What is a Keyword Research Tool

For all you budding internet marketers out there who are trying to work it all out, and are forever thinking, where do I turn to? What is a keyword research toolThe Internet is full of miss-guided information and so daunting, to say the least. I mean come on, Google, Bing, traffic, keywords, search engine optimization, Long Tail Keywords and what is a keyword research tool, just to name a few.

The list goes on and on and on, just where do you go to learn all that stuff?

I guess then as you are here that you are new to all this and just doing a little research and trying to get an insight into what internet marketing is all about?

When I started researching ways to make money online, I thought surely this can’t be too difficult, can it?

Just look at all the information out there available for free, with all those experts offering their knowledge. This is amazing, and won’t be long before I can tell that boss of mine what he can do with his job!

No more getting up at 6.00am and driving 100 miles a day to that boring hell-hole, with a boss that I couldn’t stand, well, I’m sure the feeling was mutual, with all that “BS” and not to mention “Politics”. It was driving me round the bend!

I remember thinking, surely I don’t have to put up with all this until retirement, do I?

Well, my quest had begun, to become the only millionaire in my family!

There were experts coming out of the walls, coming from under the floorboards, they were literally coming out from every orifice I could think of or imagine. Sales pitch videos everywhere!

With their massive mansions, holiday homes, tanned bodies and top of the range sports cars, well as you can imagine I had planned and mapped out my entire life right there and then.

My list, consisted of “the” mansion in the country, with a really long sweeping drive,  oh, and don’t forget about the swimming pool too. What about a fishing lake to chill out on, do a bit of fishing and to have a bit of fun with the jet skis. Ups, nearly forgot about the Ferrari, and what about a Bentley to go down to the shops in? Well, that’s just about sorted for the main house!

I literally could not write down my list fast enough!

I thought to myself, “Is that everything”?

Oh, wait a minute, Nah I know what I’ve forgotten!

What about the house in the sun?

Just as I got there I had to shake my head. Hang on a minute, just stop what you are doing, but I haven’t got any money yet have I? Ups, silly me!

So here I am sulking and thinking to myself, well I’d better get this Internet Marketing stuff sorted out first.

Sound familiar?

This was me three years ago before I realized it wasn’t going to be straightforward after all.

You see, it took me quite a while to work it out because of all the “BS” and con artists out there.

Who could you really believe?

As I found out; you know, those experts with their mansions, fancy cars and holiday homes in the sun, waving their money about, are the biggest “BS’rs” and con artists out there, scamming budding internet Marketers like you and I, who are only trying to learn a new skill, and ways to make money online.

Really difficult to work it all out and know who you can trust, it really is.

Anyway, let’s try to give you some sort of clarity. An insight, and try to clear up a few issues, and maybe put you on the right path.

Where does it all start?

It all starts with what people are searching for within the various search engines, with the main ones, being Google, Bing and Yahoo.Breakdown showing who commands the Internet

The Internet is expanding at such a rapid rate with around half the world population who have access to a device of some description, which is estimated to be around 3.8 billion users, and they are literally searching for anything and everything that you could ever imagine, and all these keywords that are entered into the search engines are stored away in a database repository, along with statistical data that defines the keyword(s) to the masses. To anybody who needs to research them further.

To anybody who needs to research them further like you and me.

There are literally millions upon millions of keywords, that tell us what people are looking for, and in order to assemble that data in a format that we can research, we need to interrogate that data, and to be able to do that we need a Keyword Research Tool, but we’ll get to that a little later on.

What is Traffic?

Traffic is the flow of data across the Internet which we are trying to get hold of, in other words, we are trying to place our websites that we are developing in front of what people are searching for so that they can click on our websites and we get paid.

There are two forms of traffic.

There is free organic traffic normally known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and then there is

Paid traffic which is known as PPC(Pay Per Click)

Free Traffic: SEO (Search Engine Optimization

Free organic traffic is what is generally known as SEO, Search Engine Optimization.

SEO would be the one to master, simply because it is FREE, but many Internet Marketers stay away from SEO for various reasons, but get it right and you will save yourself a ton of money.

Paid Traffic: PPC (Pay Per Click)

With paid traffic, there is literally 100’s of organizations, agencies that you can go to, but this can be a nightmare, simply because there are too many scam artists out there, unless you get someone to show you, and pretty much every so-called guru are reluctant to disclose that “Secret” piece of information, even if you pay for their training products.

They will never give you the full picture!

The best PPC sites are normally a closed shop and so-called gurus keep that information amongst themselves.

Many people, especially newcomers use Bing,  simply because it is well known as it is owned by Microsoft, very reasonably priced and is the 2nd largest search engine there is.

Bing and Yahoo merged some years ago!

Many use Google Adwords and the #1 search engine, but this route is more expensive, and normally used by the big boys who have all the money.

There are many others out there who just rip you off and take your money and can’t be trusted. A difficult choice!

Paid traffic has to be tweaked until you get it right and if you don’t get it right, then that’s when it can become expensive.

What is a Keyword?

In the context of SEO (search engine optimization), it is a particular word or phrase (usually made up of more than one word) that describes the contents of a Web page. Keywords are what are used to link to a website page and form part of a web page’s metadata, which also helps search engines match a page with the appropriate search term.

What is Metadata?

Just data that provides information about other data on the website.

There are three distinct types of Metadata that exist:

  • Descriptive metadata,
  • Structural metadata
  • Administrative metadata.

The role of keywords used to be very central to the function of search engines. Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) could crawl sites, and if the keywords were accurate, then those sites would be displayed in the search results. However, people began abusing the keyword metadata in their attempt to rank higher in Google and to rank in completely unrelated searches. For this reason, the importance of keywords in search engine optimization has been reduced somewhat, but still play an extremely important part of an online business.

Nowadays, A lot has changed in the world of search engine optimization, and Google has come along way, with their constant development upgrades to their algorithm.

What worked in SEO then doesn’t now!

However, certain fundamental principles remain unchanged.

For example, targeting keywords with the sole intent of improving organic rankings no longer work with search engines, but keywords are still extremely important, and therefore you need the right tools for the job.

Long Tail Keywords, and what are they?

There are two types of keywords, one is a general keyword or a broad term keyword, and the other is a long tail Keyword.

A general or broad keyword term, such as “Make Money Online” as an example is a keyword that you should avoid at all costs.

In the above example as you can see we have

Avg      = 174607   (Average number of searches per month. People                                              searching for that exact search term keyword)

Traffic = 29684    (Number of visitors that could click on your website if                                    you managed to rank on page one of Google)

QSR      = 306        (Quoted string results, is the number of competing                                       websites that are ranked in Google for that exact                                           keyword)

These keywords are far too competitive. In other words, they have plenty of traffic but also far too many websites are trying to rank for that same keyword term, and the chances of you getting ranked in google will be zero.

The big companies will be competing for those broad term keywords as they have all the money!

Basically, long tail keywords are the type of keyword that we are generally looking for, and these are derived from the broad term keywords. This is just a keyword with words added to the beginning and the end.

Long tail keyword wrapped around the broad term “Make Money Online” keyword.

(prefix) How do I Make Money Online

See how the figures drop considerably and less competitive?

This allows you to drill down into the broad term, in other words, control a sub-portion of the broad term keyword.

Pretty much like a family tree, where the broad term sits firmly at the top, and below are the different levels which are our long tail keywords, which are extending each time we go down a level.

By finding longer keywords this enables you to avoid competition and in SEO that is exactly what we are trying to achieve.

Long tail keywords are keywords that don’t get searched as much as other more popular broad term keyword phrases, usually because there are more specific to a sub-portion of a broad term. Most long tail keywords are at least three words long, however, the length itself doesn’t dictate whether a keyword is considered a long tail keyword or not.

Long tail keywords are generally regarded as much easier to rank for than broad keywords, as they tend to be classed as a low competition keyword.

How do we find and determine a low competition keyword?

Now we have determined that what we need to find when searching for keywords are “Long Tail Keywords” as these are less competitive.

There are two factors to take into consideration which determines a “Low Competition Keyword”

A low competition keyword is where we have a considerable amount of traffic.

That is where the exact keyword phrase that is keyed into a search engine over a monthly period.

Avg = 48+ People searching for the exact keyword

QSR = Below 100 but not greater than 300

I would always look for a QSR = 0-50

A great low competition long tail keyword to use would be something like.


A few broad and long tail keywords.

Broad keyword

Make Money Online

Long-tail keywords

How do I Make Money Online

How do I Make Money online from home

By targeting less frequently searched terms, you can get ranked on Google’s first page much more easily.

What is Search Engine Optimization and how does it Work?

SEO or search engine optimization is a technique which is used to maximize the number of visitors to a website or web-page by ranking higher on Google pages, which is known as organic search engine results

SEO is the process of improving the rankings of a website or a web page for free, with what is generally known as “organic” search engine results. SEO combines creative and technical aspects that influence search engine rankings and can be broken down into two main areas: On-Page-SEO and Off-Page-SEO.

You won’t be able to improve your search engine rankings by focusing on and optimizing only one area of SEO, as they are interconnected and affect one another. As a marketing strategy, SEO focuses on optimizing all elements that influence search engine results, including keyword research, content, HTML, site architecture, link building, and so on. It’s also important to note that SEO can target different kinds of search: image search, video search, local search, news search, academic search and vertical search that focuses on a specific industry.

What is Keyword Research and Analysis?

The object of keyword research is to generate numerous keyword terms that are highly relevant, yet not obvious to the given input keyword phrase. This involves brainstorming and the use of keyword research tools. To achieve the best SEO results, it is important to optimize the website as well, for the most relevant keywords.

It is good practice to search for related keywords that have low competition (QSR=0-100) and still a high number of searches. This makes it easier to achieve a higher rank in search engines which usually results in a lot more traffic.

What is a Keyword Research Tool?

An important aspect of doing keyword research and doing it well is choosing the right Keyword Tool for the job, and this can be a daunting task, as there are so many to choose from and at various costs.

A keyword tool is something that pulls the data stored in a Data Repository which would be maintained by Google and produces the data in a manner that we can understand clearly.

There are too many Keyword Tools on the market today that is vastly too complex for the task at hand, and try to convince you that you have the best keyword tool on the market.

The Keyword Tool will display which keywords are being searched for the most. and which have the least competition, these are vital for finding Traffic that your website can be seen by when trying to rank in Google.

I have tried several Keyword Tools in the past with various amounts of success, and if you would like to know what a great keyword research tool looks like with an in-depth review explaining things in more detail then please click the below link.

A Great Keyword Research Tool Explained in more Detail.

My Final Thoughts

Anyway, hope I brought a bit of humor to the table and helped in some way, but if you really would like to know what all this “making money online” is all about in greater details then feel free to look at my #1 Recommendation.

Here I explain in great detail how you can learn all this and much more, from the grassroots up. A training platform that has everything in one place. Two memberships, Free and Premium and no credit cards will be asked for.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform on the Internet Today!

You never know it may enlighten you to take that extra step.

Don’t forget to drop me a line or a comment. Postive, as well as Negative and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.

All the best

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Author: Mick

Hey Guys and Gals, great to meet you and hope you enjoyed this post. We created this site to help people like you avoid the pitfalls of making money online and hopefully steer you onto the right path. ENJOY!

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