ve learned through hands-on projects.

  1. What kind of career support does Nucamp offer?

Nucamp provides extensive career services to help students transition into the tech industry.

This includes resume building, job search strategies, interview preparation, and access to a job board.

The goal is to equip students with the tools and confidence needed to secure employment after graduation.

  1. Are there financing options available for Nucamp’s courses?

Yes, Nucamp offers various financing options to make education more accessible.

Students can choose from payment plans, including upfront payments, monthly installments, and deferred payment options, making it easier to manage the cost of their education.

  1. What are the employment outcomes for Nucamp graduates?

Many Nucamp graduates find employment in the tech industry, thanks to the practical skills and comprehensive support provided by the bootcamp.

Graduates leave with a portfolio of real-world projects that showcase their abilities to potential employers, improving their job prospects significantly.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed this review and that you got some benefit.

If you would like to add anything or maybe ask us about freelancing then drop us a line and we will get back to you.

Once again, thank you and stay safe.

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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