ClickEarners Review – Uncovering the Hidden Costs and Misleading Promises

Clickearners Review

Welcome to the ClickEarners Review

Ok, the perfect gig would be to work from home but for many of us, that is not possible due to the boss wanting to keep an eye on us.

There’s another factor to take into consideration and that is, only a certain skill set that you can use from home.

Working from home is great once you have that mindset sorted because it is so easy to get distracted.

I’m not sure just how you landed on this review, whether you were doing specific research or you just happened to land on here by chance?

Whatever the reason, welcome and in the next few minutes, you will know whether could be a right fit for you or not.

It’s great that you are doing your due diligence, which is the only way to save time and money.

But, more importantly, the only way to ensure that you find legitimate making money online opportunities.

So, could Clickearners be the answer that you have been looking for and can it compete with other sites like Fiverr or is it just a complete waste of your time?

All will be revealed, so let’s dive right in.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Clickearners Review may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase anything through one of the links. However, this will not affect what you pay!]

Clickearners Review – Summary

Product: ClickEarners

Founder: Unknown

Product Description: Virtual Assistant, job site


Price of product: $27.00 / Year or $57.00 / Lifetime access Plus Upsell

Recommended: No

Summary: ClickEarners is marketed as a virtual freelance work from home job site.

Where you can become a member for a small fee and search for jobs that you are best suited for.

Of course, working from home might be a little misleading in this case because as long as you have an internet connection then you can work from anywhere in the world.

But, a lot of people would say “Why pay a membership fee, when there are many better sites that are out there which are free?”

The question also should arise, aren’t you able to find the exact same freelance gig on other sites, and the answer to this is quite possibly.

There’s a catch to all this because all is, is a front-end application that displays jobs from the actual job sites like…


These are the ones we found but there will be more, so what exactly are you paying for when you can go directly to those sites for free?

Charging someone a fee for re-directing them to free sites where the jobs are located is not something that sits well with us.

If you would like to make a big impact on your life working from home then you might like to check out what the individuals below have to say.

ClickEarners review - Check out what these people have to say

Clickearners Review – TOC

    1. What is About and who are the Founders?
    2. How does ClickEarners Work?
    3. ClickEarners Pricing and Features
    4. Can you Make Money With ClickEarners?
    5. Who is ClickEarners For?
    6. ClickEarners Review – What We Like
    7. ClickEarners Review – What We Don’t Like
    8. Is ClickEarners a SCAM or LEGIT?
    9. ClickEarners Review: Final Thoughts!
    10. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is about and who are the Founders?

Is the clickearners legit - clickearners login is basically a job marketplace where you can find temporary jobs where you can work from home.

Something like Fiverr, Upwork but on a much smaller scale.

There is a membership fee however, it is small and if you managed to find a gig then that will have paid for itself, right?

We see that is in fact a ClickBank product which if you didn’t know is an affiliate network.

A place where affiliate marketers can go to find products to promote.

Looking at the stats within the Clickbank platform and we can see that the gravity is around the 50 mark.

Is the clickearners legit - clickbank product

You might ask what gravity here means?

Simply put the higher that number is the more popular the product is, so anything over 30 would mean that people are actually purchasing this product.

So who is responsible for

With it being a Clickbank product we thought the product owners would at least been courteous enough to attach their name.

As it is we can’t find any reference to the owners which in our book is not a good sign.

This goes against any credibility that they are hoping to achieve and shows us that maybe this product might not be the product for you.

I’m not saying that they are but most products get labelled with a term for not coming clean and showing themselves as the owners.

However, many product owners do this but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the product is bad, it’s just not what we would expect.

We can see that the website or domain if you wish was registered in December 2017 and on a server in the UK.

How does ClickEarners Work?

Is the clickearners legit - clickearners work options

As we have already mentioned, is only a piece of software that links the jobs with the actual job sites.

Basically, you will be paying for nothing, because you could go straight to the actual sites and cut out ClickEarners altogether.

Saving you money.

However, you are here to find out so let’s continue…

There are just 3 steps…

    1. Register which takes a few seconds
    2. Activate your account through the email sent to you
    3. Follow the basic instructions

According to, the type of jobs that are available are…

    • Data Entry
    • Customer Service
    • Virtual Assistant
    • Admin/Secretarial
    • Typing/Writing
    • Online Research
    • Envelope Filling
    • Social Media Management
    • Sales and Marketing
    • Surveys
    • Mystery Shopping
    • Product Testing

As we have already mentioned ClickEarners does not have any jobs to offer, they come from sites like PeoplePerHour, UpWork, Freelancer amongst many others…

ClickEarners Pricing and Features 

There are 2 membership fees…

    • $27.00 for a yearly membership
    • $57.00 for a lifetime membership.

There is, however, what call a VIP package, which is a monthly subscription.

Is the clickearners legit - VIP Package

This can be purchased for $3.00 which is for the first 7 day trial period.

Then you will be charged $14.97 a month which you can cancel at any time.

As you can see in the above image, it provides a weekly newsletter, hints and tips as well as insider secrets, whatever that is supposed to be.

All the information of which you can find on Google.

What we noticed with looking…

At the marketplace, where you find the jobs, was a total lacking in information describing what the actual job is about.

Is the clickearners legit - clickearners marketplace

You can scroll down and find the jobs are all grouped like above and give no additional details to differentiate between the individual group items.

So you might have 100 jobs in “Social Media Marketing” all with the same heading.

The only way to find out what the actual job is would be to click on the job to get more details.

Is the clickearners legit - job details

When you apply for the job, the link to the actual job is displayed which in this case is “” which is where the actual job offer is.

The system is very basic and should have more details on the page to help the person who is looking for work otherwise they are going to waste a lot of time searching.

The system even tries to display jobs that do not exist.

Is the clickearners legit - Page doesn't exist

Can you make money with ClickEarners? 

The reality of this opportunity is that no you can’t make money with because all they do is link you to sites where you can.

However, you will be earning money providing you were offered the job through the actual job site that you were redirected to.

Who is ClickEarners For?

As we’ve already pointed out, ClickEarners is really for nobody because you can go straight to the actual job sites which are free.

Such as Freelancer, Upwork, PeoplePerHour etc

You could go straight to Google to find job sites that were related as you can see in the image below using “freelancer”.

Is the clickearners legit - Google

All the sites above are free to join so there is absolutely no reason to join sites like ClickEarners.

ClickEarners Review – What We Like

We really had hoped for more from, until we found out that the product was promoted through the ClickBank affiliate network.

  1. Money-Back GuaranteePositive

What is always good to see is a money-back guarantee and with ClickBank, you get a 60-day money-back refund.

However, I would check with the vendor before becoming a member to see what the full refund covers.

The reason I tell you is that if you purchased some of the upsells that they may not be covered under their terms.

ClickEarners Review – What We Don’t Like

We have highlighted the main points that we think you need to know and kept them down to a minimum.

  1. The Product is Not as we Expected Negative

The product promotes itself as a job site but when you look closer all ClickEarners is, is a poor front end display that links you with the actual job sites themselves.

These sites are all free, so you really do not need

  1. No Owner 
  • We couldn’t find the owner of the product and for us, this is always a big red flag for which we would recommend walking away from.
  1. Upsells

What we don’t like is hidden upsells and as far as we are concerned the vendor should be upfront with those details.

  1.  Trustpilot 

For a product that has been around for a few years, I would have expected to see many more reviews than we found on Trustpilot.

Is the clickearners legit - Trustpilot

You can see by the Scamadviser site that they believed that ClickEarners could well be a scam.

Is the clickearners legit - Scamadviser

Is ClickEarners a SCAM or LEGIT?scam

ClickEarners has garnered a significant amount of criticism, leading many to consider it a scam.

The platform charges users an upfront fee to access basic resources and links to job sites that are freely available elsewhere on the internet.

Reviews indicate that the content provided is minimal and not particularly useful for those already familiar with online job hunting.

Moreover, ClickEarners employs tactics such as upsells and additional offers that do not deliver substantial value, making users feel as though the platform is more focused on extracting money than providing genuine opportunities.

Additionally, users have reported difficulties in obtaining refunds despite the advertised 60-day money-back guarantee.

The lack of transparency regarding the platform’s ownership and the use of fake scarcity tactics further undermine its credibility.

Overall, the general consensus from various reviews is that ClickEarners does not provide the legitimate job opportunities it promises and is better avoided.

ClickEarners Review: Final Thoughts!

I’m sure you’ll agree with all the overwelming facts, that ClickEarners is not a legit money making opportunity.

ClickEarners is not a virtual job site like they claim, but they do display jobs that come from the actual job sites.

Just go straight to the actual job sites themselves, they are all free to join, more professional-looking, where you can find all sorts of useful information.

However, if you are looking for a legit make money opportunity then you might be interested.

what is the clickearners scam - Join wealthy affiliate

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Well, Guys hope you enjoyed this review and that we managed to answer most of your questions.

If you did enjoy this ClickEarners review why not spread the word so that your friends can be better informed.

Any questions at all you can add them to the comments section below.

Until next time, stay safe

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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