Agency Navigator Course Review – 7 Powerful Insights from the Agency Navigator Course: Beware of Hidden Costs

Welcome to the Agency Navigator Course Review

Many people turn to the internet hoping to find their newfound wealth and a way of kissing goodbye to that boring 9-5 job.

The problem here lies where most of the training courses are just not worth touching with a bargepole.

Don’t get me wrong there are some very good training courses online but there are a lot more that are really bad and even worse!

So where does the Agency Navigator course fit into the grand scheme of things and can Iman Gadzhi be trusted?

Well, we reviewed a previous course of his, The six-figure smma some time ago and this course is supposed to be a much-improved version.

Normally what you find with most vendors, is they take an old system or course change it slightly, give it a new name and hey presto.

Is that what Iman Gadzhi has done or is it a course that excels his previous one?

In the next few minutes, you will have your answer as to whether this course is as good as he says it is.

Let’s begin.

[Affiliate Disclosure: This Agency Navigator Course Review has been thoroughly researched from information and testimonials that are in the public domain. This post may contain affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission, however, this won’t affect what you pay!]

Agency Navigator Course Review -Summary

Product: Agency Navigator

Founder: Iman Gadzhi


Product Description: SMMA or social media marketing agency

Cost to join: $1,499

Recommended: Maybe

Summary: Social Media Marketing Agency, may sound like a mouthful but in a nutshell.

You are helping find prospective customers or leads if you want, for struggling businesses usually locally.

That way you can meet up in person and negotiate terms and besides this way, the client gets to see you and judge for themselves.

Whether to move forward and build a working relationship with you.

Great communication skills and bags of confidence are key here!

My number one recommended training platform for creating an online business

Agency Navigator Course Review -TOC

    1. What is Agency Navigator About?
    2. Who is Iman Gadzhi
    3. What do They Teach on The Agency Navigator Course?
    4. What do You Get With The Agency Navigator?
    5. Who is Agency Navigator For?
    6. How Much Does it Cost to Join The Agency Navigator Course?
    7. What Others Have To Say About The Agency Navigator Course
    8. Is The Agency Navigator Course a Scam?
    9. Agency Navigator Course Review – PROs
    10. Agency Navigator Course Review – CONs
    11. Agency Navigator Course Review – Final Thoughts
    12. How we Make Passive Income Online?
    13. Agency Navigator Course Review – FAQs
    14. 7 Power Insights You Need To Take On Board
    15. Feedback, Follow and Subscribe

What is The Agency Navigator Course?

Agency Navigator or Agency Incubator as it is sometimes referred to.

Is a training course that teaches anybody how to start and run a digital marketing agency from scratch.

It is according to Iman’s words one of the best courses online to teach SMMA but haven’t we heard all that before?

The course is however his successful Six Figure SMMA course revamped so expect to see some similarities.

The course in Iman’s words took over a year to develop and came onto the scene in 2020.

The course was designed with the complete beginner in mind so rest assured he has you covered here.

Who is Iman Gadzhi?

Iman Gadzhi is a successful entrepreneur who is also the owner of his own media company, IAG Media.

He became a millionaire by the age of 18 after dropping out of high school.

Through what he teaches now; how to set up and run your own social media marketing agency.

He came to London from Russia with his mother when he was a child after his mother endured years of abuse by his father who he never got to meet.

He is a popular guy and has a big following on his Youtube channel.

For more information head over to his own website

What do They Teach on The Agency Navigator Course?

Agency Navigator Course Review - Breakdown of the SMMA processIn simplistic terms, the Agency Navigator Course teaches you how to find leads for struggling businesses.

So let’s say a business might be a local bricks-and-mortar business that is struggling to find work.

This might be a bad example because all building firms are mowed out with work, but I think you get the gist!

This course teaches you how to go looking for prospective customers/leads using various methods…

Such as social media, copywriting, Facebook ads, funnels, lead generation…

In the short term, the emphasis is on paid traffic to get quicker results, however, you should be looking longer term and using SEO and content marketing.

Once you have found your lists then you would approach those struggling businesses and hopefully create a working relationship with them.

For this to be profitable you don’t really need many clients and the websites are simple and straightforward.

Mind you if you listen to Iman he is talking about finding clients within the first couple of weeks and that this course is ideal for beginners.

The course is what they call a 3 tier client system and to give you an indication of what we mean.

Fish – Clients paying between $1,000 and $3,000 a month

Shark – Clients paying between $3,000 and $8,000 a month

Whale – Clients paying $8,000+ a month

As you can see it wouldn’t take too many clients to get you in a position where you can kiss goodbye to that full-time job.

What do You Get With The Agency Navigator Course?

The full course comes in 8 phases or modules and also comes with 7 additional bonuses.

Phase #1 – Laying The Foundation

This is an introduction to the software and tools that come with your purchase along with current strategies.

Phase #2 – The Mindset 

I like the fact that they have started this course off as they mean to carry on.

Having the right mindset plays an important role which many don’t pay too much attention to.

Phase #3 – Systems and Processes

Learn everything you need to know regarding running an agency such as accounting principles and accounting procedures.

This also includes how to price your services in the correct manner and competitively plus how to communicate with clients.

Phase #4 – Finding Leads and Negotiating Meetings

This module is packed with information on the various ways to find leads and how to approach and communicate the right way.

Learn just what it takes to master cold calling and how to handle rejection and more advanced methods such as UpWork and LinkedIn.

Phase #5 – Sales

Learn through real case studies from agency owners with access to the real-live sales breakdown of Iman’s own agency.

Phase #6 – Service Delivery

This module has been put together by performance marketers and media purchasers who want to become advanced marketers.

Everything from basic strategies through to more advanced ones that you are going to want to know for higher profile clients.

Phase #7 – Operational Supremacy

In this module, Iman provides you with his own marketing strategies and tricks that have helped him get to where he is now.

Learn how to profit and maximise revenue.

Subjects covered, Hiring, Team Management, Finding Contractors, Strategic Partnerships and Getting Referrals.

Phase #8 – Exclusive Bonuses 
In this last module, there are some exclusive bonuses that come with regular updates with content from bonus speakers.
When you become a student you also get access to the applications below…
Agency Navigator Core
Over 50 hours of training which covers everything you would need to know from the initial concept, which comes with success stories from agency owners.
To include, Facebook ads, building a team, outsourcing, negotiating contracts, invoicing, sales and so much more…

Custom E-learning Platform For Agency Owners

This platform allows you to access program modules and all the training materials, Q&A recordings, future Q&As and more all in one place.

Exclusive Private Agency Community

Get access to a community full of agency owners to ask questions and pass on tips and information.

Financial Planner, Finance Calculator, and More Tools

Included here are financial planners, calculators, trackers and more.

Every tool that you are going to want to enable you to succeed as an agency owner.

Website Templates, Ads and More…

Get access to at least 25 customer website templates, as well as sales funnel templates. Just copy and paste!

Sales Scripts, Template Contracts, Agreements & More

Iman provides his own templates for client agreements and sales scripts which come from endless meetings where he has created over $200k from.

Use the scripts that he personally used to close countless clients.

Live Weekly Q&A With Coaches

Evert Tuesday there is a meeting where you can discuss your queries amongst the coaches and experts.

This lasts for an hour and a half.

Who is The Agency Navigator For?

For people who are serious about making a massive change in their lives.

This course is not for people who are looking for some sort of push-button system where you do not have to do very much.

It is also not for people who are looking for quick money because as much as you’d like to believe Iman.

When he says that many of his students have found clients in the first couple of weeks I would take that with a pinch of salt.

Don’t get me wrong, there will be some who have a certain amount of experience anyway who start to see success early on.

But do not go into this or any other ventures thinking it will be a walk in the park, you are just opening yourself up to failure.

Providing you are hard-working and willing to fully commit with bags of patience then this could be for you.

However, the first hint of failure, don’t let it affect you in a way that you decide to give in.

Everybody has failures. just use those hard times to better yourself and remember don’t give in!

Check out what one of his students has to say!

How Much Does it Cost to Join The Agency Navigator Course?

The Agency Navigator course as of this review is currently priced at $1,449 which will be beyond most people’s budget.

This is for lifetime access or until the course is brought down!

The price is such to only interest people who are serious about having an online business.

We can’t see any instalments and therefore a one-off payment is required.

It does however come with a 14-day money-back guarantee with one stipulation.

That you haven’t watched more than 20% of the course.

Here are a few similar courses that you might like to check out but do not discard Udemy…

Affluent Academy

SMMA Blueprint

30 Day SMMA



Is Agency Navigator a Scam?

We have reviewed many online courses and systems and most of them are a complete waste of time.

The Agency Navigator Course is not one of those!

It’s like most courses you decide to go with you have to fully commit and the majority just are not prepared to do that.

Most people want results straight away and that is why there are so many people who do not succeed in business.

Having the right mindset is important and this is covered in “Phase-2” of the course.

As we mentioned earlier we have covered Iman in a previous review and watched a few videos to give us a better insight into how he operates.

However, the course is expensive and this will be beyond most people’s budget and the course really isn’t as in-depth as you are made to believe.

Having said that though, Iman does appear to know his stuff and providing help and support is there, then who knows.

But, if the cost of the course is a little too steep then why not head over to Udemy and check out similar courses which are a fraction of the cost.

For you complete beginners out there we would suggest not jumping in feet first but researching this business model further.

Is the agency navigator course a scam - Take action today and join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What Others Say About The Agency Navigator Course

Overall people seem to be happy with Iman and his training methods.

However, when you are researching reviews bear in mind that they may not all be genuine.

Agency Navigator Course Review - Review #1

Agency Navigator Course Review - Review #2

Agency Navigator Course Review - Review #3

Agency Navigator Course Review - Review #4

Agency Navigator Course Review – PROs

  • Iman Ghadzi Is A Competent Entrepreneur:What we like about Agency Navigator

Iman does come across that he knows his stuff and he is a popular person, just check out his Youtube channel where you can see thousands of subscribers.

  • Full Money Back Guarantee:

There is a 14-day full money-back guarantee but getting your money back might be an issue as we see it all the time.

Where people send in requests and find out that their request is just outside the cooling-off period.

Agency Navigator Course Review – CONs

  • Is It Brand New Course:What we don't like about Agency Navigator

Well no it isn’t because he has taken the bulk of the Six Figure SMMA course and revamped and modified it.

  • Are You Prepared For Rejection:

Cold calling is a very hard tactic which you have to learn or put up with and what comes with this is rejection.

This is something most people can’t abide by so you have to have a strong personality and not for most people.

  • Is It Really A Course For Beginners:

If you don’t come from a sales background and struggle with communication skills then this might not be the best business for you.

  • Hidden Costs Which Is Always An Issue With These Courses:

One thing you aren’t going to find with this course is a bunch of upsells.

But there are additional costs to take into consideration like…

    • Paid marketing – Do you have a blank chequebook? $100 – $200 a month
    • Autoresponder – Aweber free 1st 500 subscribers – $30 – $40
    • Sales Funnels – $50 – $99

This is where your negotiating skills come in because you have to factor these costs into the clients.

Agency Navigator Course Review – Final Thoughts!

Ok, just before we wrap things up we’d just like to reiterate and add a few important points.

I think we can agree that Iman Gadzhi is a competent and successful entrepreneur, who over the years has honed his skills as an agency owner.

He has provided several courses that have proven successful for many and you can see that through the number of positive reviews you can find.

However, can this course ensure you are earning well within a few weeks as Iman claims?

For some maybe but for most, it is going to take time and a lot of hard work!

Any business no matter what it is will take a lot of hard work but I think 3-6 months to start seeing results is possible.

Check some of his student’s testimonials which you can find on his website but remember they are all going to be biased.

If you are looking for a business that generates passive income streams like affiliate marketing then this is not the business for you.

You have to be on point with this business and keep working at ensuring your clients are happy and finding new clients.

The next section covers what we do for a living and this is the perfect passive income-generating business.

How we Make Passive Income Online?

Everybody wants to own a business that generates multiple passive income streams and affiliate marketing is without doubt probably the best.

You know, where the business runs 24/7 with very little intervention.

Wealthy Affiliate provides the answers and has been training complete beginners since 2005.

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What better way than to create a business around something that you are passionate about.

The training platform is a one-stop-shop meaning that everything you need to succeed is there.

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Agency Navigator Course Review – FAQs

Here are a few questions that people are asking and thought might be of interest.

  1. Is Agency Navigator Suitable For Beginners?

The training course was designed with the complete beginner in mind and is useful for more experienced agency owners.

  1. Do I Get On-Going Support?

Help and support for me should be right up here as the most important thing and without it, you don’t have a system or training course.

They do offer a weekly Q&A and do also have a support desk as well as a community where you can ask your questions in.

  1. Can I Expense This As A Business?

The admin at Agency Navigator can provide a business invoice so that you can put it through your business’s books.

  1. What If I Am Not Satisfied With Agency Navigator?

There is a 14-day refund policy where you can get a full refund providing you haven’t watched over 20% of the course itinerary.

  1. How Did Iman Gadzhi Make His Money?

Iman made his money by setting up and running a digital marketing agency that apparently is responsible for the world’s leading agency education company.

  1. Where Is Iman Gadzhi?

He lives in London, in the UK and came with his mother from northern Russia when he was a lot younger.

  1. Can You Make Money With SMMA?

It is like any business model if you work at it you will eventually succeed with many saying that it’s a license to print money.

I have seen people taking month-long courses that don’t cost anywhere near as much as the Agency Navigator and earning 10s of thousand a month.

7 Powerful Insights To Take On Board

Here are seven powerful insights about the Agency Navigator Course by Iman Gadzhi:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers a wide range of topics essential for building and scaling a digital marketing agency, including client acquisition, service delivery, and business operations.

This comprehensive approach ensures that participants gain a thorough understanding of the industry.

  1. Expert Guidance: Iman Gadzhi, the course creator, is an experienced entrepreneur with a proven track record in digital marketing.

His expertise and practical insights provide valuable guidance for aspiring agency owners.

  1. Practical Implementation: The course emphasizes actionable strategies and real-world applications.

Participants are encouraged to implement what they learn immediately, which can accelerate their business growth.

  1. Supportive Community: Agency Navigator offers access to a private community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

This network provides support, accountability, and opportunities for collaboration, which can be invaluable for personal and business growth.

  1. Regular Updates: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and the course is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and best practices.

This ensures that participants receive current and relevant information.

  1. Success Stories: There are numerous testimonials and case studies from past participants who have successfully built and scaled their agencies using the strategies taught in the course.

These success stories can be motivating and provide proof of the course’s effectiveness.

  1. High Cost: One of the main criticisms of the course is its high price. While many find the investment worthwhile due to the value provided, the cost can be a significant barrier for some individuals, especially those just starting out.

These insights highlight both the strengths and potential drawbacks of the Agency Navigator Course, helping you make an informed decision about whether it aligns with your goals and resources.

For more detailed reviews and information, you can explore Iman Gadzhi’s official website and other review platforms.

Feedback, Comments and Subscribe

Ok Guys, hope you enjoyed this Agency Navigator Course Review and that we answered most of your questions.

As before, if you have anything to add please put it down in the section below.

Take care!

Stay safe!

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