Ecom Beast 2.0 Review 2022 – How Awesome Is Harry Coleman…Is This Course The Real Deal?

Hey guys and welcome to Harry Coleman’s Ecom Beast 2.0 Review

If you are looking for the full lowdown on Harry Coleman’s Ecom Beast you have definitely come to the right place.

Nowadays, there is no getting away from the fact that dropshipping has become one of the top business industries. Continue reading “Ecom Beast 2.0 Review 2022 – How Awesome Is Harry Coleman…Is This Course The Real Deal?”

What is the Project Thunderbolt – Good Course But Expensive!

Hey Guys, welcome to the Project Thunderbolt review

This is a new course that has just recently hit the market and creating a bit of a stir.

You might have seen the Youtube videos or the Project Thunderbolt reviews which are dotted around the internet. Continue reading “What is the Project Thunderbolt – Good Course But Expensive!”

The Story Sales Machine Review – We Think You Will Get Some Benefit From This Course!

Hey Guys, welcome to the Story Sales Machine review

If you have an online business or thinking of creating one then you should know that email marketing.

Plays an important role and is another passive income stream that you should be taking advantage of. Continue reading “The Story Sales Machine Review – We Think You Will Get Some Benefit From This Course!”

Seller Pro Academy Review – A Legit Course by Jonny Bradley? However It Will Take A Big Investment!

Welcome to my Seller PRO Academy Review

Amazon as you probably know is the biggest supplier of goods to the consumer in the world.

But, did you know that you can use Amazon as your retail shop and let Amazon handle all your customer orders? Continue reading “Seller Pro Academy Review – A Legit Course by Jonny Bradley? However It Will Take A Big Investment!”

Dropshipping Titans Review 2022 – The Ultimate SCAM!!! Much Better Courses On Udemy!

Hey guys and welcome to the Dropshipping Titans Review

Dropshipping certainly seems to be the type of business that many people are looking to invest in nowadays and we can see why.

It is very beginner friendly, easy and simple to execute, you don’t have to purchase any products and you can start on a relatively low budget. Continue reading “Dropshipping Titans Review 2022 – The Ultimate SCAM!!! Much Better Courses On Udemy!”

Drop Servicing Blueprint Review (2022) – AWESOME SCAM Or Great Business Model? Is This The Real Deal?

Hey guys and welcome to the Drop Servicing Blueprint Review

Yes, you have read right right “Drop Serving as opposed to Dropshipping”, so what is the difference?drop servicing blueprint Logo and brand

They are essentially the same business model, except one promotes and sells products whilst the other promotes and sells services.

With so many “so-called” business opportunities out there just finding the right one can be exhausting.

As so many of them are just not worth your time or effort, in fact, I read somewhere that around 94% should not even be bothered with.

This is why we created this website in the first place, to help people like you find your way and make things a little easier.

How you arrived at this website is not important but what is, is that you decided to do your own research first.

Which we have to commend you for, rather than jumping in feet first and the only way to avoid scams and find legit products.

Meanwhile, if you have questions like, “Is Drop Servicing Blueprint a scam or “Is Dylan Sigley a scam”, then we have you covered.

In the next few minutes, we will unravel what the Drop Servicing Blueprint is all about so that you don’t have to.

With that said, shall we begin?

[Affiliate Disclosure: The Drop Servicing Blueprint Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

drop servicing blueprint review

Product: Drop Servicing Blueprint

Founder: Dylan Sigley


Product Description: Drop Servicing course

Cost to join: $997

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Dropserving might seem like a great business model but there are a lot of parameters that you have to put in place.

Moreover, if you are looking for a passive business then this isn’t the one as you will need to be constantly active.

Looking for new clients etc.

You need to be looking at something like affiliate marketing which will allow you to run multiple passive income streams.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Drop Servicing Blueprint Review – TOC

    1. What is Drop Servicing Blueprint About?
    2. What Services do Drop Ship Servicing Provide?
    3. Who is Dylan Sigley?
    4. How Does Drop Servicing Blueprint Actually Work?
    5. What’s Inside The Drop Servicing Blueprint?
    6. Who is Drop Servicing Blueprint For?
    7. Is The Drop Servicing Blueprint Worth It?
    8. Can You Make Money With Drop Servicing Blueprint?
    9. Drop Servicing Blueprint Costs And Refund?
    10. Is Drop Servicing Blueprint a Scam?
    11. Drop Servicing Blueprint Reviews
    12. What we Like About Drop Servicing Blueprint
    13. What we Don’t Like About Drop Servicing Blueprint
    14. The Drop Servicing Blueprint Review – Final Verdict!
    15. Drop Servicing  – Alternative Solution
    16. Drop Servicing Blueprint – FAQs
    17. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

What is Drop Servicing Blueprint About?

Drop Servicing Blueprint is a company that specializes in providing a whole range of services for small to medium-sized businesses.

They came onto the scene back in 2015 and are based in Switzerland.

Since 2015 they have helped manage over 2,000 clients in over 100 countries.

So what exactly is a drop servicing company?

Well, they provide a service where clients can literally plug in their existing core software systems into Drop Servicing’s own servers.

From there they can provide a range of digital marketing and consultancy services to help enhance and grow the business.

The actual Drop Servicing Blueprint partner program which came to the marketplace in 2019 is a course that teaches you how to do this.

The course provides a business opportunity and comes with over 30 hours of video training, unlimited mentoring and weekly live coaching calls…

Complimentary Review: Sell The Trend – Dropship Solution

What Services do Drop Servicing Blueprint Provide?

drop servicing blueprint services providedDrop Servicing Blueprint provide a range of services to complement any business through expansion and financial growth…

They provide a range of digital marketing services such as…

    • Social Media Marketing
    • LinkedIn Advertising
    • Facebook Advertising
    • YouTube Advertising
    • Google Advertising
    • Email Marketing
    • Lead Generation
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Content Marketing
    • Pay Per Click Advertising

This also includes…

    • Strategic Discovery
    • Tactical Implementation
    • Performance Analysis and Optimization
    • Analytics Reporting

They can provide a whole range of graphic design skills to enhance your website and a more professional look…

    • Logo Design
    • Visual Identity
    • Print and Digital Media

Video has become extremely big nowadays and people are getting lazy and would prefer to watch a demo rather than have it explained…

The process that takes place…

    • Discovery of what is required
    • Experts produce a potential script for approval 3-5 days
    • Voiceover 3-5 days
    • Animation if required 5-7 days
    • Delivery

Drop Servicing Blueprint Partner Program 

This program was developed to help people like you how to run a drop servicing business.

They provide all the tools and expertise to help you provide the level of service that your clients would require.

    • Expert Consulting
    • Digital Marketing Services
    • Supportive Client Community
    • Dedicated Team Of Consultants

Your job would be to market this Drop Servicing Blueprint program and to find clients who are looking for help in taking their business to the next level.

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Lifestyle by Anton Kraly

Who is Dylan Sigley?

Dylan Sigley is the CEO and founder of the drop servicing blueprint founder Dylan SigleyDrop Servicing Blueprint who has come a long way since 2016 when it all really started.

But like many young entrepreneurs that you see online started life not really knowing just what he wanted to do in life.

Like we are all taught from a young age, to get good grades, go to university and find a good stable job, get married have a family and settle down.

I know, when you put it like that doesn’t it sound all too boring!

Anyway, that’s where Dylan was heading and even took a Master’s Degree to give him a better chance of finding that ideal job.

However, he came across an email through social media that set him on a different course.

Starting his own drop servicing blueprint consultancy firm.

He is also the founder of the company Power Sales Video which is an animation and post-production company specializing in video.

He also has a YouTube channel with over 33k subscribers where he talks about everything to do with Drop Servicing and is a great place to start.

If you want to read more about Dylan’s journey then you can by clicking here

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Formula

How Does Drop Servicing Blueprint Actually Work?

Drop servicing is as we have already mentioned just like dropshipping except that you are selling services.

Now, these services can be anything relating to any business but the services tend to be for small to mid-sized businesses.

Companies that have only just started their business and looking for help online with various marketing strategies.

What’s Inside The Drop Servicing Blueprint?

The Drop Servicing Blueprint is a complete course which teaches you how Dylan Sigley’s business operates and how you can do the same.

An overview of what you get with the Drop Servicing Blueprint course…

A Done-For-You Business Partnership:

Your version of the Drop Servicing Blueprint will allow you access to a range of marketing services through Dylan’s own IT platform.

Which will enable you to offer more services to your clients about the core services that you may be providing yourself.

  • Everything You Need To Run A Drop Servicing Business:

Everything is provided through their own drop servicing system to help you run your own digital marketing agency efficiently.

These are brought to you through the years of expertise that Dylan and his team have perfected.

Based on the methodologies with the various strategies across all departments which you have access to in your own businesses.

Drop Servicing Blueprint Video Course:

There are over 75 modules that deliver all the consulting methodologies in video format which you will be able to use in your own business.

Over 100 Done For You Templates:

Through working with many clients in a number of countries Dylan’s business has catalogued each client’s working relationship.

Which they have stored as templates to fall back on if they need to.

All these templates lay out the entire strategies and methodologies that were used which you can use in your own business.

These templates will help to speed up the growth of your own drop servicing business.

  • Unlimited Training, Mentoring And Coaching:

Dylan’s own team of consultants are there for you in any way they can help 24/7.

Therefore. any questions that you have will be answered.

They can be reached either through chat, email or through the private community platform that they provide.

If this works as indicated then it will be a major plus in our eyes!

Live Weekly Coaching Calls:

The founder and CEO of Drop Servicing Blueprint will be available on a weekly basis to answer all your questions in a live situation.

These calls will be done through Zoom so if you have any questions relating to your drop servicing business then make a note and get them answered.

Private Community:

This private community is where you can discuss strategies and help each other.

Everybody will be having struggles which is the norm when starting a new business but everybody is in the same boat.

In this community, you will be able to get your queries answered by Dylan and his team.

You Get 2 Full Membership Accounts When You Join:

So what does that mean?

Simply it means that there will be another membership account for whoever you want to bring into the business as a partnership.

Program Content And Schedule:

    • Optimize your business
    • Build your email and social media marketing systems
    • Online sales system
    • The offer for your client
    • Advanced marketing methods
    • Develop automated business systems
    • Scale your business
    • Access to everything inside the drop servicing business
    • The entrepreneur panel

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Unlocked by Lewis Smith

Who is Drop Servicing Blueprint For?

Drop servicing is for anybody who is looking for a different kind of business that provides services for small to mid-sized businesses.

These are probably businesses that are struggling with their marketing strategies but it could be anything that relates to running a business.

What’s good about this business is that you don’t need to have experience although some experience will obviously help.

But, what you would do is hire a freelancer who is an expert in whatever service you are providing to the client.

This is a business that would require a good communicator because you have to be able to discuss with the clients just what it is you can provide.

Basically, you are acting as an agency and using the services of Dylan’s company including their consultants.

Is Drop Servicing Blueprint Worth It?

Any business worth its weight in gold is only worth it if you are prepared to go all in, work extremely hard, follow instructions and apply what you learn.

The Drop Servicing Blueprint course is a complete mirror image of Dylan’s own business which has worked for him so no reason why it won’t work for you.

Many might feel the course is a little on the expensive side but for what Dylan is providing you we don’t think it is.

This is a partnership and whilst you will be bringing business to Dylan’s company you don’t have to accept his help but it is there all the same.

Can You Make Money With The Drop Servicing Blueprint?

All you have to do is look at the testimonials and reviews to see that there are many people having success with the Drop Servicing Blueprint training course.

It will not be easy but then again starting any business isn’t.

But follow the training that Dylan provides and apply what you are taught and 6-12 months down the road you could have a very profitable business.

The Drop Servicing Blueprint Cost And Refund

With Drop Servicing Blueprint there are 2 payment options, where you can pay the full amount of $997.

Or you can spread the costs out over three monthly payments of $397.

drop servicing blueprint Payment options

Are There Any Upsells With Drop Servicing Blueprint?

No, there aren’t any upsells with Drop Servicing Blueprint, what you see is what you pay for.

Are There Any Additional Costs We Should Factor Into The Drop Servicing Blueprint Business?

There are always additional costs with starting and running a business.

With a business like drop servicing, you will learn to negotiate the right kind of contract and ensure that the fees are included.

This is where good communication skills will come into play!

The big costs as I see it is marketing and hiring freelance workers.

Is There a Trial Period Offer With Drop Servicing Blueprint?

There is no trial period with Drop Servicing Blueprint like there is with Wealthy Affiliate.

In fact, with Wealthy Affiliate, you can join for free and stay as a free member until you decide one way or the other to pursue it further or not.

Does Drop Servicing Blueprint Come With A Refund Policy?

There is a 30-day refund policy however it does come with a number of conditions which seems to be the norm with a lot of products nowadays.

What they are saying is that you have to at least try the system first by…

Building a fully functional website with one service ready to be sold

Market and offer your services to at least 10 people

Join 2 of the weekly coaching calls.

You will need to apply for a refund within 30 days and have proof that you have completed the three steps above.


Complimentary Review: eCom Success Academy

Is The Drop Servicing Blueprint a Scam?

Drop Servicing Blueprint doesn’t appear to be a scam to us, its basically what Dylan’s business has been doing now for a few years.

He got the business to a position where he wanted to create a facility where others can copy what his company does.

However, there is a lot to think about because it’s not like your traditional dropshipping business where you promote a product.

Get people to see that product in the hopes they will purchase from you then hand over the reins to the merchant to manage the order.

You will be providing services to clients and I bet you probably no diddly-squat about the services that you will be providing.

Well, not in enough depth to bluff your way as an expert anyway.

That means that what you will be doing is bluffing your clients into thinking that you are an expert.

But, to carry that off you really need to know what it is that you are talking about which brings me to the next thing you need in place.

Unless you are capable of doing the job yourself then you will need to hire freelancers.

These need to be good, reliable and punctual!

Now coming for many years as a freelance software developer I know only too well how much it will cost to hire someone.

Not just hire them but you want to indeed keep hold of them if they are any good.

The problem here is that most people will head over to sites like Fiverr and these people are hit and miss.

They will have big lead times simply because they will take on more work than they can really handle.

Finding the right person can take time and you will need to really be advertising for those skills.

Just think if you are offering let’s say 10 different services then essentially you will be paying for 10 skill sets.

This is very important, when you are offering services to clients they are going to check you out just as if you were going for an interview.

They are going to be asking for references from other clients and this is not something you can BS.

So think about it and I have only touched base on a few probable issues here.

All the same, the Drop Servicing Blueprint course is comprehensive and Dylan is a likeable person but there are risks in anything.

On top of that, you will have to market your business which you can do in various ways, like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google…

This all costs money and the business is not going to flourish in the first few weeks, you should be looking longer term 6-12 months maybe longer.

We don’t mean to put a damper on this opportunity but these are things you have to take on board.

If I had to choose between drop servicing and drop shipping, it would be dropshipping every time.

Just to give you more options then I would seriously take a look at Sell the Trend which is an all-in-one dropshipping solution.

Don’t worry, I am not affiliated with this company and therefore don’t stand to make a dime.

Is drop servicing blueprint a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

The Drop Servicing Blueprint Reviews 

One thing you should always do when researching anything is to check out any third-party reviews.

That’s if you can find any because more than often the only place to find any reviews is usually on the actual product owner’s website.

Best of times we struggle with believing third-party reviews.

But any reviews and testimonials locally you often have to take at face value.

We did however find some excellent feedback on Trustpilot which you can check out yourself.

drop servicing blueprint Trustpilot summary

A good rule of thumb when checking reviews is to check out the 1,2 and 3-star ratings which will give you a better idea of legitimacy.

You can also check out several businesses that were born from the Drop Servicing Blueprint.

These websites will give you an idea of where you can take your business if you decided to move forward with this course.

Visionary Digital Studios

Instinct Animations

Musko IT Consulting 

Blue Bear Marketing 

If you want to take a look at the testimonials provided by the founders of the above businesses then you can by clicking here.

Complimentary Review: Advanced Dropshipping Academy

What we Like About Drop Servicing Blueprint

  • Dylan Sigley Is Legit And A Trustworthy Person:

We have come across Dylan Sigley in the past by watching some of his videos and he does seem to know his stuff and you get a good feel for him.

Checking out his YouTube channel first, that way you know a little about the person and his teaching methods.

  • A Great Business Model:

This is a business model that actually looks just like a service company should and you can see that by looking at some of the websites.

That some of the students have created which we have added in the student review section.

Here you can see what this business entails and will give you a better feel for what is required.

  • Comprehensive Training:

The training that Dylan provides is very comprehensive which is for both people who are complete beginners as well as people with some experience.

We found the course very structured and we like the fact that expert consultants are nearby to answer all your questions.

What we Don’t Like About Drop Servicing Blueprint

  • The Refund Policy Comes With Conditions:

OK, you do get a 30-day money-back guarantee that comes with conditions.

But we are assuming that anybody who pays for this course will have done their research first.

Pretty much like you are doing here and that’s why it comes with conditions

  • This Is Not An Easy Business To Get Started: 

Drop Servicing is a great business model but will require a lot of hard work but it is not like you have to do the work yourself.

But a good communicator you will have to be and with a basic amount of knowledge but once you find the right people you should be off and running.

Drop Servicing Blueprint – Final Verdict!

Drop Servicing Blueprint is a partnership so you aren’t alone here.

Drop servicing is not something that we have come across too often in fact this is the first such business model we have reviewed.

As we mentioned earlier, it works in the same way as dropshipping but is a little more complex and requires a lot more work.

As this Drop Servicing Blueprint is a partnership that you are entering you will have all the backing and expertise from Dylan’s team there for you.

So you really aren’t on your own.

After all, the services that you will be providing will require expert people to carry out whatever you and the client will have agreed upon.

The training is very comprehensive and has to be to show you exactly how Dylan’s business operates.

Looks like a great business model but is going to take some time to get this up and running so that you are in profit.

There is a lot to learn and six weeks seems like they are pushing it a little but the more time you devote to this the quicker you will progress.

You don’t have to pay the full membership fee of $997 upfront if you don’t want to and spread the costs over several months.

You do have the backing of Dylan’s team and you will have to hire freelancers to do the work.

This can be hit and miss but once you have found the key people then you want to try and keep them on your team.

Further, you want the business to grow and that means with the right people too.

Drop Servicing – Alternative Solution

It’s called affiliate marketing which is very similar to dropping shipping except you don’t have to worry about using a digital store.

The principle is the same in that you are the middle person and direct the customer to the merchant except you get paid a commission on a sale.

It also means that you are not restricted and are much more flexible.

Is one of the best ways to create multiple income streams.

I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to kiss goodbye to my 9-5 job.

Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

Wealthy Affiliate member reviews24 Trustpilot

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Drop Servicing Blueprint Review – FAQs

In this section with have put a few questions together that people are searching for in the search engines.

  1. What Is A Drop Servicing Example?

Let’s say you are an expert in SEO or search engine optimization, then you market yourself as such and send out marketing campaigns.

Through the various methods in the hopes of finding clients.

But a genuine drop servicing business would have a range of skills to market which gives you a better chance of finding clients.

  1. How Much Is Drop Servicing Blueprint?

There are 2 options, either pay the full amount which is $997 or you can pay over 3 equal monthly payments each $397 giving you a total of $1,197.

  1. Is There A Refund With Drop Servicing Blueprint?

There is but it comes with conditions which are explained earlier within this review.

  1. What Service Can You Drop Service?

Literally, you could be offering a whole range of services, website design, email marketing, paid marketing, SEO, Keyword research…

The list could be endless and it all depends on what skills you have but the skills you didn’t have you would hire people to do.

  1. Do You Need A Website For Dropserving?

There is a phrase that is going around from Bill Gates who says, “If your business is not on the internet then it won’t be in business for very long”

So the answer to that question would be yes you do need a website.

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Hope you guys enjoyed this Dylan Sigley Drop Servicing Blueprint review and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

If you have anything to add like maybe you are already a member of Dylan’s DropServicng Blueprint course and would like to share with us your experience we love to hear about it.

Thank you for listening!

Take care!

Stay safe!

eCom Dudes Academy Review 2022 – Is Dasilva a SCAM Artist? Please Read This Review First!

Welcome to the eCom Dudes Academy Review

If you are looking for some help with starting an e-commerce business then you have definitely come to the right place.ecom dudes academy logo and brand

With so many courses to choose from just finding the right training course and mentor is no easy task.

Especially as so many of these courses offer so much but deliver so little.

Just where does eCom Dudes Academy stand amongst these?

Well, that is why you are here today and what we hopefully can do to help.

So if you had questions like “Who are eCom Dudes?”, “Is eCom Dudes a Scam or are they legit”, and “Is eCom Dudes worth it?”.

Then those questions will be answered plus so much more so that you are in a better position to make that all-important decision.

Whether to move forward with this training course or one to put on the back burner and find something else.

But before we get started a little about who I am!

I am Mick and I created this website to help people like you find their way in what can be a confusing and difficult task.

In just a few years we have managed to review over 400 products and systems just for you so that you don’t have to.

Is the eCom Dudes Academy program the right course for you or not, then let’s see shall we?

[Affiliate Disclosure: The eCom Dudes Academy Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

ecom dudes academy review

Product: eCom Dudes Academy

Founder: Dan Dasilva


Product Description: E-commerce/dropshipping training course

Cost to join: $47/month

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: E-commerce and dropshipping are becoming more and more popular nowadays and do appear to be where it is all happening.

As it is such a simple business model to understand and learn, you can see why this business appeals to so many people, especially complete beginners.

With analysts predicting that by 2035 around 95% of purchasing will be done online then you can see why now is the time to get involved.

So, is eCom Dudes Academy the right course for you?

Well, first impressions do look good so nothing to worry about yet therefore let’s continue.

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

eCom Dudes Academy Review – TOC

    1. What is eCom Dudes Academy About?
    2. For Those Who Don’t Know What Dropshipping is
    3. Who is Dan Dasilva?
    4. What’s Inside eCom Dudes Academy?
    5. Who is eCom Dudes Academy For?
    6. Is eCom Dudes Academy Worth It?
    7. Can You Make Money With eCom Dudes Academy?
    8. eCom Dudes Academy Costs And Refund?
    9. Is eCom Dudes Academy a Scam?
    10. eCome Dudes Academy Student Reviews
    11. What we Like About eCom Dudes Academy
    12. What we Don’t Like About eCom Dudes Academy
    13. The eCom Dudes Academy Review – Final Verdict!
    14. eCom Dudes Academy  – Alternative Solution
    15. Feedback, Follow And Subscribe

What is eCom Dudes Academy About?

eCom Dudes Academy or the 6-figure ecom system is a training course developed by Dan Dasilva and teaches complete beginners.

The basics of e-commerce and dropshipping by taking you through the entire process.

From which niches are profitable, to how to find the right products that are trending, to creating your own Shopify store.

Then Dan will take you through the process of how to find your target audience and converting those leads into sales.

The course is not an advanced course so if you have any experience as a drop shipper then you are probably not going to learn anything.

But the course is very reasonably priced and should appeal to many who are on low budgets and want to learn new skills in drop shipping.

Dan Dasilva is an expert in e-commerce and dropshipping and it could be a decent starting point for complete newcomers.

In fact, Dan even is giving away a free dropshipping tutorial which is over 5 hours long.

Now that is great value and gives him a few brownie points and goes a long way towards credibility, right?

Complimentary Review: Sell The Trend – Dropship Solution

For Those Who Don’t Know What Dropshipping is

Drop shipping is very similar to affiliate marketing except affiliate marketing doesn’t come with all the additional expenses.

In affiliate marketing, you are the middle person as opposed to dropshipping where the store is the middle person.

The store is where you showcase all your products and once a customer clicks on a product to purchase they are redirected to the merchant.

Who manages the entire order process (fulfilment house) including picking, shipping, returns, and financials?

The merchant would then deduct their expenses along with taxes which would come to around 20% – 30%.

So if the number of sales for a  product that you sold was let’s $1,000 then your cut would be somewhere in the region of  $200 – $300.

The 2 hardest things to master are finding the right product and of course, finding the right target audience which of course is what eCom Dudes Academy teaches you.

A great all-in-one dropshipping solution that hasn’t been around very long is Sell The Trend.

Which has some great features for finding the products that you are looking for and just brought out a new feature where you don’t need to use Shopify.

That’s the simple explanation, now listen to a Shopify representative explain it in more detail.

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Lifestyle by Anton Kraly

Who is Dan Dasilva?

Dan DaSilva is the person behind eCom Dudes Academy and didn’t get off to a very nice start due to mixing with the wrong crowd.

He started out in life by dropping out of high school, working at Burger King and living with a friend.

Where at 17 he got mixed up with selling Marijuana and may well have done some hard time if it wasn’t for his father who bailed him out.

That was a hard lesson but he obviously learned from it and turned his life around.

He realized that many were making their fortunes selling digital products online but he realized that he needed to have a large crowd.

So he set about building an email list and then started selling products like teeshirts and other trending products through Shopify.

Whilst this was obviously a big success, he realized that branding could play a big important part in building his business.

This all started around 2015 and through his success, he decided to start creating courses to pass on his knowledge to others.

He has a big following on his YouTube channel with over 144k subscribers and that is with only 3 videos.

I guess that many have subscribed to take advantage of the free 5-hour dropshipping training.

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Formula

What’s Inside The eCom Dudes Academy?

eCom Dudes Academy is pretty much like most other e-commerce dropshipping courses except without the high price tag.

What's in the ecom dudes academy courseFinding A Profitable Niche

Choosing the right niche is important going forward with your business and dictates what type of products you will be promoting.

There are literally thousands of niches with many of them that look like you would be able to kill it with sales.

The problem with many niches is that there can have too much competition which means you will struggle to find your audience.

Here Dan will take you through the process to set you on the right path.

Learn How To Find The Right Products And Suppliers To Promote

This is where most of your time will be taken up doing research.

Get it wrong and you can waste a lot of money with Facebook ads.

This whole process can be complex because you have to find a product that is trending.

A trending product has a lifespan and just like fashion really where one day it’s the flavour of the month the next it isn’t.

Dan takes you through this process and how he approaches his research to become so successful.

A great product for saving you a lot of time is Sell The Trend which produces instant reports.

That produces a lot of product metrics that are important in deciding whether the product is a winner or a loser.

Another important aspect of choosing the right product is making sure the supplier is creditable.

It is no good finding a great product where the supplier can’t be trusted and Sell The Trend instantly produces this information.

Creating Your Shopify Store

In this section, eCom Dudes Academy takes you through the entire process of setting up your Shopify store.

This is not a difficult process but there are a lot of steps that you need to follow to get it just right.

Optimizing Your Store

Dan takes you through the theme that he suggests you use to showcase all your products.

How to add products to the store with text, images and video content.

First impressions count and what you are looking for is repeat orders or repeat visits.

You will need to set up a payment section which you will probably be using Shopify’s own checkout.

There are a lot of details that you can get involved in here but all we are trying to achieve is something simple but professional looking.

Finding The Right Target Audience 

Without an audience, you don’t have a business and this is where things can start to get a little expensive and out of control.

Facebook ads are the source of finding your target crowd and will require that you have a decent-sized budget.

This is because you have to constantly test and tweak your campaigns to try and get the best revenue out of them.

Once you eventually find that the campaign is working for you then you need to monetize which means increasing the budget.

A campaign will only have a certain amount of life so you don’t want to be running that same campaign over and over again.

Outsourcing And Automation

Once you have your business producing sales then it’s time to think about finding someone to handle the business.

While you take a back seat and enjoy life, after all, wasn’t getting involved with this type of business so that you could ease back on work?

Finding just the right person to handle the business might take some time because you need to know that whoever it is you can trust.

This is when you play more of a project manager role and just keep an eye on things.

Obviously the more you get to know the person who you choose is capable the less time you will spend in your new role.

Personal Branding

This is something to consider at a later date which will make you look more professional and increase revenue.

Dan takes you through this process and is something that he knows a lot about.

Seeing that branding was one of the things he realized was important and one of the first things he worked on.

Normally with dropshipping, people use merchants like AliExpress which if you didn’t know doesn’t have any brands attached to their products.

Having your brand attached to the products that you are selling will go a long way to building your business.

Complimentary Review: Drop Ship Unlocked by Lewis Smith

Who is eCom Dudes Academy For?

The eCom Dudes Academy course was designed for the complete beginner and because the membership fee is very reasonable then it could e a great place to start.

Bearing in mind that e-commerce and dropshipping is a very real business model, and should be treated as such.

You will get what you put into this business and eCom Dudes Academy is a step in the right direction but this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

It will require a lot of hard work and if you aren’t prepared for this then dropshipping may not be the right business for you.

Is eCom Dudes Academy Worth It?

Most dropshipping courses come with a hefty price tag which puts everything into question.

In our experience, there is no need to mark courses up into the thousands because you very seldom get any more value than something like eCom Dudes Academy.

At the end of the day, these courses are developed for complete beginners so they are all going to be pretty basic after all.

So are product owners working on that principle, where expense means better quality?

If you are just starting out, the last thing you want to be doing is spending several thousand dollars on a whim, right?

eCom Dudes Academy provides a training course that won’t break the bank and you can always call time on it if it isn’t for you.

There have been a few thousand who have taken the course so what do you think? Is it worth it?

Can You Make Money With The eCom Dudes Academy?

Yes, of course, you can make money with eCom Dudes Academy but you will have to have the right attitude and the right mindset.

It won’t be easy because no business is easy but stick to the course and apply what you have learnt and there is no reason why you wouldn’t be successful.

eCom Dudes Academy Costs And Refund

eCom Dudes Academy is a membership where you will be paying a reasonable monthly fee of $47.

It’s not like you are signing a contract and making a full commitment so if you decide it isn’t for you then just call it a day.

ecom dudes academy cost

Are There Any Upsells With eCom Dudes Academy?

No there aren’t any upsells with eCom Dudes Academy, what you see is what you get and what you pay for.

Are There Any Additional Costs We Should Factor Into eCom Dudes Academy?

This is a question that is asked so many times and yes you will need additional funds.

For things like monthly Shopify fees and Facebook ads which is where most of your expenses are going to go.

Is There a Trial Period Offer With eCom Dudes Academy?

There isn’t a trial period although the 7-day refund period could be looked at as one I guess.

Does eCom Dudes Academy Come With A Refund Policy?

There is a refund policy that comes with Dan Dasilva’s eCom Dudes Academy which is for the first 7 days.

This doesn’t come with any conditions which is a good thing because we see it so often nowadays that course owners make it impossible to get a refund.

Complimentary Review: eCom Success Academy

Is The eCom Dudes Academy a Scam?

No, eCom Dudes Academy is not a scam but a legit dropshipping course brought to you by a competent and likeable entrepreneur.

The course is ok and will give a complete beginner a foothold and it won’t break the bank either.

We see it all the time where courses offer so much but really they fall short, but as a complete beginner, you are not going to notice this anyway.

As we have already mentioned, the course will teach you all the main steps for starting an e-commerce dropshipping business.

So you can be certain that eCom Academy is a legit course.

If dropshipping is what you really want to do then you need to be looking at an all-in-one dropshipping solution like Sell The Trend.

Is ecom dudes academy a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

The eCom Dudes Acadamy Student Reviews 

One thing you should always do when researching any product or training course is to look for past and current feedback.

Whether this is through forums like Reddit and Quora.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard you try you just don’t come across anything and that’s what has happened here with eCom Dudes Academy.

Even though the course has a Facebook group with over 23k people.

Complimentary Review: Advanced Dropshipping Academy

What we Like About eCom Dudes Academy

  • Dan DaSilva Is Legit:eCom Dudes academy - PROS

Dan is an experienced e-commerce drop shipper who knows his stuff.

  • A Good Course For Complete Beginners:

A good course for complete beginners and does come with a few decent bonuses like the product research tool.

What we Don’t Like About eCom Dudes Academy

  • Dropshipping Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme:ecom dudes academy cons

Just because it’s an online business doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real business and that’s why a lot of people fail.

As soon as you realize that dropshipping is a legit business that can make you a lot of money then you are halfway there.

  • Finding The Right Products:

Finding the right kind of products to promote is the hardest hurdle to get over and whilst Dan provides a tool to help.

You won’t find anything out there that will compete with Sell The Trend.

  • Paid Marketing Is Where Most Of Your Expenses Will Go: 

Facebook Ads is a big learning curve and we just don’t think eCom Dudes Academy provides enough training.

You will need further training but not to worry because there is tons of Facebook training online and we would suggest checking out Udemy.

  • Most Products Come From China:

Yes, we know if you are using AliExpress then all the products do come from China which leads me to tell you that most products are of poor quality.

Not just that but products that are often purchased in many cases aren’t even the same products that you will be advertising.

Furthermore, lead times can be weeks rather than days which is not good for the customer.

I would always suggest trying to source a local merchant if you can.

The eCom Dudes Academy – Final Verdict!

E-Commerce and dropshipping courses are a ten a penny and whilst there are some good courses around there are some really bad ones too.

eCom Dudes Academy is an ok course that will provide you with the knowledge to start a dropshipping business.

But you will need guidance and providing this comes via one of the five coaches then you should be ok.

However, do not expect to be raking in the money within a few weeks because all that will do is put pressure on you to succeed.

You need to be looking longer term, months rather than weeks and try not to put a date on it for you to succeed.

All that will do is set you up for failure.

Having said that, if you want to know what we do for a living then please continue to read as we’d love to share it with you.

Dropshipping – Alternative Solution

It’s called affiliate marketing which is very similar to dropping shipping except you don’t have to worry about using a digital store.

The principle is the same in that you are the middle person and direct the customer to the merchant except you get paid a commission on a sale.

It also means that you are not restricted and are much more flexible.

Is a great and one of the best ways to create multiple income streams.

I have personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2017 and the main reason why I was able to kiss goodbye to my 9-5 job.

Just check out the reviews on Trustpilot.

Wealthy Affiliate member reviews24 Trustpilot

The training platform is a fully integrated one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is in one place.

Education and trainingWeb development, Hosting your website, and a community that cares and is full of experience on many levels…

Get started today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

Feedback, Comments And Subscribe

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this eCom Warrior Academy review and that we helped in your decision-making.

Maybe you have already been a member of Matthew Lepre’s training course and would like to share with us your experience.

Thank you for listening!

Take care!

Stay safe!

My Business Venture Review 2022 – Is This A $6,000 SCAM? Please Read This Review First!

Welcome to the My Business Venture Review

If you are looking for a business opportunity in e-commerce and dropshipping, that is already done for you then you might like to consider my business venture Logo and brandMy Business Venture.

This is a company that has been around a number of years but is a ready-done dropshipping system the right way to go? Continue reading “My Business Venture Review 2022 – Is This A $6,000 SCAM? Please Read This Review First!”

eCom Profit Masterclass Review (2022) – A Waste Of Money… A Course That Doesn’t Deliver!

Welcome to the eCom Profit Masterclass Review

If you are looking for an e-commerce course then because there are so many, you are bound to find this wholeecom profit masterclass logo and brand experience confusing.

The e-commerce industry is very popular nowadays amongst people who are looking for a way to replace their current 9-5 jobs.

But why not?

After all, aren’t you a little fed up with helping other people climb the financial ladder when there are more than enough opportunities online?

Continue reading “eCom Profit Masterclass Review (2022) – A Waste Of Money… A Course That Doesn’t Deliver!”

Affiliate Triad Review – Is Jason Fladlien The Real Deal? Mind You It Will Cost You!

Welcome to the Affiliate Triad Review

All singing and dancing, done-for-you automated affiliate marketing system or so it is perceived.Affiliate Triad Logo and brand

If you are new to looking for ways to make money online then let me be frank with you.

You are going to come across a lot of these done-for-you systems and everyone that we have reviewed up to now has not worked. Continue reading “Affiliate Triad Review – Is Jason Fladlien The Real Deal? Mind You It Will Cost You!”