Usana Products Review – GREAT Products, BAD Business Model? Tell Us What You Think?

Usana Products Review

Hey Guys, welcome to my Usana Products Reviews

This is a business that adopts a very scientific approach to its nutritional health products.

How did you come across Usana?

Were you approached by one of their associates or did you see their marketing campaigns on social media?

Maybe you were just looking for a little help on the nutritional side, after all, we could all do with some, especially the older we get.

Is it a business opportunity that you are looking for and Usana came up in a Google search?

Whatever the reason, you are here to find out more about Usana and we welcome you to our website.

Where in the next few minutes we hope to address all your questions and thoughts.

But before we get started, we’d just like to mention that we are not affiliated with Usana Health Sciences in any way.

That means we are not getting paid for this Usana review, but what we do promise you is an honest and unbiased account of this business.

So that you are in a better position to make an educated decision as to whether Usana is a legit business or something to avoid.

So less of the chit-chat and let’s get started.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Usana Products Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Usana Products Review – Summary

Product: Usana

Founder: Myron Wentz


Product Description: Health and Wellness MLM

Cost to join: $39

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Usana develops, manufactures and sells an extensive range of nutritional products that can help us transition through age.

You will notice that many people are extremely happy with the products but there are many businesses doing the same thing.

So why choose Usana? That’s why you are here, right?

Usana also offers a business opportunity to anyone who is feeling entrepreneurially minded.

But before you do, we would suggest maybe becoming a preferred customer first to test the products, that way you will know whether they are legit or not.

Before you decide to jump on board you must know that starting and running any business takes a lot of hard work and expense.

If you want to succeed in this type of business (MLM) you need to be a good communicator as well as someone who knows how to recruit.

Ok, even if you aren’t then providing that you are prepared to learn then it is quite possible you could make a success of this business.

However, if it’s a business opportunity that you are looking for with less stress and expense then check out the link below.

Mind you something you will not get away from is having to work hard and if you are prepared for hard work then anything is possible.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Usana Products – Table Of Contents

    1. What is Usana Products About?
    2. Who is The Founder of Usana Products?
    3. Is Usana a Pyramid Scheme
    4. Usana Product Line
    5. Usana Health Sciences Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know
      1. How much does it cost to join Usana?
      2. How to make money with Usana?
      3. Usana Compensation Plan
      4. Are Usana Associates Actually Making Money?
    6. Is Usana a Scam?
    7. Usana PROS and CONS
    8. Usana Products Reviews -Final Thoughts
    9. How we Make Passive Income Online
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is Usana Products About?

Usana is a direct-selling business using science to develop and manufacture its own nutritional products.

That covers and supports the entire body, such as joints, brain, nerves, heart, immune, eye, digestive system, detox and skin condition.

Mind you, before you do take any of the products we would suggest you take some medical advice from your doctor.

The company was founded in 1992 by Myron Wentz who is himself a microbiologist which gives credence to the company’s legitimacy.

If it’s the business opportunity that comes with Usana then we shall be discussing this in more detail a little later in this review.

Something we like to see is “giving back” and we see this with the Usana Foundation which supports over 26 countries in nutritional ways.

What is interesting to note is that Usana acquired the Chinese company BabyCare Ltd in 2010 and expanded its presence.

Three years later they received approval from the Chinese government to be allowed to operate as a network marketing company in several provinces.

For the Chinese authorities to approve this is highly commendable.

In the meantime, you might like to take a look at this YouTube video…

Who is The Founder of Usana Products?

Myron Wentz is the founder and CEO ofUsana Products Review - Myron Wentz

Usana who is a scientist with degrees in biology, microbiology, and immunology.

So you might say he is extremely qualified for taking on such a task.

One thing is for certain is that he doesn’t have a background in sales and therefore the money isn’t the motivation, not like many.

I know that might sound like a bit of a cliche but there are some out there who want to do good in life and guess what, wealth usually comes with it.

He’s first and foremost a scientist who has also established medical institutes in Cambodia, Africa and Mexico.

He is also recognized as a humanitarian and philanthropist.

Prior to Usana, Myron founded Gull Laboratories in 1974 as a one-man crusade to come up with a solution for the Epstein Barr Virus.

Which is part of the herpes family.

He sold this company in 94′ but stayed on as chairman until 98′ when he sold his entire interest.

With the money, he made from that sale, founded Usana Health Sciences.

What came with Gull Laboratories was its parent company Gull  Holdings Ltd and he is the sole owner which is registered in the Isle Of Man.

With links to Liechtenstein both of which are tax havens.

We don’t want to put a damper on things but thought you should know anyway.

He renounced his US citizenship in the mid-’90s and currently resides in St Kitts and Nevis.

In 2007 he was a defendant in a class-action lawsuit brought against Usana by the current shareholders at the time.

Allegations made were that the Usana business model was not sustainable and that it amounted to a pyramid scheme.

Is Usana Products a Pyramid Scheme?

Well reading that last statement in the previousIs Usana a pyramid scheme

section might suggest that Usana is a pyramid scheme but that wasn’t proven.

But it just goes to show that MLMs are treading on thin air.

Based on that outcome then Usana is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme but could be working as a pyramid scheme in disguise.

After all, bonuses and discounts are mainly based on your downline which is the team that you will be recruiting. More on that in a moment! 

Just for clarity on what a Pyramid Scheme is…

An MLM that operates in a manner where the affiliates or distributors are paid only for recruiting would be declared illegal.

Sometimes these businesses operate where there is some form of training, a product or a service, however, they don’t have any real intrinsic value.

This is a way to hide the fact that they are operating illegally.

These businesses tend to get away with it because there are so many of them doing the same thing.

In most countries this type of business is illegal and some go to prison for many years, a country top of that list would be China.

The  Federal Trade Commission has compiled a report about MLMs in general which you can read here.

Why aren’t these MLMs getting closed down?

There are so many MLMs that operate in this manner and because there are so many it takes time for the FTC to get around and investigate them.

After all, they only have a limited resource of people to investigate and by the time they get around to doing anything about it.

The company under investigation usually closes down and reopens as some other company probably doing the same thing but using a different name.

You might like to check out this short video…

Usana Products Line

At the end of the day, your success is dependent on the products and whether they are as good as they claim.

That’s why we always recommend joining as a preferred customer first so that you can test the products yourself.

Below are products that are featured on the website.

Usana Products Review - Featured products

It has been Wentz’s life mission to help people, and through scientific research.

They have managed to develop a wide range of advanced nutritional products.

At Usana, the products are grouped into several categories…

    • Nutritionals
    • Skincare
    • Active Nutrition
    • Healthy Living
    • Business Tools
    • Usana Gear

These are also grouped into bodily benefits where there are nutrients to cover pretty much every part of the body…

    • Total Body Health
    • Bone and Joint Health
    • Brain and Nerve Health
    • Heart Health
    • Immune Health
    • Digestive Health
    • Eye Health
    • Healthy Energy
    • Healthy Weight
    • Detox Support
    • Men’s Health
    • Women’s Health
    • Skin Health

Here are the 5 top-selling products at Usana…

The current best selling products at Usana

  • USANA Cellsentials 

Are 2 products Vita-Antioxidant and Core Minerals which are one of their top sellers with a 5-star rating?

A triple-action cellular nutrition system that comes with a 28-day supply formulated to protect, nourish and renew cellular health.

Preferred price – $54.95

  • USANA BioMega 

Eating oily fish is recommended because of the omega nutrients that are present but for ones whose intake isn’t regular enough.

Then this high-quality fish oil supplement can help to benefit the bones and joints, brain and nerves, eyes, heart and skin.

This supply comes with 56 capsules.

Preferred price – $24.95

  • Fibergy Active 

This blend of soluble and insoluble fibres is specifically for helping to keep a healthy stomach.

Can also help in weight management by taking away the hunger feeling with no added sugars or artificial ingredients.

It comes in 28 servings which you can add to water or any other beverage that you like.

Preferred price – $33.00

  • Proflavanol C100 and C200

C100 is an advanced vitamin C supplement that can help benefit the brain and nerve health, heart, immune and skin health.

Comes with a supply of 56 capsules with a preferred price of $43.95

C200 is double the strength of C100 and offers the same benefits but for those where that little bit more strength is required.

Comes with a supply of 56 capsules with a preferred price of $57.95

  • USANA Celavive Skincare Products 

Here we have a whole range of products to help both dry and oily skin.

All the products have been tested for dermatology effects.

Comes in various packaging from singular to multi-packs with a pricing range from $35.20 for an exfoliating scrub.

Through to multi-packs for dry and oily skin priced at $143 and $218.

For a look at the entire Usana product range, we suggest heading over to their website here.

Usana Health Sciences Business Opportunity – What You Need To Know

For the entrepreneurial types, this is the section that should interest you the most.

How much does it cost to join Usana Products?

There are 2 routes you could go down, either as a preferred customer or Usana Associate.

Obviously, the preferred customer is free and you can benefit from discounts.

It is also my understanding that as many as 80% normally go down this route first to test the products which is what we would suggest doing.

It will cost you $39 to become a Usana Associate which comes with a starter kit.

There are what is called “theme packs” that are available to new associates and you have to purchase one to activate your business account…

    • Kickstart Pack – $174.90
    • Get Energized Pack – $308
    • Shake it up Pack – $308
    • Balance for your Belly Pack – $308

These are heavily discounted and a good place to start as you would be purchasing some products anyway to show prospective customers.

How to make money with Usana Products

There are only 2 ways to make money with Usana…

    • Purchase the products yourself and sell them to family and friends
    • Recruit other people into joining your team and making commissions

As part of the affiliate program which we go into below, there are additional incentives where you can earn bonuses and discounts.

This is all based on your building, hopefully, a massive team but to do that would require you to be excellent at recruiting.

Usana Products Compensation Plan

The compensation plan is how you get paid and the reason why the business structure is set in a pyramid-type structure.

These plans can be extremely complex but at Usana, it does appear to be very straightforward.

Usana operates a binary structured plan where all you have to do is introduce 2 people and then those 2 introduce 2 more.

The Usana Binary plan

To explain the compensation plan in more detail you can read about it here or you can sit back and listen to a short YouTube video below.

Are Usana Associates Actually Making Money?

It is extremely difficult to earn enough money to replace a full-time job and this can be seen in the income disclosure below straight from the Usana site.

Usana Income disclosure for 2020

You would think that people would run a mile reading something like this and it just amazes me that companies even create such a document.

But it is a requirement and I guess shows goodwill even if the results are horrendous.

If you take a look at the above image you can see clearly where the real money is made, in the top 1%.

According to this income disclosure, 98.9% don’t earn enough to replace a full-time job.

There’s even a figure of 34% that according to the diagram earned less than $0. Not sure just what that means but could it mean in debt?

The Federal Trade Commission even completed a survey about MLMs and really all it does is reinforce what you can see in the above image.

Is Usana a SCAM?

Is Usana a scam? Absolutely not!

A scam would be when you pay for something and you get no real value in return.

We can see Usana is a legit company that has been providing advanced nutritional products for many years with some great reviews.

Becoming a preferred customer could be a way that you could benefit but if you are thinking about turning it into a business.

You might need to think about your strategy, especially when you look at the income disclaimer that Usana provides.

The multi-level marketing business model is difficult for anyone to succeed in unless you have a large following that you can bring with you.

In our eyes, the risks far outweigh the benefits not to mention the costs that would be incurred.

There is the auto-ship that Usana recommend participating in and this might seem ok due to the bigger discounts.

But if you aren’t making sales then you are going to be left with products that you will have paid for.

MLMs are very risky because many do close down without any warning, granted with Usana that doesn’t seem so much of an issue.

Here are some similar businesses you might consider…

If you are looking for a business model where there are no risks in comparison, the business is yours and is extremely cost-effective.

Then take a look at the link below.

Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Usana Products PROS and CONS

We are just about to wrap up this Usana Health Sciences review and thought we would highlight what we feel are the important points.

This hopefully will help you in your decision-making.


  • This Business Is Well Established:What we like about Usana Productsa

Usana came onto the scene in 1992 which in MLM terms is a lifetime because many are lucky to progress beyond a 5-year period.

That in its own right should at least give you confidence that the company is legit.

  • Myron Wentz Is Legit:

The founder has a wealth of experience as a scientist and has been involved with several businesses before Usana came onto the scene.

He’s got degrees in several subjects and isn’t a salesperson as such.

That means his motivation isn’t money although he is a billionaire, giving to others is often rewarded in various ways.

  • Product Reviews Are Good:

There are plenty of great reviews out there with many of them on Amazon for clarification that the products do what they say they will.

  • Not Expensive To Join:

This is a good thing however you will need to purchase products.

  • Extensive Range Of Products:

At the last count, there were over 160 products with most of those products nutritional products.


  • You Are Recommended To Enter The Auto-Ship Program:What we don't like about Usana products

If you are joining the Usana business program and commit to the auto-ship which can be set up for 4 or 8 weeks then unless you are having success.

Then you are going to be left with products however, if you don’t use the auto-ship then you could be missing out on some great discounts.

  • Low-Income Potential:

After all, it is an MLM and they are extremely difficult business models to succeed in but if you are prepared to work hard and learn then who knows?

But the likelihood of you having success with this business is going to be rare.

  • Trending Has Dropped Somewhat In Recent Times:

Like the majority of MLMs, they tend to take a downward trend over a period and this can be seen in the below image.

Google trending for Usana

That means people are losing interest which often happens with this business model.

The multi-level marketing model is not sustainable for many businesses whilst some do manage

  • Products Can Be Bought Through Amazon:

This is something that we are totally against as this will affect your business dramatically with the competition.

This just goes to show you that Usana is not looking favourably towards their associates which is not good.

Usana Products Review – Final Thoughts!

There are a few issues that we have with Zurvita such as overpriced products which leads to competition.

Competition is good to a certain degree but when there are hundreds, maybe thousands of businesses doing the same thing which aren’t MLM.

Then you will have your work cut out.

It is obvious that people do like the products and that is ok if you decide to go down the preferred customer route and leave the business side alone.

It’s the business side that should concern you if indeed that is the route that you are going to take.

Remember that Zurvita is currently running the business as negative working capital which could mean not getting paid.

That alone would be a good enough reason for not getting involved.

If you approach the owners they are definitely not going to tell you because, at the end of the day, they don’t want members leaving and making matters worse.

If the reason for your interest in Zurvita was primarily a business opportunity.

Then what about a business where the risks are zero in comparison and so much more cost-effective then please continue to read on.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

We are not totally against MLM companies because many produce great products which can be seen by Usana.

It’s the business model that we do not like and the way that Usana associates promote their business.

Everything is set up for failure but you might make some money and very few might have a certain amount of success.

But is anyone asking the question, “What happens if Usana closes down?”

You no longer have a business and you are left out in the cold.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to build a business that you can call your own where you have as much flexibility as you like?

Where the risks and costs in comparison are negligible.

You have to agree, everybody would love to have their own business that runs 24/7, with very little intervention.

Where you are allowed to have as many income streams as you’d like.

Probably the best way to achieve this is through affiliate marketing and it’s what is called “Passive Income”.

  • The benefits far outweigh what an MLM provides…Such as…
    • Promote any product or service you like
    • No business conventions to attend
    • No pressure to maintain the ranking status
    • No pestering from a sponsor
    • Extremely cost-effective to start and run
    • No advertising costs
    • This business is yours and something you could pass on
    • No order management to handle

All you have to do is basically connect the customer with the merchant and your job is done. They make a purchase and you get paid.

If you want to know where you can learn all this, it’s provided by Wealthy Affiliate.

They are responsible for thousands of success stories who are still members and earn 5 and 6-figure monthly incomes.

Don’t worry we are not trying to sell you anything as it’s free to look at with no credit card details and no commitment, so what have you got to lose?

If this is not for you then just call it a day but you won’t know unless you try.

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed and got some benefit from this Usana Products Reviews.

Any questions please feel free to put them down in the section below.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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